227 research outputs found

    Changes in herring consumption in Russia

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    In the seafood category Russian consumers are adopting new species and new product forms at a rapid rate. We employ a panel data set on monthly per capita demand for different herring products in six Russian regions to test hypotheses on the structure of herring consumption. Our econometric estimates indicate significant structural regional differences in per capita consumption of different products. We find that whole herring is generally an inferior good, whereas fillet herring products tend to be normal goods. This suggests that if incomes continue to increase, consumption will shift further from unprocessed to value added herring products


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    Kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis merupakan kemampuan yang sangat penting yang harus dimiliki siswa Sekolah Dasar. Hal ini akan membantu dalam mengembangkan potensi dirinya, dengan menitikberatkan pada kemampuan dalam berpikir dan bertindak secara normatif, dan siap bernalar dari apa yang dilihat maupun didengar sehingga dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapinya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, oleh karena itu peranan guru sebagai tenaga pendidik secara professional menjadi penentu dalam menjembatani siswa melalui pembelajaran yang berkualitas. Namun kenyataannya berkaitan dengan proses pembelajaran matematika di SD proses pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan belum memberikan kesempatan siswa dalam menggali potensi dirinya dalam berpikir kritis dan menyelesaikan permasalahan. Sehingga perlu dicari alternatif pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Pendekatan Realistic Mathematics Education merupakan salah satu alternatif yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah pendekatan Realistic Mathematics Education dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis dalam pembelajaran matematika di Sekolah Dasar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dengan desain kelompok kontrol non-Ekuivalen. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah siswa kelas IV pada salah satu SD di Kabupaten Garut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tes berbentuk uraian dan lembar observasi selama proses pembelajaran. Untuk pengolahan data digunakan program SPSS versi 20. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian berupa skor N-gain dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji t-tes. Hasil penelitian yang dianalisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis yang belajar melalui pendekatan Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) dengan yang menggunakan pembelajaran biasa. Jadi dapat disimpulkan peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis dengan menggunakan Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) lebih baik dari siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran biasa ---------- Critical thinking skills and mathematical problem solving ability is a very important capability that should be owned by elementary school students. These abilities would help students to improve their potential, with concern on the ability to think and act as normative, and ready to have a reason of what is seen and heard so that they can solve their problems in daily life, therefore the role of the teacher as professional educators be decisive in bridging the students through quality learning. But in the reality, relates to the process of learning mathematics in elementary school, learning process which implemented yet provide an opportunity for students to explore their potential in critical thinking to solve the problems. so it is necessary to find an alternative learning that can improve critical thinking skills and problem solving skills. Realistic Mathematics Education approach is one alternative that is used to improve critical thinking skills and mathematical problem-solving abilities. This research aims to determine whether Realistic Mathematics Education approach can improve the ability of critical thinking and mathematical problem solving ability in mathematics in elementary school. This research was conducted using a quasi-experimental design with a control group of non-Equivalent. Samples were fourth grade students in one elementary school in Garut. Data collected by the description and the sheet-shaped test observations during the learning process. For data processing used SPSS version 20. Based on the results of research in the form of N-gain scores were analyzed using t-test, which analyzed research results show that there are increasing in the ability of critical thinking and problem solving skills are learned through mathematical approach Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) with the use of regular learning. So we can conclude the increase in critical thinking skills and mathematical problem-solving abilities by using Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) is better than the students who get regular learnin

    Molecular characterization of a long range haplotype affecting protein yield and mastitis susceptibility in Norwegian Red cattle

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous fine mapping studies in Norwegian Red cattle (NRC) in the region 86-90.4 Mb on <it>Bos taurus </it>chromosome 6 (BTA6) has revealed a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for protein yield (PY) around 88 Mb and a QTL for clinical mastitis (CM) around 90 Mb. The close proximity of these QTLs may partly explain the unfavorable genetic correlation between these two traits in NRC. A long range haplotype covering this region was introduced into the NRC population through the importation of a Holstein-Friesian bull (1606 Frasse) from Sweden in the 1970s. It has been suggested that this haplotype has a favorable effect on milk protein content but an unfavorable effect on mastitis susceptibility. Selective breeding for milk production traits is likely to have increased the frequency of this haplotype in the NRC population.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Association mapping for PY and CM in NRC was performed using genotypes from 556 SNPs throughout the region 86-97 Mb on BTA6 and daughter-yield-deviations (DYDs) from 2601 bulls made available from the Norwegian dairy herd recording system. Highest test scores for PY were found for single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within and surrounding the genes <it>CSN2 </it>and <it>CSN1S2</it>, coding for the β-casein and α<sub>S2</sub>-casein proteins. High coverage re-sequencing by high throughput sequencing technology enabled molecular characterization of a long range haplotype from 1606 Frasse encompassing these two genes. Haplotype analysis of a large number of descendants from this bull indicated that the haplotype was not markedly disrupted by recombination in this region. The haplotype was associated with both increased milk protein content and increased susceptibility to mastitis, which might explain parts of the observed genetic correlation between PY and CM in NRC. Plausible causal polymorphisms affecting PY were detected in the promoter region and in the 5'-flanking UTR of <it>CSN1S2</it>. These polymorphisms could affect transcription or translation of <it>CSN1S2 </it>and thereby affect the amount of α<sub>S2</sub>-casein in milk.</p> <p>Highest test scores for CM were found in the region 89-91 Mb on BTA6, very close to a cluster of genes coding for CXC chemokines. Expression levels of some of these CXC chemokines have previously been shown to increase in bovine mammary gland cell lines after exposure to bacterial cell wall components.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Molecular characterization of the long range haplotype from the Holstein-Friesian bull 1606 Frasse, imported into NRC in the 1970s, revealed polymorphisms that could affect transcription or translation of the casein gene <it>CSN1S2</it>. Sires with this haplotype had daughters with significantly elevated milk protein content and selection for milk production traits is likely to have increased the frequency of this haplotype in the NRC population. The haplotype was also associated with increased mastitis susceptibility, which might explain parts of the genetic correlation between PY and CM in NRC.</p

    Identification of quantitative genetic components of fitness variation in farmed, hybrid and native salmon in the wild

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    -Feral animals represent an important problem in many ecosystems due to interbreeding with wild conspecifics. Hybrid offspring from wild and domestic parents are often less adapted to local environment and ultimately, can reduce the fitness of the native population. This problem is an important concern in Norway, where each year, hundreds of thousands of farm Atlantic salmon escape from fish farms. Feral fish outnumber wild populations, leading to a possible loss of local adaptive genetic variation and erosion of genetic structure in wild populations. Studying the genetic factors underlying relative performance between wild and domesticated conspecific can help to better understand how domestication modifies the genetic background of populations, and how it may alter their ability to adapt to the natural environment. Here, based upon a large-scale release of wild, farm and wild x farm salmon crosses into a natural river system, a genome-wide quantitative trait locus (QTL) scan was performed on the offspring of 50 full-sib families, for traits related to fitness (length, weight, condition factor and survival). Six QTLs were detected as significant contributors to the phenotypic variation of the first three traits, explaining collectively between 9.8 and 14.8% of the phenotypic variation. The seventh QTL had a significant contribution to the variation in survival, and is regarded as a key factor to understand the fitness variability observed among salmon in the river. Interestingly, strong allelic correlation within one of the QTL regions in farmed salmon might reflect a recent selective sweep due to artificial selection

    Footprints of directional selection in wild atlantic salmon populations: Evidence for parasite-driven evolution?

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    Mechanisms of host-parasite co-adaptation have long been of interest in evolutionary biology; however, determining the genetic basis of parasite resistance has been challenging. Current advances in genome technologies provide new opportunities for obtaining a genome-scale view of the action of parasite-driven natural selection in wild populations and thus facilitate the search for specific genomic regions underlying inter-population differences in pathogen response. European populations of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) exhibit natural variance in susceptibility levels to the ectoparasite Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg 1957, ranging from resistance to extreme susceptibility, and are therefore a good model for studying the evolution of virulence and resistance. However, distinguishing the molecular signatures of genetic drift and environment-associated selection in small populations such as land-locked Atlantic salmon populations presents a challenge, specifically in the search for pathogen-driven selection. We used a novel genome-scan analysis approach that enabled us to i) identify signals of selection in salmon populations affected by varying levels of genetic drift and ii) separate potentially selected loci into the categories of pathogen (G. salaris)-driven selection and selection acting upon other environmental characteristics. A total of 4631 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were screened in Atlantic salmon from 12 different northern European populations. We identified three genomic regions potentially affected by parasite-driven selection, as well as three regions presumably affected by salinity-driven directional selection. Functional annotation of candidate SNPs is consistent with the role of the detected genomic regions in immune defence and, implicitly, in osmoregulation. These results provide new insights into the genetic basis of pathogen susceptibility in Atlantic salmon and will enable future searches for the specific genes involved

    Casein haplotypes and their association with milk production traits in Norwegian Red cattle

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    A high resolution SNP map was constructed for the bovine casein region to identify haplotype structures and study associations with milk traits in Norwegian Red cattle. Our analyses suggest separation of the casein cluster into two haplotype blocks, one consisting of the CSN1S1, CSN2 and CSN1S2 genes and another one consisting of the CSN3 gene. Highly significant associations with both protein and milk yield were found for both single SNPs and haplotypes within the CSN1S1-CSN2-CSN1S2 haplotype block. In contrast, no significant association was found for single SNPs or haplotypes within the CSN3 block. Our results point towards CSN2 and CSN1S2 as the most likely loci harbouring the underlying causative DNA variation. In our study, the most significant results were found for the SNP CSN2_67 with the C allele consistently associated with both higher protein and milk yields. CSN2_67 calls a C to an A substitution at codon 67 in β-casein gene resulting in histidine replacing proline in the amino acid sequence. This polymorphism determines the protein variants A1/B (CSN2_67 A allele) versus A2/A3 (CSN2_67 C allele). Other studies have suggested that a high consumption of A1/B milk may affect human health by increasing the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. Altogether these results argue for an increase in the frequency of the CSN2_67 C allele or haplotypes containing this allele in the Norwegian Red cattle population by selective breeding

    Gene expression profiles in liver of pigs with extreme high and low levels of androstenone

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Boar taint is the unpleasant odour and flavour of the meat of uncastrated male pigs that is primarily caused by high levels of androstenone and skatole in adipose tissue. Androstenone is a steroid and its levels are mainly genetically determined. Studies on androstenone metabolism have, however, focused on a limited number of genes. Identification of additional genes influencing levels of androstenone may facilitate implementation of marker assisted breeding practices. In this study, microarrays were used to identify differentially expressed genes and pathways related to androstenone metabolism in the liver from boars with extreme levels of androstenone in adipose tissue.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Liver tissue samples from 58 boars of the two breeds Duroc and Norwegian Landrace, 29 with extreme high and 29 with extreme low levels of androstenone, were selected from more than 2500 individuals. The samples were hybridised to porcine cDNA microarrays and the 1% most significant differentially expressed genes were considered significant. Among the differentially expressed genes were metabolic phase I related genes belonging to the cytochrome P450 family and the flavin-containing monooxygenase <it>FMO1</it>. Additionally, phase II conjugation genes including UDP-glucuronosyltransferases <it>UGT1A5</it>, <it>UGT2A1 </it>and <it>UGT2B15</it>, sulfotransferase <it>STE</it>, N-acetyltransferase <it>NAT12 </it>and glutathione S-transferase were identified. Phase I and phase II metabolic reactions increase the water solubility of steroids and play a key role in their elimination. Differential expression was also found for genes encoding 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (<it>HSD17B2</it>, <it>HSD17B4</it>, <it>HSD17B11 </it>and <it>HSD17B13</it>) and plasma proteins alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (<it>AGP</it>) and orosomucoid (<it>ORM1</it>). 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases and plasma proteins regulate the availability of steroids by controlling the amount of active steroids accessible to receptors and available for metabolism. Differences in the expression of <it>FMO1</it>, <it>NAT12</it>, <it>HSD17B2 </it>and <it>HSD17B13 </it>were verified by quantitative real competitive PCR.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A number of genes and pathways related to metabolism of androstenone in liver were identified, including new candidate genes involved in phase I oxidation metabolism, phase II conjugation metabolism, and regulation of steroid availability. The study is a first step towards a deeper understanding of enzymes and regulators involved in pathways of androstenone metabolism and may ultimately lead to the discovery of markers to reduce boar taint.</p

    Genetic differences between wild and hatchery-bred brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in single nucleotide polymorphisms linked to selective traits

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    This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. © 2017 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.publishedVersio

    Gene expression profiles in testis of pigs with extreme high and low levels of androstenone

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background:</p> <p>Boar taint is a major obstacle when using uncastrated male pigs for swine production. One of the main compounds causing this taint is androstenone, a pheromone produced in porcine testis. Here we use microarrays to study the expression of thousands of genes simultaneously in testis of high and low androstenone boars. The study allows identification of genes and pathways associated with elevated androstenone levels, which is essential for recognising potential molecular markers for breeding purposes.</p> <p>Results:</p> <p>Testicular tissue was collected from 60 boars, 30 with extreme high and 30 with extreme low levels of androstenone, from each of the two breeds Duroc and Norwegian Landrace. The samples were hybridised to porcine arrays containing 26,877 cDNA clones, detecting 563 and 160 genes that were differentially expressed (p < 0.01) in Duroc and Norwegian Landrace, respectively. Of these significantly up- and down-regulated clones, 72 were found to be common for the two breeds, suggesting the possibility of both general and breed specific mechanisms in regulation of, or response to androstenone levels in boars. Ten genes were chosen for verification of expression patterns by quantitative real competitive PCR and real-time PCR. As expected, our results point towards steroid hormone metabolism and biosynthesis as important biological processes for the androstenone levels, but other potential pathways were identified as well. Among these were oxidoreductase activity, ferric iron binding, iron ion binding and electron transport activities. Genes belonging to the cytochrome P450 and hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase families were highly up-regulated, in addition to several genes encoding different families of conjugation enzymes. Furthermore, a number of genes encoding transcription factors were found both up- and down-regulated. The high number of clones belonging to ferric iron and iron ion binding suggests an importance of these genes, and the association between these pathways and androstenone levels is not previously described.</p> <p>Conclusion:</p> <p>This study contributes to the understanding of the complex genetic system controlling and responding to androstenone levels in pig testis. The identification of new pathways and genes involved in the biosynthesis and metabolism of androstenone is an important first step towards finding molecular markers to reduce boar taint.</p