123 research outputs found

    “But, Who am I?” Self-reference between neurobiology and philosophy

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    Indexación: Revista UNAB.Este ensayo toma como punto de partida la interpretación de la tradición filosófica de la crítica y la deconstrucción de la subjetividad que Catherine Malabou elabora en “Go wonder: subjectivity and affects in neurobiological times” (2013). Discutimos esta interpretación indirectamente, ofreciendo una lectura alternativa de los proyectos filosóficos que están en juego en la génesis neurobiológica de la mente propuesta por Antonio Damasio y en el pensamiento de Jacques Derrida sobre la vida en general como autoafección.This essay takes as its point of departure the interpretation of the philosophical tradition of the critique and deconstruction of subjectivity that Catherine Malabou develops in “Go wonder: Subjectivity and affects in neurobiological times” (2013). It challenges this interpretation by offering an alternative reading of the philosophical projects underpinning Antonio Damasio’s neurobiological genesis of the mind and Jacques Derrida’s thinking of life in general as auto-affection.http://revistahumanidades.unab.cl//wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Mauro-Senatore-Pero-yo-quien-soy-La-autorreferencia-entre-neurobiologia-y-filosofia.pd

    In the night of nonknowledge : Derrida on freedom

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    Jacques Derrida had never written a book on "freedom." This word occurs very rarely in his writings until the late '80s; since then, he had increasingly employed it, but with circumspection. In this article, I aim to show that we can trace a thinking of freedom throughout Derrida's work and that this thinking describes a singular trajectory from the subjective freedom of the humanist history of life to the presubjective freedom of symbolic life. To this end, first, I shall explore Derrida's early deconstructive reading of the conception of subjective freedom that underpins modern philosophical and biological accounts of the living. Second, I shall focus on the conception of the other's freedom that Derrida finds at work in the symbolic machine of sovereign decision. The turning point of this trajectory, I shall argue, is the elaboration, proposed by Derrida in the late '80s, of an experience of freedom as nonknowledge that is neutralized by and yet exceeds subjective and sovereign freedom.Jacques Derrida no va escriure mai un llibre sobre la «llibertat». Aquesta paraula apareix molt rarament en els seus escrits fins a finals dels anys vuitanta; des d'aleshores, Derrida la va emprar cada cop més, però amb cautela. En aquest article, em proposo mostrar que podem rastrejar un pensament de la llibertat tot al llarg de l'obra de Derrida i que aquest pensament descriu una trajectòria singular des de la llibertat subjectiva de la història humanista de la vida fins a la llibertat presubjectiva de la vida simbòlica. Amb aquesta finalitat, primer exploraré la lectura desconstructiva primerenca que Derrida ofereix de la concepció de la llibertat subjectiva que sustenta els discursos filosòfics i biològics moderns sobre allò vivent. En segon lloc, em centraré en la concepció de la llibertat de l'altre que Derrida veu implicada en la màquina simbòlica de la decisió sobirana. El punt d'inflexió d'aquesta trajectòria, argumentaré, és l'elaboració, feta per Derrida a finals dels anys vuitanta, d'una experiència de llibertat com a no-saber que es neutralitza amb la llibertat subjectiva i sobirana i, tanmateix, l'excedeix.Jacques Derrida nunca escribió un libro sobre la «libertad». Esta palabra aparece muy raramente en sus escritos hasta finales de los años ochenta; desde entonces, Derrida la usó cada vez más, pero con cautela. En este artículo, me propongo mostrar que podemos rastrear un pensamiento de la libertad a lo largo de la obra de Derrida y que este pensamiento describe una trayectoria singular desde la libertad subjetiva de la historia humanista de la vida hasta la libertad presubjetiva de la vida simbólica. Con este fin, primero exploraré la lectura deconstructiva temprana que Derrida ofrece de la concepción de la libertad subjetiva que sustenta los discursos filosóficos y biológicos modernos sobre lo viviente. En segundo lugar, me centraré en la concepción de la libertad del otro que Derrida ve implicada en la máquina simbólica de la decisión soberana. El punto de inflexión de esta trayectoria, argumentaré, es la elaboración, realizada por Derrida a finales de los años ochenta, de una experiencia de libertad como no-saber que se neutraliza con la libertad subjetiva y soberana y, sin embargo, la excede

    Teleotheology: Derrida and the Aristotelian Foundations of Structuralism

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    This article explores the hypothesis formulated by Derrida in his early work that structuralism is Aristotelian in foundation. To this end, it traces Derrida’s engagement with Aristotle’s Physics between the seminal essays “Force and Signification” (1963) and “Ousia and Grammē” (1968). On the one hand, it demonstrates that Derrida reads Aristotle’s concept of time as the presupposition of what he designates as structuralism, that is, the teleological understanding of movement from its achieved structure and thus from a theological simultaneity. On the other hand, it shows that Derrida finds in the very text of Physics the index (grammē) for understanding movement otherwise: as the irreducible articulation of space and time, namely, the trace, inscribed in a non-simultaneous volume

    A microsatellite based method for quantification of fungi in decomposing plant material elucidates the role of Fusarium graminearum DON production in the saprophytic competition with Trichoderma atroviride in maize tissue microcosms

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    Common PCR assays for quantification of fungi in living plants cannot be used to study saprophytic colonization of fungi because plant decomposition releases PCR-inhibiting substances and saprophytes degrade the plant DNA which could serve as internal standard. The microsatellite PCR assays presented here overcome these problems by spiking samples prior to DNA extraction with mycelium of a reference strain. PCR with fluorescent primers co-amplifies microsatellite fragments of different length from target and reference strains. These fragments were separated in a capillary sequencer with fluorescence detection. The target/reference ratio of fluorescence signal was used to calculate target biomass in the sample. Such PCR assays were developed for the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON)-producing wheat and maize pathogen Fusarium graminearum and the biocontrol agent Trichoderma atroviride, using new microsatellite markers. In contrast to real-time PCR assays, the novel PCR assays showed reliable fungal biomass quantification in samples with differentially decomposed plant tissue. The PCR assays were used to quantify the two fungi after competitive colonization of autoclaved maize leaf tissue in microcosms. Using a DON-producing F. graminearum wild-type strain and its nontoxigenic mutant we found no evidence for a role of DON production in F. graminearum defense against T. atroviride. The presence of T. atroviride resulted in a 36% lower wild-type DON production per biomas

    The being-in-the-world of psyche: Derrida’s early reading of Freud

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    Abstract: In this article, I propose an original re-interpretation of the encounter between deconstruction and psychoanalysis as it is described by Jacques Derrida in his early essay “Freud and the scene of writing” (1966). My working hypothesis is that Derrida first reads psychoanalysis as a partially deconstructive human science. To test this hypothesis, I begin by demonstrating that Derrida’s reading draws on the description of deconstructive sciences offered since his early version of Grammatology (1965-66). Second, I explain that it traces across Freud’s work the increasing adequation of the psychoanalytic account of psychism to the model of a somehow spontaneous archiving machine. Finally, I show that, for Derrida, as a consequence of this adequation, psychism – understood as the origin of life, temporalization and the relation to the other – also marks the beginning of the history of technics. As my analyses develop, it should become increasingly evident that any critical assessments of Derrida’s encounter with psychoanalysis must reckon with the overall project of deconstruction in which this encounter is inscribed.Keywords: Deconstruction; Life; Psychoanalysis; Technics; World L’essere-nel-mondo della psiche: le prime interpretazioni freudiane di DerridaRiassunto: In questo lavoro intendo proporre una re-interpretazione originale dell’incontro tra decostruzione e psicoanalisi come lo descrive Jacques Derrida nel suo saggio “Freud e la scena della scrittura” (1966). La mia ipotesi di lavoro è che Derrida abbia letto in prima istanza la psicoanalisi come una scienza umana in parte decostruttiva. Per verificare questa ipotesi inizierò mostrando che la lettura di Derrida attinge alla descrizione delle scienze decostruttive offerta sin dalle prime versioni di Della grammatologia (1965-66). In secondo luogo proverò a illustrare come si ritrovi nell’opera di Freud un progressivo allinearsi della descrizione psicoanalitica dello psichismo al modello di un apparato di archiviazione più o meno spontaneo. Mostrerò infine che, per Derrida, come conseguenza di questo allineamento, lo psichismo – inteso come origine della vita, temporalizzazione e relazione all’altro – segna anche l’inizio della storia della tecnica. Con lo sviluppo delle mie analisi diverrà sempre più chiaro che una valutazione critica dell’incontro di Derrida con la psicoanalisi debba fare i conti con il progetto complessivo della decostruzione in cui questo stesso incontro si iscrive.Parole chiave: Decostruzione; Vita; Psicoanalisi; Tecnica; Mond

    Organic versus mineral fertilization: Assessing of yield and quality of durum wheat in marginal lands

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    Durum wheat is often cultivated in marginal areas with great management difficulties. Organic fertilization is a sustainable agricultural practice that allows preserving the environment, but its limit can be the reduction of yield and quality of crops, also in cereals. The aim of research was to evaluate the effects of the organic fertilization on yield and quality of Simeto, a variety of durum wheat, cultivated for two years in three different sites of the internal hill of Campania Region (San Giorgio la Molara, SGM; Ariano Irpino, AI; Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi, SAL). SGM was a sandy-clay-loam soil, with high fertility, while AI and SAL were clay soil. The organic fertilization (ORG), based on roasted leather, was compared to mineral fertilization (MIN) and the not fertilized treatment (N0). In SGM, crop growth rate (CGR) and leaf area index (LAI) were significantly higher than AI and SAL until the flowering (about 2-and 4-fold more, respectively). MIN and ORG significantly boosted CGR compared to N0, while for LAI, ORG was never different from N0. The two-years value of yield was 3.0 t ha–1; in SGM, it reached 4.2 t ha–1, and it was 54.6% more than the mean value of AI and SAL, while N0 was not different from MIN of AI and SAL. ORG yield was lower and not different from NO in AI, where the lowest values of 1000 kernels weight, and hectolitre weight were also recorded. MIN and ORG increased the number of spikes per square meter: 27.0%, and 12.8% over N0, respectively, but ORG showed an 11.2% decrease compared to MIN. The 1000 kernels weight reached the highest values in SAL, without differences between N0, MIN, and ORG. The values of protein and gluten percentage were highest in AI and SGM (about 13.5%, and 11.7%, respectively), but without differences between ORG and MIN in the 3 sites for protein percentage. The worst value of the vitreousness was recorded in SAL (52.3%), six-fold more than that of AI (8.2%), probably due to the high rainfall. NUE reached the highest value in SGM in the first year, when it was significantly different from AI and SAL (0.036 vs 0.030 t kg–1). Overall, the effect of nitrogen fertilization type results site-specific; indeed, organic fertilization had the same performance of mineral in the site with better soil (low clay content, high nitrogen, and organic matter content) and climate conditions

    Electromechanical and robotic devices for gait and balance rehabilitation of children with neurological disability: a systematic review

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    In the last two decades, a growing interest has been focused on gait and balance robot-assisted rehabilitation in children with neurological disabilities. Robotic devices allow the implementation of intensive, task-specific training fostering functional recovery and neuroplasticity phenomena. However, limited attention has been paid to the protocols used in this research framework. This systematic review aims to provide an overview of the existing literature on robotic systems for the rehabilitation of gait and balance in children with neurological disabilities and their rehabilitation applications. The literature search was carried out independently and synchronously by three authors on the following databases: MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, PeDro, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar. The data collected included three subsections referring to clinical, technical, and regulatory aspects. Thirty-one articles out of 81 found on the primary literature search were included in the systematic review. Most studies involved children with cerebral palsy. Only one-third of the studies were randomized controlled trials. Overall, 17 devices (nine end-effector systems and eight exoskeletons) were investigated, among which only 4 (24%) were bore the CE mark. Studies differ on rehabilitation protocols duration, intensity, and outcome measures. Future research should improve both rehabilitation protocols\u2019 and devices\u2019 descriptions

    Robot-assisted upper limb training for patients with multiple sclerosis: an evidence-based review of clinical applications and effectiveness

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    Upper extremities limitation is a common functional impairment in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (PwMS). Novel technological devices are increasingly used in neurorehabilitation to support motor function improvement and the quantitative assessment of motor performance during training in patients with neurological diseases. In this review, we systematically report the evidence on clinical applications and robotic-assisted arm training (RAT) in functional recovery in PwMS. PubMed/MEDLINE, the Cochrane Library, and the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) databases were systematically searched from inception to March 2021. The 10-item PEDro scale assessed the study quality for the RCT, and the AMSTAR-2 was used to assess the quality of the systematic review. The 5-item Oxford CEBM scale was used to rate the level of evidence. A total of 10 studies (161 subjects) were included. The selected studies included one systematic review, four RCTs, one randomized crossover, and four case series. The RCTs were scored as high-quality studies, while the systematic review was determined to be of low quality. Shoulder range of motion, handgrip strength, and proximal arm impairment improved after RAT. Manual dexterity, arm function, and use in daily life also ameliorated arm function. The high clinical heterogeneity of treatment programs and the variety of robot devices affects the generalizability of the study results; therefore, we emphasize the need to standardize the intervention type in future studies that evaluate the role of robotic-assisted training in PwMS. Robot-assisted treatment seems safe and useful to increase manual dexterity and the quality of movement execution in PwMS with moderate to severe disability. Additional studies with an adequate sample size and methodological rigour are warranted to drive definite conclusion

    Upper limb robotic rehabilitation for patients with cervical spinal cord injury: a comprehensive review

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    The upper extremities limitation represents one of the essential functional impairments in patients with cervical spinal cord injury. Electromechanics assisted devices and robots are increasingly used in neurorehabilitation to help functional improvement in patients with neurological diseases. This review aimed to systematically report the evidence-based, state-of-art on clinical applications and robotic-assisted arm training (RAT) in motor and functional recovery in subjects affected by cervical spinal cord injury. The present study has been carried out within the framework of the Italian Consensus Conference on "Rehabilitation assisted by robotic and electromechanical devices for persons with disability of neurological origin" (CICERONE). PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) databases were systematically searched from inception to September 2021. The 10-item PEDro scale assessed the study quality for the RCT and the AMSTAR-2 for the systematic review. Two different authors rated the studies included in this review. If consensus was not achieved after discussion, a third reviewer was interrogated. The five-item Oxford CEBM scale was used to rate the level of evidence. A total of 11 studies were included. The selected studies were: two systematic reviews, two RCTs, one parallel-group controlled trial, one longitudinal intervention study and five case series. One RCT was scored as a high-quality study, while the systematic review was of low quality. RAT was reported as feasible and safe. Initial positive effects of RAT were found for arm function and quality of movement in addition to conventional therapy. The high clinical heterogeneity of treatment programs and the variety of robot devices could severely affect the generalizability of the study results. Therefore, future studies are warranted to standardize the type of intervention and evaluate the role of robotic-assisted training in subjects affected by cervical spinal cord injury

    Effects of robotic upper limb treatment after stroke on cognitive patterns: A systematic review

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    Background: Robotic therapy (RT) has been internationally recognized for the motor rehabilitation of the upper limb. Although it seems that RT can stimulate and promote neuroplasticity, the effectiveness of robotics in restoring cognitive deficits has been considered only in a few recent studies. Objective: To verify whether, in the current state of the literature, cognitive measures are used as inclusion or exclusion criteria and/or outcomes measures in robotic upper limb rehabilitation in stroke patients. Methods: The systematic review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines. Studies eligible were identified through PubMed/MEDLINE and Web of Science from inception to March 2021. Results: Eighty-one studies were considered in this systematic review. Seventy-three studies have at least a cognitive inclusion or exclusion criteria, while only seven studies assessed cognitive outcomes. Conclusion: Despite the high presence of cognitive instruments used for inclusion/exclusion criteria their heterogeneity did not allow the identification of a guideline for the evaluation of patients in different stroke stages. Therefore, although the heterogeneity and the low percentage of studies that included cognitive outcomes, seemed that the latter were positively influenced by RT in post-stroke rehabilitation. Future larger RCTs are needed to outline which cognitive scales are most suitable and their cut-off, as well as what cognitive outcome measures to use in the various stages of post-stroke rehabilitation