1,022 research outputs found

    Survey of euthanasia methods used in neotropical chiropterans in São Paulo State, Brazil: critical analyses and proposal for standardization of bat euthanasia methods

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    As Divisões de Vigilância de Zoonoses (DVZs) coletam e eutanasiam morcegos que tiveram contato com humanos. O procedimento de eutanásia precisa ocorrer de modo seguro para o animal e para o manipulador, sendo importante garantir o mínimo de estresse ao animal. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: i. avaliar os métodos de eutanásia praticados nas DVZ do estado de São Paulo; ii. comparar esses métodos com os guias nacionais e internacionais de práticas de eutanásia animal; iii. avaliar as metodologias aplicadas considerando a taxonomia e os hábitos alimentares das principais espécies de ocorrência de morcegos; e iv. propor a padronização dos procedimentos de eutanásia. Sessenta e cinco DVZs receberam o questionário online ou foram contatadas por telefone, dessas, trinta e três DVZs (50,8%) que responderam ao questionário foram incluídas no estudo e distribuídas em 11 mesorregiões para garantir anonimato. Os métodos de eutanásia reportados foram divididos em métodos químicos (injetáveis; inalatórios), físicos ou mistos. Os espécimes de morcegos (n = 550) foram identificados e classificados para avaliar os principais gêneros encontrados no estado. A localização da DVZ, as espécies, os hábitos alimentares e o método de eutanásia utilizado foram analisados. Os espécimes por família de espécies de morcegos foram Molossidae (n = 340), Phyllostomidae (n = 171) e Vespertilionidae (n = 39). Métodos químicos foram utilizados em 25 DVZs (75,75%), físicos em 5 (15,15%) e mistos em 3 (9,09%). Não há uniformidade ou padronização nos métodos de eutanásia de morcegos, embora a maioria seja baseada em métodos químicos aceitáveis. É proposto um algoritmo para auxiliar o veterinário na escolha do método de eutanásia, que permite a padronização desses procedimentos para os morcegos, considerando as diferenças fisiológicas e respeitando as diretrizes técnicas, bioéticas e de bem-estar animal.Zoonotic Surveillance Divisions (ZSDs) rescue and euthanize bats in contact with humans. The euthanasia procedure should be conducted safely for the animal and caretaker and minimal stress for the animal is important. The objectives of this study were: i. evaluate the methods of euthanasia used by ZSDs in the State of São Paulo; ii. compare the methods with national and international guidelines for animal euthanasia practices; iii. assess the methodologies considering taxonomy and eating habits of the main bat species, and iv. propose standardization of euthanasia procedures. Sixty-five ZSDs locations received an online questionnaire or were contacted by telephone and 33 ZSDs (50.8%) responded and are distributed in 11 mesoregions in the state to remain anonymous. The euthanasia methods were divided into chemical (injectable or inhalation), physical, or mixed methods. Bat specimens (n = 550) were identified and classified to evaluate the main genera found in the state. The location of the ZSD, species, eating habits, and the method of euthanasia used were analyzed. The specimens by bat families were Molossidae (n = 340), Phyllostomidae (n = 171), and Vespertilionidae (n = 39). Chemical methods were used in 25 ZSDs (75.75%), physical in 5 (15.15%), and mixed in 3 (9.09%). There is no uniformity or standardization in bat euthanasia methods used by ZSDs, although most are based on acceptable chemical methods. It was proposed an algorithm to assist the veterinarian in choosing the method of euthanasia for bats that will allow standardizing euthanasia procedures for this species, considering physiological differences, and respecting technical, bioethical, and animal welfare guidelines


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    Com o grande avanço da era tecnológica, cresceu exponencialmente a quantidade de aplicativos móveis, onde geralmente são utilizados para facilitar as tarefas pessoais e corporativas, entre as quais se pode citar os aplicativos para controle financeiro. Neste trabalho propõe-se o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação para o controle dos gastos financeiros de integrantes de repúblicas universitárias, visando melhor controle dos gastos gerados, já que normalmente os mesmos são gerenciados manualmente e poucos usuários tem acesso as essas informações. O aplicativo será alimentado por usuários através de dados cadastrais como, despesas, quantidade de consumo, novos usuários, novas repúblicas e serviços que poderão ser oferecidos. Os dados serão processados retornando informações de maneira compartilhada de acordo com a república e o usuário. O aplicativo terá mecanismos simples para a divisão de gastos entre todos os integrantes, sendo esta feita de acordo com o percentual de consumo individual em cada despesa

    Hepatic and Renal Lesions in Free Ranging Black Caimans (Melanosuchus niger) in the Brazilian Amazon for Human Consumption

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    Background: The black caiman (Melanosuchus niger), belongs to the order Crocodylia, family Alligatoridae. More than a hundred species of helminths, mainly trematodes and nematodes, parasitize crocodilians around the world and a considerable number of species of ascaris have been described in crocodilians. There are few descriptions of hepatic and renal diseases affecting M. niger, and no articles related to the histopathological aspects of this species were found. The aim of this study was to evaluate gross and microscopically the liver and kidneys of 100 specimens of Melanosuchus niger slaughtered in Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá, from natural populations.Materials, Methods & Results: The capture of the alligators was performed during the night, by members of the community itself in the channels and lagoons of the Reserve's lowland ecosystem. For the capture procedures, ties and harpoons were used and the animals were identified through the red glow of the eyes using the spot light lanterns. After being conducted to the slaughter area, the animals were submitted to the previous biometry to select which animals were appropriated   for slaughter, they should measure between 2.10 m and 2.80 m. A total of 88 livers and 95 kidneys of M. niger of natural populations were analysed gross and microscopically, independently of gross lesions. The fragments collected for histopathological examination were approximately 0.5 cm thick and they were packed in appropriated identified containers with formalin 10% solution. The collection procedures were accompanied by field records for data recording. After fixation of the collected material, it were processes by habitual techniques for paraffin inclusion and hematoxylin-eosin staining. Grossly, none of the livers examined presented alterations and two kidneys presented parasitism. The hepatic microscopic analysis  indicates in 3/88 cases, multiple foci of necrosis. In 7/88 cases, it was observed in the hepatic parenchyma, granulomas, mainly with epithelioid cells. In the histopathological examination of the kidney, the only alteration observe in 8/95 cases was the presence of granulomas.Discussion: The occurrence of Sebekia oxycephala nymphs, a pentastomid, in the liver of Alligator mississippiensis was reported in other researches. The parasite Sebekia mississippiensis was observed in liver and lungs of A. mississippiensis.  similar alterations were also noticed in this research. The coccidiosis related to hepatic manifestations in crocodilians is related to the parasite that may belong to the genus Goussia. In the liver, under the oocysts form leads to a diffuse hydropic degeneration  of hepatocytes. In this study it was also observed the hydronic degeneration, however, associated to the necrosis areas that had in the periphery epithelioid cells infiltrated, without parasitic participation. Two renal trematodes are known in crocodilians, Deurithrema gingae and Renivermis crocodyli both in Crocodylus porosus. Also it was found in the renal parenchyma few encapsulated and well delimited parasites by a severe tissue reaction. Based on the gross and microscopic found, it is concluded that liver and kidney, although multiple organ functions, were not prone to infections, with granulomas being the main manifestation, and the etiopathogenesis of the areas of hepatic necrosis could not be defined

    Factors associated with stress, anxiety, and depression during social distancing in Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of clinical signs and symptoms of severe/extreme stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as their associated factors, among Brazilians during social distancing. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in April/May 2020 with 3,200 Brazilians over 18 years old. Respondents’ sociodemographic and clinical data were collected using an online questionnaire, which also included the 21-item Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) to assess emotional symptoms. Unadjusted and adjusted prevalence ratios and their respective 95% confidence intervals were estimated using Poisson regression models with robust variance. RESULTS: Our results show the prevalence of severe/extreme stress was 21.5%, anxiety 19.4%, and depression 21.5%. In the final model, sociodemographic, clinical, and Covid-19-related factors were associated with severe/extreme stress, anxiety, and depression in Brazilians during social distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We found the main factors associated with severe/extreme depression to be young women, brown, single, not religious, sedentary, presenting reduced leisure activities, history of anxiety and depression, increased medication use, and Covid-19 symptoms. CONCLUSION: This study may help develop and systematically plan measures aimed to prevent, early identify, and properly manage clinical signs and symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression during the Covid-19 pandemic. DESCRIPTORS: Mental Disorders, epidemiology. Stress, Psychological. Social Isolation. Coronavirus Infections. Health Surveys

    CPP–ACP pretreatment effect on microshear bond strength of simplified etch-and-rinse adhesive systems plus a flowable composite to enamel

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    This study evaluated the effect of a casein phosphopeptide–amorphous calcium phosphate based paste (MI Paste) on the microshear bond strength (MSBS) of different simplified etch-and-rinse adhesive systems on enamel. Roots were removed from 90 bovine incisors, and the facial enamel was ground flat. Teeth were randomized into nine groups, according to the enamel pretreatment (without or with application of MI Paste for 1 or 2 min) and the adhesive system used (Single Bond, Stae, or Ambar). Composite cylindrical blocks (2 mm height × 1 mm diameter) were built, stored in water for 24 h, and subjected to the microshear test in a universal testing machine with a load of 0.5 mm/min. Failure modes were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy. Data were submitted for statistical analysis by a two-way ANOVA, followed by multiple comparisons with Tukey test (α = 5%). The Ambar group presented the highest MSBS values. Pretreatment with MI Paste for 2 min improved bonding in the Single Bond and Stae groups. In all groups, adhesive failures were most frequent. In conclusion, Ambar presented better performance and did not need any pretreatment. The enamel MSBS of the other simplified adhesive systems was improved by the pretreatment with MI Paste, depending on the time of application29210911

    Survey of euthanasia methods used in neotropical chiropterans in São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Zoonotic Surveillance Divisions (ZSDs) rescue and euthanize bats in contact with humans. The euthanasia procedure should be conducted safely for the animal and caretaker and minimal stress for the animal is important. The objectives of this study were: i. evaluate the methods of euthanasia used by ZSDs in the State of São Paulo; ii. compare the methods with national and international guidelines for animal euthanasia practices; iii. assess the methodologies considering taxonomy and eating habits of the main bat species, and iv. propose standardization of euthanasia procedures. Sixty-five ZSDs locations received an online questionnaire or were contacted by telephone and 33 ZSDs (50.8%) responded and are distributed in 11 mesoregions in the state to remain anonymous. The euthanasia methods were divided into chemical (injectable or inhalation), physical, or mixed methods. Bat specimens (n = 550) were identified and classified to evaluate the main genera found in the state. The location of the ZSD, species, eating habits, and the method of euthanasia used were analyzed. The specimens by bat families were Molossidae (n = 340), Phyllostomidae (n = 171), and Vespertilionidae (n = 39). Chemical methods were used in 25 ZSDs (75.75%), physical in 5 (15.15%), and mixed in 3 (9.09%). There is no uniformity or standardization in bat euthanasia methods used by ZSDs, although most are based on acceptable chemical methods. It was proposed an algorithm to assist the veterinarian in choosing the method of euthanasia for bats that will allow standardizing euthanasia procedures for this species, considering physiological differences, and respecting technical, bioethical, and animal welfare guidelines

    Cysticercosis in free-ranging agoutis (Dasyprocta leporina) in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon

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    Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia. Departamento de Patologia. São Paulo, SP, Brasil / Universidade Paulista. Instituto de Ciências da Saúde. Campinas, SP, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde e Ambiente. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde e Ambiente. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde e Ambiente. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde e Ambiente. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde e Ambiente. Centro Nacional de Primatas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.Universidade de São Paulo. Instituto de Medicina Tropical. Departamento de Gastroenterologia. São Paulo, SP, Brasil.Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde e Ambiente. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil.The study describes the occurrence of cysticercosis in liver of 22 wild agoutis (Dasyprocta leporina) in the Brazilian Amazon. The phylogenetic analysis and microscopic characteristics of metacestodes in liver tissue sections, associated with the geographic distribution of the intermediate hosts indicated that a possibly novel Taenia sp. metacestode caused the parasitism. Additionally, two cases of hepatic co-infection by Taenia sp., Calodium sp. and Echinococcus oligarthra were also observed among the analyzed animals. The results point to the need for a better understanding of hepatotropic parasites among wild rodents in the Brazilian Amazon

    Síntese e Caracterização de Biodiesel de Sebo Bovino e de sua Mistura B10

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    Biodiesel has become an alternative to mineral diesel; it already has been in 7% biodiesel to diesel. The intention of the Brazilian government to increase the biodiesel content in the mixture to 10% which will promote an increase in demand for raw materials for the production of biodiesel. Among them is the beef tallow which is presented as one of the cheapest raw materials among the available ones. Associated with this increase in production has been the need to improve the processes of synthesis and analyze their properties as oxidative stability (OS) in mixtures with mineral diesel. Based on this, this study aimed to analyze the physicochemical properties and oxidative stability tallow biodiesel B10 and its beef mixture. In the present work, beef tallow biodiesel was synthesized through methylic rout and was mixture to mineral diesel type B (10 wt %) without anything additives. Physic-chemical properties of biodiesel samples and that mixture were determinate, indicating that both samples are agreement with Brazilian Specifications, and the mixture has showed around 10% less sulfur than diesel. Furthermore, oxidative stability of beef tallow biodiesel is higher than at stipulated in norm. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v7i1.68