560 research outputs found

    CO-mediated cytoprotection is dependent on cell metabolism modulation

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    This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) grant UID/Multi/04462/2013, I&D 2015–2020 iNOVA4Health - Programme in Translacional Medicine. FCT provided individual financial support to CFP (SFRH/BD/106057/2015), DDP (PD/BD/128338/2017), NLS (PD/BD/127819/2016) and HLAV (IF/00185/2012).Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gasotransmitter endogenously produced by the activity of heme oxygenase, which is a stress-response enzyme. Endogenous CO or low concentrations of exogenous CO have been described to present several cytoprotective functions: anti-apoptosis, anti-inflammatory, vasomodulation, maintenance of homeostasis, stimulation of preconditioning and modulation of cell differentiation. The present review revises and discuss how CO regulates cell metabolism and how it is involved in the distinct cytoprotective roles of CO. The first found metabolic effect of CO was its increase on cellular ATP production, and since then much data have been generated. Mitochondria are the most described and studied cellular targets of CO. Mitochondria exposure to this gasotransmitter leads several consequences: ROS generation, stimulation of mitochondrial biogenesis, increased oxidative phosphorylation or mild uncoupling effect. Likewise, CO negatively regulates glycolysis and improves pentose phosphate pathway. More recently, CO has also been disclosed as a regulating molecule for metabolic diseases, such as obesity and diabetes with promising results.publishersversionpublishe

    Fourier Velocity Encoded MRI: Acceleration and Velocity Map Estimation

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    Fourier velocity encoding (FVE) is an alternative to phase contrast imaging (PC). FVE provides considerably higher SNR than PC, due to its higher dimensionality and larger voxel sizes. Furthermore, FVE is robust to partial voluming, as it resolves the velocity distribution within each voxel. FVE data are usually acquired with low spatial resolution, due to scan-time restrictions associated with its higher dimensionality. FVE is capable of providing the velocity distribution associated with a large voxel, but does not directly provides a velocity map. Knowing the velocity distribution on a voxel is important for accurate diagnosis of stenosis in vessels on the scale of spatial resolution. Velocity maps, however, are useful for visualizing the actual blood flow through a vessel and can be used in different studies and diagnosis. In this context, this chapter deals with two aspects of the FVE MRI technique: acceleration and estimation of velocity map. First, are introduced six different acceleration techniques that can be applied to FVE acquisition. Methods such as variable-density sampling and compressive sampling. Then, is proposed a novel method to estimate velocity maps with high spatial resolution from low-resolution FVE data. Finally, it can be concluded that FVE datasets can be acquired in time scale comparable to PC, it contains more velocity information, since it resolves a velocity distribution within a voxel, and also provides an accurate estimation of the velocity map

    Caracterización química del aceite de barú y su subproducto de la región noroeste de Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    This study investigated baru oil and partially defatted baru flour from the northwest region of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The physicochemical characterization of the oil was made by determining the fatty acid profile using gas chromatography, lutein, and α- and β- carotenes by means of high-performance liquid chromatography, and total carotenoids by spectrophotometry. The flour was analyzed for its chemical composition, fiber, and mineral contents. Baru oil presented excellent quality parameters and high contents in unsaturated fatty acids and carotenoids. The flour showed relevant levels of proteins, lipids, and dietary fiber, in addition to having representative mineral contents for food such as manganese, magnesium, and copper. Thus, baru oil and the by-product of its extraction offer a rich chemical composition, and their application may add nutritional value to foods in addition to reducing negative environmental impacts.En este estudio se investigó el aceite de barú y la harina de barú parcialmente desengrasada de la región noroeste de Minas Gerais, Brasil. La caracterización físico-química del aceite se realizó mediante la determinación del perfil de ácidos grasos mediante cromatografía de gases, luteína y α- y β- carotenos mediante cromatografía líquida de alta resolución y carotenoides totales mediante espectrofotometría. En la harina se analizó su composición química, fibra y contenido mineral. El aceite de barú tiene excelentes parámetros de calidad, un buen contenido de ácidos grasos insaturados y carotenoides. La harina presentó niveles relevantes de proteínas, lípidos y fibra dietética, además de tener un contenido representativo de minerales para la alimentación, como manganeso, magnesio y cobre. Así, el aceite de baru y el subproducto de su extracción tienen riqueza en su composición química y su aplicación puede agregar valor nutricional a los alimentos, además de reducir los impactos ambientales

    Efeitos da terapia de reposição hormonal estroprogestativa sobre o sistema de coagulação e de fibrinólise em mulheres na pós-menopausa

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate antithrombin III (AT), thrombin (Fragment 1+2 [F1+2] and thrombin-antithrombin [TAT]) generation markers, as well as other coagulation parameters, such as prothrombin time, partial activated thromboplastin time, thrombin time, fibrinogen, euglobulin lysis time, and platelet count, in postmenopausal women after hormonal therapy. STUDY DESIGN: Forty-five patients who received either 0.625 mg/day unopposed oral conjugated equine estrogen (CEE), 0.625 mg/day oral CEE plus medroxyprogesterone acetate (MP), or 50 µg/day transdermal 17beta-estradiol plus MP, were included. Tests were performed before (T0) and after 3 (T3), 6 (T6) and 12 (T12) months of treatment. AT was determined by an amidolytic method, whereas F1+2 and TAT complex were measured by ELISA. RESULTS: There was a significant reduction in the AT level of patients who received oral CEE plus MP at T3. There was no AT reduction in patients taking either oral CEE alone or transdermal 17beta-estradiol plus MP. F1+2 increased in all patients, but it reached statistical significance only in patients receiving transdermal 17beta-estradiol MP at T3. CONCLUSIONS: The CEE associated with MP treatment may reduce AT levels, whereas unopposed CEE or transdermal 17beta-estradiol plus MP does not change AT. These changes might not be clinically relevant in the general population; however, hormonal replacement therapy may increase the risk of thrombosis in women with congenital or acquired thrombophilia.OBJETIVO: Avaliar os marcadores antitrombina III (AT), fragmento 1 + 2 da trombina (F1+2) e complexo trombina-antitrombina (TAT), bem como outros parâmetros da coagulação, como tempo de pró-trombina, tempo parcial de tromboplastina ativado, tempo de trombina, fibrinogênio e tempo de lise da euglobulina em mulheres na pós-menopausa após terapia hormonal. DESENHO DO ESTUDO: Foram incluídas 45 voluntárias que receberam estrogênios conjugados eqüinos (ECE) 0,625 mg/dia, isoladamente ou associado ao acetato de medroxiprogesterona (AMP) ou usaram o 17beta-estradiol (50 µg/dia) transdérmico com AMP. Os exames foram realizados antes do tratamento (T0) e após três (T3), seis (T6) e doze (T12) meses após o início do tratamento. AT foi avaliada pelo método amidolítico, enquanto que o F1+2 e o complexo TAT por ELISA. RESULTADOS: Houve redução significante nos níveis de AT em pacientes que receberam ECE associado ao AMP no T3. Não houve redução na AT em mulheres que usaram ECE isoladamente ou aquelas com 17beta-estradiol transdérmico e AMP. O F1+2 aumentou em todos os grupos, mas apenas o grupo com 17beta-estradiol transdérmico e AMP apresentou diferença significante durante o T3. CONCLUSÕES: A associação de ECE e AMP pode reduzir os níveis de AT, enquanto ECE isoladamente ou 17beta-estradiol transdérmico com AMP não modificam-o acentuadamente. Essas alterações poderiam ser mais relevantes clinicamente na análise populacional. Todavia, a terapia de reposição hormonal aumentaria o risco de trombose em mulheres com trombofilia prévia congênita ou adquirida

    Breast Density In Women With Premature Ovarian Failure Or Postmenopausal Women Using Hormone Therapy: Analytical Cross-sectional Study [densidade Mamária Em Mulheres Com Falência Ovariana Prematura Ou Na Pós-menopausa E Em Uso De Terapia Hormonal: Estudo Transversal Analítico]

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    Context and objective: Studies on postmenopausal women have reported increased risk of breast cancer relating to the type and duration of hormone therapy (HT) used. Women with premature ovarian failure (POF) represent a challenge, since they require prolonged HT. Little is known about the impact of prolonged HT use on these women's breasts. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of one type of HT on the breast density of women with POF, compared with postmenopausal women. Design and setting: Cross-sectional study at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp). Methods: 31 women with POF and 31 postmenopausal women, all using HT consisting of conjugated equine estrogen combined with medroxyprogesterone acetate, and matched according to HT duration, were studied. Mammography was performed on all subjects and was analyzed by means of digitization or Wolfe's classification, stratified into two categories: Non-dense (N1 and P1 patterns) and dense (P2 and Dy). Results: No significant difference in breast density was found between the two groups through digitization or Wolfe's classification. From digitization, the mean breast density was 24.1% ± 14.6 and 18.1% ± 17.2 in the POF and postmenopausal groups, respectively (P = 0.15). Wolfe's classification identified dense breasts in 51.6% and 29.0%, respectively (P = 0.171). Conclusion: There was no difference in breast density between the women with POF and postmenopausal women, who had used HT for the same length of time. These results may help towards compliance with HT use among women with POF.1284211214Rossouw, J.E., Anderson, G.L., Prentice, R.L., Risks and benefits of estrogen plus progestin in healthy postmenopausal women: Principal results From the Women's Health Initiative randomized controlled trial (2002) JAMA, 288 (3), pp. 321-333Beral, V., Breast cancer and hormone-replacement therapy in the Million Women Study (2003) Lancet, 362 (9382), pp. 419-427. , Million Women Study CollaboratorsConner, P., Svane, G., Azavedo, E., Mammographic breast density, hormones, and growth factors during continuous combined hormone therapy (2004) Fertil Steril, 81 (6), pp. 1617-1623Chen, F.P., Cheung, Y.C., Teng, L.F., Soong, Y.K., The relationship between mammographic density and duration of hormone therapy: Effects of estrogen and estrogen-progestin (2005) Hum Reprod, 20 (6), pp. 1741-1745Harvey, J., Scheurer, C., Kawakami, F.T., Hormone replacement therapy and breast density changes (2005) Climacteric, 8 (2), pp. 185-192Junkermann, H., von Holst, T., Lang, E., Rakov, V., Influence of different HRT regimens on mammographic density (2005) Maturitas, 50 (2), pp. 105-110Christodoulakos, G.E., Lambrinoudaki, I.V., Vourtsi, A.D., The effect of low dose hormone therapy on mammographic breast density (2006) Maturitas, 54 (1), pp. 78-85Kavanagh, A.M., Mitchell, H., Giles, G.G., Hormone replacement therapy and accuracy of mammographic screening (2000) Lancet, 355 (9200), pp. 270-274Banks, E., Hormone replacement therapy and the sensitivity and specificity of breast cancer screening: A review (2001) J Med Screen, 8 (1), pp. 29-34Warren, R., Hormones and mammographic breast density (2004) Maturitas, 49 (1), pp. 67-78Armitage, M., Nooney, J., Evans, S., Recent concerns surrounding HRT (2003) Clin Endocrinol (Oxf), 59 (2), pp. 145-155Mann, R.D., Hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer risk: Studies of the last fifteen years (1992) Hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer risk, pp. 1-8. , In: Mann RD, editor, New Jersey: Parthenon Publishing GroupBoyd, N.F., Byng, J.W., Jong, R.A., Quantitative classification of mammographic densities and breast cancer risk: Results from the Canadian National Breast Screening Study (1995) J Natl Cancer Inst, 87 (9), pp. 670-675Byrne, C., Schairer, C., Wolfe, J., Mammographic features and breast cancer risk: Effects with time, age, and menopause status (1995) J Natl Cancer Inst, 87 (21), pp. 1622-1629Maskarinec, G., Meng, L., A case-control study of mammographic densities in Hawaii (2000) Breast Cancer Res Treat, 63 (2), pp. 153-161Vachon, C.M., Kuni, C.C., Anderson, K., Anderson, V.E., Sellers, T.A., Association of mammographically defined percent breast density with epidemiologic risk factors for breast cancer (United States) (2000) Cancer Causes Control, 11 (7), pp. 653-662Noh, J.J., Maskarinec, G., Pagano, I., Cheung, L.W., Stanczyk, F.Z., Mammographic densities and circulating hormones: A cross-sectional study in premenopausal women (2006) Breast, 15 (1), pp. 20-28Laya, M.B., Gallagher, J.C., Schreiman, J.S., Effect of postmenopausal hormonal replacement therapy on mammographic density and parenchymal pattern (1995) Radiology, 196 (2), pp. 433-437Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer (1997) Lancet, 350 (9084), pp. 1047-1059. , Breast cancer and hormone replacement therapy: collaborative reanalysis of data from 51 epidemiological studies of 52,705 women with breast cancer and 108,411 women without breast cancerMarugg, R.C., van der Mooren, M.J., Hendriks, J.H., Rolland, R., Ruijs, S.H., Mammographic changes in postmenopausal women on hormonal replacement therapy (1997) Eur Radiol, 7 (5), pp. 749-755Koukoulis, G.N., Hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer risk (2000) Ann N Y Acad Sci, 900, pp. 422-428Lundström, E., Wilczek, B., von Palffy, Z., Söderqvist, G., von Schoultz, B., Mammographic breast density during hormone replacement therapy: Effects of continuous combination, unopposed transdermal and low-potency estrogen regimens (2001) Climacteric, 4 (1), pp. 42-48Greendale, G.A., Palla, S.L., Ursin, G., The association of endogenous sex steroids and sex steroid binding proteins with mammographic density: Results from the Postmenopausal Estrogen/Progestin Interventions Mammographic Density Study (2005) Am J Epidemiol, 162 (9), pp. 826-834de Moraes-Ruehsen, M., Jones, G.S., Premature ovarian failure (1967) Fertil Steril, 18 (4), pp. 440-461Cymberknoh, M., Mamografia digital (1994) Mastologia atual, pp. 75-78. , In: Dias EN, Caleffi M, Silva HMS, Figueira-Filho ASS, eds., Rio de Janeiro: RevinterWolfe, J.N., Breast patterns as an index of risk for developing breast cancer (1976) AJR Am J Roentgenol, 126 (6), pp. 1130-1137Snedecor, W.G., Cochram, W.G., The comparison of two samples (1989) Statistical methods, pp. 83-102. , In: Snedecor WG, Cochram WG, editors., 8thed Ames: Iowa State University PressPersson, I., Thurfjell, E., Holmberg, L., Effect of estrogen and estrogen-progestin replacement regimens on mammographic breast parenchymal density (1997) J Clin Oncol, 15 (10), pp. 3201-3207Harvey, J.A., Bovbjerg, V.E., Quantitative assessment of mammographic breast density: Relationship with breast cancer risk (2004) Radiology, 230 (1), pp. 29-4

    Trojan-like internalization of anatase titanium dioxide nanoparticles by human osteoblast cells

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    Dentistry and orthopedics are undergoing a revolution in order to provide more reliable, comfortable and long-lasting implants to patients. Titanium (Ti) and titanium alloys have been used in dental implants and total hip arthroplasty due to their excellent biocompatibility. However, Ti-based implants in human body suffer surface degradation (corrosion and wear) resulting in the release of metallic ions and solid wear debris (mainly titanium dioxide) leading to peri-implant inflammatory reactions. Unfortunately, our current understanding of the biological interactions with titanium dioxide nanoparticles is still very limited. Taking this into consideration, this study focuses on the internalization of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on primary bone cells, exploring the events occurring at the nano-bio interface. For the first time, we report the selective binding of calcium (Ca), phosphorous (P) and proteins from cell culture medium to anatase nanoparticles that are extremely important for nanoparticle internalization and bone cells survival. In the intricate biological environment, anatase nanoparticles form bio-complexes (mixture of proteins and ions) which act as a kind of ‘Trojan-horse’ internalization by cells. Furthermore, anatase nanoparticles-induced modifications on cell behavior (viability and internalization) could be understand in detail. The results presented in this report can inspire new strategies for the use of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in several regeneration therapies

    Estudo do impacto das deficiências de saneamento básico sobre a saúde pública no Brasil no período de 2001 a 2009

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    O artigo teve como objetivo desenvolver um estudo do impacto sobre a saúde pública das deficiências do saneamento básico no Brasil no período de 2001 a 2009. Os óbitos resultantes de doenças relacionadas ao saneamento básico inadequado corresponderam, em média, a 13.449 mortes por ano, ou seja, cerca de 1,31% do total. A média anual de casos de notificação compulsória devido a doenças relacionadas ao saneamento básico inadequado foi de 466.351 casos, com uma despesa de R30.428.324,92emconsultasmeˊdicasnesseperıˊodo.Foiidentificadatambeˊmumameˊdiaanualde758.750internac\co~eshospitalaresdevidoadeficie^nciasdosaneamentobaˊsico,comumadespesatotaldeR 30.428.324,92 em consultas médicas nesse período. Foi identificada também uma média anual de 758.750 internações hospitalares devido a deficiências do saneamento básico, com uma despesa total de R 2.111.567.634,61 no período. A despesa total com consultas médicas e internações hospitalares devido a doenças associadas ao saneamento básico consumiu 2,84% dos gastos do Sistema Único de Saúde nesse intervalo de tempo

    Macromineral balance in lambs fed diets containing spineless cactus species

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    ABSTRACT The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of spineless cactus species in diets of feedlot lambs on intake, apparent absorption and retention of macrominerals. Thirty-six uncastrated male Santa Inês lambs presenting an average body weight of 22.0±2.87 kg were distributed in a completely randomized design with three treatments [diet containing Tifton-85 hay as exclusive roughage (control), Miúda cactus cladodes-based diet or Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM) cactus cladodes-based diet] and twelve replicates. The calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) intakes (from feed and total) were higher (P=0.001) for animals fed diets supplemented with Miúda spineless cactus. The spineless cactus, regardless of species, caused a mean decrease of 45.4% in sodium intake (P=0.001). There was a net loss of Ca by lambs fed OEM spineless cactus (P=0.001). The absorption and retention of P was higher in control diet compared to the OEM diet (P<0.05). The amount apparently absorbed, and body retention of Mg were higher for lambs fed Miúda spineless cactus-diet (P=0.001). Therefore, the diet containing Miúda spineless cactus increases the intake and body retention of Ca and Mg in lambs. However, the use of OEM spineless cactus may be unsuitable for a long-term