608 research outputs found

    Concurrent and predictive validity of glim criteria to identify undernutrition in hospitalized patients

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    Este artigo apresenta os resultados do mapeamento das unidades geomorfológicas da planície costeira piauiense. O mapeamento levou em consideração as relações e a integração dos fatores estruturais, litológicos, climáticos, pedológicos e morfodinâmicos, a partir da classificação taxonômica estabelecida pelo IBGE (2009) e técnicas de sensoriamento remoto (FLORENZANO, 2008). Foram identificadas 8 Unidades Geomorfológicas, compartimentadas quanto às suas formas de acumulação (A) e dissecação (D)

    Root Caries In Areas With And Without Fluoridated Water At The Southeast Region Of São Paulo State, Brazil

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    This study aimed to investigate root caries prevalence in areas with and without water fluoridation at the Southeast region of São Paulo State, in the adult population, employees of public and private schools, and elderly population. Epidemiological surveys were conducted according to the World Health Organization guidelines (1997), including 1,475 dentate individuals aged 35 to 44 years and 65 to 74 years, living in cities representing the southeast of São Paulo State, with (n=872) or without (n=603) fluoridated water supply. Statistical analysis was performed by Mann-Whitney and Chi-square tests at a significance level of 5%. The prevalence of root caries was 15.6% for the 35-44-year-old age group and 31.8% for the 65-74-year-old age group . There were no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) in the occurrence of root caries according to water fluoridation, although individuals living at non-fluoridated areas presented higher percentage of missing teeth; also, there was higher mean number of intact roots at fluoridated areas (p<0.05). Most individuals with, gingival recession, both adults and elderly, did not have root caries experience. In this study, root caries prevalence was lower in areas with fluoridated water. Due to the reduced prevalence of edentulism and increased number of people keeping their natural teeth for a longer period, a future increase in root caries is expected, highlighting the importance of studies related to water fluoridation and its relationship with the oral health of adults and elderly, especially referring to tooth root.1617074Burt, B.A., Ismail, A.I., Eklund, S.A., Root caries in an optimally fluoridated and a high-fluoride community (1986) J Dent Res, 65 (9), pp. 1154-1158Clarkson, J.E., Epidemiolgy of root caries (1995) Am J Dent, 8, pp. 329-334Frazão, P., Antunes, J.L.F., Narvai, P.C., Early tooth loss in adults aged 35 - 44: State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1998. Rev Bras (2003) Epidemiol, 6 (1), pp. 49-57Fure, S., Zickert, I., Incidence of tooth loss and dental caries in 60-, 70- and 80-year-old Swedish individuals (1997) Community Dent Oral Epidemiol, 25, pp. 137-142Fure, S., Five-year incidence of caries, salivary and microbial conditions in 60-, 70- and 80-year-old Swedish individuals (1998) Caries Res, 32, pp. 166-174Guivante-Nabet, C., Tavernier, M., Trevoux, C., Berdal, A., Active and inactive caries lesions in a selected elderly institutionalized French population (1998) Int Dent J, 48, pp. 111-122Hopcraft, M., Morgan, M., Dental caries experience in a young adult military population (2003) Aust Dent J, 48 (2), pp. 125-129Hunt, R.J., Eldredge, J.B., Beck, J.D., Effect of residence in a fluoridated community on the incidence of coronal and root caries in an adult population (1989) J Public Health Dent, 49 (3), pp. 138-141Imazato, S., Ikebe, K., Nokubi, T., Ebisu, S., Walls, A.W., Prevalence of root caries in a selected population of older adults in Japan (2006) J Oral Reabil, 33 (2), pp. 137-143Kalsbeek, H., Truin, G.J., Van Rossum, G.M., Van Rijkom, H.M., Poorterman, J.H., Verrips, G.H., Trends in caries prevalence in Dutch adults between 1983 and 1995 (1998) Caries Res, 32 (3), pp. 160-165Marthaler, T.M., O'Mullane, D.M., Vrbic, V., The prevalence of dental caries in Europe, 1990-1995 (1996) Caries Res, 30, pp. 237-255Meneghim, M.C., Pereira, A.C., Silva, F.R.B., Prevalence of root caries and periodontal conditions in an elderly institutionalized population from Piracicaba- SP (2002) Pesqui Odontol Bras, 16 (1), pp. 50-56Murray JJ, Pitts NB. Trends in oral health. In: Pine CM. Community oral health. Oxford : Wright1997. p.126-45O'Mullane, D., Whelton, H., Caries prevalence in the Republic of Ireland (1994) Int Dent J, 44 (4 SUPPL. 1), pp. 387-391O'Muliane, D.M., Whelton, H.P., Costelloe, P., Clarke, D., Mcdermott, S., Water fluoridation in Ireland (1996) Community Dent Health, 13 (SUPPL. 2), pp. 38-41Levantamento das condições de saúde bucal - Estado de São Paulo, 1998 (1998) Caderno de instruções, , Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de Säo Paulo, São Paulo: Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo;Simunković, S.K., Boras, V.V., Pandurić, J., Zilić, I.A., Oral health among institutionalized elderly in Zagreb, Croatia (2005) Gerodontology, 22 (4), pp. 238-241Skudutyte, R., Alesejuniene, J., Eriksen, H.M., Dental, caries in adults Lithuanians (2000) Acta Odontol Scand, 58, pp. 143-147Slade, G.D., Spencer, A.J., Distribution of coronal and root caries experience among persons aged 60+ in South Australia (1997) Aust Dent J, 42 (3), pp. 78-184Ünlüer, S., Gökalp, S., Dooan, B.G., Oral health status of the elderly in a residential home in Turkey (2007) Gerodontology, 24, pp. 22-29Walls, A.W.G., Silver, P.T., Steele, J.G., Impact of treatment provision on the epidemiological recording of root caries (2000) Eur J Oral Sci, 108, pp. 3-8Oral health surveys: Basic methods (1997) 4 thed, , World Health Organization, Geneva: World Health Organization

    Influence of prolonged wearing of unstable shoes on upright standing postural control

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    ObjectiveTo study the influence of prolonged wearing of unstable shoes on standing postural control in prolonged standing workers.MethodsThe participants were divided into two groups: one wore unstable shoes while the other wore conventional shoes for 8 weeks. Stabilometry parameters related to centre of pressure (CoP), rambling (RM) and trembling (TR) as well as the total agonist/antagonist muscle activity, antagonist co-activation and reciprocal activation were evaluated during upright standing, before and after the 8 weeks period. In both moments, the subjects were evaluated wearing the unstable shoes and in barefoot.ResultsThe unstable shoe condition presented increased CoP displacement related variables and decreased co-activation command compared to barefoot before and after the intervention. The prolonged wearing of unstable shoes led to: (1) reduction of mediallateral CoP root mean square and area; (2) decreased anteroposterior RM displacement; (3) increased anteroposterior RM mean velocity and mediolateral RM displacement; (4) decreased anteroposterior TR RMS; and (5) increased thigh antagonist co-activation in the unstable shoe condition.ConclusionThe unstable shoe condition is associated to a higher destabilising effect that leads to a selection of more efficient and accurate postural commands compared to barefoot. Prolonged wearing of unstable shoes provides increased effectiveness and performance of the postural control system, while wearing of unstable shoes in upright standing, that are reflected by changes in CoP related variables and by a reorganisation of postural control commands