2,407 research outputs found

    An algebraic model for free rational G-spectra

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    We show that for any compact Lie group G with identity component N and component group W = G/N, the category of free rational G-spectra is equivalent to the category of torsion modules over the twisted group ring H ∗ (BN)[W]. This gives an algebraic classification of rational G-equivariant cohomology theories on free G-spaces and a practical method for calculating the groups of natural transformations between them

    Haze in the Mars atmosphere as revealed by the Mariner 4 television data

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    Photometric investigation of haze in Mars atmosphere revealed by Mariner 4 television dat

    Fixed point adjunctions for module spectra

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    We consider the Quillen adjunction between fixed points and inflation in the context of equivariant module spectra over equivariant ring spectra, and give numerous examples including some based on geometric fixed points and some on the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence. These results were originally presented as part of our equivalence between rational torus-equivariant spectra and an algebraic model in arXiv:1101.2511. However, the present results apply in many other interesting cases explored here, which are not rational and where the ambient group is not a torus. The material in arXiv:1101.2511v3 will be revised to refer to this paper

    An algebraic model for rational torus-equivariant spectra

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    We show that the category of rational G-spectra for a torus G is Quillen equivalent to an explicit small and practical algebraic model, thereby providing a universal de Rham model for rational G-equivariant cohomology theories. The result builds on the first author's Adams spectral sequence, the second author's functors making rational spectra algebraic. There are several steps, some perhaps of wider interest (1) isotropy separation (replacing the category of G-spectra by modules over a diagram of isotropically simple ring G-spectra) (2) passage to fixed points on ring and module categories (replacing diagrams of ring G-spectra by diagrams of ring spectra) (3) replacing diagrams of ring spectra by diagrams of differential graded algebras (4) rigidity (replacing diagrams of DGAs by diagrams of graded rings). Systematic use of cellularization of model categories is central
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