944 research outputs found

    ENSO Cycle Driven Spatio-Temporal Variability of Temperature, Salinity, and Nitrate in in the California Current

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    Nitrate, temperature, and salinity conditions in the coastal upwelling regions of the California Current System vary on decadal timescales due to El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles. This study examines the quarterly variations in these conditions over the period 1979 to 2018 for CalCOFI cross-shelf transect 80, located at Point Conception. The CalCOFI dataset was indexed by NOAA’s Multivariate ENSO Index version two, climatologies were formed over El Nino, La Nina, and neutral quarters and then anomalies were calculated from these climatologies. Variations are most predominantly visible in the upper 200m of the water column and can be seen both coastally and offshore. Nitrate and temperature varied the greatest in the second quarter, during the period of greatest upwelling. La Nina (El Nino) periods saw greater (lower) concentrations of nitrate in the surface coastal water column. The nitrate-density relationships were similar between El Nino, La Nina and neutral periods and a difference could not be determined

    Evidence for an abrupt latest Miocene-earliest Pliocene climate shift preserved in a sinkhole paleolake at the Gray Fossil Site, northeastern Tennessee (Washington County)

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    Records of Neogene terrestrial climate are rare for the eastern half of North America. The recently discovered Gray Fossil Site (GFS) in northeastern Tennessee (Washington County) appears to be a sinkhole paleolake that preserves such a record. Well-preserved vertebrate GFS fossils strongly suggest a Late Miocene-Early Pliocene (Hemphillian) Land Mammal Age (2:. 4.5 Ma). Three distinct facies occur within the upper 20 m of GFS lacustrine sediment. The graded facies is characterized by continuous succession of individual graded beds that average 0.8 cm thick. This facies contains \u3c I% total organic carbon (TOC), has carbon isotope composition (613C V-PDB) averaging-25.4%0 with values as positive as -24.3%o, and is interpreted to represent deposition from sporadic storm events in a water-stressed ecosystem. The laminated facies overlies the graded facies. The transition between the two facies is marked by: I) the development of a depositional pattern that grades into the laminated facies, 2) an abrupt increase fro

    The Role of Fire-Retardant Treated Wood in the Protection of Life and Property

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    Fire-retardant treated wood is discussed with two approaches to fire protection offered: fire hazard and fire resistance. Descriptive terms used by testing and regulatory agencies are defined. Several of the more commonly accepted test methods used to determine efficiency of fire-retardant treatments in retarding flame spread or resisting burn-through are examined. The roles played by two major impregnated fire-retardant treatments in this accomplishment are described. Sources of information for more detailed study are provide

    Evaluating the cost effectiveness of environmental projects: Case studies in aerospace and defense

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    Using the replacement technology of high pressure waterjet decoating systems as an example, a simple methodology is presented for developing a cost effectiveness model. The model uses a four-step process to formulate an economic justification designed for presentation to decision makers as an assessment of the value of the replacement technology over conventional methods. Three case studies from major U.S. and international airlines are used to illustrate the methodology and resulting model. Tax and depreciation impacts are also presented as potential additions to the model

    Traffic Engineering Demonstration Project on U.S. 52 Bypass: Inventory, Analysis and Recommendations : Progress Report

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    The project reported here was designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of applied traffic engineering for attaining the ultimate operating potential of an arterial highway in a suburban area. Its seeds were in the work done by the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads on Wisconsin Avenue in Washington, D.C. The Wisconsin Avenue Study demonstrated that application of traffic engineering principles could yield significant results in the improvement of traffic operation on an urban arterial street. The present project proposed to demonstrate how these same techniques could yield similar improvements for a different situation, the suburban arterial highway. This type facility was chosen because of its similarity to several situations in Indiana, as well as other states, and the generalized applicability that could thereby be derived. It is felt that results obtained here will be helpful to the State Highway Commission in decisions relating to how to utilize limited available funds for improving existing facilities so as to obtain maximum benefit for each dollar spent. The results will also demonstrate means of obtaining temporary relief for areas badly in need thereof, but for which remedial major construction is currently financially infeasible

    The Summary Jury Trial

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    The American judicial system must necessarily rely on a steady flow of dispositions of cases by settlement lest it collapse because of a demand for trials beyond the ability of the courts to try cases. Settlements are achieved through a variety of procedures and techniques, yet many cases result in trials because of the uncertainty about prospective juror perceptions that pervades settlement discussions. Summary trial helps to eliminate this element of uncertainty and, at the same time, provides an additional basis for settlement of cases otherwise committed to trial. This is not to suggest that trial is to be avoided at all costs, but trial should result only in those cases incapable of alternative solutions. The summary jury trial provides one viable alternative

    The Summary Jury Trial

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    The American judicial system must necessarily rely on a steady flow of dispositions of cases by settlement lest it collapse because of a demand for trials beyond the ability of the courts to try cases. Settlements are achieved through a variety of procedures and techniques, yet many cases result in trials because of the uncertainty about prospective juror perceptions that pervades settlement discussions. Summary trial helps to eliminate this element of uncertainty and, at the same time, provides an additional basis for settlement of cases otherwise committed to trial. This is not to suggest that trial is to be avoided at all costs, but trial should result only in those cases incapable of alternative solutions. The summary jury trial provides one viable alternative

    Cupid & Psyche

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    The Tale of Cupid and Psyche was a research topic easily curated by the three of us. We as a collective decided upon which rendition of the story we would like to reference from, as well as represent details from other renditions that fit our analysis. We all had specific details in mind that we wanted to discuss and represent, specifically Cupid\u27s relation to Venus as well as Psyche\u27s butterfly wings. Before we began conversing on ideas about individual topics, we all discussed what the story meant to us, and why we wanted to research it. Our biggest inspiration was the idea that this was Luna\u27s bedtime story, something so beautifully attached to her childhood that she wanted to represent the story and discuss it in further detail. Mars and Leo were both interested in the story for various reasons, but the sentiment Luna had solidified the decision on Cupid and Psyche. Faculty Sponsor: Lisa Higgin

    Luther on love and law : a historical investigation of Martin Luther's application of scriptural authority to Church and State

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    Cette thèse s’ouvre avec des commentaires du siècle dernier sur les opinions de Luther à propos de l’autorité du gouvernement et de l’Église, ainsi que sur la nature humaine et la fonction de la loi. Je présente ensuite où ces critiques situent Luther par rapport à la tradition scholastique et par rapport à la tradition romaine au sein de l’Église. Puis, j’explore les œuvres de Luther pour mettre en lumière ses arguments concernant l’Église, la source de son autorité, ainsi que la relation de celle-ci avec les gouvernements, autrement dit les autorités temporelles. De là, je m’intéresse à la comparaison que le réformateur fait entre la place de l’Église dans la société et celle de l’autorité temporelle. Enfin, j’analyse les écrits de Luther à propos de deux évènements concernant la construction du Royaume de Dieu et plus précisément, dans quelle mesure l’Église dépend, ou non, des autorités temporelles pour construire ce Royaume. Nous allons trouver une réponse surprenante à la question de comment l’église est indépendante de l’autorité temporelle dans l’ouvrage spécifique au royaume de Dieu. Le but de ma thèse est de répondre à certains critiques qui reprochent à Luther de s’appuyer sur l’autorité temporelle pour établir l’Église, et par conséquent de donner au temporel le contrôle sur le spirituel. Nous découvrirons que Luther tire son autorité des Écritures. Nous découvrirons aussi les conséquences que cette autorité a sur sa philosophie politique, c'est-à-dire l’importance de la soumission aux autorités gouvernantes en même temps que la libération des individus de la tyrannie d’une fausse doctrine.This paper begins by citing some of the past century’s commentaries on Luther’s views on authority in government and the church as well as his views on human nature. I will show where his critics place him in reference to the scholastic tradition as well as the Roman tradition within the church. From here I will consider his writings themselves for the arguments that he made regarding the church and its source of authority as well as its proper relationship to the government, or temporal authority. I will address Luther’s perspective on the church’s place in society as compares with the temporal authority’s role. Finally I will present Luther’s writings in two specific situations concerning how the kingdom of God is built; more precisely, to what extent, if at all, the church is to depend upon the temporal authority for the establishment of the kingdom of God. The aim of this paper is to reply to the charge of some critics that Luther depended on the temporal authority for the establishment of the church and the implication that he gave the temporal authority control over spiritual matters. We will discover that Luther’s final source of authority comes from the Scriptures and the surprising effect that this has on his political philosophy is both to increase submission to the governing authorities as well as to increase freedom from the tyranny of false doctrine
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