1,303 research outputs found

    Математические модели для исследования влияния оксида азота и миоглобина на кислородный режим клетки

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    Предложена математическая модель трехмерного диффузионного транспорта и утилизации кислорода, оксида азота и модель плоской диффузии кислорода, оксида азота и миоглобина, учитывающая их взаимодействие в клетке. Приведены результаты вычислительных экспериментов по исследованию кислородного режима мышечной клетки.Запропоновано математичну модель тримірної дифузії та утилізації кисню, оксиду азоту та модель площинної дифузії кисню, оксиду азоту і міоглобіну з урахуванням їхньої взаємодії. Наведено результати обчислювальних експериментів з досліджень кисневого режиму м’язової клітини.The purpose of our study was to develop the model of O₂ and NO transport and interaction between NO and Mb in the muscle cell for calculation of main characteristics of oxygen regime in the cell — O₂ parameters

    Maytenus emarginata: A Folklore Ethnomedicinal Plant of Rajasthan

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    Tribal or folk medicines system is based on use of herbal medicines by tribal communities, which includes utilization of crude extract from local medicinal plants by medicine-men of community. The tribal communities dominated in various parts of Rajasthan harbors a vast diversity of vegetation. The surrounding plants form an integral part of culture of tribal people and the medicinal knowledge of plants is passed on from generation to generation through oral folklore and mythical stories. Ethno-botany is the study of plants and their practical uses through traditional knowledge by local inhabitants of a region. Maytenus emarginata Ding Hou is a Celesrtaceae family plant. It is locally known as ‘Kankero’ in hindi and Thorny staff tree in English. Various parts of this plant were used traditionally in folk culture for the treatment of various ailments. This review article includes therapeutic uses of crude extract of various parts of plant Maytenus emarginata and its phyto-chemical constituents. In this review article, we studied about anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, hepato-protective, anti-ulcerogenic activities of this plant. Keywords: folk medicines, medicine-men, folklore, anti-cancer, hepato-protective

    Immunotoxicity of Ochratoxin and Citrinin in New Zealand White rabbits

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    In the present study, the effects of ochratoxin A (OTA), citrinin (CIT) and their combination on the immunological parameters were studied in 6-8 weeks old New Zealand White rabbits at 60 d post-intoxication. Thirty two rabbits were divided into four groups of eight. OTA, CIT and a combination of the two were given at 0.75 mg/kg, 15 mg/kg and 0.75 plus 15 mg/kg, in feed respectively for up to 60 d of the trial. Other fourth group was used as a control, being fed standard toxin free feed. The toxin treated animals showed a signifi cant decline in antibody titres to sheep red blood cells. The reduction in the cell mediated immune response was more signifi cant in the OTA and combination groups as observed in the skin hypersensitivity test and the lymphocyte proliferation assay. The citrinin-treated rabbits failed to show any signifi cant changes following the lymphocyte transformation assay and the delayed type hypersensitivity test. Histologically, the cellular (mononuclear cells) reaction in the skin in the treated groups was comparatively lesser than that of the control group. Thus, the present study in rabbits indicated signifi cantly lower humoral and cellular immune responses in the OTA and combination groupsThe authors would like to acknowledge the help extended by the Director of the IVRI and the Head of the Division of Pathology in the execution of this research. This study was financially supported in part by the NATP-CGP (ICAR) Project No. II/221.Kumar, M.; Dwivedi, P.; Sharma, A.; Telang, A.; Patil, R.; Singh, N. (2010). Immunotoxicity of Ochratoxin and Citrinin in New Zealand White rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 16(1). http://hdl.handle.net/10251/851416

    Ferulic acid: A novel inducer of antioxidant enzymes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings

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    The present study reports the effects of pre-treatment with ferulic acid (FA) on antioxidant response of wheat seedlings. In comparison to hydropriming, 100 and 150 ppm of FA significantly enhanced seedling growth of wheat at 6th day after germination (DAG). However, 1000 ppm of FA led to reduction in seedling growth. Roots and shoots of wheat seedlings pre-treated with 100 ppm of FA showed significant upregulation of peroxidase (POX), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities. Although catalase (CAT) remained unaffected in the roots, but showed about 2-fold increase in the shoots. Despite of low glutathione reductase (GR) and high polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activities in the shoots and roots, respectively, ascorbic acid and total phenolic contents also increased at 6th DAG which may be due to the activation of their biosynthetic pathways in seedlings pre-treated with 100 ppm of FA. Proline content of wheat seedlings pre-treated with 100 ppm of FA remained unaffected. Results signify the role of FA pre-treatment in augmenting the antioxidant response of wheat and thereby suggest that at lower concentrations, it can be used for improving performance of wheat under various environmental constraints

    Efeito de quinze espécies de adubos verdes, na capacidade de retenção de água e no controle de nematóides, em Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro sob Cerrado

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    The effects of fifteen species of green manure on water-holding capacity and nematode control were observed in a dark-red Latosol; The test was conducted during the years of 1971/78 and 1918/79. Green manure was cultivated in first year and incorporated in March of 1978. A soybean test-crop was planted in the second year, using the UFV-1 cultivar. Water-holding capacity at 1 atm and nematode population were evaluated during this period. Soil water-holding capacity increased with all green manure studied until August of 1978, varying from 0.21 to 0.24 cm3 of water per cm of soil except in plots containing Stizolobium aterrimum, deeringianum and S. niveum. This increase of soil-water retention, varying from 0.21 to 0.26 cm of water per cm3 of soil, occurred until October of 1978. After the time these values decreased until February of 1979 and then increased again from 0.19 to 0.25 cm of water per cm of soil. After the incorporation, nematode population drastically decreased in all treatments until the planting of soybean. Soybean yields average were 2,500 kg/ha, although no manure had been used in the planting.Foram verificados os efeitos da incorporação de quinze espécies de adubos verdes na capacidade de retenção de água e no controle de nematóides, em um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro. O experimento foi conduzido durante os anos agrícolas 1977/78 e 1978/79. No primeiro ano agrícola, foram plantados os adubos verdes e incorporados em março de 1978. No segundo ano agrícola, plantou-se a soja, cultivar UFV-1, como cultura indicadora. Avaliações da capacidade de retenção de água, à tensão de 1 atm, e da população de nematóides, foram feitas ao longo deste período. A capacidade de retenção de água do solo aumentou para todos os adubos verdes estudados até agosto de 1978, variando, em média, de 0,21 para 0,24 cm3 de água/cm3 de solo, com exceção das amostras de solo em que tinham sido incorporados Stizolobium aterrimum, S. deeringianum e S. niveum. Estes aumentos de retensão de água ocorreram até outubro de 1978, variando, em média, de 0,21 para 0,26 cm3 de água/cm de solo. Daí, os valores de retenção de água decresceram até fevereiro de 1979. A partir de então, aumentou, em média, de 0,19 para 0,25 cm3 de água/cm3 de solo. Após a incorporação, todos os tratamentos diminuíram drasticamente a população de nematóides, mas, somente, até o plantio da soja. As produções médias da soja foram de 2300 kg/ha, apesar de não ter sido feita adubação no plantio