112 research outputs found

    Are Exit Interviews Still Worthy for Companies to Invest Time, Money, and Efforts?

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    [Excerpt] 80% of employees dissatisfied with their supervisors are disengaged, and likely planning their exit (Dale Carnegie Employee Engagement Study). Developing a comprehensive retention strategy starts with assessing the different reasons why employees quit. Employees who leave are also a representative sample of the potential exits as well. Therefore, exiting employees provide insights into the preferences, expectations, and intents of current employees. The method of obtaining this information is equally important. Exit interviews serve as a tool for gathering information from the employees separating from the organization. Interviews are particularly appealing as a feedback instrument in that employees at this transitional stage of their organizational career are likely to be particularly candid about their perceptions of the organization

    Can Inclusion be Measured in a Quantitative Way, Just Qualitative, or a Combination?

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    [Excerpt] Deloitte’s 2017 Global Human Capital Trends study revealing that the number of executives who cited inclusion as a top priority rose 32% since 2014. For this study inclusion is defined as the degree to which an employee perceives that he or she is a valued member of the work group. It’s important to discern that inclusion is not autonomous from belonging, but that both are key elements in company initiatives. Belonging from the employee point of view is, “I can be authentic, I matter, and am essential to my team.” Workgroup diversity is a well-researched topic, but diversity is taken a step further with inclusion. Companies have are starting to reconsider their practices to measure it. Forbes names 2016 as the year of Diversity and Inclusion. Deloitte Australia research shows that inclusive teams outperform peers by 80% in team-based assessments. Deloitte also confirms that companies that embrace diversity and inclusion in all aspects of their business outperform their peers. However, companies acknowledge that, inclusion and belonging are complex constructs to define and measure. With increasing investments, measuring inclusion is vital to understanding if employees feel a sense of inclusion and belonging within their company

    How do Organizations Measure the ROI or Impact of Leadership Training and Development Programs?

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    [Excerpt] In a Harvard Business Review poll, 51 percent of those surveyed said they had diminished confidence in business leaders at non-U.S. companies and 76 percent had less confidence in U.S. business leaders. Another survey by IBM shared that more than 75 percent of their survey respondents identified building leadership talent as their current and most significant capabilities challenge. Thus, the organizations need to focus on building talent and developing leaders internally. Also it is advantageous because they achieve productivity almost 50 percent faster than external candidates’. Leadership development programs can be explained as teaching leadership qualities required for a leadership position


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    Infectious diseases create major unavoidable, devastating and fatal conditions for all mankind. Since ancient times, Indian traditional medicinal system is utilizing the several thousands of plants for treating and to providing protection against various human ailments including various infections and epidemics. Fortunately India is enriched with multiple of plant species proven with their medicinal properties such as antiviral, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Researchers concluded phytochemical and pharmacological importance of these precious therapeutic properties of plants. Thorough research and experimentation on the antiviral properties of numerous plants scientifically confirmed the plants potential. The objective of this review is to summarize those plants exploring antiviral compounds activities and their therapeutic actions

    Evaluation of red cell distribution width in the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia

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    Background: Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional deficiency world over and in India. It is the most important cause of microcytic hypochromic anemia. Red cell distribution width (RDW) provides quantitative assessment of anisocytosis and could be helpful in differentiating iron deficiency anemia from other microcytic anemias. The objective behind this study was to assess the role of RDW as an early indicator in diagnosing iron deficiency anemia.Methods: A total of 100 cases of microcytic anemia (MCV <80fl) were included in the study. RDW values were obtained on an automated hematology analyser. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value of RDW in iron deficiency anemia were studied.Results: With cut off value of 14.5%, sensitivity and specificity of RDW as a test in diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia were 84.81% and 57.14% respectively and a positive and negative predictive value of 88.15% and 50% respectively.Conclusions: RDW has a high sensitivity and can be used as a simple, economical, reliable automated red blood cell parameter for initial diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia

    A prospective study of efficacy and safety of mifepristone and vaginal misoprostol in termination of pregnancy up to 63 days of gestation

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    Background: Illegal abortion is still one of the important causes of maternal mortality in India accounting for approximately 13%. Medical Management of abortion is a non-surgical termination which does not require special facilities like operation theatre, hospital stay and thereby reduces complications associated with the same.Methods: It is a prospective study done in a Tertiary care Government Hospital over a span from Jan 2015 to April 2016. After patient selection as per inclusion criteria and written informed consent after evaluating patients were enrolled in the study. In first visit Tab. mifepristone 200 mg. orally was given and advised to take Tab. misoprostol 800 mcg. Vaginally after 48 hours at home. They were counselled for side effects and asked to report in case of excess bleeding, pain, fever or no bleed for 24 hours of misoprostol. After 7 days follow up was done to ensure completion of abortion. Any additional drugs required were noted. Contraceptive advice is also given during these visits.Results: In our study 60 cases were taken. Majority of women are between 20-29 years of age which is peak reproductive age. 61.1% women are of second parity. The success rate of medical methods is 96.6%, two cases out of 60 underwent surgical evacuation and one was lost to follow up. Most common adverse effect noted is abdominal cramps. No patient required hospitalization. Additional Misoprostol was required in 4 cases. This method is highly acceptable 95% cases as it is non invasive and preferred to adopt the same in future if needed.Conclusions: Patient participation, motivation, compliance, regular follow up visits, ability to record and report complications are the pillars on which the success of medical methods depends. Hence overall, it came out to be safe and effective method

    OSEMN Approach for Real Time Data Analysis

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    Data analysis system is the study of people opinions, sentiments, attitudes, and emotions expressed through written language. Sentiment analysis is just a part of it in this system we compare the accuracy result of two languages sentiment analysis. If we saw than sentiment analysis is one of the most active research areas. It is popular because of two reasons. First, it has a big range of applications because opinions are center of almost all human activities and it shows our behaviours. Whenever we make a decision, we have to heard other’s opinions as well. Second, it presents many challenges research problems, which had never been strive before the year 2000. Part of the reason for the lack of study before was that there was small dogmatic text in digital forms. There is no surprise that the establishment and the rapid growth in the field coincide with the social media on the Web. In fact, the research has also increase outside of computer science to manage science and social science due to its importance to business and society as a whole. Information analysis system is the system in which we measure the accuracy rate of both languages chirps. The main thing is this that this project is a newly formed project. We can say that sentiment analysis is just a part of it for that we have to understand what is sentiment classification and analysis. So Sentiment classification is a way to inspect the personal data in the chirps or data and then extract the opinion. Chirps analysis the method by which information is withdraw from the opinions, and emotions of people in regards to things. During decision taking the opinion of other person shave a drastic effect on users or customers ease because they make choices regarding to e-shopping, choosing events, products, things. The approaches towards chirps analysis work according to a particular level, document level. This paper aims at analysing a solution for the sentiment classification at a powdery, mainly in the sentences in which the polar nature of the chirps or sentences given by three categorization name as positive ,negative and neutral

    Histopathological patterns of head and neck lesions - a two year retrospective hospital based study

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    Background: Head and neck lesions include a spectrum of pathological lesions ranging from simple benign to highly malignant entities. These lesions contribute significantly to morbidity and mortality of patients. The aim of this study was to determine the histological patterns of head and neck lesions, both non- neoplastic and neoplastic and to analyse the data in relation to age, gender, topography.Methods: A two year retrospective study was conducted in the Post Graduate Department of Pathology, ASCOMS and Hospital and histopathological data pertaining to all head and neck lesions was reviewed. Each case was analysed with respect to age, gender, site and histological type.Results: One hundred and forty-five cases from the head and neck region were analysed during this two-year period. Age range was from 3 months to 85 years with maximum cases in the age group of 21-50 years (51.03%). The Male: Female ratio was 1.37:1. In our study, 53.79% benign, 24.13% inflammatory and 22.06% malignant cases were recorded. Maximum number of benign lesions was in the age group of 21-50 years. Malignancies were noted to be higher in ages 51 years and above.  Squamous cell carcinoma was the most common malignancy observed.Conclusions: We conclude that site specific data like this is helpful in evaluating patterns of head and neck lesions and augment the base line data of institute and the region

    Histomorphological spectrum of prostatic lesions: a retrospective analysis of transurethral resection of prostate specimens

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    Background: Prostatic diseases like inflammation, benign prostatic hyperplasia and tumors are important causes of mortality and morbidity in males. The incidence of these lesions increases with advancing age. The second most common cancer among males is prostate cancer, next to lung cancer worldwide. Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) is most frequently preformed surgical procedure in the clinical practice. The purpose of the study is to evaluate histomorphological spectrum of prostate lesions in TURP specimen with focus on premalignant lesions and incidental carcinomas.Methods: The present study includes 245 cases of TURP specimen from January 2015 to December 2016 received in the post graduate department of pathology, ASCOMS and Hospital. H and E stained sections were examined. The relevant clinical details pertaining to age, clinical complaints and microscopic details were analysed and compared with other similar studies.Results: Of the total 245 TURP specimen, 223 (91.02%) were of nodular hyperplasia, 14 (5.71%) were of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and 8 (3.26%) cases were malignant. Benign hyperplasia of prostate (BHP) alone accounted for 91.02% of TURP specimen. Less frequent findings were granulomatous prostatitis in 3.70% and atypical adenomatous hyperplasia (1.22%). All the 8 cases of prostate cancer were incidental carcinoma, 5 of which were poorly differentiated and 3 were moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma.Conclusions: The present study showed that non-neoplastic lesions of prostate are more common than neoplastic ones. The most frequently encountered prostatic lesion was BHP, commonly seen in the age group of 61-70 years. The malignant lesions were common among the males of more than 60 years. TURP can be helpful in early identification of premalignant lesions and incidental prostate cancer which can improve the treatment outcome of patients

    Infrastructure-less Vehicular Communication System Using Li-Fi Technology

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    This paper introduces vehicle to vehicle (v2v) communication system using Li-Fi technology. The lightning quick transfer of information between vehicles becomes mandatory when danger is imminent as it can instantly diffuse a potentially hazardous situation. Connected cars will help cities and states cut down on congestion and improve safety. On the road, cars will communicate with each other, automatically transmitting data such as speed, position, and direction, and send alerts to each other if a crash seems imminent. We consider the several scenarios: 1) communication between car and RSU 2) inter vehicular communication 3) communication based network system. The reach ability, delay in transmission and percentage collisions are evaluated with respect to the average distance between cars using pixel oriented visualization. With the help of LEDs fitted in the car, we can transmit data seamlessly using rapid pulse of light over VANET (Vehicular Ad-hoc network) for high speed communications
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