2,120 research outputs found

    Producción sin catalizador de ésteres etílicos de ácidos grasos (FAEE) a partir de aceite de pulpa de macauba

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    In this study, the production of fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE) from macauba pulp oil and pressurized ethanol was investigated. The experiments were conducted without the addition of catalyst, at 20 MPa, to determine the effect of temperature (200 to 300 °C) and the oil to ethanol mass ratio (1:1 and 1:2) on the FAEE content and different residence times (10 to 45 min). The effect of the addition of n-hexane to the oil (20 wt%) as a co-solvent was also evaluated. The use of high temperatures (275 and 300 °C) resulted in high FAEE content (∼90%). Increasing the amount of ethanol in the reaction medium contributed to the formation of esters only at operating temperatures of 200 to 250 °C. It was also observed that with the addition of co-solvent (in the oil) it was possible to obtain high amounts of FAEE in a shorter reaction time. In addition, a low content of unreacted compounds (∼8.0%) and the conversion of ∼90 and 99% of the free fatty acids and triglycerides were observed, respectively.En este estudio, se investigó la producción de ésteres etílicos de ácidos grasos (FAEE) a partir de aceite de pulpa de macauba y etanol presurizado. Los experimentos se realizaron, sin la adición de catalizador, a 20 MPa, para determinar el efecto de la temperatura (200 a 300 °C) y la relación de masa de aceite a etanol (1:1 y 1:2) en el contenido de FAEE, aplicando diferentes tiempos de residencia (10 a 45 min). También se evaluó el efecto de la adición de n-hexano al aceite (20% en peso) como co-disolvente. El uso de altas temperaturas (275 y 300 °C) dio como resultado un alto contenido de FAEE (∼90%). El aumento de la cantidad de etanol en el medio de reacción contribuyó a la formación de ésteres solo a temperaturas de funcionamiento de 200 a 250 °C. También se observó que con la adición de co-disolvente (en el aceite) era posible obtener altas cantidades de FAEE en un tiempo de reacción más corto. Además, se observó un bajo contenido de compuestos sin reaccionar (∼8,0%) y la conversión de ∼90 y 99% de ácidos grasos libres y triglicéridos, respectivamente

    Computerized Stock and Employee Management System for a Garment Factory

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    The purpose of this research was point out the management complexity of internal affairs of garment factories. Garment factories are type of complex systems with several divisions that cannot be managed manually. Today in Sri Lanka, most of garment factories are conducted their processes separately in division wise. In this proposed system, stock, employee, supply and suppliers, and delivery management can be done together in a single system. Getting the appropriate material, in the right quantity, at the right time is a primary objective of supply and suppliers management. It confirms the supplier's stability and dependability. Purchasing is a critical and specialized role within a garment firm. This system provides a feature to store placed orders and their confirmed delivery date, and the procedure that is computerized. In essence, the receiving, storing, and distributing of supplies fall under the purview of the stock management. After stores the items while preventing deteriorations or harms that can be occurred, this division releases the stock also.[6] the proposed web application for a garment factory management system developed using mern stack (mongo db, express js, react js, node js). The system has four main functionalities for employee management, supplier management, inventory management, buyers, and delivery management. This system will give solutions to problems in currently using applications. For this application, microsoft azure boards, github, sonarqube, and selenium ide are used for project management, version control, checking code quality, and testing

    Value stream mapping as a lean manufacturing tool: A new account approach for cost saving in a textile company

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    [EN] Companies around the world are under pressure to reduce their prices to be competitive. In order to keep profitability, they are adopting lean manufacturing (LM) and its tools to reduce waste and, consequently, the costs. Value stream mapping (VSM) is an efficient LM tool, identifying production flow waste. When it is possible to combine VSM with other LM tool, such as Kanban, a substantial impact in inventory reduction is reached. Additionally, the conventional account system shows limitations in the costs reduction to keep up with LM. The purpose of this paper is to present the results obtained by the application of the VSM combined with Kanban and the new account approach to measure the effectiveness of the cost reduction in the finished goods inventory. Considering that LM tools application in the textile segment has not an expressive number of researches, four hypothesis are presented and validated. The findings are discussed and finally, the research limitations and the practical implications originated by this work are presented as well as topics for further researches are suggested.Carvalho, C.; Carvalho, D.; Silva, M. (2019). Value stream mapping as a lean manufacturing tool: A new account approach for cost saving in a textile company. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 7(1):1-12. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2019.8607SWORD11271Abdulmalek, F. A., Rajgopa, J. (2007). Analyzing the benefits of lean manufacturing and value stream mapping via simulation: A process sector case study, Int. J. Production Economics, 107(1), 223-236. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2006.09.009Achanga, P., Shehab, E., Roy, R., Nelder, G. (2005). Critical success factors for lean implementation within SMEs, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 17(4), 460-471. https://doi.org/10.1108/17410380610662889Amorim, A.H. (2011). 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Learning to be lean: the influence of external information sources in lean improvements. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 28(5), 587-603. https://doi.org/10.1108/17410381111134455Braglia, M., Carmignani, G., Zammori, F. (2006). A new value stream mapping approach for complex production systems, International Journal of Production Research, 44(18-19), 3929-3952. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207540600690545Callen, J.L., Morel, M., Fader, C. (2003). The Profitability-Risk Tradeoff of Just-in-time Manufacturing Technologies. Managerial and Decision Economics, 24(5), 393-402. https://doi.org/10.1002/mde.1104Carnes, K., Hedin, S. (2005). Accounting for Lean Manufacturing: Another Missed Opportunity?. Management Accounting Quarterly, 7(1), 28-35.Carvalho, C.P., Gomes, F.M., N.Silva, J.P., Silva, M.B. (2017). Lean Manufacturing in Continuous Manufacturing Systems: A Literature Review. 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    Sustainability assessment of building rehabilitation actions in old urban centres

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    It is essential that the society understands the importance of sustainable development, its implication for the existing living standards and the need to implement management policies that promote sustainability. Rehabilitation assumes a fundamental role in this process; however, we are faced with the lack of specific, adequate and simplified tools for the sustainability assessment in rehabilitation actions. In this paper, the analysis of different sustainability assessment systems was conducted, comparing them in order to identify the adjustments to be made to a Portuguese model taken under consideration. Subsequently, the model was cross-checked with current European and national urban rehabilitation and regeneration policies, analysing their contribution to sustainability, in order to define the assessment criteria and create a Simplified Method for the Sustainability Assessment for rehabilitation in old urban centres, which can be a useful tool, easy to use by all actors in the process and as a way of preserving the history of this areas, and the memory of those who inhabit them. This Method considers five major areas: Water, Energy, Materials, Emissions and Cultural, Economic and Social Environments. For each of these criteria, measurement indicators and levels of assessment were settled, adjusted to the context of old urban centres.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An IoT-based energy management system for AC microgrids with grid and security constraints

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    This paper proposes an Internet-of-Things (IoT) based energy management system (EMS) for the optimal operation of unbalanced three-phase AC microgrids. The system utilizes a software architecture based on microservices, which includes a stochastic economic dispatch optimizer (EDO), a database, a web-based graphical user interface (GUI), and an application programming interface (API). The EDO uses a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model to ensure the day-ahead dispatch of the distributed energy resources (DERs) in the microgrid while adhering to grid constraints such as voltage, current, and power limits. Additionally, the optimization module takes into account security constraints for unplanned islanded operation, as well as stochastic scenarios of local demand and renewable generation. To assess the performance of the proposed IoT-based EMS, tests are conducted using a real-time simulator in a software-in-the-loop (SIL) experimental setup. Actual data from a microgrid located at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil is utilized for the tests. The microgrid consisted of a photovoltaic (PV) system, a battery energy storage system (BESS), a thermal generation unit, and variable demands. Results indicated the effectiveness of the proposed IoT-based EMS in monitoring the operation of the microgrid and defining the optimal day-ahead dispatch of local DERs.</p

    Scintillation efficiency of liquid xenon for nuclear recoils with the energy down to 5 keV

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    The scintillation efficiency of liquid xenon for nuclear recoils has been measured to be nearly constant in the recoil energy range from 140 keV down to 5 keV. The average ratio of the efficiency for recoils to that for gamma-rays is found to be 0.19+-0.02.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Levantamento fitossociológico de plantas daninhas em cafezal orgânico.

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    A adequação de um cafezal para o sistema orgânico causa grande mudança no sistema de manejo de plantas daninhas, mas as informações sobre o comportamento da comunidade infestante em áreas de cultivo de café orgânico são escassas no Brasil. Objetivou-se com este trabalho realizar um levantamento fitossociológico da comunidade infestante em três cafezais (variedades Mundo Novo, Bourbon Vermelho e Obatã) desenvolvidos em sistema orgânico, no município de Garça (SP). Nas três áreas estudadas foram arremessados ao acaso cem quadrados metálicos com área vazada de 0,25 m2, nas entrelinhas da cultura. As espécies contidas no interior dos quadros foram identificadas segundo a espécie botânica, nome popular e família. A partir dos resultados, determinaram-se os parâmetros fitossociológicos: frequência, densidade, abundância, frequência relativa, densidade relativa, abundância relativa, índice de valor de importância e similaridade florísticas pelos métodos de Simple Matching de Sneath & Sokal e similaridade de Sorensen. As famílias que mais se destacaram, com maior número de espécies nas três áreas foram Poaceae e Asteraceae. Houve alta similaridade em todos os contrastes testados, já que pelo menos metade das espécies identificadas foi comum às duas áreas contrastadas

    Clinical correlation between N-terminal pro-b-type natriuretic peptide and angiographic coronary atherosclerosis

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    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to investigate the clinical correlation between angiographic coronary atherosclerosis and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide along with other known correlated factors. METHODS: In total, 153 patients with a diagnostic hypothesis of stable angina, unstable angina or acute myocardial infarction were classified as group A (patients with angiographically normal coronary arteries) or group B (patients with angiographic coronary atherosclerosis). The two groups were analyzed with respect to the following factors: gender, age, body mass index, abdominal circumference, smoking, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, early family history of atherosclerosis, statin use, the presence of metabolic syndrome, clinical presentation and biochemical factors, including cholesterol, creatinine and fibrinogen plasma concentrations, monocyte counts and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide. RESULTS: Univariate analyses comparing the two groups revealed that group B patients more frequently had diabetes, used statins and had systolic dysfunction, N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide levels ≥250 pg/mL, fibrinogen levels >;500 mg/dL and ≥501 monocytes/mm3 compared with group A patients (
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