549 research outputs found
Oligomerization of C2-C4 Hydrocarbons in the Presence of Ruthenium-Nickel Supported Catalysts
The oligomerization of C2-C4 light hydrocarbon gasses in the presence of ruthenium and nickel supported catalysts is investigated. Determined selectivity of the catalysts by isooctane. Catalytic properties of the catalysts depend on the supported metals on the carrier. The nature of carrier also affects on reaction selectivity. The ruthenium-nickel supported bimetallic pillared montmorillonite is showed good selectivity to isooctane and value is about 60.8% at conversion 87.0%.
Levantamento fitossociológico de plantas daninhas em cafezal orgânico.
A adequação de um cafezal para o sistema orgânico causa grande mudança no sistema de manejo de plantas daninhas, mas as informações sobre o comportamento da comunidade infestante em áreas de cultivo de café orgânico são escassas no Brasil. Objetivou-se com este trabalho realizar um levantamento fitossociológico da comunidade infestante em três cafezais (variedades Mundo Novo, Bourbon Vermelho e Obatã) desenvolvidos em sistema orgânico, no município de Garça (SP). Nas três áreas estudadas foram arremessados ao acaso cem quadrados metálicos com área vazada de 0,25 m2, nas entrelinhas da cultura. As espécies contidas no interior dos quadros foram identificadas segundo a espécie botânica, nome popular e família. A partir dos resultados, determinaram-se os parâmetros fitossociológicos: frequência, densidade, abundância, frequência relativa, densidade relativa, abundância relativa, índice de valor de importância e similaridade florísticas pelos métodos de Simple Matching de Sneath & Sokal e similaridade de Sorensen. As famílias que mais se destacaram, com maior número de espécies nas três áreas foram Poaceae e Asteraceae. Houve alta similaridade em todos os contrastes testados, já que pelo menos metade das espécies identificadas foi comum às duas áreas contrastadas
Growth inhibitory effects of 3′-nitro-3-phenylamino nor-beta-lapachone against HL-60: A redox-dependent mechanism
AbstractIn this study, the cytotoxicity, genotoxicity and early ROS generation of 2,2-dimethyl-(3H)-3-(N-3′-nitrophenylamino)naphtho[1,2-b]furan-4,5-dione (QPhNO2) were investigated and compared with those of its precursor, nor-beta-lapachone (nor-beta), with the main goal of proposing a mechanism of antitumor action. The results were correlated with those obtained from electrochemical experiments held in protic (acetate buffer pH 4.5) and aprotic (DMF/TBABF4) media in the presence and absence of oxygen and with those from dsDNA biosensors and ssDNA in solution, which provided evidence of a positive interaction with DNA in the case of QPhNO2. QPhNO2 caused DNA fragmentation and mitochondrial depolarization and induced apoptosis/necrosis in HL-60 cells. Pre-treatment with N-acetyl-l-cysteine partially abolished the observed effects related to the QPhNO2 treatment, including those involving apoptosis induction, indicating a partially redox-dependent mechanism. These findings point to the potential use of the combination of pharmacology and electrochemistry in medicinal chemistry
Towards 3D bioprinted spinal cord organoids
Three-dimensional (3D) cultures, so-called organoids, have emerged as an attractive tool for disease modeling and therapeutic innovations. Here, we aim to determine if boundary cap neural crest stem cells (BC) can survive and differentiate in gelatin-based 3D bioprinted bioink scaffolds in order to establish an enabling technology for the fabrication of spinal cord organoids on a chip. BC previously demonstrated the ability to support survival and differentiation of co-implanted or co-cultured cells and supported motor neuron survival in excitotoxically challenged spinal cord slice cultures. We tested different combinations of bioink and cross-linked material, analyzed the survival of BC on the surface and inside the scaffolds, and then tested if human iPSC-derived neural cells (motor neuron precursors and astrocytes) can be printed with the same protocol, which was developed for BC. We showed that this protocol is applicable for human cells. Neural differentiation was more prominent in the peripheral compared to central parts of the printed construct, presumably because of easier access to differentiation-promoting factors in the medium. These findings show that the gelatin-based and enzymatically cross-linked hydrogel is a suitable bioink for building a multicellular, bioprinted spinal cord organoid, but that further measures are still required to achieve uniform neural differentiation
Overcoming seed dormancy in visgueiro-of-the-igapó (Parkia discolor)
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of pregerminative mechanical scarification treatments, as well as heat pre-treatments on the germination of visgueiro-of-the-igapó (Parkia discolor Spruce ex Benth.) seeds. The first experiment, with a completely randomized design and four repetitions, evaluated these pre-treatments: control (without pre-treatment); clipping at the distal portion; clipping at the proximal portion (hilum); clipping at the proximal and distal portions; scraping at the distal portion; scraping at the proximal portion; scraping at the proximal and distal portions; perforation of the husk with a soldering-iron; and perforation by pyrography. In the second experiment, with a completely randomized design and factorial 2 (heat: dry and wet) x 4 (temperature: 40ºC, 50ºC, 60ºC and 70ºC) x 5 (period of conditioning: 6, 16, 24, 30 and 48 hours), with three repetitions. The clipping or scraping of the seeds in the proximal portion and proximal and distal portions allowed faster imbibition of the seeds (143-163% in three days and half), and consequently, better germination (98-100% in four days), germination speed rate (1,351-1,460) and average time of germination (3 days). The pre-treatment with heat (wet and dry), under different temperatures and different conditioning periods did not overcome the dormancy of P. discolor seeds.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de tratamentos pré-germinativos de escarificação mecânica, bem como pré-tratamentos com calor, sobre a germinação de sementes de visgueiro-do-igapó (Parkia discolor Spruce ex Benth.). No primeiro experimento, sob delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro repetições, foram avaliados os pré-tratamentostestemunha (sem pré-tratamento); desponte no lado distal; desponte no lado proximal; desponte nos lados distal e proximal; lixamento no lado distal; lixamento no lado proximal; lixamento nos lados distal e proximal; perfuração do tegumento com ferro-de-solda; e perfuração com pirógrafo. No segundo experimento, foi adotado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 (calorseco e úmido) x 4 (temperatura40ºC, 50ºC, 60ºC e 70ºC) x 5 (período de condicionamento6, 16, 24, 30 e 48 horas), com três repetições. O desponte ou lixamento das sementes na porção proximal e porções proximal e distal possibilitaram uma embebição mais rápida (143-163%, aos três dias e meio) e, conseqüentemente, melhores resultados de germinação (98-100%, aos quatro dias), do índice de velocidade de germinação (1,351-1,460) e do tempo médio de germinação (3 dias). Os pré-tratamentos com calor (úmido e seco), sob diferentes temperaturas, e por vários períodos de condicionamento não superaram a dormência de sementes de P. discolor
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