898 research outputs found

    From home to museum: 80 years of the Republican Museum (Museu Republicano) Itu Convention

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    This article presents a general overview of the creation process of Museu Republicano "Convenção de Itu" in the decade of 1920. Idealized by republicans from São Paulo, the institution's project has exploited the Convenção de Itu's symbolic values and the meaning of place where it was made as a resource to widen the historical legitimacy of the Party hegemony.O texto apresenta um panorama geral do processo de criação do Museu Republicano "Convenção de Itu" na década de 1920. Idealizado pelos republicanos paulistas, o projeto da instituição explorou o valor simbólico da "Convenção de Itu" e o significado do lugar de sua realização como recurso para ampliar a legitimidade histórica da hegemonia do Partido

    Parent training for disruptive behavior symptoms in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a randomized clinical trial

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    BackgroundAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects 5% of children and 2.5% of adults worldwide. Comorbidities are frequent, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) reaches 50%. Family environment is crucial for the severity of behaviors and for prognosis. In middle-income countries, access to treatment is challenging, with more untreated children than those under treatment. Face-to-face behavioral parent training (PT) is a well-established intervention to improve child behavior and parenting.MethodA clinical trial was designed to compare PT-online and face-to-face effects to a waiting list group. Outcomes were the ADHD and ODD symptoms, parental stress and styles, and quality of life. Families were allocated into three groups: standard treatment (ST), ST + PT online, and ST + Face-to-Face PT. We used repeated measures ANOVA for pre × post treatment analysis corrected for multiple comparisons.Results and discussionParent training was effective in reducing symptoms of ADHD (p = 0.030) and ODD (p = 0.026) irrespective of modality (p = 1.000). The combination of ST and PT was also associated with better quality of life in the physical domain for patients (p = 0.009) and their parents (p = 0.050). In addition to preliminary data, online intervention seems effective for parenting and improving social acceptance of children. The potential to reach many by an online strategy with a self-directed platform may imply effectiveness with a low cost for public health to support parents’ symptoms management

    Common Venues in Romantic Relationships of Adults With Symptoms of Autism and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

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    Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) figures among the most common neurodevelopmental disorders. Despite having opposite stereotypes, both ADHD and ASD compromise, though in different ways, skills such as social interactions, communication skills, and social thinking, which may underlie difficulties in romantic relationships.Methods: We evaluated 306 adults about their romantic relationships and the intensity of their love. Participants were from one of four groups:, individuals with ASD-only traits, a group with symptoms of ADHD-only, participants with neither ADHD nor ASD symptoms (control) or from a fourth group of individuals with both ADHD and ASD traits.Results: The ASD traits group had fewer married people and more people who have never been married, while the rate of divorce was higher in the ADHD traits group. Regarding the intensity of love, the mean scores of the ADHD and the ADHD+ASD traits groups were higher in the Passionate Love Scale than the mean score of the control group. Passionate love in the ASD group was no different from the other groups. Small positive correlations were found between passionate love and ADHD and ASD behavioral problems.Conclusion: Marital status was distinct depending on symptoms of a neurodevelopmental disorder in adulthood. Also, ADHD and ASD symptoms were associated with greater passionate love. Therefore, ADHD and ASD behavioral dimensions may impact long-term and short-term experiences of a person's relationship with a significant other in distinct ways. Understanding how people with neurodevelopmental disorders experience love might help us to better clarify the mechanisms associated with their relationship patterns

    O trabalho do profissional enfermeiro em centro de material durante a pandemia da Covid-19 – um relato de experiência

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    The Material and Sterilization Center (MEC) plays an essential role in hospital environments. Nurses are the professionals appointed to manage the CME, and they act indirectly in the provision of care. This is a descriptive study, an experience report, describing the routine experienced by a professional nurse, coordinator of a Material and Sterilization Center (CME) in a Maternity Hospital in a municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. There were no significant changes to the flow of materials, which came from the hospital's other units. This study also provided an enriching experience for knowledge about the role of nurses in CME during the COVID-19 pandemic.O Centro de Material e Esterilização (CME) possui papel essencial dentro dos ambientes Hospitalares. O enfermeiro é o profissional indicado para realizar a gerência do CME o qual realiza sua atuação de forma indireta na prestação dos cuidados. Estudo descritivo, do tipo relato de experiência, que descreve a rotina vivenciada por uma Profissional Enfermeira, Coordenadora de um Centro de Material e Esterilização (CME) em um Hospital Maternidade do Município do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Com relação ao fluxo de materiais não houve mudanças significativas, os materiais advindos das demais unidades do Hospital. Este estudo proporcionou uma experiência enriquecedora para o conhecimento sobre atuação do enfermeiro em CME durante a Pandemia da COVID-19

    Uma oficina de novidades : a implantação de núcleos urbanos na capitania de São Paulo, 1765-1775

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    Este trabalho apresenta parte dos resultados da tese de doutorado Método e Arte: criação urbana e organização territorial na capitania de São Paulo, 1765-1811, desenvolvida na Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo, com apoio de bolsa da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo.Este artigo acompanha algumas dinâmicas de implantação de núcleos urbanos na capitania de São Paulo durante a administração do governador e capitão-general Morgado de Mateus (1765-1775). Destacam-se momentos significativos do processo de formação de paisagens urbanas, desde o recrutamento de povoadores e a busca de sítios até a definição dos traçados. A intenção é mostrar que a Coroa portuguesa foi tentando organizar determinados modos de conduzir a expansão urbana, ao passo que experiências e circunstâncias locais constantemente exigiram arranjos novos e específicos. A análise fundamenta-se numa seleção da documentação oficial já publicada e também em correspondência, em boa parte inédita, proveniente de agentes locais encarregados de tarefas ligadas ao povoamento. Procura-se tratar da política urbanizadora daquele período como um processo desenvolvido num contexto de conflitos mais do que como produto de um projeto pré-delineado por autoridades metropolitanas ou alheio a realidades do lugar. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis article investigates some of the dynamics associated with the establishment of urban nuclei in the captaincy of São Paulo during the administration of the Morgado de Mateus, governor and captain-general of the captaincy from 1765 to 1775. Several significant aspects about the formation process of urban landscapes stand out, from the recruitment of settlers and the search for suitable sites to the definition of urban layouts. The intention of this study is to show that the Portuguese crown made efforts to organize certain processes for conducting urban expansion, whilst local experience and circumstances continually demanded new and specific arrangements. The analysis is based on a selection of previously-published official documents, as well as mostly unpublished correspondence from local agents in charge of settlement-related tasks. The urbanization policy of the period is dealt with as a process that was executed in the context of conflicts, rather than as the product of a project pre-planned by metropolitan authorities or detached from the realities of the place at that time

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    O Serviço de documentação textual e iconografia do Museu Paulista

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    The essay compares the curatorship's works realized during the decade of 1990 by the actual Department of Textual and Iconographical Documentation of Museu Paulista, responsible for the MP Fund / Permanent File (Fundo MP/Arquivo Permanente), hundreds of collections and textual funds and 50.000 iconography pieces, great part of which are gathered in photographic collections. It shows how the documentation work extrapolates the limits of SVDHICO in order to integrate itself with the group activities of the museum and with other research groups. It also points towards new work methodologies which allow to perform the curatorship in an integrated way with the interdisciplinary research and the culture diffusion.O artigo faz um balanço dos trabalhos de curadoria realizados durante a década de 1990 pelo atual Serviço de Documentação Textual e Iconografia do Museu Paulista, responsável pelo Fundo MP/Arquivo Permanente, centenas de coleções e fundos textuais e 50.000 peças de iconografia, grande parte delas reunidas em coleções fotográficas. Mostra como o trabalho de documentação extrapola os limites do SVDHICO para integrar-se com as atividades de conjunto do Museu e com outros grupos de pesquisa. Aponta também para novas metodologias de trabalho com imagens que permitem realizar a curadoria de forma integrada à pesquisa interdisciplinar e à difusão cultural
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