1,221 research outputs found

    Avaliação Do Potencial Da Chuva De Sementes Como Alternativa Para Restauração Florestal Em áreas De Preservação Permanente

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    The ecological restoration of degraded areas using seeds collected in forest remnants has shown significant results. This study was developed to verify the potential of seed rain to regenerate forest fragments of a Permanent Preservation Area (PPA) in the Apa River Basin which is located in the southwestern portion of the Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil. To develop the study, we installed 25 collectors measuring 1 m2 each, which were systematically distributed on an area of 1.5ha. Seed gathering was conducted in a monthly basis throughout the year of 2013. A total of 26.411 propagules were identified and distributed among 50 species, 45 genera and 32 families. In terms of the propagules distribution, 70.51% were identified as trees, 22.8% as lianas, 6.5% as shrubs, 0.1 as herbaceous, 0.05% as palm and 0.05% could not be classified. The value for the Shannon Diversity Index was (H ') = 1.67 and the Pielou Evenness index was (J) = 0.42. These results indicate that the seeds rain has low species diversity with the abundance of a few species. The overall results suggest that seed rain can be a potential technique for restoration of the PPAs and other forested areas. However, it is necessary to enhance the diversity of tree species. © 2016, Sociedade de Investigacoes Florestais. All rights reserved.401212

    Geoquímica do granito, filões de quartzo com scheelite e águas da mina abandonada de Fonte Santa (NE de Portugal)

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    Os filões de quartzo com scheelite da mina da Fonte Santa atravessam a formação do Quartzito Armoricano, do Ordovícico Inferior. A mineralização é de tipo “stockwork”, ocorre associada ao leucogranito sin-F3, da Fonte Santa, que aflora a 250 m a Sul do jazigo e relaciona-se com a zona de cisalhamento Moncorvo-Bemposta (Silva e Pereira, 2001). O leucogranito é de grão médio a fino, moscovítico, com foliação N80ºW, subvertical. Possui quartzo, microclina, albite, moscovite, turmalina, silimanite, zircão, apatite, e ilmenite. As amostras alteradas com microclinização e moscovitização intensa contêm clorite, columbite-tantalite, volframite, ixiolite rica em W e óxidos de ferro. É um granito peraluminoso, do tipo S, muito evoluído e estanífero com Sn > 44ppm (Silva, 2000). Alguns filões têm quartzo parcialmente recristalizado, por vezes brechóide, impregnado de sulfuretos preenchendo microfissuras e fracturas. A paragénese dos filões é constituída por quartzo, moscovite, clorite, turmalina, scheelite, pirrotite, pirite, esfalerite, calcopirite, galena, óxidos de ferro, sulfatos de Fe e fosfatos de Pb, Fe e Al. A mina da Fonte Santa foi explorada para W entre 1942 e 1982 (Triede, 2002). As águas associadas à mina da Fonte Santa, são pouco mineralizadas, com condutividade específica < 150 μS/cm, de tipo misto, bicarbonatadas ou sulfatadas. A maioria dos valores de pH (5.0 e 9.2) indicam que não há uma drenagem ácida significativa na região, tal como encontrado noutros locais (e.g., Antunes et al., 2002). Os valores mais ácidos (pH: 3.4-3.5) foram encontrados na lagoa da mina

    Tourism And Urbanization: Environmental Problem Of The Araruai Lagoon, State Of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

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    The Araruama Lagoon (Rio de Janeiro) is known for its scenic beauty and natural resources, factors that have led to the economic expansion of the region. In recent decades, tourism and property speculation have been key to the urban development of the municipalities surrounding this Lagoon. Using secondary data and a theoretical framework based on Political Ecology and Critical Environmental Education, this article seeks to analyze the correlations between the development processes of the towns surrounding the Lagoon and the impact of these processes on the environmental quality of its ecosystem. In recent years, the evolution of parameters studied revealed that the imbalance in terms of the sustainable development of the region has damaged the health of this body of water. Large quantities of fresh water, as well as domestic and industrial effluents discharged without appropriate treatment in the Lagoon, have overloaded the ecological system, with negative effects for the entire economy in the surrounding area.194598

    Stability Of Gluten Free Sweet Biscuit Elaborated With Rice Bran, Broken Rice And Okara

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    A challenge to the food sector has been the development of new products incorporating co-products from the food processing industry with minimal impact on their pre-determined structures and adding nutritional quality. In order to add value and develop alternatives for the use of co-products generated during the agroindustrial processing, this work aimed to study the stability of gluten-free sweet biscuits developed with soybean okara, rice bran and broken rice. The formulations were elaborated with increasing percentages of these ingredients and compared with the standard (commercial sweet biscuit) for ten months. The analyses were: weight, diameters (internal and external), thickness, specific volume, instrumental parameters of color, texture, scanning electron microscopy, water activity, proximal composition and isoflavones. The experimental sweet biscuits had characteristics of color, weight, volume and diameters (internal and external) very similar to the commercial, whereas texture, lipids and energy value decreased, and aw, moisture and protein increased during storage. The sweet biscuits showed the same stability when compared to the standard, and the. © 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos, SBCTA. All rights reserved.36229630

    A filter algorithm : comparison with NLP solvers

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    Versão não definitiva do artigoThe purpose of this work is to present an algorithm to solve nonlinear constrained optimization problems, using the filter method with the inexact restoration (IR) approach. In the IR approach two independent phases are performed in each iteration—the feasibility and the optimality phases. The first one directs the iterative process into the feasible region, i.e. finds one point with less constraints violation. The optimality phase starts from this point and its goal is to optimize the objective function into the satisfied constraints space. To evaluate the solution approximations in each iteration a scheme based on the filter method is used in both phases of the algorithm. This method replaces the merit functions that are based on penalty schemes, avoiding the related difficulties such as the penalty parameter estimation and the non-differentiability of some of them. The filter method is implemented in the context of the line search globalization technique. A set of more than two hundred AMPL test problems is solved. The algorithm developed is compared with LOQO and NPSOL software packages.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Susceptibility and Vulnerability to Landslides—Case Study: Basin of River Bengalas—City of Nova Friburgo—Brazil

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    Landslides have frequently occurred in last years, due to the disorderly grownth of the cities and the occupation of risk areas by the poor population, causing social, environmental and economic impacts. Urban areas in expansion move to geologically unstable areas and topographically inclined, such as the Basin of River Bengalas, located in the city of Nova Friburgo, mountainous region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This article aims to present the model developed and used to evaluate the susceptibility and vulnerability of the Basin of River Bengalas to landslides, which in January 2011, with the occurrence of heavy rains, caused landslides that impacted in the death of 429 people in city of Nova Friburgo. For the case study, several investigations have been made related to the areas of the basin, such as slope, soil conditions, lithology, land use and cover, vertical curvature, horizontal curvature, and precipitation data. With this study it was possible to understand how the natural and anthropics elements of the basin are related to the local dynamics of the disasters regarding to their interferences in the induction of landslides; evaluate the effectiveness of the guidelines of the Plano Diretor Participativo do Município de Nova Friburgo regarding the landslides; identify the susceptible and vulnerable basin areas to landslides and calculate the rates of susceptibility and vulnerability to landslides from new calculation model proposed

    Preliminary study on the contribution of external forces to ship behavior

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    Computational modeling has become a prominent tool to simulate physical processes for research and development projects. The coastal region of southern Brazil is very susceptible to oil spill accidents. Currently, oil is intensively transported in the region due to the presence of the Rio Grande Harbor, the TranspetroWaterway Terminal (Petrobras) and the Riograndense S/A Oil Refinery. Therefore, simulations under ideal navigation conditions for ships with potentially polluting loads are important because their use can reduce oil spills and toxic compound accidents in the environment. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to present a preliminary study of the contribution of external forces to a ship's behavior over a simulation period of 5 h. The methodology is based on the development of a numerical model using LaGrangian formalism and the calculus of variations, besides Maneuvering Modeling Group (MMG Model). The external forces considered were the wind acting directly on the ship, waves driven by wind, the rudder, the force acting on the hull, inertial forces, and seawater density. The results indicate that at the beginning of the simulation, the inertial forces were of primary importance for controlling the trajectory of the ship. After 5 h of simulations, the ship had completely changed its trajectory due to forces suffered by the ship, classified according to MMG Model

    Suscetibilidade da Bacia do Rio Bengalas a deslizamentos de terra

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    Landslides have frequently occurred in last years, due to the disorderly grownth of the cities and the occupation of risk areas by the poor population, causing social, environmental and economic impacts. Urban areas in expansion move to geologically unstable areas and topographically inclined, such as the Basin of River Bengalas, located in the city of Nova Friburgo, mountainous region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This article aims to present the model survey to assess the susceptibility of the Basin of River Bengalas to landslides, which in january 2011, with the occurrence of heavy rains, caused landslides that impacted in the death of 429 people in city of Nova Friburgo. For the case study, several investigations have been made related to the areas of the basin, such as slope, soil conditions, lithology, land use and cover, vertical and horizontal curvatures. With this study it was possible to understand how the natural and anthropics elements of the basin are related to the local dynamics of the disasters regarding to their interferences in the induction of landslides, thus enabling improved public management of the Municipality regarding the use and division of land, from the identification of areas Basin of River Bengalas susceptible to landslides

    Bisimulation of Labeled State-to-Function Transition Systems of Stochastic Process Languages

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    Labeled state-to-function transition systems, FuTS for short, admit multiple transition schemes from states to functions of finite support over general semirings. As such they constitute a convenient modeling instrument to deal with stochastic process languages. In this paper, the notion of bisimulation induced by a FuTS is proposed and a correspondence result is proven stating that FuTS-bisimulation coincides with the behavioral equivalence of the associated functor. As generic examples, the concrete existing equivalences for the core of the process algebras ACP, PEPA and IMC are related to the bisimulation of specific FuTS, providing via the correspondence result coalgebraic justification of the equivalences of these calculi.Comment: In Proceedings ACCAT 2012, arXiv:1208.430

    An exploration of the effectiveness of artificial mini-magnetospheres as a potential solar storm shelter for long term human space missions

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    If mankind is to explore the solar system beyond the confines of our Earth and Moon the problem of radiation protection must be addressed. Galactic cosmic rays and highly variable energetic solar particles are an ever-present hazard in interplanetary space. Electric and/or magnetic fields have been suggested as deflection shields in the past, but these treated space as an empty vacuum. In fact it is not empty. Space contains a plasma known as the solar wind; a constant flow of protons and electrons coming from the Sun. In this paper we explore the effectiveness of a “mini-magnetosphere” acting as a radiation protection shield. We explicitly include the plasma physics necessary to account for the solar wind and its induced effects. We show that, by capturing/containing this plasma, we enhance the effectiveness of the shield. Further evidence to support our conclusions can be obtained from studying naturally occurring “mini-magnetospheres” on the Moon. These magnetic anomalies (related to “lunar swirls”) exhibit many of the effects seen in laboratory experiments and computer simulations. If shown to be feasible, this technology could become the gateway to manned exploration of interplanetary space