1,253 research outputs found

    Child and Family Welfare in Sweden

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    Sweden has no special Children’s Act because regulations on children are included in the Social Services Act from 1980, supplemented by an act regulating compulsory care. Child and Family welfare has a family support orientation rather than a child protection orientation. No time limit provided by the law put an end to family support or out-of-home care, but interventions are reviewed every six months. The paper presents some facts about Sweden, gives and overview of the legal framework, family maintenance services and out-of-home care. Further details are given about contact person/family as one of the most frequently used statutory support services for children and families. As an example of the decentralised social services in Sweden, the organisation of child and family welfare in the district of Rosengaard in the city of Malmoe is described. The paper ends with reflections and debated issues in child and family welfare in Sweden

    The language situation in Sweden

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    The present paper describes the temporary language situation in Sweden. The country has a high rate of immigration and large minority groups have lived in Sweden for many hundreds of years. In order to refl ect its cultural and language diversity Sweden has developed its own Language Law. This establishes Swedish as the main language in Sweden and declares fi ve other languages to be national minority languages: Finnish, Meänkieli, Romani, Yiddish and Sami. Furthermore, the country’s language law protects and at the same time promotes Swedish Sign language. Swedish communes offer free Swedish courses for adult immigrants and immigrant children attend courses in Swedish as a Second Language both in primary and secondary school. Due to the multinational composition of Swedish suburbs a new variety of Swedish called rinkebysvenska has developed. This variety is characterized by many loan words from other languages, divergent pronunciation, morphology and syntax. Rinkebysvenska is used primarily by young immigrants living in Stockholm, Göteborg and Malmö and has assumed the status not only of a Sociolect, but also of a special Swedish slang. The mobility of Swedish inhabitants within the country has led to a smoothing out of Swedish dialects so that differences can only be observed in pronunciation. On the other hand, there is a strong tendency to protect and develop Övdalian – one of the dialects that differs most from Swedish

    Eläkekattoa koskeva muistio

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    Eläketurvakeskus on julkaissut kaksi selvitystä suuria eläkkeitä ja eläkekattoa koskevaan keskusteluun. Vuoden 2015 selvitys on Eläketurvakeskuksen vuonna 2009 tekemän laajemman selvityksen päivitys. Vuonna 2015 julkaistussa selvityksessä on tutkittu muun muassa korkeiden lakisääteisten eläkkeiden tasoa, yleisyyttä ja jakautumista sekä päivitetty kansainvälistä vertailua ja tarkasteltu muutoksia vuonna 2009 tehtyyn selvitykseen nähden. Tarkasteluissa havaittiin, että merkittäviä muutoksia yleiskuvassa ei ole tapahtunut. Eläketurvakeskus on päivittänyt tammikuussa 2019 muistiomuodossa vuoden 2015 selvityksessä esitetyt keskeiset taulukot korkeiden lakisääteisten eläkkeiden tasosta, yleisyydestä ja jakautumisesta sekä arvion esimerkinomaisen eläkepalkkakaton vaikutuksesta ansiojakaumiin. Merkittäviä muutoksia vuoden 2015 selvityksen tarkasteluihin verrattuna ei ole tapahtunut

    Die DaF-Lehrerausbildung in Schweden – Zwischen Pädagogik, Fachstudium, Sprachdidaktik und Praxis

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    Seit mehreren Jahren geht in Schweden die Zahl der Lehramtsstudierenden in DaF stark zurück. Dabei ist jetzt ein drastischer Lehrermangel erkennbar, der sich auf Sicht noch verstärken wird, da es einen hohen Anteil an Deutschlehrern gibt, die bald im Rentenalter sind oder ihren Beruf wechseln. Für berufstätige Deutschlehrer gibt es außerdem nur wenige Chancen auf Fortbildung, was u.a. mit dem niedrigen Status der Fremdsprachen im schwedischen Schulwesen zusammenhängt. In diesem Beitrag nehmen wir die DaF-Lehrerausbildung in Schweden unter die Lupe. Wir gehen der Frage nach, welche Reibungsflächen es zwischen den verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen wie Pädagogik, Germanistik, Sprachdidaktik und der praktischen Ausbildung gibt, die in der DaF-Lehrerausbildung involviert sind. Wie ist der Lehrermangel zu erklären und welche Maßnahmen können zur Sicherung einer nachhaltigen Deutschlehrerkompetenz führen?For several years, the number of teacher students in German has dropped sharply in Sweden. At the same time, many German teachers are retiring or changing profession. For in-service German teachers there are so far only few chances for in-service teacher training, which could also be explained by the low status of foreign languages in the Swedish education system. At the same time, a huge shortage of teachers is already recognizable, which will only increase in near future. In this article, we take a close look at the language teacher education in Sweden. We examine the question of which areas of friction exist between the various scientific disciplines such as education, German studies, language didactics and practical training, involved in the German teacher education. What are the reasons for the lack of teachers in Swedish schools, and what measures can lead to securing a sustainable German teacher's competence

    Die DaF-Lehrerausbildung in Schweden – Zwischen Pädagogik, Fachstudium, Sprachdidaktik und Praxis

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    Seit mehreren Jahren geht in Schweden die Zahl der Lehramtsstudierenden in DaF stark zurück. Dabei ist jetzt ein drastischer Lehrermangel erkennbar, der sich auf Sicht noch verstärken wird, da es einen hohen Anteil an Deutschlehrern gibt, die bald im Rentenalter sind oder ihren Beruf wechseln. Für berufstätige Deutschlehrer gibt es außerdem nur wenige Chancen auf Fortbildung, was u.a. mit dem niedrigen Status der Fremdsprachen im schwedischen Schulwesen zusammenhängt. In diesem Beitrag nehmen wir die DaF-Lehrerausbildung in Schweden unter die Lupe. Wir gehen der Frage nach, welche Reibungsflächen es zwischen den verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen wie Pädagogik, Germanistik, Sprachdidaktik und der praktischen Ausbildung gibt, die in der DaF-Lehrerausbildung involviert sind. Wie ist der Lehrermangel zu erklären und welche Maßnahmen können zur Sicherung einer nachhaltigen Deutschlehrerkompetenz führen

    Equality in the making? : Roma and Traveller Minority Policies and Basic Education in Three Nordic Countries

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    The article examines policies intended to promote the basic education of Roma and Traveller minorities in Finland, Sweden, and Norway by analysing key national Roma and Traveller policy (n = 5) and education policy documents (n = 3). Analysis shows how the Finnish, Swedish, and Norwegian Roma policies translate the general policy aims of improving the social positioning of people identifying as Roma consistently into policy measures responding to the special needs of Roma pupils. These policy measures are validated by problem representations regarding Roma parents and families. All the policies also problematise the relationship between Roma and Traveller cultures and schools. It is argued that the focuses of the current policy measures constrain opportunities for a change in terms of equality.Peer reviewe

    The effect of the Swedish carbon tax on household and industry emissions

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate if the Swedish carbon tax, introduced in 1991, has led to a decline in CO2 emissions in two sectors of the Swedish economy: the manufacturing industry and the household sector – and if so, to what extent. The question is approached by estimating the elasticity of demand for CO2 emissions, with respect to the total energy price and, separately, for the carbon tax. Yearly CO2 emissions for 1983-2011 are calculated using data on energy consumption in each sector. Using the Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares model, emissions are regressed on explanatory variables derived from dual theory; tax rates, income, prices and costs of factor inputs. Graphical analysis suggests that there is a negative relationship between emissions and the price of energy in both sectors. This is supported by a negative price elasticity in the regression analysis for households (-0.24) but the elasticity for the industry is not statistically different from zero. When estimating the separate effect of the carbon tax (the so-called “signaling effect”), the elasticity in the industry is negative (-0.008), but positive (0.016) in the household sector. Estimates are significant at the 1 percent level

    Análisis y diseño estratégico de E-Commerce en el sector empresarial. Estudio de caso cantón Antonio Ante

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    Analizar la situación actual de e-commerce en el sector empresarial textil del cantón Antonio Ante.Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar la situación actual de e-commerce en el sector empresarial textil del cantón Antonio Ante. Se analiza al sector textil debido a su aporte a la economía local, lo cual para el desarrollo del trabajo se ha observado que es importante. Además, el estudio fue realizado con las empresas pequeñas y medianas del cantón, puesto que con el uso de e-commerce tienen mayor oportunidad de competir en los mercados internacionales y con grandes empresas, en este entorno global y desafiante. El respectivo estudio fue de carácter descriptivo, para ello, se realizó un formato de encuestas para recolectar los datos para luego, recopilarlos, procesarlos y analizarlos respectivamente. Finalmente, se obtuvieron los resultados, los cuales mostraron que las Pymes pertenecientes a la industria textil del cantón Antonio Ante, actualmente en el e-commerce se encuentra en un 15,8%, por lo tanto, son pocas empresas que usan e-commerce como parte de su estrategia de venta

    The Effects of Social Commerce Design as Social Commerce on Consumer Purchase Decision Making (A Study on Instagram – Indonesia)

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    This study aims to determine how the influence of design quality on purchase decision making on Instagram-Indonesia. The factors tested in this study are design quality (usability factor, functional factor, and social factor) as exogenous variables, while purchase decision making (product awareness, information search, evaluation, purchase, and post-purchase) as endogenous variables. The research method used in this study is descriptive and causality research methods. The populations in this study are consumers who make purchases online through Instagram. The sampling technique used in this study is probability-sampling technique with simple random sampling technique, while the number of samples in this study amounted to 400 respondents. The analytical method used in this study is Stuctural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on Partial Least Square (PLS) at a significance level of 5%. The program used in analyzing data using SmartPLS version 3.2.8 Software. Based on the results of the study show that usability factors, functional factors, and social factors influence product awareness. Usability factor does not affect information search. While functional factors and social factors influence information search. Usability factors, functional factors, and social factors influence evaluation. Usability factor does not affect purchase. While functional factors and social factors affect purchase. Usability factor does not affect post-purchase. While functional factors and social factors affect post-purchase