2,171 research outputs found

    Complex network view of evolving manifolds

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    We study complex networks formed by triangulations and higher-dimensional simplicial complexes representing closed evolving manifolds. In particular, for triangulations, the set of possible transformations of these networks is restricted by the condition that at each step, all the faces must be triangles. Stochastic application of these operations leads to random networks with different architectures. We perform extensive numerical simulations and explore the geometries of growing and equilibrium complex networks generated by these transformations and their local structural properties. This characterization includes the Hausdorff and spectral dimensions of the resulting networks, their degree distributions, and various structural correlations. Our results reveal a rich zoo of architectures and geometries of these networks, some of which appear to be small worlds while others are finite-dimensional with Hausdorff dimension equal or higher than the original dimensionality of their simplices. The range of spectral dimensions of the evolving triangulations turns out to be from about 1.4 to infinity. Our models include simplicial complexes representing manifolds with evolving topologies, for example, an h-holed torus with a progressively growing number of holes. This evolving graph demonstrates features of a small-world network and has a particularly heavy-tailed degree distribution.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    Scale invariance and universality of force networks in static granular matter

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    Force networks form the skeleton of static granular matter. They are the key ingredient to mechanical properties, such as stability, elasticity and sound transmission, which are of utmost importance for civil engineering and industrial processing. Previous studies have focused on the global structure of external forces (the boundary condition), and on the probability distribution of individual contact forces. The disordered spatial structure of the force network, however, has remained elusive so far. Here we report evidence for scale invariance of clusters of particles that interact via relatively strong forces. We analyzed granular packings generated by molecular dynamics simulations mimicking real granular matter; despite the visual variation, force networks for various values of the confining pressure and other parameters have identical scaling exponents and scaling function, and thus determine a universality class. Remarkably, the flat ensemble of force configurations--a simple generalization of equilibrium statistical mechanics--belongs to the same universality class, while some widely studied simplified models do not.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Natur

    Low temperature scattering with the R-matrix method: the Morse potential

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    Experiments are starting to probe collisions and chemical reactions between atoms and molecules at ultra-low temperatures. We have developed a new theoretical procedure for studying these collisions using the R-matrix method. Here this method is tested for the atom -- atom collisions described by a Morse potential. Analytic solutions for continuum states of the Morse potential are derived and compared with numerical results computed using an R-matrix method where the inner region wavefunctions are obtained using a standard nuclear motion algorithm. Results are given for eigenphases and scattering lengths. Excellent agreement is obtained in all cases. Progress in developing a general procedure for treating ultra-low energy reactive and non-reactive collisions is discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, conferenc

    Interpretation of evidence in data by untrained medical students: a scenario-based study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To determine which approach to assessment of evidence in data - statistical tests or likelihood ratios - comes closest to the interpretation of evidence by untrained medical students.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Empirical study of medical students (N = 842), untrained in statistical inference or in the interpretation of diagnostic tests. They were asked to interpret a hypothetical diagnostic test, presented in four versions that differed in the distributions of test scores in diseased and non-diseased populations. Each student received only one version. The intuitive application of the statistical test approach would lead to rejecting the null hypothesis of no disease in version A, and to accepting the null in version B. Application of the likelihood ratio approach led to opposite conclusions - against the disease in A, and in favour of disease in B. Version C tested the importance of the p-value (A: 0.04 versus C: 0.08) and version D the importance of the likelihood ratio (C: 1/4 versus D: 1/8).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In version A, 7.5% concluded that the result was in favour of disease (compatible with p value), 43.6% ruled against the disease (compatible with likelihood ratio), and 48.9% were undecided. In version B, 69.0% were in favour of disease (compatible with likelihood ratio), 4.5% against (compatible with p value), and 26.5% undecided. Increasing the p value from 0.04 to 0.08 did not change the results. The change in the likelihood ratio from 1/4 to 1/8 increased the proportion of non-committed responses.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Most untrained medical students appear to interpret evidence from data in a manner that is compatible with the use of likelihood ratios.</p

    Tuberculosis of the breast with erythema nodosum: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>There has been an increasing number of tuberculosis cases worldwide, but tuberculosis of the breast remains rare. In rare cases this is seen with a cutaneous manifestation of erythema nodosum.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 33-year-old Chinese woman with tuberculosis of the left breast accompanied by erythema nodosum on the anterior aspect of both lower legs. Due to her poor clinical response to conventional therapy, and the histopathological findings of fine needle aspiration cytology, there were strong indications of tuberculosis. Her clinical diagnosis was confirmed by molecular detection of <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis </it>complex by polymerase chain reaction. The diagnosis was further confirmed by a second polymerase chain reaction test of erythema nodosum which tested positive for <it>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</it> complex. She received anti-tuberculous therapy for 18 months, and finally underwent residual lumpectomy. During her follow-up examination after 12 months, no evidence of either residual or recurrent disease was present.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Histopathological features and a high index of clinical suspicion are necessary to confirm a diagnosis of tuberculosis of the breast. Anti-tuberculous therapy with or without simple surgical intervention is the core treatment.</p

    The view of teachers on bullying and implications for nursing

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    Objetivo: Compreender o bullying escolar, na perspectiva dos professores, e refletir sobre as possíveis ações da área da saúde em seu enfrentamento. Para tanto, tomaram- se por base as diretrizes do Programa Saúde na Escola, dos Ministérios da Saúde e da Educação. Método: Estudo de caso qualitativo, realizado com professores de uma escola pública de Minas Gerais. Foram utilizados grupos focais na coleta de dados e o material empírico foi decodificado a partir de técnica de análise temática de conteúdo, resultando em uma categoria analítica: concepções e experiências de professores diante do bullying. Resultados: Foram identificadas percepções pontuais sobre o fenômeno e utilização de recursos de intervenção pouco eficazes. No plano interpretativo, problematizaram-se as contribuições da saúde e da enfermagem no redimensionamento das intervenções e no processo de formação continuada dos professores. Conclusão: Os resultados apontam para a construção de práticas intersetoriais para o enfrentamento do bullying.To understand school bullying from the perspective of teachers and reflect about the possible actions of the health area when coping with it. The guidelines of the School Health Program of the Ministries of Health and Education were used to reach that purpose. Method: A qualitative study carried out with teachers of a public school in Minas Gerais. Focus groups were used to collect data and the empirical material was decoded from thematic analysis of content, resulting in an analytical category: conceptions and experiences of teachers on bullying. Results: Specific perceptions about the phenomenon and the use of ineffective intervention resources were identified. In the interpretive plan were problematized the health and nursing contributions with resizing the interventions and the continuing training process of teachers. Conclusion: The results point to the construction of intersectoral practices forcoping with bullying.Objetivo: Comprender el bullying escolar desde la perspectiva de los profesores, y reflexionar sobre las posibles acciones del área de salud en su enfrentamiento. Tomando como base los lineamientos del Programa de Salud Escolar, de los Ministerios de Salud y de Educación. Método: Estudio de caso cualitativo realizado con los profesores de una escuela pública en Minas Gerais. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron grupos focales y el material empírico fue decodificado a partir de la técnica de análisis temático de contenido, dando lugar a una categoría analítica: concepciones y experiencias de los profesores sobre el acoso escolar. Resultados: Se identificaron percepciones específicas sobre el fenómeno y la utilización de recursos ineficaces de intervención. En el plano interpretativo, se problematizaron las contribuciones de la salud y de la enfermería en el redimensionamiento de las intervenciones y en el proceso de formación continua de los profesores. Conclusión: Los resultados apuntan a la construcción de prácticas intersectoriales para el enfrentamiento del bullying.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, UM (UI 317 da FCT

    Emerging Infectious Disease leads to Rapid Population Decline of Common British Birds

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    Emerging infectious diseases are increasingly cited as threats to wildlife, livestock and humans alike. They can threaten geographically isolated or critically endangered wildlife populations; however, relatively few studies have clearly demonstrated the extent to which emerging diseases can impact populations of common wildlife species. Here, we report the impact of an emerging protozoal disease on British populations of greenfinch Carduelis chloris and chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, two of the most common birds in Britain. Morphological and molecular analyses showed this to be due to Trichomonas gallinae. Trichomonosis emerged as a novel fatal disease of finches in Britain in 2005 and rapidly became epidemic within greenfinch, and to a lesser extent chaffinch, populations in 2006. By 2007, breeding populations of greenfinches and chaffinches in the geographic region of highest disease incidence had decreased by 35% and 21% respectively, representing mortality in excess of half a million birds. In contrast, declines were less pronounced or absent in these species in regions where the disease was found in intermediate or low incidence. Also, populations of dunnock Prunella modularis, which similarly feeds in gardens, but in which T. gallinae was rarely recorded, did not decline. This is the first trichomonosis epidemic reported in the scientific literature to negatively impact populations of free-ranging non-columbiform species, and such levels of mortality and decline due to an emerging infectious disease are unprecedented in British wild bird populations. This disease emergence event demonstrates the potential for a protozoan parasite to jump avian host taxonomic groups with dramatic effect over a short time period
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