392 research outputs found

    Narrating Ambivalence of Maternal Responsibility

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    Early motherhood and caring for the infant involve a moral ambiguity that is related to the questions of responsibility and vulnerability. By means of the ethics of care, motherhood can be understood as belonging to the moral domain, as relational, and as linked with everyday social situations. The culturally dominant narratives of \'good mothering\' easily naturalise and normatise maternal agency. This study illustrates the process of adopting responsibility for the infant and the moral ambivalence that is inscribed in early maternal care. The data consist of four interview sessions with each of seven first-time mothers conducted during pregnancy and the first post-natal year. The interviews concentrated on events, relationships, routines, thoughts and feelings related to the mothers\' daily caring for the baby. The women talked about their experiences drawing on two different narratives. The narrative of desirable responsibility unfolded the positive aspects of caring and responsibility for the baby. By means of this narrative, the women were able to give coherence to their lives as new mothers and to narrate the pleasure they felt in taking responsibility for their baby. In contrast, the narrative of maternal vulnerability showed the shadow side of maternal care focusing on the mothers\' tiredness and distress. This narrative embodied \'moral monitoring\' and \'epistemological struggles\' between the dominant cultural narratives and the mothers\' personal narratives. The study shows that early mothering is morally laden in two different ways simultaneously. Mothering itself is a moral disposition and practice characterised by ambivalence. The cultural narratives of \'good mothering\' play a dual role in this process: they tempt women into pursuing intensive mothering, but at the same time they create an elusive moral imperative.Care, Cultural Narratives, Ethics of Care, Morality, Motherhood, Narrative Research, Pleasure, Vulnerability

    Apposition Groups in Dede Korkut Stories

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    Unvan grubu, bir şahıs adı ile bir unvan veya akrabalık gösteren ismin yan yana gelerek oluşturduğu kelime grubudur. Unvan gösteren isim, şahıs adından önce de sonra da gelebilir. Bu çalışmada Türk dili ve edebiyatı alanının en seçkin eserlerinden biri olan Dede Korkut'taki unvan grupları ele alınmıştır. Tespit edilen gruplar, 23 ana başlık altında incelenmiştir. Apposition group is a group of words consisting of a personal name together with an apposition word or with a word showing relationship. The noun representing the apposition can be after or before the personal name. In this study, the apposition groups of Dede Korkut, one of the substantial works of Turkish Language and Literature, has been studied. Groups in question have been examined under 23 subgroups


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    Fokus utama dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada atau tidak perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan siswa dalam pemahaman menulis teks narrative menggunakan strategi RAFT dan dengan tidak menggunakan strategy RAFT di sekolah SMAN 12 Pekanbaru. Pada penelitian ini, jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi-ekperimental. Penulis menggunakan nonrandomized control pre-test and post-test design. Penulis menggunakan 2 kelas sebagai sampel yang terdiri dari 80 siswa. Kelas pertama sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas kedua adalah kelas control. Kelas eksperimen diajarkan dengan menggunakan strategy RAFT dan kelas control diajarkan dengan tidak menggunakan strategy RAFT. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah tes. Tes digunakan untuk mengumpul data dari kemampuan anak di dalam pemahaman menulis. Teknik analisa data menggunakan rumus Independent Sample T-test dalam tujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan nilai rata-rata antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas control dengan mempertimbangkan degree of freedom (df). Berdasarkan analisis data, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikkan antara kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks narrative diajarkan dengan menggunakan strategy RAFTdan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks narrative dengan tidak menggunakan strategy RAFT dengan konsiderasi t0 = 3.30 lebih tinggi dari ttable pada taraf signifikan 5% = 2.65 atau pada taraf signifikan 1% = 2.00. dapat dibaca 2.652.00. Itu berarti bahwa Ha diterima H0 ditolak. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada perbedaan signifikan antara kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks narrative diajar dengan menggunakan strategi RAFT dan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis diajar dengan tidak menggunakan strategi RAFT. Dengan kata lain, ada efek signifikan menggunakan strategi RAFT untuk meningkatkan menulis teks narrative siswa kelas dua SMAN 12 pekanbaru

    Modern deep-water agglutinated foraminifera from IODP Expedition 323, Bering Sea: ecological and taxonomic implications

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    Despite the importance of the Bering Sea for subarctic oceanography and climate, relatively little is known of the foraminifera from the extensive Aleutian Basin. We report the occurrence of modern deep-water agglutinated foraminifera collected at seven sites cored during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 323 in the Bering Sea. Assemblages collected from core-top samples contained 32 genera and 50 species and are described and illustrated here for the first time. Commonly occurring species include typical deep-water Rhizammina , Reophax , Rhabdammina , Recurvoides and Nodulina . Assemblages from the northern sites also consist of accessory Cyclammina , Eggerelloides and Glaphyrammina , whilst those of the Bowers Ridge sites consist of other tubular genera and Martinottiella . Of the studied stations with the lowest dissolved oxygen concentrations, the potentially Bering Sea endemic Eggerelloides sp. 1 inhabits the northern slope, which has the highest primary productivity, and the potentially endemic Martinottiella sp. 3 inhabits Bowers Ridge, which has the lowest oxygen concentrations but relatively low annual productivity. Martinottiella sp. 3, with open pores on its test surface, has previously been reported in Pliocene to Recent material from Bowers Ridge. Despite relatively small sample sizes, ecological constraints may imply that the Bering Sea experienced high productivity and reduced oxygen at times since at least the Pliocene. We note the partially endemic nature of the agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages, which may at least in part be due to basin restriction, the geologically long time period of reduced oxygen, and high organic carbon flux. Our results indicate the importance of gathering further surface sample data from the Aleutian Basin

    How hot are the Cairngorms?

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    Heat flow measured over the East Grampians batholith in the 1980s was found to be unexpectedly low and at odds with high radiogenic heat production within the outcropping granites and a very large volume of granite predicted from an interpretation of gravity data. Past climate variations perturb temperature gradients in the shallow subsurface leading to erroneous estimates of heat flow. A reconstruction of the surface temperature history during the last glacial cycle has enabled a rigorous palaeoclimate correction to be applied to the heat flow that shows an increase of 25% over previously reported values; revised to 86 ± 7 mW m−2. An interpretation of recent mapping reveals that the surface exposures of the East Grampians granites are the roof zones of a highly evolved magma system. Rock composition, therefore, is likely to become more mafic with depth and the heat production will decrease with depth. This petrological model can be reconciled with the gravity data if the shape of the batholith is tabular with deep-seated feeder conduits. The increased heat flow value leads to revised predictions of subsurface temperatures of 129°C at 5 km depth and 176°C at 7 km depth, increases of 40% and 49%, respectively, compared to previous estimates. These temperatures are at the lower end of those currently required for power generation with Engineered Geothermal Systems, but could potentially be exploited as a direct heat use resource in the Cairngorm region by targeting permeable fractures with deep boreholes

    The Effect Of Profitability And Liquidity Against Capital Structure (Case Study in Registered Property and Real Estate Sector Companies On the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Period 2014-2018)

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    This research was conducted to determine the effect of profitability and liquidity on capital structure. This study uses financial statement data on real estate and property companies listed on the IDX taken over a period of five years, starting in 2014 until 2018. These data were obtained from the site www.idx.co.id with the type of data used is a time series data. The results of this study indicate simultaneously the effect, profitability ratios and liquidity ratios, on real estate and property companies have a significant effect on capital structure with a large influence of only 21.5%. While partial liquidity has different effects in influencing capital structure. It can be concluded that the profitability ratio has a significant negative effect on the capital structure while the liquidity ratio has a significant positive effect on the capital structure
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