1,073 research outputs found

    Active maintenance in working memory reinforces bindings for future retrieval from episodic long-term memory

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    Many theories assume that actively maintaining information in working memory (WM) predicts its retention in episodic long-term memory (LTM), as revealed by the beneficial effects of more WM time. In four experiments, we examined whether affording more time for intentional WM maintenance does indeed drive LTM. Sequences of four words were presented during trials of simple span (short time), slow span (long time), and complex span (long time with distraction; Experiments 1–2). Long time intervals entailed a pause of equivalent duration between the words that presented a blank screen (slow span) or an arithmetic problem to read aloud and solve (complex span). In Experiments 1–3, participants either serially recalled the words (intentional encoding) or completed a no-recall task (incidental encoding). In Experiment 4, all participants were instructed to intentionally encode the words, with the trials randomly ending in the serial-recall or no-recall task. To ensure similar processing of the words between encoding groups, participants silently decided whether each word was a living or nonliving thing via key press (i.e., an animacy judgment; Experiments 1 and 3–4) or read the words aloud and then pressed the space bar (Experiment 2). A surprise delayed memory test at the end of the experiment assessed LTM. Applying Bayesian cognitive models to disambiguate binding and item memory revealed consistent benefits of free time to binding memory that were specific to intentional encoding in WM. This suggests that time spent intentionally keeping information in WM is special for LTM because WM is a system that maintains bindings

    Quasi-Exactly Solvable Potentials with Two Known Eigenstates

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    A new supersymmetry method for the generation of the quasi-exactly solvable (QES) potentials with two known eigenstates is proposed. Using this method we obtained new QES potentials for which we found in explicit form the energy levels and wave functions of the ground state and first excited state.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, replaced by revised versio

    Performance And Economic Analysis Of Finished Lambs In Feedlot

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    This study aimed to evaluate animal performance and economic performance of feedlot crossbred lambs (Santa Inês+ - Suffolk) fed different diets based on hay from Cynodon dactylon genotypes, through the use of financial measures considering only the period of feedlot, without relating it to the complete management cycle. A total of 30 intact crossbred Suffolk lambs, identified with earrings, with an average age of 90 days and an average body weight of 21.5 kg were used in this study. Diets were formulated using as treatments a standard concentrate and hay of the Cynodon dactylon genotypes Jiggs, Vaquero, Tifton 68, Coast-Cross, Tifton 85 and Russell in a 60:40 forage-to-concentrate ratio. The treatments were distributed in a randomized complete block design with five replicates. There were significant differences between diets in terms of total expenditure on food, and the highest values were obtained for the Jiggs genotype (BRL 48.96/animal). The animals fed diets based on Tifton 68 hay had a higher rate of return (2.16%) and profitability (34.63%) compared to the other diets. The use of diets based on Tifton 68 hay for feedlot lambs in the finishing phase brings higher economic returns compared to the remaining diets.37129330

    Building organic strategies: actions to promote organic agriculture in São Paulo, Brazil

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    Authors show recent evolution and future trends in organic food in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Using the netchain approach, a Workshop was carried out in order to update the last ten years of achievements, build bridges among different actors, sectors and strategies, besides defining specific guidelines to NGOs, private and public sectors regarding the development of organic agriculture in the state

    Electrical Isolation Of A Silicon δ-doped Layer In Gaas By Ion Irradiation

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    The electrical isolation of a n-type δ-doped layer embedded into undoped GaAs was studied using proton or helium ion bombardment. The threshold dose for isolation Dth of the δ-doped layer was found to be ≈2 times higher than that predicted for thick doped layers of similar carrier concentration. The thermal stability of the isolation, i.e., the persistence of sheet resistance Rs at values > 109Ω/□ after subsequent thermal annealing, is limited to temperatures below 400°C. This temperature limit for the thermal stability Tsm is markedly lower than those observed in wider doped layers in which Tsm is ≅650°C. A previously isolated δ-doped layer presents p-type conductivity after annealing at temperatures >600°C . © 1999 American Institute of Physics.751319171919Shubert, E.F., (1990) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 8, p. 2980Daniltsev, V.M., Irin, I.V., Murel, A.V., Khrykin, O.I., Shashkin, V.I., (1994) Inorg. Mater. (Transl. of Neorg. Mater.), 30, p. 948Zrenner, A., Koch, F., Ploog, K., (1987) Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., 91, p. 171Van Der Pauw, L.J., (1958) Philips Res. Rep., 13, p. 1De Souza, J.P., Danilov, I., Boudinov, H., (1997) J. Appl. Phys., 81, p. 650Ziegler, J.F., Biersack, J.P., Littmark, U., (1985) The Stopping and Range of Ions in Solids, 1. , Pergamon, OxfordDe Souza, J.P., Danilov, I., Boudinov, H., (1998) J. Appl. Phys., 84, p. 4757De Souza, J.P., Danilov, I., Boudinov, H., (1996) Appl. Phys. Lett., 68, p. 535De Souza, J.P., Danilov, I., Boudinov, H., (1998) Radiat. Eff. Defects Solids, 147, p. 109Grandidier, B., Stiévenard, D., Nys, J.P., Wallart, X., (1998) Appl. Phys. Lett., 72, p. 245


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    Este artigo realiza uma avaliação do novo Sistema Integrado de Administração Financeira do Governo Federal (Siafiweb), por meio da pesquisa de satisfação de seus usuários finais. O instrumento de pesquisa se mostrou confiável e significativamente válido, conforme técnicas de análise fatorial confirmatória. A análise fatorial revelou indiferença quanto às dimensões Praticabilidade e Precisão do Siafiweb e insatisfação quanto à Disponibilidade e à Adequação da informação. Dentre as melhorias necessárias, se destaca o tempo para execução das tarefas e de conexão com a web, precisão dos cálculos, plenitude das informações e treinamento; bem como a implementação uma comunicação contínua com os usuários

    Quantificação do carbono das substâncias húmicas em diferentes sistemas de uso do solo e épocas de avaliação.

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    A quantificação do carbono nas diferentes frações da matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) torna-se necessária devido ao interesse de se conhecer o potencial de captura e armazenamento do carbono nos diferentes sistemas de uso do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar o carbono das substâncias húmicas em diferentes sistemas de uso do solo e épocas de avaliação e correlacioná-lo com algumas propriedades químicas e físicas do solo. Os sistemas selecionados foram: preparo convencional (PC-milho/feijão), plantio direto (PD-berinjela/milho), consórcio maracujá/Desmodium sp, cultivo com figo e sistema agroflorestal. As amostras de solo foram coletadas em duas profundidades (0-5 e 5-10 cm) e épocas (17/11/2005–verão e 23/6/2006-inverno). Foi determinado o carbono orgânico total (COT) e realizado o fracionamento químico da MOS, quantificando-se o carbono da fração humina (C-HUM), fração ácido húmico (C-FAH) e fração ácido fúlvico (C-FAF). O C-HUM constituiu a maior parte do COT, havendo correlação significativa com o COT em todos os sistemas avaliados e estações. Analisando o C-FAH foi possível identificar alterações no solo relacionadas aos sistemas de uso, na profundidade de 0-5 cm e no verão, destacando-se o PD com os maiores teores. Com o C-FAF ocorreu este mesmo comportamento, mas na profundidade de 5-10 cm e no inverno, destacando-se o PC com maiores valores. Foram verificadas correlações significativas entre Valor S, Valor T e DMP em todos os sistemas, com exceção da área de PC. O PD aumenta os teores de C-FAH, nas duas profundidades e nas duas estações, quando comparado ao PC do solo

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do milho: II - deficiências de macronutrientes na variedade Piranão

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    Corn plants, Piranão variety, were grown in nutrient solution, complete and with omission of one macronutrient each time, in order to gain information on the effects of treatments on growth, symptoms of deficiency, and mineral composition of the leaves. The following symptoms of deficiency were obtained: Nitrogen -- plants underdeveloped; "V" shaped chlorosis beginning in the older leaves followed by drying and necrosis; Phosphorus - older leaves dark green with a purple hve; Potassium - plants underdeveloped; marginal chlorisis and necrosis in the older leaves; iron induced chlorosis in the younger leaves; Calcium - plants very underdeveloped due to death of apical merystem; younger leaves showing tip and marginal chlorosis and afterwards necrosis and break down of the tissue; wide whitish areas in the younger leaves; Magnesium - plants very underdeveloped; internerval chlorosis in older leaves first, proceeding to the young ones; Sulfur - absence of marked symptoms, except for a slight chlorosis in the younger leaves. Dry matter production obeyed the following decreasing order: Complete, minus S, minus P, minus K, minus Mg, minus N and minus Ca. Ears were obtained only in treatments complete and minus S. Top/root ratio decreased according to this order: minus S, complete, minus K, minus Mg, minus N, minus P and minus Ca. The macronutrient content for the treatment complete was the following respectively for lower and upper, leaves: N - 2.76 and 2.52%; P - 0.59 and 0.53%; K - 2.25 and 2.26%;Ca - 2.17 and 1.85;Mg - 0.82 and0.66;S - 0.38 and 0.32. The values of the element corresponding to each treatment were: N - 1.84 and 1.22 (that is: lower leaves in the minus N plants had 1 84% N, whereas the upper leaves in same treatment had 1.22% N; P - 0.14 and 0.17%; K - 0.29 and 0.78%; Ca - 0.29 and 0.05; Mg -0.09 and 0.05%; S- 0.31 and 0.26%.Foram induzidos sintomas de carência de macronutrientes no milho, var. Piranão, exceto no caso do enxofre. Os níveis foliares de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S foram determinados nas plantas sujeitos à nutrição completa e às deficiências de macronutrientes