177 research outputs found


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    Di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Syiah Kuala penggunaan wireless LAN pada tiap-tiap ruangan jauh lebih praktis dibandingkan dengan menggunakan kabel LAN. Dengan setiap access pointnya memiliki password yang berbeda-beda, hal ini yang membuat user harus mengetahui password pada setiap ruangan yang didatanginya. Dan salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut yaitu dengan menggunakan sistem autentikasi menggunakan username dan password dari FreeRadius server. Dengan memanfaatkan security WPA2-EAP yang mendukung FreeRadius server sebagai protokol dengan menggunakan authentication, authorization, dan accounting. Dalam penerapannya, access point dihubungkan dengan FreeRadius yang diinstall pada linux Ubuntu 14.04 server dimana WPA2-EAP sendiri memiliki dua algoritma enkripsi yang dapat digunakan, yaitu AES dan TKIP. Sehingga perlu dilakukan pengujian ini yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui celah keamanan WPA2-EAP dengan algoritma AES dan TKIP berdasarkan parameter paket data yang ditangkap, hasil enkripsi dari masing-masing algoritma, dan waktu yang diperlukan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengujian, WPA2-EAP dengan algoritma AES lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan TKIP, dari segi kekuatan enkripsi dan panjang key yang diberikan, walaupun keduanya masih dapat diretas menggunakan dictionary attack karena paket data yang ditangkap memiliki password berada didalam kamus Backtrack. Dan algoritma AES dan TKIP (RC4) didapat untuk mengenkripsi password AES terlihat lebih lama dengan waktu 2,7 sampai 4,1 ms sedangkan RC4 1,8 sampai 2,7 ms


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    Pengembalian data yang disembunyikan pada enkripsi images telah banyak digunakan dan menjamin kerahasiaan untuk medical imagery, military imagery, dan law forensics. Dan banyak kemajuan penelitian mengenai hal ini. Namun penyembunyian data menggunakan image juga memiliki keterbatasan terhadap kualitas dan kapasitas, dimana kedua hal ini selalu berbanding terbalik. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya hanya terfocus pada salah satu keterbatasan tersebut. Maka dari itu pada penelitian kali ini, kami menggunakan metode reserving room untuk menyembunyikan data sebelum cover image dienkripsi. Metode yang diajukan ialah dengan menambahkan kapasitas sehingga mampu memenuhi permintaan penyembunyian data atau message untuk ukuran yang lebih besar. Sedangkan metode LSB-plane untuk pemilihan blok yang menerima untuk penyembunyian message data dan menggunakan tradisional teknik RDH untuk mengenkripsi dan dekripsi images sehingga cover image maksimal. Hasil eksperiment menunjukkan bahwa metode yang diajukan memberikan kualitas yang unggul untuk menjaga nilai PSNR proses embedding diatas 0.5 bpp sehingga aplikasi ini mampu menyembunyikan data yang lebih besar

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    Pengawasan Badan Narkotika Nasional (Bnn) dalam Menanggulangi Penyalahgunaan Narkoba Dikota Pekanbaru

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    Ryan Setiawan (1001112089), Oversght of National Narcotic (BNN) in tackling drug abuse in the city of Pekanbaru, Adviser by Drs. H. Isril, MH. Supervision which has been run by BNN Pekanbaru in performing its functions as a designated agency to tackle drug abuse in the city of Pekanbaru has been going well , but there are some indicators that still have not been able to run well . Indicators of employment report could not walk properly because the BNN reporting directly down the center of spaciousness that BNN Pekanbaru not have a concrete statement about the problem of drug abuse in the city of Pekanbaru . In the absence of such reports affect performance in terms of Pekanbaru City BNN supervision . According to Griffin supervision is part of the management function that seeks to predefined plans can be achieved effectively and efficiently , in the process of supervision Griffin has set the standard three steps are set standards , conduct assessments, and conduct corrective action. This study is a descriptive qualitative approach in which the author describes the supervision of BNN in tackling drug abuse in Pekanbaru and the factors that influence the control of drug abuse . Data collection technique is by interview and observation by using purposive sampling method . Key informants in this study is Kasubbag BNN Pekanbaru City Administration . The results of the study authors was an oversight that has been run by BNN Pekanbaru City in exercising its functions as an agency that oversees drug abuse in Pekanbaru has been going well but there are some indicators that are still not maximized because supervision is not done routinely and uniformly in all circles so much abuse drugs in the city of Pekanbaru .Keywords : Monitoring , Drug


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    National development can not be separated from the development of each sector that forms a. Regional economic development undertaken through the management of potential and existing resources in each region can increase economic growth through Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). The rate of growth Regional GDP of Central Java Province is lower compared to West Java and East Java Provinces. Economic growth through Regional GDP by several developing factors. This study aims to analyze the influence of investment, labor and Local Own Revenue (PAD) to Regional GDP Central Java Province. The method used in this study is the analysis of multiple linear regression (Ordinary Least Square) with the time series 2012-2015 and cross section data 35 Districts / Cities Central Java Province. The result of research on R2 test means that Investment, Manpower and PAD are able to explain Regional GDP variable equal to 76 percent, while the remaining 24 percent is explained other variables. In the F test obtained F statistics of 129.29 then obtained F statistics > F table. Then on investment variable, labor and Local Own Revenue (PAD) have a positive and significant effect to Regional GDP of Central Java Province. The higher realization of investment, labor and Local Own Revenue (PAD), the higher the Regional GDP of Central Java Province. Then the most dominant variable in this study is the Local Revenue (PAD)

    Diversity of Phytophagous and Entomophagous Insect on Yellow Alder Flower (Turnera subulata J.E SM and Turnera ulmifolia L.) Around the Palm Oil (Elaeis guineensis J.) Plantations

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    Yellow alder flower, with Indonesian name bunga pukul delapan, can influence the existence of phytophagous and entomophagous insect around any crops. The existence of these phytophagous and entomophagous insects would affect the diversity of predator and parasitoid insect species that come to these crops. This research was aimed to study the role of yellow alder flower in their influence of the presence of predatory and parasitoid insect that active in the Turnera subulata dan Turnera ulmifolia. The research was conducted at July to August 2017 in palm oil plantation of PT. Tania Selatan branch Burnai Timur 1. The results showed that phytophagous insect found in the yellow alder flower belonging to 6 orders and 25 families.  Meanwhile for the entomophagous insect, it was belonging to the 7 orders and 15 families. The diversity index in Turnera subulate and Turnera ulmifolia was in range of 0.063 and 2.912 or higher than 2. The dominant index was low (in range of 0.091 to 0.125) and the evenness index was high enough in range 0.738 – 0.752

    LKP : Perancangan Media Promosi BINUS CENTER Balikpapan

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    Perancangan Media promosi untuk Binus Center Balikpapan merupakan salah satu upaya dalam mengenalkan serta mempromosikan Binus Center Balikpapan yang baru saja berdiri agar tidak kalah dengan kompetitor dibidang Lembaga Pendidikan Swasta lainnya. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan desain yang menarik, efektif, dan unik agar masyarakat Kota Balikpapan dapat langsung mengenal dan ingin memakai jasa Binus Center sebagai lembaga pendidikan swasta yang berkualitas tinggi

    Decoding Ability of Students with Visual Impairment under Systematic and Explicit Phonics Instruction

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    This study discusses the decoding ability of students with visual impairment in a special need school under the implementation of systematic and explicit phonics instruction. The purpose of this study is to observe to what extent does the instruction help students with visual impairment in novice and mature alphabetic stage learn English word decoding. This qualitative study uses non-participant observation using unstructured fieldnotes and loosely-structured interview to obtain verbal data from 1 teacher and 4 students in four meetings of classroom observation. All of the students are visually impaired whom divided into two big groups. 2 of the students belong to mature alphabetic stage and the other 2 students belong to novice alphabetic stage. The classroom being observed is an English extracurricular classroom in a school specialized for students with visual impairment. Although they are divided into two groups, they study together in a same classroom at once. The results derived from the observation and interview are (1) Students in novice alphabetic stage, although they have not memorized all of the alphabet’s name, they still are able to gain knowledge of English word decoding, (2) Students in mature alphabetic stage, for they have memorized all of the alphabet’s name, have an easier understanding and are able to cope with the instruction better and faster, (3) this kind of instruction could gain students confidence in reading English word even though they do not memorize the alphabet’s name, (4) Once the students are able to relate between the words’ shape and how it sounds, they start to build automaticity in building their understanding of English words decoding. This study concluded that with appropriate materials and instruction, students with visual impairment in novice and alphabetic stage could acquire the knowledge of how to sound English words. Keywords: Decoding, Students with Visual Impairment, Systematic and Explicit Phonics Instructio
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