1,450 research outputs found

    Why not "do simple things in a simple way": Use of the Pap test as the first step in screening genetic stability for human cultured stem cell therapy?

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    The aim of this study was to analyze adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (AT-MSCs) using the Pap test as a first screening step to evaluate genetic stability. Human adipose tissue from six healthy female donors was obtained from elective liposuction procedures. The cells were isolated, cultivated at P2/P3, characterized by flow cytometric analysis, and differentiation induced. The AT-MSCs were stained by Papanicolaou staining and analyzed according to the Bethesda classification, and viability-apoptosis relationships were evaluated. The results of the Pap test for Sample I indicated high-grade alterations consistent with genetic instability; for Samples II-V, atypical cells of undetermined significance; and for Sample VI, normal cells. These results demonstrate the potential of using the Pap test as an initial screening step to evaluate the genetic stability of cultured AT-MSCs and also suggest its use for other adherent cells such as embryonic stem cells or induced pluripotent stem cells

    Growing healthy is fun! A co-creation nutrition intervention to children aged 3-6 years

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    In order to promote healthier eating habits and consequently lower obesity levels, that it is important for children to have knowledge of diet and nutrition. Objectives: Increase nutritional knowledge about healthy eating and Portuguese food wheel in children aged 3-6years. Methods: Our group developed the Growing Healthy is Fun! to 3-6 years old children, at the Kindergarten of Obra Kolping. Several funny activities were planned, in order to instill knowledge about healthy eating and Portuguese food wheel, leading to best eating practices and adequate nutritional status. Structured interviews were conducted with the children pre and post the intervention for all children that parents or guardian delivered a written informed consent. Results: At pre intervention, the percentages of children that considered the example food as healthy food are: 100% for apple, beans, carrots and unflavored milk; 57.1% for fish; 28.6% for chocolate and cake. At post intervention the results are: 100% for apple, beans, carrots and unflavored milk; 85,7% for fish; and 0% for chocolate, cake and pizza. About Portuguese food wheel knowledge, at pre intervention, all children indicated cauliflower and banana, 71.4% considered olive oil and plain milk, 42.9% considered cake, and 28.7% considered egg and candy as foods belonging to the wheel. In post intervention, 100% of children considered egg, olive oil, cauliflower and bananas as food belonging to the wheel and 71.4% of them considered milk as belonging to the food wheel. Chocolate, candies, hamburger and cake were not classified as part of the food wheel.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ilustração de Moda na Modalidade a Distância

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    O presente ensaio tem o propósito de apresentar um estudo inicial sobre a implementação de recurso hipermídiacomo apoio ao ensino presencial da disciplina de ilustração de moda em cursos superiores de Design de Moda deSanta Catarina. Para isto, o ensaio começa apresentando o tema da ilustração de moda e suas possibilidades deelaboração, com foco nos programas de desenho vetorial como ferramenta importante na execução desta disciplina.Em seguida, discorre-se sobre o ensino a distância tendo como recurso principal as hipermídias utilizadas através daInternet e como os processos educacionais podem ser otimizados com o uso destas novas tecnologias. Por fim,sugere-se uma proposta inicial de site com conteúdos de desenho de moda para complementar o ensino tradicionaldesta disciplina

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of a state funded programme for control of severe asthma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases and a major economical burden to families and health systems. Whereas efficacy of current therapeutical options has been clearly established, cost-effectiveness analysis of public health interventions for asthma control are scarce.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>81 patients with severe asthma (12–75 years) joining a programme in a reference clinic providing free asthma medication were asked retrospectively about costs and events in the previous 12 months. During 12 months after joining the programme, information on direct and indirect costs, asthma control by lung function, symptoms and quality of life were collected. The information obtained was used to estimate cost-effectiveness of the intervention as compared to usual public health asthma management. Sensitivity analysis was conducted.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>64 patients concluded the study. During the 12-months follow-up within the programme, patients had 5 fewer days of hospitalization and 68 fewer visits to emergency/non scheduled medical visits per year, on average. Asthma control scores improved by 50% and quality of life by 74%. The annual saving in public resources was US387perpatient.FamilyannualincomeincreasedUS387 per patient. Family annual income increased US512, and family costs were reduced by US$733.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A programme for control of severe asthma in a developing country can reduce morbidity, improve quality of life and save resources from the health system and patients families.</p

    Biologia e estoque pesqueiro de duas espécies de characiformes na pesca comercial do rio madeira (Rondônia): curimatâ ((Prochilodus nigricans-agassiz, 1829) e Pacu- Comum((Mylossoma duriventre - CUVIER, 1818)

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada junto ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Regional e Meio Ambiente, Área de Concentração em Ambiente, Saúde e Sustentabilidade para obtenção de título de Mestre em Desenvolvimento Regional e Meio Ambiente. Orientadora: Prof.ª Dr.ª Carolina R. C. DoriaA despeito da importância da atividade pesqueira da região como geradora de proteína animal e renda as populações ribeirinhas e dos avanços no conhecimento da estrutura de comunidades de peixes de água doce, pouco se sabe sobre a ecologia da maioria das espécies comerciais. O presente trabalho objetivou caracterizar e avaliar a biologia pesqueira, o estoque e a dinâmica da pesca das duas espécies de caraciformes mais exploradas no rio Madeira: curimatã (Prochilodus nigricans) e pacu-comum (Mylossoma duriventre). Considerando a hipótese: “o estoque pesqueiro do pacu-comum e da curimatã estão diminuindo ao longos dos anos devido a sobrepesca de exploração”. Os registros de desembarques como a produção total e específica foram resgatados junto as Colônias de pescadores Z-1de Porto Velho - RO (1990 a 2014) e a Z-31 de Humaitá-AM (2001 a 2013). Foram utilizados dados do Programa de Monitoramento da Atividade Pesqueira, coletados entre abril de 2009 a março de 2013 organizados anualmente em períodos I, II, III e IV. Analisou-se a produção total e específica em kg; esforço de pesca; aparelhos utilizados; locais, períodos e habitats de pesca; custos operacionais da expedição, e dados biométricos de comprimento padrão (Ls, cm) e peso total (Wt, g). Observou-se que a curimatã e o pacu-comum representaram respectivamente 16% e 13,7% da produção total desembarcada para Porto Velho entre 1990 e 2014, e para Humaitá representaram 13,1% e 17,2% respectivamente. Na análise histórica da produção das espécies nos dois municípios observou-se oscilação interanual na produção pesqueira, . Cuniã, São Carlos e Humaitá foram as localidades como maior número de desembarques para as duas espécies, o ambiente de maior captura foram os rios, com o auxílio do apetrecho malhadeira. Nos 4 anos de monitoramento observou-se diminuição tanto na produção pesqueira como na CPUE da curimatã 64,8% e 51,2% e do pacu-comum 24% e 11,46%, respectivamente. Para as duas espécies os custos com a pesca oscilaram nos anos analisados. As duas espécies são consideradas peixe de segunda categoria, o valor de venda variou de R2,3aR 2,3 a R 3,6 por quiilo. Para manter a receita líquida por pescaria os pescadores aumentaram seus esforços. Para a curimatã o esforço variou de 6,91 a 8,23 e para o pacu-comum o esforço variou de 6,47 a 9,48 número de pescador* número de dias de pesca. Os valores dos parâmetros de crescimento e taxas de mortalidade da curimatã comparados aos PRBs demonstram que essa espécie esta sofrendo sobrepesca de recrutamento na bacia do Madeira, enquanto o pacu-comum se encontra em melhor estado de conservação. Diante do exposto sugere-se: reavaliação da legislação de pesca para a curimatã; elaboração participativa (entre governo e pescadores) de estratégias para conservação destas espécies; manutenção e consolidação de bases de informações científicas que permitam o monitoramento dos estoques dessas espécies e de outras, bem como a identificação de impactos decorrente da implantação de grandes empreendimentos na bacia

    Production Capacity and Queues in a Bookstore at Porto Velho, Brazil

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    The objective of this work was to study the productive capacity and queues in the services of a bookstore in Porto Velho city, Brazil. To do this, the specific objectives were: (1) to study the productive capacity in the operation units of the bookstore; (2) to carry out an analysis of queuing and flow management in the operation units of the bookstore; and (3) to suggest prospects for the development using the SWOT Matrix analysis tool

    Reduction of Tubulin Expression in Angomonas deanei by RNAi Modifies the Ultrastructure of the Trypanosomatid Protozoan and Impairs Division of Its Endosymbiotic Bacterium

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    In the last two decades, RNA interference pathways have been employed as a useful tool for reverse genetics in trypanosomatids. Angomonas deanei is a non-pathogenic trypanosomatid that maintains an obligatory endosymbiosis with a bacterium related to the Alcaligenaceae family. Studies of this symbiosis can help us to understand the origin of eukaryotic organelles. The recent elucidation of both the A. deanei and the bacterium symbiont genomes revealed that the host protozoan codes for the enzymes necessary for RNAi activity in trypanosomatids. Here we tested the functionality of the RNAi machinery by transfecting cells with dsRNA to a reporter gene (green fluorescent protein), which had been previously expressed in the parasite and to α-tubulin, an endogenous gene. In both cases, protein expression was reduced by the presence of specific dsRNA, inducing, respectively, a decreased GFP fluorescence and the formation of enlarged cells with modified arrangement of subpellicular microtubules. Furthermore, symbiont division was impaired. These results indicate that the RNAi system is active in A. deanei and can be used to further explore gene function in symbiont-containing trypanosoma tids and to clarify important aspects of symbiosis and cell evolution. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved