474 research outputs found

    Ruled surfaces in 33-dimensional Riemannian manifolds

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    In this work ruled surfaces in 33-dimensional Riemannian manifolds are studied. We determine the expression for the extrinsic and sectional curvature of a parametrized ruled surface, where the former one is shown to be non-positive. We also quantify the set of ruling vector fields along a given base curve which allow to define a relevant reference frame along it and that we refer to as \emph{Sannia}. The fundamental Theorem of existence and equivalence of Sannia ruled surfaces in terms of a system of invariants is given. The second part of the article tackles the concept of striction curve, which is proven to be the set of points where the so-called \emph{Jacobi evolution function} vanishes on a ruled surface. This provides independent proofs for their existence and uniqueness in space forms, and to disprove its existence or uniqueness in some other cases.Comment: 22 page

    Terapia asistida con animales y desempeño ocupacional en población infantil con TDAH

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    Proyecto de investigación[Resumen] Introducción: El trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) es un diagnóstico muy frecuente en la población infantil, sobre el que existe un enorme desconocimiento social. Se caracteriza por presentar un patrón persistente de síntomas de hiperactividad, impulsividad y/o falta de atención más intensos de lo habitual para su edad de desarrollo. Estos síntomas dificultan un desempeño ocupacional exitoso en los distintos entornos de los niños/as con TDAH. Actualmente el tratamiento debe combinar la terapia farmacológica con la no farmacológica. Pero cada vez son más las familias que buscan tratamientos novedosos no farmacológicos para evitar el deterioro funcional a largo plazo. Se plantea como intervención novedosa la terapia asistida con perros desde el enfoque de TO en el desempeño ocupacional de estos niños/as. Objetivo: El objetivo general es conocer las experiencias en relación con el desempeño ocupacional de un grupo de niños/as con TDAH que participan en un programa de terapia asistida con animales. Metodología: A lo largo del estudio se seguirá una metodología cualitativa, abordado desde un enfoque fenomenológico. La selección de participantes se realiza mediante muestreo no probabilístico de conveniencia. Las técnicas de recogida de datos que se van a utilizar son: observación, entrevista semiestructurada y elaboración de un cuaderno de campo.[Resumo] Introdución: O trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividade (TDAH) é un diagnóstico moi frecuente na poboación infantil, sobre o que existe un enorme descoñecemento social. Caracterízase por presentar un patrón persistente de síntomas de hiperactividade, impulsividade e/ou desatención máis intensos do habitual pola súa idade de desenvolvemento. Estes síntomas dificultan un desempeño profesional exitoso nos diferentes ambientes de nenos con TDAH. Actualmente, o tratamento debe combinar terapia farmacolóxica e non farmacolóxica. Pero cada vez son máis as familias que buscan novos tratamentos sen drogas para evitar o declive funcional a longo prazo. A terapia asistida por cans proponse como unha intervención novidosa desde o enfoque OT no desempeño ocupacional destes nenos. Obxectivo: O obxectivo xeral é coñecer as experiencias en relación co desempeño ocupacional dun grupo de nenos con TDAH que participan nun programa de terapia asistida por animais. Metodoloxía: Ao largo deste estudo seguirase unha metodoloxía cualitativa, abordado desde un enfoque fenomenolóxico. A selección dos participantes faise mediante mostraxes sen probabilidade de conveniencia. As técnicas de recollida de datos a empregar son: observación, entrevista semiestruturada e preparación dun caderno de campo.[Abstract] Introduction: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a very frequent diagnosis in children, in which there is a huge social ignorance. It is characterized by presenting a persistent pattern of symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity and / or inattention more intense than usual for their age of development. These symptoms hinder successful professional performance in the different settings of children with ADHD. Currently, treatment must combine drug therapy with non-drug therapy. But in the present there are growing number of families that are looking for innovative non-pharmacological treatments to prevent long-term functional impairment. The assisted therapy with dogs is proposed as a novel intervention from the TO approach in the occupational performance of these children. Objective: The overall goal is to learn about experiences in occupational performance of a group of children with ADHD who participate in an animal-assisted therapy program. Methodology: Throughout the study, a qualitative methodology will be followed, approached from a phenomenological approach. The selection of participants is carried out by non-probabilistic sampling of convenience. The data collection techniques to be used are: observation semi-structured interview and elaboration of a field notebook.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Terapia ocupacional. Curso 2019/202

    Diseño formal de puentes y sus pilas. Un reto filosófico, artístico e ingenieril

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    Se trata de analizar, a partir de documentación escrita y gráfica diversa, este problema específico de la concepción y el proyecto del puente, focalizado de forma más intensa en el estudio de la pila de puente. La exposición comienza con aspectos generales del puente, continúa con un análisis exhaustivo del concepto de diseño del puente, continúa no de forma tan exhaustiva pero sí rigurosa con un estudio de las relaciones de la pila con los diferentes elementos del puente y su tipología. Posteriormente se realizan sendos análisis ingenieril y artístico que concluyen con una serie de criterios básicos de diseño para todo puente. Finalmente se aportan una serie de reflexiones finales que acaban cristalizándose en breves y sintéticas conclusiones finales acerca del porvenir de las ideas aquí plasmadas y del universo al cual pertenecen

    Perspectivas y estrategias de internacionalización en la Universidad Nacional de San Juan

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    O CONGRESSO DE INTERNACIONALIZAÇÃO DA EDUCAÇÃO SUPERIOR – CIES 2019 é um evento in- ternacional, que reúne professores, pesquisadores e estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação para divulgar a produção científica no campo da Internacionalização do Ensino Superior e fortalecer a cooperação internacional entre diferentes instituições de ensino e grupos de pesquisa no âmbito do MERCOSUL. A iniciativa é fruto de uma parceria entre pesquisadores da Universidade Federal da Integra- ção Latino-Americana (UNILA - Brasil), a Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL - Argentina), a Uni- versidad Nacional de Asunción (UNA - Paraguay) e a Universidad de la República (UDeLaR - Uru- guay), que atuam em projetos vinculados ao Setor Educacional do MERCOSUL, no Núcleo de Estudos e Investigações em Educação Superior. O evento será realizado nos dias 4, 5 e 6 de Setembro de 2019 no campus PTI da UNILA, dentro do Parque Tecnológico da Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu, na cidade de Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brasil. A UNILA, sede do evento, é uma universidade temática criada em 2010 pelo governo federal do Brasil com a missão institucional de formar recursos humanos aptos a contribuir com a integra- ção latino-americana, com o desenvolvimento regional e com o intercâmbio cultural, científico e educacional da América Latina, especialmente no MERCOSUL. Sua finalidade, portanto, é conver- ter-se em um espaço de encontros, de trocas e de aprendizagem mútua, que reforçam o compro- misso em prol da pertinência, da excelência e da construção sustentável de um mundo melhor.Desde hace más de una década, la Universidad Nacional de San Juan comenzó a incursionar en movilidades académicas, preferentemente estudiantiles. Con posterioridad las políticas de internacionalización se fueron intensificando y orientado hacia acciones en el interior de la Universidad. La institución en su conjunto tuvo que ir ajustando su estructura organizacional y normativa, modificando y afectando paulatinamente las diversas áreas en una dinámica transversal que viabilizaba la ejecución administrativa de este proceso. En el 2014 se da un paso importante en la planeación y puesta en marcha de las políticas de internacionalización con la creación de la Secretaria de Posgrado y Relaciones Internacionales y si bien la movilidad internacional sigue siendo fundamental en los procesos de internacionalización de las instituciones de educación superior (IES), en la actualidad esta noción se ha vuelto mucho más amplia en este ámbito.Núcleo de Estudios e Investigaciones en Educación Superior del Mercosur - NUCLEO Grupo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em Educação na América Latina – EducAL/UNILA Instituto Mercosul de Estudos Avançados – IMEA/UNILA Pró-Reitoria de Relações Institucionais e Internacionais – PROINT/UNIL

    Diagnóstico de internacionalización para la reformulación de procesos en educación superior

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    O CONGRESSO DE INTERNACIONALIZAÇÃO DA EDUCAÇÃO SUPERIOR – CIES 2019 é um evento in- ternacional, que reúne professores, pesquisadores e estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação para divulgar a produção científica no campo da Internacionalização do Ensino Superior e fortalecer a cooperação internacional entre diferentes instituições de ensino e grupos de pesquisa no âmbito do MERCOSUL. A iniciativa é fruto de uma parceria entre pesquisadores da Universidade Federal da Integra- ção Latino-Americana (UNILA - Brasil), a Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL - Argentina), a Uni- versidad Nacional de Asunción (UNA - Paraguay) e a Universidad de la República (UDeLaR - Uru- guay), que atuam em projetos vinculados ao Setor Educacional do MERCOSUL, no Núcleo de Estudos e Investigações em Educação Superior. O evento será realizado nos dias 4, 5 e 6 de Setembro de 2019 no campus PTI da UNILA, dentro do Parque Tecnológico da Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu, na cidade de Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brasil. A UNILA, sede do evento, é uma universidade temática criada em 2010 pelo governo federal do Brasil com a missão institucional de formar recursos humanos aptos a contribuir com a integra- ção latino-americana, com o desenvolvimento regional e com o intercâmbio cultural, científico e educacional da América Latina, especialmente no MERCOSUL. Sua finalidade, portanto, é conver- ter-se em um espaço de encontros, de trocas e de aprendizagem mútua, que reforçam o compro- misso em prol da pertinência, da excelência e da construção sustentável de um mundo melhor.El fenómeno de la Internacionalización en la educación superior creció notablemente en las últimas décadas. En algunas Universidades Públicas de Argentina ocurrió en forma espontánea, al margen de toda planificación y como consecuencia de acciones aisladas producidas a partir de gestiones realizadas por docentes e investigadores de algunas unidades académicas y científicas, en el marco de los diferentes Programas de Cooperación Internacional. Pero en la mayoría de ellas fue a raíz de la participación en Programas patrocinados por organismos nacionales e internacionales. Estos procesos de internacionalización, sin embargo, se ven afectados por múltiples circunstancias que transcurren tanto en los ámbitos internos de la institución, como en el entorno nacional e internacional, que van condicionando su desarrollo.Núcleo de Estudios e Investigaciones en Educación Superior del Mercosur - NUCLEO Grupo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em Educação na América Latina – EducAL/UNILA Instituto Mercosul de Estudos Avançados – IMEA/UNILA Pró-Reitoria de Relações Institucionais e Internacionais – PROINT/UNIL

    Real-time extensive livestock monitoring using lpwan smart wearable and infrastructure

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    Extensive unsupervised livestock farming is a habitual technique in many places around the globe. Animal release can be done for months, in large areas and with different species packing and behaving very differently. Nevertheless, the farmer’s needs are similar: where livestock is (and where has been) and how healthy they are. The geographical areas involved usually have difficult access with harsh orography and lack of communications infrastructure. This paper presents the design of a solution for extensive livestock monitoring in these areas. Our proposal is based in a wearable equipped with inertial sensors, global positioning system and wireless communications; and a Low-Power Wide Area Network infrastructure that can run with and without internet connection. Using adaptive analysis and data compression, we provide real-time monitoring and logging of cattle’s position and activities. Hardware and firmware design achieve very low energy consumption allowing months of battery life. We have thoroughly tested the devices in different laboratory setups and evaluated the system performance in real scenarios in the mountains and in the forest

    The digital ‘connected’ earth: open technology for providing location-based services on degraded communication environments

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    In the current world, it is easy to listen that everybody and everything is connected. Over this connected world, the concept of location-based services has grown in order to provide digital services in everyplace and at every time. Nevertheless, this is not 100% true because the connection is not guaranteed for many people and in many places. These are the Degraded Communications Environments (DCE), environments where the availability of high-speed communications is not guaranteed in at least the 75% of the time. This paper works over the experience of a previous work in developing light protocols that do not need broadband for communication. This work provides an extension of these protocols for the inclusion of mobile devices as elements of the communication process and a set of libraries to allow the development of applications in DCE. The work done has involved the development of two frameworks: an Android framework that makes the incorporation of Android devices easier and a server-based framework that provides the server side for the development of the referred applications. A use case that uses these two frameworks has been developed. Finally, all technology developed is available throw a public Git repository

    A methodology for determining an effective subset of heuristics in selection hyper-heuristics

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    We address the important step of determining an effective subset of heuristics in selection hyper-heuristics. Little attention has been devoted to this in the literature, and the decision is left at the discretion of the investigator. The performance of a hyper-heuristic depends on the quality and size of the heuristic pool. Using more than one heuristic is generally advantageous, however, an unnecessary large pool can decrease the performance of adaptive approaches. Our goal is to bring methodological rigour to this step. The proposed methodology uses non-parametric statistics and fitness landscape measurements from an available set of heuristics and benchmark instances, in order to produce a compact subset of effective heuristics for the underlying problem. We also propose a new iterated local search hyper-heuristic usingmulti-armed banditscoupled with a change detection mechanism. The methodology is tested on two real-world optimisation problems: course timetabling and vehicle routing. The proposed hyper-heuristic with a compact heuristic pool, outperforms state-of-the-art hyper-heuristics and competes with problem-specific methods in course timetabling, even producing new best-known solutions in 5 out of the 24 studied instances

    Update on Extended Treatment for Venous Thromboembolism

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    The importance of assessing the probability of venous thromboembolism recurrence, a condition that includes deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, lies in the fact that it is the most important factor in deciding the duration of anticoagulant treatment. Risk of recurrence depends mostly on the presence of a risk factor for developing venous thromboembolism, with patients with unprovoked events being at the higher risk of recurrence. The risk of recurrence needs to be balanced with the risk of bleeding and the potential severity of these thrombotic and hemorrhagic events. In patients with an unprovoked venous thromboembolism who complete treatment for the acute (first 10 days) and post-acute phase of the disease (from day 10 to 3-6 months), decision has to be made regarding prolonged antithrombotic therapy to prevent recurrences. The main goal of extended treatment is preventing recurrences with a safe profile in terms of bleeding risk. Many therapeutic options are now available for these patients, including antiplatelet therapy with aspirin or direct oral anticoagulants. Moreover, apixaban and rivaroxaban at prophylactic doses have demonstrated efficacy in preventing recurrences with a low risk of bleeding

    COMBINE: a coalesced mammal database of intrinsic and extrinsic traits

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    The use of species’ traits in macroecological analyses has gained popularity in the last decade, becoming an important tool to understand global biodiversity patterns. Currently, trait data can be found across a wide variety of data sets included in websites, articles, and books, each one with its own taxonomic classification, set of traits and data management methodology. Mammals, in particular, are among the most studied taxa, with large sources of trait information readily available. To facilitate the use of these data, we did an extensive review of published mammal trait data sources between 1999 and May 2020 and produced COMBINE: a COalesced Mammal dataBase of INtrinsic and Extrinsic traits. Our aim was to create a taxonomically integrated database of mammal traits that maximized trait number and coverage without compromising data quality. COMBINE contains information on 54 traits for 6,234 extant and recently extinct mammal species, including information on morphology, reproduction, diet, biogeography, life‐habit, phenology, behavior, home range and density. Additionally, we calculated other relevant traits such as habitat and altitudinal breadths for all species and dispersal for terrestrial non‐volant species. All data are compatible with the taxonomies of the IUCN Red List v. 2020‐2 and PHYLACINE v. 1.2. Missing data were adequately flagged and imputed for non‐biogeographical traits with 20% or more data available. We obtained full data sets for 21 traits such as female maturity, litter size, maximum longevity, trophic level, and dispersal, providing imputation performance statistics for all. This data set will be especially useful for those interested in including species’ traits in large‐scale ecological and conservation analyses. There are no copyright or proprietary restrictions; we request citation of this publication and all relevant underlying data sources (found in Data S1: trait_data_sources.csv), upon using these data