926 research outputs found

    Effect of Acacia melanoxylon wood density on papermaking potential

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    In this work we study the behaviour in kraft cooking and papermaking of 6 Acacia melanoxylon wood chip samples, with basic densities of 449, 489, 493, 505, 514 and 616 kg/m3. The wood chip samples were screened and submitted to the kraft cooking process. Experiments were carried out with 1000-g o.d. of wood in a forced circulation digester. The cooked chips were disintegrated, screened and washed. The screened and total yields, kappa number and pulp viscosity were determined according to the standard methods. The morphological properties of pulp fibres were determined by image analysis of a diluted suspension in a flow chamber in Morfi®. The unbleached kraft pulps were submitted to a bleaching D0E1D1E2D2 sequence and their papermaking potential evaluated. The pulps were beaten in a PFI mill at 500, 2500 and 4500 revolutions under a refining intensity of 1.7 N/mm. Paper handsheets were prepared according to the Scan standard and tested regarding structural, mechanical and optical properties. Regarding the pulping potential, the pulp yield ranged between 47.7 and 57.7%. The selected wood samples provided bleached kraft pulps with markedly different biometrics characteristics. In fact, the mean values of fibre length, fibre width and coarseness ranged between 0.77 and 0.98 mm, 17.8 and 19.4 μm, 4.8 and 6.2 mg/100m, respectively. As expected, these biometrics characteristics have very high impact on paper structure, including smoothness, and on mechanical and optical properties, for the unbeaten pulps. At a given beaten level, the differences between pulps remain very high. Moreover, for a given paper density, tensile and tear strength, and light scattering coefficient are significantly different. To reach a given paper density, however, the different pulps required very different energy consumptions in beating

    Sodium dodecyl sulfate allows the persistence and recovery of biofilms of Pseudomonas fluorescens formed under different hydrodynamic conditions

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    The effect of the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) on Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilms was investigated using flow cell reactors with stainless steel substrata, under turbulent (Re=5200) and laminar (Re=2000) flow. Steady-state biofilms were exposed to SDS in single doses (0.5, 1, 3 and 7 mM) and biofilm respiratory activity and mass measured at 0, 3, 7 and 12 h after the SDS application. The effect of SDS on biofilm mechanical stability was assessed using a rotating bioreactor. Whilst high concentrations (7 mM) of SDS promoted significant biofilm inactivation, it did not significantly reduce biofouling. Turbulent and laminar flow-generated biofilms had comparable susceptibility to SDS application. Following SDS exposure, biofilms rapidly recovered over the following 12 h, achieving higher respiratory activity values than before treatment. This phenomenon of posttreatment recovery was more pronounced for turbulent flow-generated biofilms, with an increase in SDS concentration. The mechanical stability of the biofilms increased with surfactant application, except for SDS concentrations near the critical micellar concentration, as measured by biofilm removal due to an increase in external shear stress forces. The data suggest that although SDS exerts antimicrobial action against P. fluorescens biofilms, even if only partial and reversible, it had only limited antifouling efficacy, increasing biofilm mechanical stability at low concentrations and allowing significant and rapid recovery of turbulent flow-generated biofilms.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Effect of specified edge load on Eucalyptus globulus paper properties

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    Refining is an important unit operation in the paper production process and consists in the mechanical beating of the pulp fibres in an aqueous medium. The refining conditions affect fibre morphology, pulp suspension characteristics and paper properties. In this study we investigated the effect of refining intensity - given by the specific edge load (SEL) - on the fibre and paper properties. Lower refining intensity led to lower fibre cutting, lower fines generation, and lower ºSR development. Commercial Eucalyptus globulus bleached pulp was refined in a pilot refiner, using different specific edge loads (0.05; 0.1 and 0.2 J/m) and specific energy consumption of 40, 80 and 120 kWh/ton in order to evaluate paper potential. The highest specific edge load tested (0,2 J/m) resulted in a lower average fibre length, as a result of a higher fibre cutting. The papers produced presented higher mechanical resistance, but increasing refinement energy from 80 to 120 kWh/ton did not improve paper properties. On the contrary, with a lowest specific edge load (0,05 J/m), the papers obtained for different specific energy consumption exhibited lower density (i.e., higher open structure, higher air permeability and lower smoothness)

    Fabrico rápido de implantes ósseos personalizados

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    Actualmente existem situações clínicas específicas relacionadas com perdas ou correcções ósseas significativas, cuja solução dificilmente poderá ser alcançada com implantes ou próteses disponíveis comercialmente, sendo necessário o recurso a soluções personalizadas (ditas customizadas), isto é, implantes que são concebidos e fabricados em função das especificidades do paciente. Neste sentido, o desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia que permita o fabrico rápido de implantes ósseos em simultâneo com o acto cirúrgico poderá apresentar vantagens significativas, pois permite ao cirurgião corrigir ou alterar a geometria do implante em função de uma qualquer ocorrência anómala detectada já durante a cirurgia. A abordagem neste trabalho passou pelo desenvolvimento de uma aplicação informática que permitisse integrar numa única plataforma um conjunto de ferramentas como scanner 3D, sistema de fabrico assistido por computador (CAM) e fabrico em máquinas controladas por computador (CNC) para assim fabricar de forma rápida um implante adaptado à anatomia do paciente. O método estabelecido assentou em quatro etapas essenciais: a primeira consiste na captação da geometria do implante, realizada localmente pelo cirurgião e não envolve meios computacionais. A segunda consiste na obtenção do modelo virtual da geometria do implante, realizada a partir do levantamento de forma do modelo obtido na etapa anterior, utilizando um scanner 3D por laser. A terceira etapa consiste na utilização de um sistema CAM para a elaboração do programa de maquinagem do implante. Na quarta e última etapa materializa- se o fabrico do implante numa fresadora CNC. O sistema desenvolvido permitiu integrar recursos e tecnologias cuja utilização exige conhecimentos muito especializados, mas inseridos num ambiente amigável para o utilizador possibilita que estes possam ser utilizados por pessoas não profundamente conhecedoras das tecnologias integradas. A solução implementada revelou-se mais acessível ao nível dos custos de aquisição das tecnologias de suporte e da facilidade de utilização quando comparada com outros processos de fabrico de implantes customizados, nomeadamente os obtidos a partir de informação gerada por tomografia computorizada (TAC)

    Uso da tomografia de ressonância magnética para diagnosticar os efeitos das injúrias mecânicas em figos "roxo de valinhos".

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    A produção de frutas de qualidade visando atender o crescente consumo de produtos frescos para mercados cada vez exigentes, tem sido o grande desafio para a fruticultura brasileira. Os impactos mecânicos a que as frutas estão submetidas durante as operações de manejo na colheita e pós-colheita são responsáveis por perdas fignificativas na produção, distribuição e comercialização. E importante ressaltar que a aparência externa também é um atributo de qualidade do fruto, sendo considerado como o principal fator de rejeição por parte do consumidor. Frutos murchos, amassados, e sem a cor característica, aparentando fruto de baixa qualidade sobram nas prateleiras dos supermercados. A busca de qualidade requer técnicas rápidas e não-destrutivas para a medida de algumas propriedades físicas dos frutos.bitstream/CNPDIA/8721/1/CT52_2003.pd

    Reproducing type II white-light solar flare observations with electron and proton beam simulations

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    We investigate the cause of the suppressed Balmer series and the origin of the white-light continuum emission in the X1.0 class solar flare on 2014 June 11. We use radiative hydrodynamic simulations to model the response of the flaring atmosphere to both electron and proton beams, which are energetically constrained using Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager and Fermi observations. A comparison of synthetic spectra with the observations allows us to narrow the range of beam fluxes and low energy cutoff that may be applicable to this event. We conclude that the electron and proton beams that can reproduce the observed spectral features are those that have relatively low fluxes and high values for the low energy cutoff. While electron beams shift the upper chromosphere and transition region to greater geometrical heights, proton beams with a similar flux leave these areas of the atmosphere relatively undisturbed. It is easier for proton beams to penetrate to the deeper layers and not deposit their energy in the upper chromosphere where the Balmer lines are formed. The relatively weak particle beams that are applicable to this flare do not cause a significant shift of the τ = 1 surface and the observed excess WL emission is optically thin

    Microsatellite markers for studies with the carnivorous plant Philcoxia minensis (Plantaginaceae)

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    Premise of the study: Microsatellite markers were developed for the critically endangered carnivorous species Philcoxia minensis (Plantaginaceae) for further population genetic studies aiming at its conservation. Methods and Results: We identifi ed 29 clones containing 40 microsatellites from a genomic enriched library. A total of 27 primer pairs were developed and evaluated in 30 individuals of a natural P. minensis population. Seventeen markers successfully presented amplifi cation products within the expected size range, of which 12 were polymorphic. The expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.03 to 0.65 and from 0.00 to 0.77, respectively. Positive transferability with the related species P. bahiensis was observed for the same 17 markers. Conclusions: The 12 polymorphic microsatellite markers are suitable for studies in genetic diversity and structure, mating system, and gene fl ow in P. minensis and also may be useful for similar issues regarding the related species P. bahiensis38CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPSem informaçãoSem informação2012/12927-