1,416 research outputs found

    Dynamic one-sided out-of-plane behavior of unreinforced-masonry wall restrained by elasto-plastic tie-rods

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    Past earthquakes have shown the high vulnerability of existing masonry buildings, particularly to out-of-plane local collapse mechanisms. Such mechanisms can be prevented if façades are restrained by tie rods improving the connections to perpendiculars walls. Whereas in the past only static models have been proposed, herein the nonlinear equation of motion of a monolithic wall restrained by a tie rod is presented. The façade, resting on a foundation and adjacent to transverse walls, rotates only around one base pivot and has one degree of freedom. Its thickness is explicitly accounted for and the tie rod is modeled as a linear elastic—perfectly plastic spring, with limited displacement capacity. The model is used to investigate the response to variations of wall geometry (height/thickness ratio, thickness), tie rod features (vertical position, length, prestress level), and material characteristics (elastic modulus, ultimate elongation, yield strength) typical of historical iron. The most relevant parameter is the steel strength, whereas other characteristics play minor roles allowing to recommend reduced values for pre-tensioning forces. The force-based procedure customary in Italy for tie design is reasonably safe and involves protection also against collapse, although probably not enough as desirable

    Finite-discrete element modelling of masonry infill walls subjected to out-of-plane loads

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    In this paper, the out-of-plane response of infill walls is investigated by means of non-linear monotonic (push-over) analyses through a combined finite and discrete modelling approach. The model accounts for material deformability, crack formation, sliding, separa-tion and formation of new contacts. Masonry units are modelled as finite elements, and differ-ent material models are assumed for the masonry. Contact between masonry units, and between masonry and frame elements is modelled by means of interfaces, which permit tan-gential motion with frictional sliding. Frame elements are modelled by means of a linear-elastic material. The results of the numerical analyses are compared with those of experimen-tal tests available in the literature. The advantages and disadvantages of the adopted model-ling strategy are investigated

    Gas dissolution foaming as a novel approach for the production of lightweight biocomposites of PHB/natural fibre fabrics

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    Producción CientíficaThe aim of this study is to propose and explore a novel approach for the production of cellular lightweight natural fibre, nonwoven, fabric-reinforced biocomposites by means of gas dissolution foaming from composite precursors of polyhydroxybutyrate-based matrix and flax fabric reinforcement. The main challenge is the development of a regular cellular structure in the polymeric matrix to reach a weight reduction while keeping a good fibre-matrix stress transfer and adhesion. The viability of the process is evaluated through the analysis of the cellular structure and morphology of the composites. The effect of matrix modification, nonwoven treatment, expansion temperature, and expansion pressure on the density and cellular structure of the cellular composites is evaluated. It was found that the nonwoven fabric plays a key role in the formation of a uniform cellular morphology, although limiting the maximum expansion ratio of the composites. Cellular composites with a significant reduction of weight (relative densities in the range 0.4–0.5) were successfully obtained.Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional (grants FPU12/05869 and EST14/00273)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grants BIA2014-59399-R and MAT2015-69234-R)Junta de Castilla y Leon (grant VA011U16

    Combined ND techniques for structural assessment: the case of historic Nepali constructions after the 2015 Gorkha earthquake

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    Combined non-destructive in situ techniques—namely sonic tests and ambient vibration measurements—are applied on two Nepali Pagoda temples damaged by the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, providing the dynamic elastic modulus of masonry and the buildings' frequencie

    Simulation and optimization of crowd dynamics using a multiscale model

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    2010 - 2011In the last decades, the modeling of crowd motion and pedestrian .ow has attracted the attention of applied mathematicians, because of an increasing num- ber of applications, in engineering and social sciences, dealing with this or similar complex systems, for design and optimization purposes. The crowd has caused many disasters, in the stadiums during some major sporting events as the "Hillsborough disaster" occurred on 15 April 1989 at Hills- borough, a football stadium, in She¢ eld, England, resulting in the deaths of 96 people, and 766 being injured that remains the deadliest stadium-related disaster in British history and one of the worst ever international football accidents. Other example is the "Heysel Stadium disaster" occurred on 29 May 1985 when escaping, fans were pressed against a wall in the Heysel Stadium in Brussels, Belgium, as a result of rioting before the start of the 1985 European Cup Final between Liv- erpool of England and Juventus of Italy. Thirty-nine Juventus fans died and 600 were injured. It is well know the case of the London Millennium Footbridge, that was closed the very day of its opening due to macroscopic lateral oscillations of the structure developing while pedestrians crossed the bridge. This phenomenon renewed the interest toward the investigation of these issues by means of mathe- matical modeling techniques. Other examples are emergency situations in crowded areas as airports or railway stations. In some cases, as the pedestrian disaster in Jamarat Bridge located in South Arabia, mathematical modeling and numerical simulation have already been successfully employed to study the dynamics of the .ow of pilgrims, so as to highlight critical circumstances under which crowd ac- cidents tend to occur and suggest counter-measures to improve the safety of the event. In the existing literature on mathematical modeling of human crowds we can distinguish two approaches: microscopic and macroscopic models. In model at microscopic scale pedestrians are described individually in their motion by ordinary di¤erential equations and problems are usually set in two-dimensional domains delimiting the walking area under consideration, with the presence of obstacles within the domain and a target. The basic modeling framework relies on classical Newtonian laws of point. The model at the macroscopic scale consists in using partial di¤erential equations, that is in describing the evolution in time and space of pedestrians supplemented by either suitable closure relations linking the velocity of the latter to their density or analogous balance law for the momentum. Again, typical guidelines in devising this kind of models are the concepts of preferred direction of motion and discomfort at high densities. In the framework of scalar conservation laws, a macroscopic onedimensional model has been proposed by Colombo and Rosini, resorting to some common ideas to vehicular tra¢ c modeling, with the speci.c aim of describing the transition from normal to panic conditions. Piccoli and Tosin propose to adopt a di¤erent macroscopic point of view, based on a measure-theoretical framework which has recently been introduced by Canuto et al. for coordination problems (rendez-vous) of multiagent systems. This approach consists in a discrete-time Eulerian macroscopic representation of the system via a family of measures which, pushed forward by some motion mappings, provide an estimate of the space occupancy by pedestrians at successive time steps. From the modeling point of view, this setting is particularly suitable to treat nonlocal interactions among pedestrians, obstacles, and wall boundary conditions. A microscopic approach is advantageous when one wants to model di¤erences among the individuals, random disturbances, or small environments. Moreover, it is the only reliable approach when one wants to track exactly the position of a few walkers. On the other hand, it may not be convenient to use a microscopic approach to model pedestrian .ow in large environments, due to the high com- putational e¤ort required. A macroscopic approach may be preferable to address optimization problems and analytical issues, as well as to handle experimental data. Nonetheless, despite the fact that self-organization phenomena are often visible only in large crowds, they are a consequence of strategical behaviors devel- oped by individual pedestrians. The two scales may reproduce the same features of the group behavior, thus providing a perfect matching between the results of the simulations for the micro- scopic and the macroscopic model in some test cases. This motivated the multiscale approach proposed by Cristiani, Piccoli and Tosin. Such an approach allows one to keep a macroscopic view without losing the right amount of .granularity,.which is crucial for the emergence of some self-organized patterns. Furthermore, the method allows one to introduce in a macroscopic (averaged) context some micro- scopic e¤ects, such as random disturbances or di¤erences among the individuals, in a fully justi.able manner from both the physical and the mathematical perspec- tive. In the model, microscopic and macroscopic scales coexist and continuously share information on the overall dynamics. More precisely, the microscopic part tracks the trajectories of single pedestrians and the macroscopic part the density of pedestrians using the same evolution equation duly interpreted in the sense of measures. In this respect, the two scales are indivisible. Starting from model of Cristiani, Piccoli and Tosin we have implemented algo- rithms to simulate the pedestrians motion toward a target to reach in a bounded area, with one or more obstacles inside. In this work di¤erent scenarios have been analyzed in order to .nd the obstacle con.guration which minimizes the pedes- trian average exit time. The optimization is achieved using to algorithms. The .rst one is based on the exhaustive exploration of all positions: the average exit time for all scenarios is computed and then the best one is chosen. The second algorithm is of steepest descent type according to which the obstacle con.guration corresponding to the minimum exit time is found using an iterative method. A variant has been introduced to the algorithm so to obtain a more e¢ cient proce- dure. The latter allows to .nd better solutions in few steps than other algorithms. Finally we performed other simulations with bounded domains like a classical .at with .ve rooms and two exits, comparing the results of three di¤erent scenario changing the positions of exit doors. [edited by author]X n.s

    Effect of the vertical component of ground motion on a rubble masonry wall model

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    In this paper the influence of the vertical component of ground motion on the performance of an unreinforced masonry wall is analysed using sets of one-component and two-component ground motions. The set of motions represents the actual seismicity of L'Aquila, while the investigated wall mimics an experimental specimen with two unconnected external leaves and a rubble core. The model falls within the mixed finite element method – discrete element method and accounts for crack formation, complete separation and new contact formation. The modelling strategy is capable to simulate the out-of-plane seismic response and the progressive loss of compactness of the wall up to collapse with the separation between the two external leaves. The vertical component increases the fragility of the wall and confirms the relevance of vertical ground motion for very vulnerable constructions. Nonetheless, to worsen the response, the vertical component needs to overcome specific, non-negligible intensity measure thresholds

    Application of Buckingham π theorem for scaling-up oriented fast modelling of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell impedance

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    Abstract This work focuses on the development of a fast PEMFC impedance model, built starting from both physical and geometrical variables. Buckingham's π theorem is proposed to define non-dimensional parameters that allow suitably describing the relationships linking the physical variables involved in the process under-study to the fundamental dimensions. This approach is a useful solution for those problems, whose first principles-based models are not known, difficult to build or computationally unfeasible. The key contributions of the proposed similarity theory-based modelling approach are presented and discussed. The major advantage resides in its straightforward online applicability, thanks to very low computational burden, while preserving good level of accuracy. This makes the model suitable for several purposes, such as design, control, diagnostics, state of health monitoring and prognostics. Experimental data, collected in different operating conditions, have been analysed to demonstrate the capability of the model to reproduce PEMFC impedance at different loads and temperatures. This results in a reduction of the experimental effort for the FCS lab characterization. Moreover, it is highlighted the possibility to use the model with scaling-up purposes to reproduce the full stack impedance from single-cell one, thus supporting FC design and development from lab-to commercial system-scale

    An Impedance Measurement Technique for Composite Materials Moisture Level Detection Devoted to Health Monitoring in Aeronautics

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    The current design practice of composite material aeronautical structures imposes the use of knock-down structural material allowables to take into account the high sensitivity to environmental exposure (i.e., moisture, temperature, damages). The "moisture derating factor" comes from specific mechanical test campaign and drastically reduces the advantage of using such materials; but the continuous monitoring of the moisture content of the structure could enable the use of higher design allowables. In the framework of FUSIMCO (Work developed within the frame of the Project FUSIMCO-FUSoliera Ibrida Metallo COmposito-co-financed by MIUR-Italian Ministry of Research with DAC-Campania Aerospace District as beneficiary and Leonardo Company-Aerostructure Division as "prime" partner) project, the aim of this study is to verify the effectiveness of the impedance measurement method as a health-monitoring tool to evaluate the moisture quantity absorbed by an aeronautical composite structure. The method is based on the idea that a composite laminate can be associated with an equivalent electric circuit (EEC). Some electrical characteristics of this EEC can be associated to the moisture content of the laminate. A simple EEC model, mainly capacitive, was used. A frequency sweep was the electric stimulus signal of some electrodes, glued onto the specimens to investigate the EEC parameters variation with respect to the induced moisture content variation (gravimetrically determined). The study confirmed the possibility of effectively using the impedance measurement method as a health-monitoring tool for moisture content evaluation of a composite laminate

    Out-of-Plane Seismic Response of Unreinforced Masonry Walls: Conceptual Discussion, Research Needs, and Modeling Issues

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    Modeling unreinforced masonry walls, subjected to seismic loads applied normal to their plane, has received much attention in the past. Yet, there is a general lack of conformance with regard to what aspects of seismic response a computational model should reflect. Boundary conditions are certainly an important aspect, as the response can involve two-way bending or just one-way bending and, in the second case, along vertical or horizontal directions. In this respect, flexural restraint of wall intersections can be significant in addition to size and placement of openings. Moreover, in-plane damage can modify the boundary conditions and the overall out-of-plane performance. Proper modeling of actions is also relevant, as they can be a result of distortions imposed upon wall elements and/or inertial forces along the span of a wall. Axial forces can markedly affect the out-of-plane response of the wall, particularly vertical compressive forces, which can enhance out-of-plane strength. The outcome of static verifications can be more conservative than that of dynamic analyses, but the latter are much more complex to carry out. These topics are discussed with reference to previous research, observations in the field and in the laboratory, as well as numerical analyses on three-dimensional models.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of ground-motion sequences on a unreinforced masonry wall restrained by an elasto-plastic tie-rod

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    This work investigates the effect of international ground-motion sequences on the out-of-plane response of an ordinary-building façade. The following assumptions are made on the wall boundary conditions: the wall is resting on a foundation, it is adjacent to transverse walls and restrained by elasto-plastic tie rods with finite elongation capacity. Four walls are considered of different aspect ratio and size; two types of masonry are assumed, and the tie is designed following a force-based procedure according to the Commentary to the Italian Building Code. The walls are modelled as rigid blocks of finite thickness and free to rotate on one side only. The rocking response of the walls, excited in the out-of-plane direction under 56 sequences of records, is evaluated. The effect of sequences is estimated by the comparison of the response experienced during the sequence and under a single record, strongest in terms of either peak ground acceleration or velocity. Finally, in order to reduce the vulnerability originated by a seismic sequence, a proposal of a reduced behaviour factor to be adopted in the design of tie rods is formulated