193 research outputs found
A utilização da poesia na formação de professores de química
Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014O trabalho aborda a relação Ciência e Poesia na Formação de Professores de Química no contexto
do PIBID. O objetivo é investigar as concepções dos licenciandos sobre o uso da Poesia na sala de aula
assim como as contribuições para a formação docente. Aplicou-se um questionário aos licenciandos,
bolsistas do subprojeto do PIBID - Química um (1) da UFPR. Os dados revelaram que os mesmos acreditam
na utilização da poesia como recurso didático, mas, em contrapartida, afirmam que haverão barreiras a serem
vencidas, tanto pelos docentes, quanto pelos alunos tais como a preparação do professor e a motivação por
parte dos educando
Volatilização de n-nh3 do solo após adição da mistura de uréia com zeolita natural aplicada na cultura da roseira.
Com objetivo de avaliar a mistura (física) de arenito zeolítico com uréia quanto às perdas de NH3 por volatilização, realizou-se experimento em área de produção comercial de flores de corte em Nova Friburgo, RJ. No outono de 2007 foi realizada adubação de cobertura na cultura da roseira (Rosa spp.) com duas doses de uréia (60 e 120 kg N. ha-1 ) misturadas ou não com arenito zeolítico, na proporção de 20% p/p. As perdas de NH3 por volatilização foram avaliadas por período de seis dias consecutivos após aplicação dos tratamentos. Utilizou-se câmara semi-aberta livre estática, confeccionada com frasco plástico transparente de 2 litros (PET). A mistura reduziu, em média 35% das perdas de NH3 por volatilização, demonstrando que o arenito zeolítico (CETEM) apresenta características favoráveis para uso em desenvolvimento de ?fertilizantes zeolíticos? de liberação lenta, principalmente com objetivo de proporcionar redução nas perdas de NH3 por volatilização
Guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and clinical monitoring of patients with juvenile and adult Pompe disease
Pompe disease (PD) is a potentially lethal illness involving irreversible muscle damage resulting from glycogen storage in muscle fiber and activation of autophagic pathways. A promising therapeutic perspective for PD is enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) with the human recombinant enzyme acid alpha-glucosidase (Myozyme (R)). The need to organize a diagnostic flowchart, systematize clinical follow-up, and establish new therapeutic recommendations has become vital, as ERT ensures greater patient longevity. A task force of experienced clinicians outlined a protocol for diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, genetic counseling, and rehabilitation for PD patients. The study was conducted under the coordination of REBREPOM, the Brazilian Network for Studies of PD. The meeting of these experts took place in October 2013, at L'Hotel Port Bay in Sao Paulo, Brazil. In August 2014, the text was reassessed and updated. Given the rarity of PD and limited high-impact publications, experts submitted their views.Inst Fernandes Figueira FIOCRUZ, Dept Med Genet, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Fluminense, Dept Neurol & NeuroUPC, BR-22031171 Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Neurol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Rio Grande do Norte, Dept Neurol, Caiaco, RN, BrazilClin Marrone, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilUniv Cuiaba, Dept Neurol, Cuiaba, MT, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Dept Neurociencias, BR-14049 Ribeirao Preto, SP, BrazilHosp Base Dist Fed, Serv Neurol, Brasilia, DF, BrazilUniv Fed Parana, Serv Doencas Neuromusculares, BR-80060000 Curitiba, Parana, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Neurol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc
Abordagem psicossocial e saúde de mulheres negras: vulnerabilidades, direitos e resiliência
Resumo Este artigo apresenta uma revisão crítica de teorias, técnicas e práticas que visam a potencialização da saúde de mulheres negras com foco em concepções sobre resiliência. Além da literatura acadêmica, em especial da psicologia, o texto mobiliza diferentes fontes sobre relações raciais, inclusive a produção do movimento social. Mulheres negras estão expostas à privação de direitos humanos, à ineficiência dos programas de governo na garantia do direito à educação e à saúde integral, entre outros. Estão também expostas à incidência frequente do racismo e do sexismo, que se traduzem em prejuízos à sua saúde. A concepção processual de resiliência adotada neste artigo, que resulta tanto da reflexão crítica sobre a literatura como de resultados de pesquisa apresentados, fortalece a adoção de uma perspectiva psicossocial, resultante da análise das vulnerabilidades integrada ao quadro dos direitos humanos. Conclui-se pela produtividade de iniciativas que incluam a sabedoria prática das mulheres negras e a valorização de experiências coletivas e transgeracionais que as apoiam para superar os contextos de alta vulnerabilidade a que estão expostas, estimulando a potencialização de processos de resiliência. Nessa perspectiva será necessário considerar não apenas o acolhimento das mulheres negras, mas também suas experiências e instâncias de pertencimento, suas trajetórias, suas redes, comunidades e territórios
Algorithms to predict cerebral malaria in murine models using the SHIRPA protocol
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Plasmodium berghei </it>ANKA infection in C57Bl/6 mice induces cerebral malaria (CM), which reproduces, to a large extent, the pathological features of human CM. However, experimental CM incidence is variable (50-100%) and the period of incidence may present a range as wide as 6-12 days post-infection. The poor predictability of which and when infected mice will develop CM can make it difficult to determine the causal relationship of early pathological changes and outcome. With the purpose of contributing to solving these problems, algorithms for CM prediction were built.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Seventy-eight <it>P. berghei</it>-infected mice were daily evaluated using the primary SHIRPA protocol. Mice were classified as CM+ or CM- according to development of neurological signs on days 6-12 post-infection. Logistic regression was used to build predictive models for CM based on the results of SHIRPA tests and parasitaemia.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The overall CM incidence was 54% occurring on days 6-10. Some algorithms had a very good performance in predicting CM, with the area under the receiver operator characteristic (<sub>au</sub>ROC) curve ≥ 80% and positive predictive values (PV+) ≥ 95, and correctly predicted time of death due to CM between 24 and 72 hours before development of the neurological syndrome (<sub>au</sub>ROC = 77-93%; PV+ = 100% using high cut off values). Inclusion of parasitaemia data slightly improved algorithm performance.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These algorithms work with data from a simple, inexpensive, reproducible and fast protocol. Most importantly, they can predict CM development very early, estimate time of death, and might be a valuable tool for research using CM murine models.</p
Potential of a Brazilian sedimentary zeolite use in agriculture and livestock.
The use of minerals for agricultural purposes is becoming widespread, and zeolites have a special niche in this category since can play an important role in the nanotechnology era. Zeolites have three main properties, which are of great interest for agricultural purposes: high cation exchange capacity, high water holding capacity in the free channels, and high adsorption capacity. In Brazil, sediment occurrences of this aluminosilicate are known to exist in northern areas of Brazil. Zeolites improves the efficiency of nutrient use by increasing the availability of P from phosphate rock, the utilization of N and reduced losses by leaching of exchangeable cations. Zeolites mixed with phosphate rock, can act as controlled delivery system and renewable source of nutrients for plants. The increased efficiency of N utilization when urea is used together with zeolite was demonstrated that achieved increasing of N use efficiency, N uptake and dry matter yield and reductions of losses by ammonia volatilization. Zeolites also improve the efficiency of water use by increasing the soil water holding capacity and its availability to plants. While literature shows that zeolites are useful for increasing nutrient use efficiency in a range of crops, few information exists on the use of stilbite, Brazilian specie of zeolite, on agricultural systems especially on acid soils. The objective of this report was to characterize and test the application of the Brazilian zeolitic sedimentary rock as slow release fertilizer, soil conditioner and animal nutrition supplement. Characterization analyses demonstrate that the zeolitic sediment and quartz are the major components of the head samples from Brazilian zeolite deposits. The head sample contained zeolite stilbite mixed with smectitic clay deposits. A characterization with X-Ray diffraction showed the presence of stilbite ((Na,K)Ca2[Al5Si13O36] .14H2O). The slow-release fertilizer effects of zeolite are a result of ion-exchange reactions with the zeolite, or through a combination of ion-exchange and mineral-dissolution reactions. Results of the successive crops of lettuce, tomato, rice and Andropogon grass carried out on the same substrate of each pot indicated that N, P and K enriched zeolite was an adequate slow-release source of nutrients to plants. The experiment also demonstrated the enhanced of P availability from phosphate rock when applied in combination with zeolite, though the P availability presented a trend of increasing, especially at after the second and third crops unlike the soluble P source. The supply of nutrients through the mineral zeolite enriched with NPK added to the organic substrate was a viable alternative for Rangpur lime citrus rootstock production in protecting environment since significantly increased dry matter production, height and steam diameter. Evaluation of the mixture of urea and zeolite to avoid ammonia volatilization in pot with soil and Tanzania-grass pasture was evaluated. The smallest losses by volatilization occurred at the proportions of the mixture of 25% of zeolite to urea and lead to losses reduction from 33.5 to 7.6 kg/ha. Zeolites are also an alternative to improve soil water retention when used as soils amendments. The increase in water retention curve with zeolite amendment and the on available water capacity were 10, 38 and 67% and easily available water increased 15, 51 and 111% in relation to the control respectively with the use of 33.3; 66.7 and 100.0 g/kg of zeolite. The supplementation of zeolite and urea may regulate the ammonia release in the rumen allowing the continuous synthesis of cellular protein. Lambs feed with 0, 2,5; 5 and 7,5% of zeolite increased weight gain. The present results indicate that despite their high-impurity content; applications of natural Brazilian zeolitic concentrates in the agriculture present no major obstacle. And the addition of the zeolite - stilbite concentrate should increase the agronomic efficiency of fertilizer and animal performance
Perfil dos pequenos e médios produtores em relação à adoção de tecnologias do Agro 4.0.
Introdução. Perfil do agricultor familiar e análise territorial das dinâmicas recentes no meio rural brasileiro: em busca da formulação de novas orientações para as ações de assistência técnica e extensão rural - ATER. Migrações entre públicos: concentração produtiva e fragmentacão de estabelecimentos. Análise das cadeias produtivas: observações e projeções para 2030. Possíveis causas da fragmentação de estabelecimentos e concentração produtiva. Uma nova configuração de produtores. Novo rural, novos desafios para políticas públicas. Ater 5.
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