626 research outputs found

    Explaining the human resource management preferences of employees: A study of Chinese workers

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    The forces of globalization, technology and the differences or similarities in institutional systems place substantial pressure on convergence and divergence in HRM practices. Moreover, local customs and the responses from employees also pose serious constraints on the degree of convergence or divergence (Rowley and Benson 2002). In other words, there is what might be termed an upward influence coming from the employees. Although companies may benchmark HRM ‘best practices’, the actual adoption and success of these practices depends, to a large extent, on perceptions and acceptance from employees. However, the opinions of non-managerial employees have been largely neglected in the studies of HRM (Cooke 2009; Legge 1995; Guest 2002; Edgar and Geare 2005; Qiao, Khilji and Wang 2009). Cooke (2009), after reviewing studies on HRM in China published between 1998 and 2007 in major business and management journals, reported that two-thirds of the studies had collected data from managers and most of them relied on managers as the sole source for information. Since the information has mainly been provided by managers, there is the potential for bias because feedback from the managers probably reflects the ideal or ‘best practices’ of HRM that those managers want to implement, rather than the actual HR policies or practices being used in the organization. Thus Cooke (2009, p.19) argued that ‘unless we can broaden our research catchment to include views from the widest range of stakeholders, particularly the employees, our understanding of HRM in China remains partial, from management’s lens’. This study explores the HR preferences of Chinese employees, both non-managerial and managerial ones, based on a sample of 2852 questionnaires from companies in China. A number of questions are explored. For example, what do they think of a ‘promotion-from-within’ policy? Do they prefer an individual-based bonus or a group-based bonus? Do they prefer a ‘downward performance appraisal method’ or a ‘multi-source performance appraisal method’? The research findings shows a strong ‘group orientation’ and a great emphasis on ‘soft factors’ such as seniority, loyalty and connections in many HRM areas. The debate on whether Chinese HRM will converge or diverge towards the Western models is still ongoing. Many argue that there could be further convergence towards the Western practices because globalization may place substantial pressure on firms to standardize practices and policies (see Chen, Lawler and Bae 2005). Others argue that HRM is highly context specific in which institutional and cultural forces have enduring influences (see Rowley and Cooke 2010), which indicates a divergent perspective. The third group supports a ‘cross-vergence’ view which argues that there will be signs of convergence in certain areas but Chinese HRM will keep its ‘Chinese characteristics’ (Cooke 2005, 2010; Yeung, Warner and Rowley 2008; Warner 2009a, b). This study supports the ‘cross-vergence’ perspective. It is argued that certain areas of Chinese HRM are converging to the Western model, but the influence of traditional Chinese personnel practices remains strong. A ‘group orientation’, a major emphasis on ‘soft factors’ and a trade union presence is likely to remain as the three main features of Chinese HRM in the long-term

    Benefit of early commencement of growth hormone therapy in children with Prader-Willi syndrome

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    Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a chromosomal disorder and growth failure is a common presentation. Growth hormone (GH) treatment is beneficial in PWS although the optimal age for starting GH is unknown. We investigated whether GH response in PWS was associated with the age of GH commencement by comparing 16 children who commenced GH before 3 years of age (early group) with 40 children who commenced GH after 3 years of age (late group) from the Ozgrow database. Height SDS, body mass index (BMI) SDS, bone age (BA)-chronological age (CA) ratio, change in height (Delta Ht) SDS and change in BMI during 4 years of GH treatment were compared between the groups. The early group had better height SDS and Delta Ht SIDS. BA delay was more pronounced in the early group but BA did not mature beyond CA with GH therapy in either group. Although the initial GH dose for the early group was lower than that of the late group, the former had better height outcome. The starting GH dose seen in the database is lower than the dose used by international centres

    A seasonal cycle in the export of bottom water from the Weddell Sea

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    Dense water formed over the Antarctic continental shelf rapidly descends into the deep ocean where it spreads throughout the global ocean as Antarctic Bottom Water1, 2. The coldest and most voluminous component of this water mass is Weddell Sea bottom water1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Here we present observations over eight years of the temperature and salinity stratification in the lowermost ocean southeast of the South Orkney Islands, marking the export of Weddell Sea bottom water. We observe a pronounced seasonal cycle in bottom temperatures, with a cold pulse in May/June and a warm one in October/November, but the timing of these phases varies each year. We detect the coldest bottom water in 1999 and 2002, whereas there was no cold phase in 2000. On the basis of current velocities and water mass characteristics, we infer that the pulses originate from the southwest Weddell Sea. We propose that the seasonal fluctuations of Weddell Sea bottom-water properties are governed by the seasonal cycle of the winds over the western margin of the Weddell Sea. Interannual fluctuations are linked to the variability of the wind-driven Weddell Sea gyre and hence to large-scale climate phenomena such as the Southern Annular Mode and El Niño/Southern Oscillation

    Regression and stabilization of advanced murine atherosclerotic lesions: a comparison of LDL lowering and HDL raising gene transfer strategies

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    Both reductions in atherogenic lipoproteins and increases in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels may affect atherosclerosis regression. Here, the relative potential of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) lowering and HDL raising gene transfer strategies to induce regression of complex murine atherosclerotic lesions was directly compared. Male C57BL/6 LDL receptor (LDLr)−/− mice were fed an atherogenic diet (1.25% cholesterol and 10% coconut oil) to induce advanced atherosclerotic lesions. A baseline group was killed after 6 months and remaining mice were randomized into a control progression (Adnull or saline), an apolipoprotein (apo) A-I (AdA-I), an LDLr (AdLDLr), or a combined apo A-I/LDLr (AdA-I/AdLDLr) adenoviral gene transfer group and followed-up for another 12 weeks with continuation of the atherogenic diet. Gene transfer with AdLDLr decreased non-HDL cholesterol levels persistently by 95% (p < 0.001) compared with baseline. This drastic reduction of non-HDL cholesterol levels induced lesion regression by 28% (p < 0.001) in the aortic root and by 25% (p < 0.05) in the brachiocephalic artery at 12 weeks after transfer. Change in lesion size was accompanied by enhanced plaque stability, as evidenced by increased collagen content, reduced lesional macrophage content, a drastic reduction of necrotic core area, and decreased expression of inflammatory genes. Elevated HDL cholesterol following AdA-I transfer increased collagen content in lesions, but did not induce regression. Apo A-I gene transfer on top of AdLDLr transfer resulted in additive effects, particularly on inflammatory gene expression. In conclusion, drastic lipid lowering induced by a powerful gene transfer strategy leads to pronounced regression and stabilization of advanced murine atherosclerosis

    Relationship between cardiovascular risk factors and biomarkers with necrotic core and atheroma size: a serial intravascular ultrasound radiofrequency data analysis

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    We explored the impact of patient demographics, anthropometric measurements, cardiovascular risk factors, and soluble biomarkers on necrotic core and atheroma size in patients with coronary disease. The IBIS-2 trial enrolled 330 patients. In the multivariate analysis, at baseline, creatinine had a positive, whereas baseline mean lumen diameter and myeloperoxidase had a negative, independent association with percentage of necrotic core (PNC); while age, glomerular filtration rate <60, HbA1c, previous PCI or CABG and baseline % diameter stenosis were positively, and acute coronary syndromes (ACS) were negatively associated with baseline percentage atheroma volume (PAV). The variables associated with a decrease in PNC from baseline were darapladib, ACS and a large content of NC at baseline, while variables associated with an increase in PNC were previous stroke and % diameter stenosis at baseline. Those variables associated with a decrease in PAV from baseline were waist circumference, statin use, CD40L and baseline PAV, while the only variable associated with an increase in PAV was baseline diastolic blood pressure. Treatment with darapladib was associated with a decrease in necrotic core, but was not associated with a decrease in percentage atheroma volume. On the contrary, statin use was only associated with a decrease in percentage atheroma volume

    Phosphoinositide-binding interface proteins involved in shaping cell membranes

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    The mechanism by which cell and cell membrane shapes are created has long been a subject of great interest. Among the phosphoinositide-binding proteins, a group of proteins that can change the shape of membranes, in addition to the phosphoinositide-binding ability, has been found. These proteins, which contain membrane-deforming domains such as the BAR, EFC/F-BAR, and the IMD/I-BAR domains, led to inward-invaginated tubes or outward protrusions of the membrane, resulting in a variety of membrane shapes. Furthermore, these proteins not only bind to phosphoinositide, but also to the N-WASP/WAVE complex and the actin polymerization machinery, which generates a driving force to shape the membranes