486 research outputs found

    Two is enough: a flip on Bertrand through positive network effects

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    We discuss price competition when positive network effects are the only other factor in consumption choices. We show that partitioning consumers into two groups creates a rich enough interaction structure to induce negative marginal demand and produce pure price equilibria where both firms profit. The crucial condition is one group has centripetal influence while the other has centrifugal influence. The result is contrary to when positive network effects depend on a single aggregate variable and challenges the prevalent assumption that demand must be micro-founded on a distribution of consumer characteristics with specific properties, highlighting the importance of interaction structures in shaping market outcomes.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Empirical analysis of the portuguese governments social network

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    The Portuguese governmental network comprising all the 776 ministers and junior ministers who were part of the 19 governments between the year 1976 and 2013 is presented and analyzed. The data contain information on connections concerning business and other types of organizations and, to our knowledge, there is no such extensive research in previous literature. Upon the presentation of the data, a social network analysis considering the temporal dimension is performed at three levels of granularity: network-level, subnetwork-level (political groups) and node-level. A discussion based on the results is presented. We conclude that although it fits two of the four preconditions of a small-world model, the Portuguese governmental network is not a small-world network, although presenting an evolution pointing toward becoming one. Also, we use a resilience test to study the evolution of the robustness of the Portuguese governmental network, pinpointing the moment when a set of members became structurally important.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Social power as a solution to the Bertrand Paradox

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    We show that in a duopoly with homogeneous consumers, if these are negatively influenceable by each other behavior (e.g. congestion/ snob/ Veblen/ network effects), a pure price equilibrium with positive profits for both firms exists. Furthermore, even in the case products are undifferentiated, an equilibrium where firms charge different (positive) prices and have different profits exists. Thus, when firms engage in uniform price competition, heterogeneity, and in particular non-atomicity in the distribution of preferences, is neither a necessary condition to ensure existence, nor to achieve asymmetries. We further show that in the case products are differentiated, social differentiation overcomes the effect of standard differentiation in creating price asymmetries

    PCH: a preservação do patrimônio cultural e natural como política regional e urbana

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    TThis paper analyzes the roots of the Historical Cities Program (PCH), its creation in 1973, and deactivation in early 1980s. The program was rooted in the insertion of IPHAN in international cooperation network, the ideas of its articulator, Arch. Renato Soeiro, and military government objectives, which included the Northeast development through cultural tourism. The presence of northeastern and northerners people in ministries and higher ranks of the military government has contributed to its creation. After 36 years, Recife replace the leadership of Rio de Janeiro on heritage policy, strengthening local groups and setting off a struggle for control within IPHAN. Without support from the Secretariat of Planning and General Coordination of the Presidency of the Republic, the PCH started to be dismounted by the government of General João Figueiredo in 1979, after a new cultural policy to create a popular base for the "gradual and controlled opening policy." Alongside this ideological shift, the regionalist dispute between groups of Recife and Rio de Janeiro was intensified and the PCH progressively dismounted.Este texto analisa as raízes do Programa das Cidades Históricas, sua criação em 1973 e sua desativação no início da década de 1980. Suas raízes estariam na inserção do Iphan na rede de cooperação internacional, no ideário de seu principal articulador, o arquiteto Renato Soeiro, e no objetivo do governo militar de promover o desenvolvimento da região Nordeste. Para sua criação, teria contribuído a presença de nordestinos e nortistas em ministérios e altos postos do governo militar. Após 36 anos da criação do Sphan, o protagonismo das ações sobre o patrimônio seria transferido do Rio de Janeiro para o Recife, fortalecendo grupos locais e dando início a uma disputa pelo controle do Iphan. Sem contar mais com o apoio da Secretaria de Planejamento e Coordenação Geral da Presidência da República, o PCH começa a ser desativado em 1979, no governo do Gal. João Figueiredo, com uma nova política cultural destinada a criar uma base popular para a "abertura política gradual e controlada". Paralelamente a essa mudança ideológica, se acirra a disputa entre os grupos do Recife e do Rio de Janeiro e se dá a progressiva desativação do PCH

    O Programa de Cidades Históricas : por uma política integrada de preservação do patrimônio cultural urbano

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    O Programa de Cidades Históricas (PCH), implementado a partir de 1973, foi o primeiro programa federal que investiu recursos para a recuperação do patrimônio cultural urbano. Implementado pelo Ministério do Planejamento, buscava o desenvolvimento econômico das cidades históricas e dialogava com outros assuntos em pauta naquele momento, como o desenvolvimento urbano e regional e o turismo cultural. Tinha em sua concepção uma mudança na maneira de abordar as cidades históricas: a partir do entendimento da cidade como produtora de capital, o patrimônio cultural geraria desenvolvimento econômico pelo seu consumo para a atividade turística. De 1973 a 1979, foram investidos 17,3 milhões de dólares, realizando-se 143 obras em monumentos (85% dos investimentos); 8 cursos de qualificação de mão de obra nos três níveis (superior, intermediário e operário); 7 planos urbanísticos; 6 obras em espaços públicos (urbanos); e 10 ações de tipos diversos. Nossa análise busca entender essa política a partir do seu processo de formulação e implementação, no período de 1972 a 1979. Pretende, nesse sentido: a) avaliar as relações de poder em jogo durante a construção e a implementação do programa; b) compreender o grau de sucesso que o programa obteve na construção de um Sistema Nacional de Patrimônio Cultural, analisando sua articulação junto aos estados e outros órgãos federais; e c) avaliar o papel do programa enquanto indutor de novas práticas institucionais no campo da preservação do patrimônio cultural, especialmente com relação ao Iphan e aos estados federativos brasileiros.The Historic Cities Program (PCH: 1973-1979) was the first federal program that has invested resources to the recovery of the urban cultural heritage. Implemented by the Ministry of Planning, sought economic development of historic towns and dialogued with other items on the agenda at the time, such as urban and regional development and cultural tourism. It brought a change in the way of approach the historic towns: from the understanding of the city as a producer of capital, heritage would generate economic development through its consume by the tourism. From 1973 to 1979 it was invested 17.3 million dollars, performing 143 works on monuments (85% of investments); 8 hand-to-work training courses in three levels (top, middle and working class); 7 urban plans; 6 works in public spaces (urban); and 10 shares of various types. Our analysis seeks to understand this policy from its formulation and implementation in the period from 1972 to 1979. The aim, in this sense, is: a) to assess the power relations at play during construction and implementation of the Program; b) to understand the degree of success that the program achieved in building a national system, analyzing its relationship with states and other federal agencies; and c) to evaluate the role of Program while inducing new institutional practices in the field of preservation of cultural heritage, especially with regard to Iphan

    Patrimônio e desenvolvimento: as políticas de patrimônio cultural nos anos 1960

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    This article aims at analyzing aspects of 1960s Brazilian cultural heritage policies, highlighting changes related to the articulation of concepts such as development, culture and heritage within the Directory of National Historical and Artistic Heritage - DPHAN, today Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN). It discusses the effects of industrialization, urban growth and development improvement measures on heritage concepts and policies, analyzing initiatives that focus on preserving cultural assets acknowledged as national historical and artistic heritage and enhancing their economical potential. The discussion emphasizes notions and understandings on heritage and preservation that had substantial bearing on preservation measures carried on by DPHAN from the 1960s on regarding the identification, valorization and protection of cultural heritage, as well as the disciplinary and institutional debates this Directory proposed.O objetivo deste artigo é analisar especificidades dos anos 1960 no que diz respeito às políticas de patrimônio, destacando algumas mudanças de entendimentos, noções e propostas, notadamente referentes às relações entre desenvolvimento, cultura e patrimônio trabalhadas pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional, então Diretoria do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (DPHAN). Para tanto, vai-se partir das discussões e debates desse momento acerca dos efeitos da industrialização, do crescimento urbano e das políticas desenvolvimentistas sobre as políticas de patrimônio a partir dessa década, analisando as iniciativas voltadas à patrimonialização de bens culturais, à preservação do acervo que compunha o patrimônio histórico e artístico nacional e ao fomento de suas potencialidades econômicas. Na discussão proposta neste artigo, priorizar-se-ão os entendimentos e ações de preservação da DPHAN relacionados a identificação, valoração e proteção dos bens culturais, assim como os diálogos disciplinares e institucionais que a diretoria procurou estabelecer

    A Note on Type-Symmetries in Finite Games

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    In two-action generalized polymatrix games, Nash equilibria are support-type-symmetric, i.e., determined by supports for each type of player. We show that such a property does not generalize straightforwardly for games with at least three actions or where interaction weights have different signs (neither all positive nor negative). A non-trivial condition on interaction weights must be satisfied, which may go unnoticed as it is trivially satisfied for: (i) two-action games, (ii) conformity games, and (iii) congestion games. We derive this condition and the corresponding simplified analytic equation for mixed strategies

    Negative network effects and asymmetric pure price equilibria

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    We show that in finite settings with identical firms and consumers, asymmetric pure price equilibria with positive profits exist. We consider a price competition duopoly for a homogeneous product. Demand stems from a second-stage consumption game at posted prices, with consumers’ behavior impacted by negative network effects. We characterize equilibrium prices and demand. In all subgame-perfect pure price equilibria, both firms have positive profits, and in some, firms charge different prices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio