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    air adalah salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia. Pengolahan air diperlukan untuk mendapatkan air sesuai dengan kualitas yang diinginkan. Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan RI No 907/MENKES/SK/VII/2002 menyatakan bahwa pemeriksaan air meliputi pemeriksaan kualitas fisik, kimia, bakteriologis dan radioaktif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara SIsa Chlor Bebas dengan MPN Coliform pada air minum PDAM Kecamatan Karanganyar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Explanatory Research dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Populasi sebanyak 5650 pelanggan, sampel diambil menggunakan Estimasi Proporsi pada Sampel Acak Stratifikasi dengan Presisi Mutlak sebanyak 30 pelanggan. Uji normalitas data menggunakan Kolmogorov-Smirnov dan analisis data menggunakan korelasi Pearson Product Moment. hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 6 sampel (20%) positif mengandung Coliform. Rerata sisa Chlor bebas adalah 0,124 mg/lt, sedangkan rerata pH 6,97 dan suhu 26,8oC. Uji statistik dengan derajat kepercayaan 5% dan p value = 0,014 menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara sisa Chlor bebas dengan MPN Coliform pada air minum PDAM Kecamatan Karanganyar. perlu dilakukan pengukuran sisa Chlor bebas secara rutin pada jaringan distribusi dan perbaikan sistem Chlorinasi. Kata Kunci: Sisa Chlor bebas, Coliform, PDAM Kecamatan Karanganyar THE CORRELATION BETWEEN RESIDUAL OF FREE CHLORINE WITH MOST PROBABLE NUMBER OF COLIFORM IN DRINKING WATER OF PDAM KARANGANYAR SUBDISTRICT One of the primary humans need is water. water treatment needed to get high quality water. based on Kepmenkes 907/MENKES/SK/VII/2002, water examine include physical quality, chemical quality, bacteriologist quality and radioactivity. the aim of this research was to determine the correlation between residual of free Chlorine with Most Probable Number of Coliform in drinking water of PDAM Karanganyar Subdistrict. It was Explanatory research with Cross Sectional approach. the amount of the research's population was 5650 and the samples amount was 30. Kolmogorov smirnov needed to analize normality and correlation Pearson Product Moment needed to test hypothesis with significant level is 95%. Result of the research show that 6 samples (20%) not appropriate with Kepmenkes 907/MENKES/SK/VII/2002 about Most Probable Number of Temperature 26,8 oC. Based on correlation Pearson Product Moment statistical test got the correlation between residual of free Chlorine with Most Probable Number of Coliform in Drinking water of PDAM KAranganyar Subdistrict use level significancy 5% obtained p value equal to 0,014. Measurement of residual of free Chlorine to be conducted routinely at network of distribution and fixing of chlorination system. Keyword : PDAM Karanganyar Subdistrict, Coliform, residual of free Chlorin

    Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Ipa Melalui Media Audio Visual Pada Siswa Kelas IV Semester I SD Negeri Growong Kidul 02 Kecamatan Juwana Pati Tahun 2012/2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas belajar melalui media audio visual. Subyek penelitian adalah guru dan siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Growong Kidul 02 yang berjumlah 28 siswa. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah data hasil belajar siswa, data guru selaku peneliti, dan data keaktifan siswa. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan melalui observasi, dokumentasi, tes dan catatan lapangan. Prosedur penelitian terdiri dari kondisi awal, siklus I, siklus II. Masing-masing siklus terdiri atas empat tahapan yaitu perencanaan tindakan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi hasil pengamatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kualitas belajar siswa. Adapun peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran dapat dilihat dari perolehan keaktifan dan nilai siswa yang meningkat dari prasiklus keaktifan siswa mencapai 35,7 % dengan KKM 28,6 %, keaktifan siswa siklus I mencapai 62,5 % dengan KKM 53,6 %, Keaktifan siswa Siklus II mencapai 98,2 % dengan KKM 96,4 %. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa dengan penerapan media audio visual dapat meningkatkan kualitas belajar IPA pada siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Growong Kidul 02

    Management for Preventing Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia at ICU Panti Rapih Hospital: a Clinical Case Study

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    Background: Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) is one kind of nosocomial infection that happens to patients who use mechanical ventilator and tracheostomy. Patients who are hospitalized in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) would have high risk onsuffering from Pneumonia.Objective: This paper aims to describe the interventions of nurses and to give recommendations for managing the VAP prevention using case study method.Methods: The data were collected from a patient who used mechanical ventilator and continued by observing and interviewing the nurses who took care of the patient.Results: The development of late onset of VAP was noticed after 96 hours. The observation result showed that there were fungi appeared after conducting a sputum culture from the patient. There was an increase of White Blood Cells on 72 hours after the intubation and the temperature increased until 37o C while the patient was using ventilator. Unfortunately, the nurses were not aware of the tendency of late onset VAP development in the patient.Discussion: Fungi are microorganism which causes VAP. The fungi were not proliferating because the patient had received early antibiotics for treatment. Early administration of antibiotics will prevent the development of VAP, but late VAP is associated with antibiotic-resistant organism. The significant increase of WBC count and the tendency of temperature while the patient was using ventilator were signs for developing infection. VAP can be prevented by conducting good oral hygiene every 2 hours using chlorhexidine 0.12% and using orogastric tube and ETT with sub glotticport to patients who use mechanical ventilator. Furthermore, positioning the patient's head with 35o - 45o bed elevation is intended to prevent aspiration as well as checkingadequate endotracheal tube cuff of at least 20 cm H2.Conclusion: Awareness, responsibility, knowledge, skills of nurses are basis forinfection control especially for preventing VAP incidents


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    Program PPL, merupakan kegiatan terpadu sehingga pelaksanaannya saling terintegrasi dan saling mendukung satu dengan yang lainnya. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai kedua program terpadu tersebut adalah mengembangkan kompetensi mahasiswa sebagai calon pendidik atau tenaga kependidikan dan merupakan penerapan ilmu yang didapat dari bangku perkuliahan maupun diluar perkuliahan, sehingga mampu mengembangkan potensi masyarakat lingkungan sekolah. Kegiatan PPL dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 3 Purworejo yang beralamat di Jalan Yogyakarta Km. 8 Purworejo, Jawa Tengah dengan jumlah mahasiswa 9 orang. Kegiatan PPL di SMA Negeri 3 Purworejo dilaksanakan selama dua setengah bulan yaitu mulai tanggal 10 Agustus 2015 sampai 11 September 2015. Adapun programprogram yang dilaksanakan berorientasi pada bidang akademik, baik yang sudah direncanakan maupun program yang tidak direncanakan sejak awal atau program insidental. Untuk program PPL individu yaitu meliputi kegiatan persiapan, kegiatan mengajar teori dan praktik dasar kompetensi kejuruan. Hasil dari pelaksanaan PPL adalah pengetahuan terpadu dengan mengaplikasikan teori dan praktik disekolah. Selain harus mampu melaksanakan praktik mengajar dan mengelola administrasi kelengkapan guru, mahasiswa juga dituntut untuk memiliki kompetensi personal maupun sosial. Pengalaman yang diperoleh tersebut sangat berguna bagi mahasiswa sebagai calon guru. Dalam melaksanakan kegiatan PPL, penyusun berusaha sebaik mungkin dalam menjalankan tugas dan berusaha menjalin kerjasama dengan semua pihak yang terkait demi kelancaran proses PPL tersebut

    Hubungan Mutu Pelayanan Keperawatan dan Perilaku Caring Perawat dengan Kepuasan Pasien Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan dan Umum di Rawat Inap Kelas III RSUD Sunan Kalijaga Kabupaten Demak

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    Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Studi Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi Rumah Sakit 2017 ABSTRAK Siwi Bagus Ajiningrat Hubungan Mutu Pelayanan Keperawatan dan Perilaku Caring Perawat dengan Kepuasan Pasien Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan dan Umum di Rawat Inap Kelas III RSUD Sunan Kalijaga Kabupaten Demak xvi + 128 halaman + 30 tabel + 8 lampiran Banyak faktor yang diduga mempengaruhi perbedaan tingkat kepuasan pasien BPJS dan pasien umum di rawat inap kelas III di RSUD Sunan Kalijaga Kabupaten Demak, diantaranya mutu pelayanan keperawatan dan perilaku caring perawat. Kenyataan bahwa mutu pelayanan keperawatan di rumah sakit seperti itu akibat dari perilaku caring perawat sehingga berdampak kepada ketidakpuasan pasien. Jenis penelitian adalah kuantitatif, pendekatan cross sectional. Responden 120 orang, pasien BPJS kesehatan 100 orang, pasien umum 20 orang. Analisis data dengan analisis independent t test. Hasil penelitian, pasien BPJS kesehatan umur 59-65 tahun 22,0%, perempuan 52,%, pendidikan SMP 38,0%, sebagai petani 34,0%, menikah 80,0%, mutu pelayanan keperawatan kategori cukup 62,0% dan baik 38,0%, perilaku caring perawat kategori cukup 17,0% dan baik 83,0%, kepuasan kategori cukup 11,0% dan baik 89,0% Pasien umum umur 45-51 tahun 45,0%, laki-laki 55,%, pendidikan SMA 60,0%, bekerja swasta 80,0%, menikah 100,0%. mutu pelayanan keperawatan kategori cukup 5,0%, baik 95,0%. perilaku caring perawat umum kategori baik 100,0%, kepuasan kategori baik 100,0%. Tidak ada perbedaan mutu pelayanan keperawatan pada pasien BPJS kesehatan dan umum (α=0,094). Tidak ada perbedaan perilaku caring perawat pada pasien BPJS kesehatan dan umum (α=0,129). Ada perbedaan kepuasan pada pasien BPJS kesehatan dan umum (t hitung =2,635, α=0,012). Tidak ada hubungan mutu pelayanan Keperawatan terhadap kepuasan pada pasien BPJS kesehatan dan umum (α=0,173). Ada hubungan perilaku caring perawat terhadap kepuasan pada pasien BPJS kesehatan dan umum (α = 0,049) Agar RSUD lebih mendorong meningkatkan mutu pelayanan keperawatan dan perilaku caring perawat dengan cara selalu memberikan pembinaan teknis, pendidikan pelatihan dan mengoptimalkan tugas dan peran dalam bidang keperawatan. Kata kunci : Mutu Pelayanan Keperawatan, Perilaku Caring Perawat, Kepuasan Pasien Kepustakaan : 60 (1990-2010)Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Study Program in Public Health Majoring in Hospital Administration 2017 ABSTRACT Siwi Bagus Ajiningrat The Relationship of the Quality of Nursing Service and Nurse’s Caring Behaviours with Patients’ Satisfaction of Health Social Insurance Agency and General at Inpatient Installation of Class III at the Public Hospital of Sunan Kalijaga in Demak Regency xvi + 128 pages + 30 tables + 8 appendices Some factors suspected influencing the differences of patients’ satisfaction levels of Health Social Insurance Agency (HSIA) and General at inpatient installation of Class III at the Sunan Kalijaga Public Hospital in Demak Regency were a quality of nursing services and nurse’s caring behaviours. In fact, low quality of nursing services was due to nurse’s caring behaviours in which it led to patients’ dissatisfaction. This was a quantitative study using cross-sectional approach. Number of respondents were 120 persons which consisted of 100 HSIA patients and 20 general patients. Data were analysed using an Independent t test. The results of this research showed that among HSIA patients, a proportion of age 59-65 years old was 22.0%, a proportion of female was 52.0%, as many as 38.0% graduated from Junior High School, 34.0% of the respondents worked as a farmworker, 80.0% of the participants had got married, as many as 62.0% of the respondents had fairly good quality of nursing services and the rest was good (38.0%), as many as 17.0% of the respondents had fairly good nurse’s caring behaviours and the rest was good 83.0%), and as many as 11.0% were fairly satisfied and the rest was satisfied 89.0%. In contrast, among general patients, a proportion of age 45-51 years old was 45.0%, a proportion of male was 55.0%, as many as 60.0% graduated from Senior High School, 80.0% of the respondents worked as in private sectors, 100.0% of the participants had got married, as many as 5.0% of the respondents had fairly good quality of nursing services and the rest was good (95.0%), all of the respondents (100.0%) had good nurse’s caring behaviours, and all of the respondents (100.0%) were satisfied. There was no difference in the quality of nursing services between HSIA and general patients (p=0.094). There was no difference in the nurse’s caring behaviours between HSIA and general patients (p=0.129). There was any difference in satisfaction between HSIA and general patients (t=2.635; p=0.012). There was no significant relationship between the quality of nursing services and satisfaction of HSIA and general patients (p=0.173). There was no significant relationship between the nurse’s caring behaviours and satisfaction of HSIA and general patients (p=0.049). The public hospital needs to improve the quality of nursing services and the nurse’s caring behaviours by providing a technical guidance, education, training, and optimising tasks and roles in nursing. Keywords : Quality Of Nursing Services, Nurse’s Caring Behaviours, Patients’ Satisfaction Bibliography: 60 (1990-2010

    Contributing Factors in Increasing Health Care Associated Infection (Hai's) in Phlebitis Cases

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    Backgrounds: One significant problem in hospital is Health Care Associated Infection (HAI's) and it gives many effects on patients health status.Purpose: This study was aimed to examine the incidence rate of phlebitis, the procedures of IV insertion and the factors that influence the phlebitis case in-patient department at the hospital.Methods: The main method used in this study is descriptive explorative. Started by giving training education for 15 nursing staff , medical doctor and pharmacists. Then they were obseved in doing the procedures of IV incertion, care and documentation by Using Visual Infusion Phlebitis ( VIP) scale then followed by case studies to have clear results in describing the contribution factors which influence the phlebitis incidents.Result: 35 subjects in the experimental group and 35 subjects in the control group completed The result represents that 7 from 72 patients (9,7%) were suffer from phlebitis, 25 patients (34,7%) with IV insertion were not monitored well, 5% nurses did not do the hand washing, 78% did not use the skin perlak for preventing blood to the bed linen. The mode of desinfection direction were 44% circular, 55 % from distal to proximal part, and 11% did not do the desinfectant. 100% the nurses did not documentate the IV monitoring such as the swelling, redness, the size of IV canule and any other skin symptoms of phlebitis. Some medication, insertion side of IV canule on the metacarpal area and flushing procedures were also determinant factor that lead to phlebitis cases.Conclusion: This study conclude that the treatment, care and monitoring IV insertion is a significant and important procedures to prevent phlebitis and automatically becomes an important aspect in preventing Health Care Associated Infection (HAI's) rate in hospital


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    ABSTRACT The study aimed to analyze the relationship between social trust and performance of dairy cattle farming in Semarang Regency, Central Java. The study was conducted in Getasan Village, Getasan District, Semarang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. The sample size in this study was 96. The information gathered from the respondent’s interview via questionnaire were coded and processed using the (SPSS) and were analyzed quantitatively to the possible extent using descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution, mean, and percentage. The Spearman Rank Order Correlation test was used to determine the relationship between social trust and the performance of dairy cattle farming. This study indicates that the is significant relationship between social trust and performance of dairy cattle farming. The indicators of social trust could influence an organization and its members to improve the performance of dairy cattle farming. This study also proposed some recommendation. The government agents should be more careful in their contacts with rural communities and should avoid activities that can reduce the level of trust. Key Words : social trust, dairy cattle farmer

    Improving Studens’ Reading Comprehension Using SQ3R Reading Technique for The XII IPS-2 students of SMA Negeri Gondangrejo Karanganyar in the Academic Year 2009-2010

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    This study is an action research. General objective of this study is improving students’ reading comprehension using SQ3R reading technique, while the specific objectives of this research are (1) to find out whether or not SQ3R reading technique can improve students’ reading comprehension for the XII IPS-2 students of SMA Negeri Gondangrejo Karanganyar in the academic year 2009-2010, (2) to find out information about students’ motivation toward the use of SQ3R reading technique (3) to find out the strengths and the weaknesses of the use of SQ3R reading technique in improving students’ reading comprehension. This action research was conducted at SMA N Gondangrejo Karanganyar. The procedure of the research consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The data were collected using non-observational and observational technique supported with test. The non-observational techniques used interviews. The observational techniques consisted of observation, checklist, field notes, and photographs. The observation during the process of English teaching and learning was conducted with the help from collaborator. In this research, the writer acted as the practitioner. The tests were in the form of post-test conducted at the end of first cycle, second cycle, and third cycle. The research resulted: (1) the use of SQ3R reading technique can improve students’ reading comprehension of the XII IPS-2 students of SMA Negeri Gondangrejo Karanganyar in the academic year 2009-2010. It is approved by the increase of students’ average score in reading comprehension test from 57.38 in the first cycle to 62.81 in the second cycle and to 70.94 in the third cycle. In the end of the third cycle 87.5 % of students got score as high as or more than 60. (2) Students’ motivation toward the use of SQ3R reading technique in the teaching and learning reading was very good. This was proved by the increase of students’ motivation, participation and engagement in the process of teaching and learning reading. (3) The use of SQ3R Reading technique has many strengths and weaknesses. The strengths are : (a) The use of SQ3R reading technique can help students setting their goal of reading, (b) The use of SQ3R actively engages students as they study, (c) The review techniques helps students fix information in their mind. The weaknesses are: (a) Time consuming and need more guidance from teacher (b) The step of questioning is quite difficult for student because they don’t have proper skill in asking question and in using the correct structure and (c) The step of reciting is quite difficult because of the students’ limited vocabulary

    Analisis Faktor Risiko Kebisingan Kelas dengan Skor Konsentrasi Belajar Siswi Sekolah Dasar di Kota Semarang

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    Salah satu indikator keberhasilan dalam pendidikan adalah prestasi belajar. KEbisingan di lingkungan sekolah yang disebabkan dari kebisingan jalan raya dapat mempengaruhi proses belajar mengajar terutama dalam hal konsentrasi belajar siswa. Hasil survei pendahuluan di beberapa sekolah dasar negeri di KOta Semarang yang diukur di dalam kelas menunjukkan tingkat kebisingan antara 70 - 85,3 dB dan di jalan raya yang berdekatan dengan SD menunjukkan tingkat kebisingan antara 81,3 - 85 3 dB. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis hubungan antara faktor risiko kebisingan di dalam kelas dengan skor konsentrasi belaajr siswi. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian survey dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswi sekolah dasar kelas V yang sekolahnya berada di tepi jalan raya di Kota Semarang sebanyak 600 siswi, kemudian sampel diambil secara acak (Stratified random sampling) sebanyak 198 siswi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, diketahui intensitas kebisingan jalan raya tertinggi 100,75 dB dan terendah sebesar 82,3 dB dengan rata-rata 94,30 dB. Intensitas kebisingan di dlaam kelas tertinggi sebesar 88,61 dB sedangkan yang terendah sebesar 67,30 dB dengan rata-rata 75,70 dB. Kepadatan kendaraan yang tertinggi sebesar 174 kend./menit sedangkan yang terendah adalah 14 kend./menit dengan rata-rata 85 kend./menit. Jarak kelas ke jalan raya terjauh adalah 16,28 meter dan yang etrdekat adalah 5 meter dengan rata-rata 11,29 meter. Rata-rata skor konsentrasi belajar terringgi adalah 8,86 dan yang terendah adalah 3,80 dengan rata-rata total skor konsentrasi belajar adalah 6,64. Berdasarkkan hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan uji regresi linier sederhana diperole nilai p untuk variabel intensitas kebisingan di dalam kelas terhadap skor konsentrasi belajar sebesar 0,024 dengan R2 = 0,123, untuk variabel jarak kelas ke jalan raya terhadap rata-rata skor konsentrasi belajar diperoleh nilai p = 0,027 dengan R2= 0,116, sedangkan variabel selisih intensitas kebisingan terhadap rata-rata skor konsentrasi belajar diperoleh nilai p = 0,001 dan R2 = 0,252. Berdasarkan data ini dapat diketahui bahwa sebanyak 138 siswi (69,7%) SDN di Kota Semarang mengalami gangguan konsentrasi belajar akibat kebisingan, sehingga akan lebih baik jika lokasi sekolah dasar yang berada di pinggir jalan raya dipindahkan ke lokasi yang lebih tenang. Kata Kunci: kebisingan, jalan raya, konsentrasi belajar, Sekolah dasar, Semaran


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    SIWI PERMATASARI. CORRELATION BETWEEN WORK DISCIPLINE WITH EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AT PT. GAYA SASTRA INDAH IN EAST JAKARTA. Script, Jakarta: Study Program of Commerce Education, Dapartment of Economics and Administration, Faculty ofEconomics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, June 2015. The study is aimed at obtaining valid, factual information and knowledge about correlation between work discipline with employee performance at PT. Gaya Sastra Indah in East Jakarta. This study used a descriptive method with a correlation approach. Independent variable is work discipline and employee performance as the dependent variable. The population in this study were employees of PT.Gaya Sastra Indah in East Jakarta, while the population in this study were all employees at PT. Gaya Sastra Indah in East Jakarta. The sample used by 39 people. The sampling technique used in this study is simple random sampling table of 36 people by Issac and Michael with an error level of 5%. Data analysis techniques starts with finding a simple linear regression equationand obtained Y = 60,96 +0,225 X Test requirements analysis is the normality teston the estimated regression error Y over X with liliefors obtained Lhitung test (Lo) 0,093, while the significant level of 0,05 was Ltabel (Lt) 0,148. Because Lhitung Ftabel(4,13). Hypothesis tests with test product moment correlation coefficient of Pearson obtained rxy = 0.604, then thismeans that there is a positive relationship between Work Discipline and employee performance. From the t-test calculation known thitung = (4.42)>ttabel = (1.70), so this shows that there is a significant relationship (significant) between Work Discipline with employee performance. While the results of the calculation of the coefficient of determination values obtained 36.51% which indicates that the employee performance is determined by the Work Discipline at 36.51%.The result of this study has proved the existence of a positive and significant correlation between Work Discipline with employee performance at PT. Gaya Sastra Indah in East Jakarta. This means that if the higher Work Discipline will make the better employee performance
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