1,172 research outputs found

    The Influences of Islamic Values on The Architecture of Saoraja Traditional Houses in Sidenreng Rappang Regency – South Sulawesi

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    Islamic influence in Bugis residential planning in Sidenreng Rappang Regencyis believed to have been exist since hundreds years ago. It was since the arrival of Islam inSidenrengRappang Regency around the 16thcentury. The influence can be seen inBugis traditional homes, especially the home of Bugis nobles so-called Saoraja. Bugis people also knew the pecking ordersystem that can affect the form of their homes marked with special symbols in the home. Until now, the existence ofSaorajacan still be found its track even though some have changed or renovated in terms of the forms. The object of this study is 4 (four) Saoraja representing 4 districts or villages in Sidrap Regency. They are SaorajaKulo, Lise', Bilokka and Massepe. It is interesting to be studied and hopefully it will be adopted into the concept in building Islamic modern home.

    Strategi Guru Pai Dalam Mengatasi Kesulitan Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Smk Negeri 4 Gowa

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    AbstrakKesulitan yang dihadapi siswa pada mata pelajaran pendidikan agama islam. Pada segi proses, sulit memahami materi, kesulitan siswa pada materi yang berkaitan dengan ayat-ayat Al-Quran atau baca tulis, Al-Quran terlebih lagi pada kemampuan menghafalnya. Kemudian Strategi Guru PAI dalam mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa yaitu melakukan pendekatan secara langsung dengan siswa, memberikan pemahaman serta bimbingan tentang pengetahuan keagamaan melalui berbagai metode, memberikan pembinaan melalui program tahfis, rohis selama tiga kali sepekan kemudian melaksanakan evaluasi. Adapun Faktor internal yaitu kurangnya minat dan motivasi belajar siswa serta rendahnya kemapuan baca tulis al-Quran siswa dari jenjang pendidikan sebelumnya, Faktor eksternal yaitu faktor dari guru yang meliputi metode dan media pembelajaran yang kurang sesuai dengan karakteristik siswa, faktor keluarga yang kurang  memperhatikan anaknya serta faktor lainnya seperti pengaruh HP yang dapat mengurangi minat belajar siswa. Kata Kunci: Strategi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam; Kesulitan Belajar Siswa

    Impact of urea price change on the economic optimum level of N fertilizer use in HYV rice and its yield in Bangladesh

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    The study estimates the impact of change in urea price on the economic optimum level of N fertilizer use in HYV rice and its yield in Bangladesh using a large set of experimental data of BRRI from 15 regions covering an 11 year period (2001–2011). Results revealed that the level of N fertilizer used in experiments to increase HYV rice yield was far lower than the economic optimum level in Aman and Boro seasons but higher in Aus season. The discrepancy was highest for HYV Boro rice closely followed by HYV Aman rice. Simulation exercise revealed that an increase in real price of urea by 50% will exert a 4% reduction in optimum dose of N fertilizer in HYV Aman rice and reduce yield by 101.2 kg/ha which is substantial. The corresponding effect on HYV Boro rice is relatively lower and negligible for HYV Aus rice. The result highlights the dilemma and the detrimental effect of urea price increase on the yield of HYV Aman rice which is the main source of food grain supply for the nation. Therefore, price policy should be geared towards controlling relative price of urea which can be met by a combination of subsidizing urea price and/or improving rice price

    Impact of urea price change on the economic optimum level of N fertilizer use in HYV rice and its yield in Bangladesh

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    The study estimates the impact of change in urea price on the economic optimum level of N fertilizer use in HYV rice and its yield in Bangladesh using a large set of experimental data of BRRI from 15 regions covering an 11 year period (2001–2011). Results revealed that the level of N fertilizer used in experiments to increase HYV rice yield was far lower than the economic optimum level in Aman and Boro seasons but higher in Aus season. The discrepancy was highest for HYV Boro rice closely followed by HYV Aman rice. Simulation exercise revealed that an increase in real price of urea by 50% will exert a 4% reduction in optimum dose of N fertilizer in HYV Aman rice and reduce yield by 101.2 kg/ha which is substantial. The corresponding effect on HYV Boro rice is relatively lower and negligible for HYV Aus rice. The result highlights the dilemma and the detrimental effect of urea price increase on the yield of HYV Aman rice which is the main source of food grain supply for the nation. Therefore, price policy should be geared towards controlling relative price of urea which can be met by a combination of subsidizing urea price and/or improving rice price

    The Effect Of Alloy Compositions On The Microstructure And Mechanical Properties Of Ceramic Matrix Composite Formed By Combustion Synthesis

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    The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of alloy compositions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of product form by combustion synthesis. The research was done using powder materials such as C, Al, and TiO2. Using a reaction equation of 3TiO2 + (4+X) Al + 3C → 3TiC + 2Al2O3 + (X)Al, the powders was balanced to form a mixture which subsequently compacted to form a pellet. The composition of mixture was varied with excess of Al from 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, to 100%. The ignition of combustion synthesis was done using arch flame. The results of the research showed that the ignition and combustion synthesis were succesfully observed in the reacted products. Using XRD and SEM observations, it was shown that Al and Al2O3 are the dominant phases of the synthesized products. Meanwhile, the microhardness test showed that increasing the content of Al has reduced the hardness. The higher hardness was observed in the product with highest content of Al2O3. This research has shown that the aluminium alloyed with Al2O3 formed by combustion synthesis has significant influence on the mechanical properties of product, with a substantial increase in its hardness

    Analysis of Mathematics Connection Ability in Solving Algebra Problems at VIII Grade Junior High School

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    This study aims to determine the mathematics connection ability of VIII Grade students in solving algebraic questions in one of the public junior high schools in Makassar City. This research was qualitative. The research subjects consisted of three students selected based on the results of the basic ability test. Data collection techniques used basic ability tests, mathematics connection skills tests, and interviews. Data analysis techniques were data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showed that: (1) the mathematics connection ability of subjects with high basic abilities met three indicators of mathematical connection ability, namely connecting mathematical concepts, connecting mathematical concepts with other fields of science, and connecting mathematical concepts with everyday life (2) The subject's mathematics connection ability moderate basic ability met two indicators of mathematics connection ability, namely connecting between mathematical concepts and connecting mathematics concepts with everyday life (3) mathematics connection ability of subjects with the low basic ability only meets one indicator of mathematical connection ability, namely connecting between mathematical concepts

    Proses Reverse Engineering Menggunakan Laser Optical Scanner

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    Reverse Engineering is a process of product re-design by re-scanning the real workpiece. The scanning process can be done in various ways i.e. touch scanner and untouch scanner, in this research the scanner process is using Optical Laser Scanner, it is untouch scanner which is transferred into computation, the initial stage of the file will be in the form of mesh clouds i.e. point clouds in the shape of the workpiece itself, point clouds have the same density between one point and the other point, then it is engineered into a solid form of design with a perfectly shaped surface. In the final stage the design will be simulated into CNC simulation using software on computing tool. The execution is a computing design that uses several software. The results of usindg the optical scanner laser shows the difference of model size 1 -0.84mm - + 0.396mm, model 2 -4mm - + 1.77mm, model 3 -2.8mm - + 2.71mm. Keywords: Reverse Engineering, Scanner, CAD, mesh clouds

    Relokasi Peternakan Aulia Farm Kabupaten Magetan Dengan Pendekatan Integrated Farming System

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    In Indonesia, fine arts have developed and improved very well with some of the most influential arts and famous artists emerging to produce famous works to foreign countries. One of the cities in Indonesia that experienced a good development in the field of fine arts is Surakarta city. However, this city has not been able to provide the containers and infrastructure needed to supports the existing activities so that its development is still lagging far with other cities in Indonesia such as Bandung, Jakarta, Bali and Yogyakarta. The presence of Surakarta Art Center can be used as a stimulus and solution for the city of Surakarta to provide a good container for artists, communities and government in developing the fine arts in a better condition. The design process is done with several stages, start from literature studies, observasi until analyze the data that has produced the results of a design concept in accordance with the purpose. Carrying the concept of sustainable architecture on the design is expected to be the Center of Visual Arts Surakarta become an object of education, tourism, and creations that are able to integrate with nature so as to create a building of art with a sustainable environmen


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    Abstract: The Spirit of Student Learning During The Covid-19 PandemicThis study aims to explain in detail how the objective conditions of student enthusiasm for learning are during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research was conducted at UIN Alauddin Makassar with a sample of 79 students. The data collection technique in this study uses a survey using a google form in order to reach students and uses a Likert scale in filling out the survey. The data analysis technique used in this study is to calculate the percentage of data from each indicator, then interpret the data presentation scores and analyze each indicator in depth. The results of this study indicate that the enthusiasm for learning of UIN Alauddin Makassar students is "very good", this is obtained from a survey of 87.5 percent. The results of this study can be used as one of the evaluation materials and the development of students in the Government and Educational Institutions in general and universities in particular which of course carry out online learning in the Covid-19 pandemic era. Abstrak: Semangat Belajar Mahasiswa Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan secara rinci bagaimana kondisi objektif semangat belajar mahasiswa di masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian dilakukan di UIN Alauddin Makassar dengan sampel penelitian adalah 79 mahasiswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Survei dengan menggunakan google form agar dapat menjangkau mahasiswa dan menggunakan skala Likert dalam pengisian survei. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menghitung persentase data dari setiap indikator, kemudian menginterpretasikan skor penyajian data dan menganalisis setiap indikator secara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semangat belajar mahasiswa UIN Alauddin Makassar “sangat baik”, hal ini diperoleh dari Survei sebesar 87,5 persen. Hasil penelitian ini bisa digunakan menjadi salah satu materi evaluasi maupun pengembangan peserta didik di Pemeritah dan Lembaga Pendidikan pada umumnya serta perguruan tinggi pada khususnya yang tentunya melaksanakan pembelajaran online pada era pandemic Covid-19