616 research outputs found

    A Sensitivity Study of the Enceladus Torus

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    We have developed a homogeneous model of physical chemistry to investigate the neutral-dominated, water-based Enceladus torus. Electrons are treated as the summation of two isotropic Maxwellian distributions−-a thermal component and a hot component. The effects of electron impact, electron recombination, charge exchange, and photochemistry are included. The mass source is neutral H2_2O, and a rigidly-corotating magnetosphere introduces energy via pickup of freshly-ionized neutrals. A small fraction of energy is also input by Coulomb collisions with a small population (<< 1%) of supra-thermal electrons. Mass and energy are lost due to radial diffusion, escaping fast neutrals produced by charge exchange and recombination, and a small amount of radiative cooling. We explore a constrained parameter space spanned by water source rate, ion radial diffusion, hot-electron temperature, and hot-electron density. The key findings are: (1) radial transport must take longer than 12 days; (2) water is input at a rate of 100--180 kg s−1^{-1}; (3) hot electrons have energies between 100 and 250 eV; (4) neutrals dominate ions by a ratio of 40:1 and continue to dominate even when thermal electrons have temperatures as high as ≈\approx 5 eV; (5) hot electrons do not exceed 1% of the total electron population within the torus; (6) if hot electrons alone drive the observed longitudinal variation in thermal electron density, then they also drive a significant variation in ion composition.Comment: 9 pages text, 3 tables, 9 figure

    A New Exponential Gravity

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    We propose a new exponential f(R) gravity model with f(R)=(R-\lambda c)e^{\lambda(c/R)^n} and n>3, \lambda\geq 1, c>0 to explain late-time acceleration of the universe. At the high curvature region, the model behaves like the \LambdaCDM model. In the asymptotic future, it reaches a stable de-Sitter spacetime. It is a cosmologically viable model and can evade the local gravity constraints easily. This model share many features with other f(R) dark energy models like Hu-Sawicki model and Exponential gravity model. In it the dark energy equation of state is of an oscillating form and can cross phantom divide line \omega_{de}=-1. In particular, in the parameter range 3< n\leq 4, \lambda \sim 1, the model is most distinguishable from other models. For instance, when n=4, \lambda=1, the dark energy equation of state will cross -1 in the earlier future and has a stronger oscillating form than the other models, the dark energy density in asymptotical future is smaller than the one in the high curvature region. This new model can evade the local gravity tests easily when n>3 and \lambda>1.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    The roles of charge exchange and dissociation in spreading Saturn's neutral clouds

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    Neutrals sourced directly from Enceladus's plumes are initially confined to a dense neutral torus in Enceladus's orbit around Saturn. This neutral torus is redistributed by charge exchange, impact/photodissociation, and neutral-neutral collisions to produce Saturn's neutral clouds. Here we consider the former processes in greater detail than in previous studies. In the case of dissociation, models have assumed that OH is produced with a single speed of 1 km/s, whereas laboratory measurements suggest a range of speeds between 1 and 1.6 km/s. We show that the high-speed case increases dissociation's range of influence from 9 to 15 Rs. For charge exchange, we present a new modeling approach, where the ions are followed within a neutral background, whereas neutral cloud models are conventionally constructed from the neutrals' point of view. This approach allows us to comment on the significance of the ions' gyrophase at the moment charge exchange occurs. Accounting for gyrophase: (1) has no consequence on the H2O cloud; (2) doubles the local density of OH at the orbit of Enceladus; and (3) decreases the oxygen densities at Enceladus's orbit by less than 10%. Finally, we consider velocity-dependent, as well as species-dependent cross sections and find that the oxygen cloud produced from charge exchange is spread out more than H2O, whereas the OH cloud is the most confined.Comment: Accepted to the Journal of Geophysical Research, 49 pages, 10 figure

    HST/STIS Ultraviolet Imaging of Polar Aurora on Ganymede

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    We report new observations of the spectrum of Ganymede in the spectral range 1160 - 1720 A made with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on HST on 1998 October 30. The observations were undertaken to locate the regions of the atomic oxygen emissions at 1304 and 1356 A, previously observed with the GHRS on HST, that Hall et al. (1998) claimed indicated the presence of polar aurorae on Ganymede. The use of the 2" wide STIS slit, slightly wider than the disk diameter of Ganymede, produced objective spectra with images of the two oxygen emissions clearly separated. The OI emissions appear in both hemispheres, at latitudes above 40 degrees, in accordance with recent Galileo magnetometer data that indicate the presence of an intrinsic magnetic field such that Jovian magnetic field lines are linked to the surface of Ganymede only at high latitudes. Both the brightness and relative north-south intensity of the emissions varied considerably over the four contiguous orbits (5.5 hours) of observation, presumably due to the changing Jovian plasma environment at Ganymede. However, the observed longitudinal non-uniformity in the emission brightness at high latitudes, particularly in the southern hemisphere, and the lack of pronounced limb brightening near the poles are difficult to understand with current models. In addition to observed solar HI Lyman-alpha reflected from the disk, extended Lyman-alpha emission resonantly scattered from a hydrogen exosphere is detected out to beyond two Ganymede radii from the limb, and its brightness is consistent with the Galileo UVS measurements of Barth et al. (1997).Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, June 1, 200

    Cassini CAPS-ELS observations of negative ions in Titan's ionosphere: trends of density with altitude

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    Observations with the Electron Spectrometer sensor of the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS-ELS) have revealed the existence of negative ions in Titan's ionosphere. Negative ions are observed during encounters whenever the instrument points in the ram direction at altitudes 950–1400 km. Complex hydrocarbon and nitrile chemical processes are believed to take place which play a role in haze formation. The heaviest ions observed so far have masses up to 13,800 amu/q. Using data from 34 Titan encounters, we show for the first time negative ion density trends of different mass groups, including total densities, with altitude. We determine peak densities and the associated altitudes at which they are observed and the highest altitudes at which individual mass groups are found

    Modeling the Enceladus plume--plasma interaction

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    We investigate the chemical interaction between Saturn's corotating plasma and Enceladus' volcanic plumes. We evolve plasma as it passes through a prescribed H2O plume using a physical chemistry model adapted for water-group reactions. The flow field is assumed to be that of a plasma around an electrically-conducting obstacle centered on Enceladus and aligned with Saturn's magnetic field, consistent with Cassini magnetometer data. We explore the effects on the physical chemistry due to: (1) a small population of hot electrons; (2) a plasma flow decelerated in response to the pickup of fresh ions; (3) the source rate of neutral H2O. The model confirms that charge exchange dominates the local chemistry and that H3O+ dominates the water-group composition downstream of the Enceladus plumes. We also find that the amount of fresh pickup ions depends heavily on both the neutral source strength and on the presence of a persistent population of hot electrons.Comment: 10 pages, 1 table, 2 figure

    Anomalous roughness with system size dependent local roughness exponent

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    We note that in a system far from equilibrium the interface roughening may depend on the system size which plays the role of control parameter. To detect the size effect on the interface roughness, we study the scaling properties of rough interfaces formed in paper combustion experiments. Using paper sheets of different width \lambda L, we found that the turbulent flame fronts display anomalous multi-scaling characterized by non universal global roughness exponent \alpha and the system size dependent spectrum of local roughness exponents,\xi_q, whereas the burning fronts possess conventional multi-affine scaling. The structure factor of turbulent flame fronts also exhibit unconventional scaling dependence on \lambda These results are expected to apply to a broad range of far from equilibrium systems, when the kinetic energy fluctuations exceed a certain critical value.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figure

    Generalized Smoluchowski equation with correlation between clusters

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    In this paper we compute new reaction rates of the Smoluchowski equation which takes into account correlations. The new rate K = KMF + KC is the sum of two terms. The first term is the known Smoluchowski rate with the mean-field approximation. The second takes into account a correlation between clusters. For this purpose we introduce the average path of a cluster. We relate the length of this path to the reaction rate of the Smoluchowski equation. We solve the implicit dependence between the average path and the density of clusters. We show that this correlation length is the same for all clusters. Our result depends strongly on the spatial dimension d. The mean-field term KMFi,j = (Di + Dj)(rj + ri)d-2, which vanishes for d = 1 and is valid up to logarithmic correction for d = 2, is the usual rate found with the Smoluchowski model without correlation (where ri is the radius and Di is the diffusion constant of the cluster). We compute a new rate: the correlation rate K_{i,j}^{C} (D_i+D_j)(r_j+r_i)^{d-1}M{\big(\frac{d-1}{d_f}}\big) is valid for d \leq 1(where M(\alpha) = \sum+\infty i=1i\alphaNi is the moment of the density of clusters and df is the fractal dimension of the cluster). The result is valid for a large class of diffusion processes and mass radius relations. This approach confirms some analytical solutions in d 1 found with other methods. We also show Monte Carlo simulations which illustrate some exact new solvable models

    Preliminary interpretation of Titan plasma interaction as observed by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer: Comparisons with Voyager 1

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    The Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) instrument observed the plasma environment at Titan during the Cassini orbiter's TA encounter on October 26, 2004. Titan was in Saturn's magnetosphere during the Voyager 1 flyby and also during the TA encounter. CAPS measurements from this encounter are compared with measurements made by the Voyager 1 Plasma Science Instrument (PLS). The comparisons focus on the composition and nature of ambient and pickup ions. They lead to: A) the major ion components of Saturn's magnetosphere in the vicinity of Titan are H+, H-2(+) and O+/CH4+ ions; B) finite gyroradius effects are apparent in ambient O+ ions as the result of their absorption by Titan's extended atmosphere; C) the principal pickup ions are composed of H+, H-2(+), N+/CH2+, CH4+, and N-2(+); D) the pickup ions are in narrow energy ranges; and E) there is clear evidence of the slowing down of background ions due to pickup ion mass loading
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