59 research outputs found

    Programa de pós-graduação do INPA

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    Metallophthalocyanines as Catalysts in Aerobic Oxidation

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    The first remarkable property associated to metallophthalocyanines (MPcs) was their chemical “inertness”, which made and make them very attractive as stable and durable industrial dyes. Nevertheless, their rich redox chemistry was also explored in the last decades, making available a solid and detailed knowledge background for further studies on the suitability of MPcs as redox catalysts. An overlook of MPcs and their catalytic activity with dioxygen as oxidants will be discussed here with a special emphasis on the last decade. The mini-review begins with a short introduction to phthalocyanines, from their structure to their main features, going then through the redox chemistry of metallophthalocyanines and their catalytic activity in aerobic oxidation reactions. The most significant systems described in the literature comprise the oxidation of organosulfur compounds such as thiols and thiophenes, the functionalization of alkyl arenes, alcohols, olefins, among other substrates

    Unrevealing the interactive effects of climate change and oil contamination on lab-simulated estuarine benthic communities

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    There is growing concern that modifications to the global environment such as ocean acidification and increased ultraviolet radiation may interact with anthropogenic pollutants to adversely affect the future marine environment. Despite this, little is known about the nature of the potential risks posed by such interactions. Here, we performed a multifactorial microcosm experiment to assess the impact of ocean acidification, ultraviolet radiation B (UV-B) and oil hydrocarbon contamination on sediment chemistry, the microbial community (composition and function) and biochemical marker response of selected indicator species. We found that increased ocean acidification and oil contamination in the absence of UV-B will significantly alter bacterial composition by, among other changes, greatly reducing the relative abundance of Desulfobacterales, known to be important oil hydrocarbon degraders. Along with changes in bacterial composition, we identified concomitant shifts in the composition of aromatic hydrocarbons in the sediment and an increase in oxidative stress effects on our indicator species. Interestingly, our study identifies UV-B as a critical component in the interaction between these factors, since its presence alleviates harmful effects caused by the combination of reduced pH and oil pollution. The model system used here shows that the interactive effect of reduced pH and oil contamination can adversely affect the structure and functioning of sediment benthic communities, with the potential to exacerbate the toxicity of oil hydrocarbons in marine ecosystems

    O "CC" e a patologização do natural: higiene, publicidade e modernização no Brasil do pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial

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    The aim of this article is to discuss the relationship between consumption and changing habits through new industrial products related to health and hygiene, which were announced as the possibility of replacing the natural odor and industrialized by artificial smell. This would represent the cultural transformation of natural physiological functions, such as sweat, something unwholesome and socially repugnant and also a synonym for backwardness. The ideal of a hygienic, modern and deodorized find life in the media and advertising - in the modernization and expansion process in the Brazil post-II World War the privileged space for the placement and supply of new and abundant products that promised to cancel the threat of "body odor" - "BO" and replace it, by the "smell good", hygienic and socially enjoyable that could be bought.O objetivo do artigo é discutir a relação entre consumo e mudança de hábitos por meio de novos produtos industrializados relacionados à saúde e à higiene, que foram anunciados como capazes de substituir o odor natural pelo cheiro artificial e industrializado. Sugerimos que foi um processo social e cultural de transformação de funções fisiológicas naturais, como o suor e o mau hálito, em algo nocivo à saúde e repugnante socialmente e também em um sinônimo de atraso. O ideal de uma vida higiênica, moderna e desodorizada encontrou na imprensa e na publicidade - em processo de modernização e expansão no Brasil após a Segunda Guerra Mundial - o espaço privilegiado para a veiculação e oferta de novos e abundantes produtos que prometiam cancelar a ameaça do "cheiro de corpo", o "CC", e substituí-lo pelo "cheiro bom", salubre e socialmente aceitável que poderia, inclusive, ser comprado
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