1,696 research outputs found

    Fatores associados a sintomas depressivos em estudantes do ensino médio de São Paulo, Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess factors associated with depression symptoms in high school students. METHODS: A cross-sectional study involving high school students was conducted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, 2001. A total of 724 students aged 14-18 years answered questionnaires on life and health conditions. Another questionnaire was applied to working (44.8%) and unemployed (22.9%) students to collect information on working conditions. Factors associated to depressive disorders were analyzed using multiple logistic regression controlled for occupational status. RESULTS: Overall prevalence rate of depression was 7.5%. Rates according to gender were 39 (10.3%) in females and 15 (4.3%) in males. The multiple logistic regression analysis showed that factors associated with depressive disorders were: poor self-perception of health (OR=5.78), being female (OR = 2.45), and alcohol consumption (OR=2.35). CONCLUSIONS: The study results showed that sociodemographic, lifestyle and health variables were associated with symptoms of depression in this population. These ndings suggest that it is important to have mental health professionals available in high schools for early detection of mental conditions and student counseling.OBJETIVO: Investigar os fatores associados a sintomas depressivos em estudantes do ensino médio. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo transversal com estudantes residentes no Município de São Paulo, Brasil, em 2001. O total de 724 estudantes com idades entre 14 e 18 anos preencheram questionários de condições de vida e saúde. Dentre eles, os estudantes trabalhadores (44,8%) e desempregados (22,9%) também responderam a um outro questionário de condições de trabalho. A regressão logística foi utilizada para determinar os fatores associados para apresentar distúrbios depressivos, utilizando-se a "situação ocupacional" para ajustar o modelo. RESULTADOS: A prevalência dos sintomas depressivos na população estudada foi de 7,5%; as taxas de acordo com o sexo foram de 39 (10,3%) e 15 (4,3%) nos adolescentes dos sexos feminino e masculino, respectivamente. A regressão logística mostrou que os fatores associados aos distúrbios depressivos são: baixo escore na auto-avaliação da saúde (OR=5,78), ser do sexo feminino (OR=2,45) e consumo de bebidas alcoólicas (OR=2,35). CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados mostraram que variáveis sociodemográficas, de estilo de vida e de saúde estavam associadas aos distúrbios depressivos. Esses achados sugerem a importância de que profissionais de saúde mental em escolas de ensino médio efetuem rastreio para reconhecer precocemente problemas mentais e fornecer aconselhamento aos estudantes.FAPESPCNP


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    O presente artigo visa compreender acerca dos traçados da cidade de Belém entre as décadas de 40 e 50. Objetiva apresentar os lugares de lazer existentes na cidade, o espaço urbano da capital, constituído por um território central, moderno, marcado pelos resquícios da Belle Époque, pelos grandes clubes carnavalescos e territórios com caracterizações depreciativas. Belém emerge como uma trama na qual os fios se intercruzam pelas relações sociais, pelas práticas culturais, sendo uma cidade conectada por fluxos e refluxos de pessoas cotidianamente, que tem nas suas manifestações culturais, a exemplo do carnaval, um marco nos bairros e, consequentemente, na cidade. Portanto, essa multiplicidade de espaços do carnaval belenense comporta as transformações pelas quais Belém passou no final do XIX para o século XX. Assim, estamos discutindo Cidade na perspectiva de Le Goff (1988), Ferrara (1999), Avelino (2009), Arantes (1999), Correa (2010).Palavras-chave: Cidade. Belém. Lazer.THE TRACES OF THE CITY: THE BEAUTY OF THE FIRST HALF OF THE 20TH CENTURYThis article aims to understand the traces of the city of Belém between the 40s and 50s. It intends to present the existing leisure places in the city, the urban space of the capital, constituted by a central, modern territory, marked by the remnants of the Belle Époque, by the big carnival clubs and territories with derogatory characterizations. Belém emerges as a plot where the threads are intertwined by social relations, cultural practices, being a city connected by flows and refluxes of people on a daily basis, which has in its cultural manifestations, like the carnival, a landmark in the neighborhoods and, consequently, in the city. Therefore, this multiplicity of spaces in the carnival of Belém includes the transformations that Belém underwent at the end of the 19th to the 20th century. Thus, we are discussing City from the perspective of Le Goff (1988), Ferrara (1999), Avelino (2009), Arantes (1999), Correa (2010). Keywords: City. Belém. Leisure.

    Ecotoxicological assessment of irrigation water for vegetables in a watershed region of Greater São Paulo

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the quality of irrigation water for vegetables in a Greater São Paulo watershed region. Acute and chronic ecotoxicity bioassays with Dugesia tigrina and Selenastrum capricornutum and geno/mutagenicity assays with Allium cepa were performed, as well as microbiological assays for total and thermotolerant coliforms, according to the legislation. The ecotoxicological data did not show significant toxicity in any of the samples. However, surface water genotoxic effect was detected in 2 out of the 3 points and mutagenic effect in all three sampled points, as well as in the sediment, in the Allium cepa test. Such high prevalence of total and thermotolerant coliforms in all samples at the three points indicates a compromised environmental integrity of the basin due to high loads of organic pollution, probably of clandestine origin. No emissions of industrial origin were detected in the region. Thus, taken together, the results suggest that agricultural activity itself may account for the impacts in these water bodies. The present study represents a contribution to the scarce data available in the literature about this important Greater São Paulo region

    Assessment of Treatment Response after Pressurized Intra-Peritoneal Aerosol Chemotherapy (PIPAC) for Appendiceal Peritoneal Metastases

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    Background The aim of this study was to analyse survival and surrogates for oncological response after PIPAC for appendiceal tumours. Methods This retrospective cohort study included consecutive patients with appendiceal peritoneal metastases (PM) treated in experienced PIPAC centers. Primary outcome measure was overall survival (OS) from the date of diagnosis of PM and from the start of PIPAC. Predefined secondary outcome included radiological response (RECIST criteria), repeat laparoscopy and peritoneal cancer index (PCI), histological response assessed by the Peritoneal regression grading system (PRGS) and clinical response. Results Final analysis included 77 consecutive patients (208 PIPAC procedures) from 15 centres. Median OS was 30 months (23.00–46.00) from time of diagnosis and 19 months (13.00–28.00) from start of PIPAC. 35/77 patients (45%) had ≥3 procedures (pp: per protocol). Objective response at PIPAC3 was as follows: RECIST: complete response 4 (11.4%), 11 (31.4%) partial/stable; mean PRGS at PIPAC3: 1.8 ± 0.9. Median PCI: 21 (IQR 18–27) vs. 22 (IQR 17–28) at baseline (p = 0.59); 21 (60%) and 18 (51%) patients were symptomatic at baseline and PIPAC3, respectively (p = 0.873). Median OS in the pp cohort was 22.00 months (19.00–NA) from 1st PIPAC. Conclusion Patients with PM of appendiceal origin had objective treatment response after PIPAC and encouraging survival curves call for further prospective evaluation

    The effect of mixing entire male pigs prior to transport to slaughter on behaviour, welfare and carcass lesions

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    peer-reviewedData set for article is also provided.Research is needed to validate lesions recorded at meat inspection as indicators of pig welfare on farm. The aims were to determine the influence of mixing pigs on carcass lesions and to establish whether such lesions correlate with pig behaviour and lesions scored on farm. Aggressive and mounting behaviour of pigs in three single sex pens was recorded on Day −5, −2, and −1 relative to slaughter (Day 0). On Day 0 pigs were randomly allocated to 3 treatments (n = 20/group) over 5 replicates: males mixed with females (MF), males mixed with males (MM), and males unmixed (MUM). Aggressive and mounting behaviours were recorded on Day 0 at holding on farm and lairage. Skin/tail lesions were scored according to severity at the farm (Day −1), lairage, and on the carcass (Day 0). Effect of treatment and time on behaviour and lesions were analysed by mixed models. Spearman rank correlations between behaviour and lesion scores and between scores recorded at different stages were determined. In general, MM performed more aggressive behaviour (50.4 ± 10.72) than MUM (20.3 ± 9.55, P < 0.05) and more mounting (30.9 ± 9.99) than MF (11.4 ± 3.76) and MUM (9.8 ± 3.74, P < 0.05). Skin lesion scores increased between farm (Day −1) and lairage (P < 0.001), but this tended to be significant only for MF and MM (P = 0.08). There was no effect of treatment on carcass lesions and no associations were found with fighting/mounting. Mixing entire males prior to slaughter stimulated mounting and aggressive behaviour but did not influence carcass lesion scores. Carcass skin/tail lesions scores were correlated with scores recorded on farm (rskin = 0.21 and rtail = 0.18, P < 0.01) suggesting that information recorded at meat inspection could be used as indicators of pig welfare on farm.This study was part of the PIGWELFIND project funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), Ireland

    Assessing the Health of Richibucto Estuary with the Latent Health Factor Index

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    The ability to quantitatively assess the health of an ecosystem is often of great interest to those tasked with monitoring and conserving ecosystems. For decades, research in this area has relied upon multimetric indices of various forms. Although indices may be numbers, many are constructed based on procedures that are highly qualitative in nature, thus limiting the quantitative rigour of the practical interpretations made from these indices. The statistical modelling approach to construct the latent health factor index (LHFI) was recently developed to express ecological data, collected to construct conventional multimetric health indices, in a rigorous quantitative model that integrates qualitative features of ecosystem health and preconceived ecological relationships among such features. This hierarchical modelling approach allows (a) statistical inference of health for observed sites and (b) prediction of health for unobserved sites, all accompanied by formal uncertainty statements. Thus far, the LHFI approach has been demonstrated and validated on freshwater ecosystems. The goal of this paper is to adapt this approach to modelling estuarine ecosystem health, particularly that of the previously unassessed system in Richibucto in New Brunswick, Canada. Field data correspond to biotic health metrics that constitute the AZTI marine biotic index (AMBI) and abiotic predictors preconceived to influence biota. We also briefly discuss related LHFI research involving additional metrics that form the infaunal trophic index (ITI). Our paper is the first to construct a scientifically sensible model to rigorously identify the collective explanatory capacity of salinity, distance downstream, channel depth, and silt-clay content --- all regarded a priori as qualitatively important abiotic drivers --- towards site health in the Richibucto ecosystem.Comment: On 2013-05-01, a revised version of this article was accepted for publication in PLoS One. See Journal reference and DOI belo