150 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui karakteristik perusahaan yang dapat mempengaruhi prediksi corporate distress dan juga mengethaui dampak gejolak ekonomi terhadap prediksi corporate distress pada perusahaan jasa non keuangan di Indonesia dari tahun 1998 – 2019. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dimana objek penelitian adalah perusahaan jasa non keuangan di Indonesia dengan jumlah populasi sebanyak 326 perusahaan yang terdaftar per Februari 2020. Tekhnik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling yang memiliki kriteria (1) Perusahaan terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesian dari tahun 1998 – 2019, (2) Memiliki laporan keuangan dan tahunan yang lengkap dari tahun 1998 -2019 dan (3) Perusahaan aktif memperdagangkan sahamnya selama periode 1998-2019,perusahaan tidak pernah delisting dari bursa dalam peride 1998-2019. dari kriteria tersebut didapatkan sampel sebanyak 66 perusahaan. penelitian menggunakan data panel dengan analisis regresi data panel dan analisis komperatif non parametrik. Temuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa dalam memprediksi corporate distress dengan model Zmijewsky di dapat selama tahun 1998 sampai tahun 2019 terjadi fluktuasi perusahaan yang mengalami corporate distress dan dengan estimasi data panel didapat variabel Pengalaman perusahaan yang di proksi dengan umur berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap corporate distress, serta gejolak ekonomi yang di proksi dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam penelitian ini juga berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap prediksi corporae distress. Terdapat perbedaan karakteristik pada setiap masa gejolak ekonomi dari hasil yang didapat bahwa pada masa-masa ekonomi mengalami penurunan karaktersistik yang berpengaruh adalah jumlah tenaga kerja, sedangkan pada saat ekonomi bertumbuh atau recovery karakteristik perusahan yang berpengaruh Pengalaman perusahaan dan ukuran perusahaan Kata Kunci : Karakteristik Perusahaan, Model X-Score, Corporate distress, gejolak ekonomi

    Customisable 3D printed microfluidics for integrated analysis and optimisation

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    The formation of smart Lab-on-a-Chip (LOC) devices featuring integrated sensing optics is currently hindered by convoluted and expensive manufacturing procedures. In this work, a series of 3D-printed LOC devices were designed and manufactured via stereolithography (SL) in a matter of hours. The spectroscopic performance of a variety of optical fibre combinations were tested, and the optimum path length for performing Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy determined. The information gained in these trials was then used in a reaction optimisation for the formation of carvone semicarbazone. The production of high resolution surface channels (100–500 μm) means that these devices were capable of handling a wide range of concentrations (9 μM–38 mM), and are ideally suited to both analyte detection and process optimisation. This ability to tailor the chip design and its integrated features as a direct result of the reaction being assessed, at such a low time and cost penalty greatly increases the user's ability to optimise both their device and reaction. As a result of the information gained in this investigation, we are able to report the first instance of a 3D-printed LOC device with fully integrated, in-line monitoring capabilities via the use of embedded optical fibres capable of performing UV-vis spectroscopy directly inside micro channels

    Neural and Aneural Regions Generated by the Use of Chemical Surface Coatings

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    The disordered environment found in conventional neural cultures impedes various applications where cell directionality is a key process for functionality. Neurons are highly specialized cells known to be greatly dependent on interactions with their surroundings. Therefore, when chemical cues are incorporated on the surface material, a precise control over neuronal behavior can be achieved. Here, the behavior of SH-SY5Y neurons on a variety of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) and polymer brushes both in isolation and combination to promote cellular spatial control was determined. APTES and BIBB coatings promoted the highest cell viability, proliferation, metabolic activity, and neuronal maturation, while low cell survival was seen on PKSPMA and PMETAC surfaces. These cell-attractive and repulsive surfaces were combined to generate a binary BIBB-PKSPMA coating, whereby cellular growth was restricted to an exclusive neural region. The utility of these coatings when precisely combined could act as a bioactive/bioinert surface resulting in a biomimetic environment where control over neuronal growth and directionality can be achieved


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    2014Alvin Muslim Sardar Saimima (B 111 07 025), Dengan Judul Skripsi \ud ???Tinjauan Kriminologis Terhadap Tindak Pidana Makar (Studi Kasus \ud Wilayah polda Maluku)??? dibimbing oleh Aswanto, Pembimbing I dan \ud Haeranah selaku Pembimbing II. \ud Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja \ud yang menjadi penyebab orang melakukan tindakan pidana makar dan \ud untuk mengetahui upaya penanggulan kejahatan makar oleh aparat \ud penegak hukum. \ud Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan \ud kriminologis dan bersifat analisis deskriptif dan kualitatif terhadap data \ud primer dan data sekunder yang mendukung terhadap permasalahan yang \ud diteliti. \ud Pembahasan penelitian bertujuan untuk menyingkap berbagai \ud macam faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya tindak pidana makar di \ud wilayah polda maluku serta berbagai macam hambatan ??? hambatan dalam \ud upaya pemberantasan dan pencegahan dari kacamata ilmu \ud kriminologi.Tindak pidana makar menjadi momok yang sangat \ud menakutkan di beberapa Negara di dunia. Ada yang pro dan ada pula \ud yang kontra dalam memandang penyimpangan ini. Indonesia yang dikenal \ud dengan etika dan keramah-tamahan penduduknya juga tidal lepas dari \ud momok menakutkan ini. Oleh karena itu, penulis memutuskan untuk \ud mengulas topik ini sebisa mungkin dalam perspektif ilmu kriminologi yang \ud sarat akan analisis ??? analisis filosofis, psikologis, sosial, dan ekonomi, \ud spiritual yang bersumber dari data ??? data empiris maupun dalil ??? dalil \ud rasional dengan teknik induksi, yang diharapkan mampu menopang \ud berbagai hipotesis ??? hipotesis ilmiah sehingga mampu memecahkan \ud berbagai kemusykilan ??? kemusykilan yang diulas penulis. \ud Adapun temuan yang didapatkan dari hasil penilitian adalah \ud Pertama, bahwa faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya tindak pidana makar di \ud wilayah Polda Maluku adalah adanya keputusasaan dari pihak Republik \ud Maluku Selatan (RMS) yang menganggap bahwa pemerintah gagal \ud mensejahterakan rakyat, khusunya rakyat RMS, dan adanya ketidakadilan \ud dari pemerinyah dimana tidak adanya pemerataan kesejahteraan, serta \ud peristiwa hukum tersebut adalah sebuah ekspresi penyampaian aspirasi \ud kepada Pemerintah ( Presiden atau Kepala Negara ). Kedua, upaya \ud penanggulan kejahatan makar adalah penulis menafsirkan bahwa Rakyat \ud RMS harus lebih diberikan perhatian ekstra terutama dal hal \ud kesejahteraan, pemerintah harus lebih persuatif dan memperbanyak \ud sosialisasi guna terjalinnya hubungan emosinal yang kuat antara rakyat \ud RMS dngan pemerintah, sehingga memungkinkan tumbuh dan \ud berkembangannya Rasa Cinta tanah Air di kalangan Rakyat RMS agar \ud peristiwa seperti ini tidak terjadi lagi di kemudian hari

    Perancangan Buried Pipeline Fuel Hydrant System dari DPPU ke Terminal Kargo Bandara International di Jakarta

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    Fuel Hydrant System is a distribution system of aircraft fuel by draining the fuel from storage area (DPPU) to each aircraft gate parking by using a buried pipe. The pipe specification use API 5L 20 inch and 6 inch.The purpose of this final project is get a safety system design of pipe according to code which exist for Fuel Hydrant System cargo terminal airport and analyze stress with software caesar II and Pipeline Toolbox on the critical line, crossing highway and crossing railway. Specification of the pipe in buried piping systems should be designed to hold wide range of live load, dead load and the operating  pressure of the pipeline. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 407 about Aircraft Fuel Servicing, point Fueling hydrant, cabinets, and pits should be placed at least 15.2 m from the terminal building, hangars, service building, or enclosed passenger concourse (other than loading bridges). Based on the standard ASME B31.4 and Api 1102, pipe material API 5L grade B Sch 60 and 40 can handled stress from sustain, occasional, expansion, and live load. &nbsp


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    Abstract - PT.Pembangunan Perumahan (PP) as the main contractor plans to conduct rerouting 6-inch venting valve control valve which is connected to steam header pipe in gresik gas cogeneration plant. General Arrangement and pipe routing of the initial design will be changed due to brazing piperack and cable tray lines. The operating conditions on the pipe have a design temperature of 420 oC and a design pressure of 53 bar. In this final project will be discussed about stress and fatigue analysis using CAESAR II software which aims to obtain the condition of secure piping system when operated. In this path there needs to be an observation on pipe to reduce the risk of failure of the pipe due to the thermal load. In the results of calculation obtained the value of stress . Highest stress value due to the hydrotest load of 5587.6 psi. Highest stress value due to sustained load of 5225psi.. Highest stress value due to occasional load of 5227.3 psi. Highest stress value due to expansion load of 40446,7psi. Highest stress value due to operation load of 39912.8 psi


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    Abstract - Distribution of fuel oil uses pipeline to avoid water hammer, because it can inhibit distribution process. In the case study there was a water hammer at the discharge pump GM 53 line CY.1 pipe. This is caused by the sudden closing of the valve, so that the working pressure exceeds the maximum limit on the discharge pump. This study was conducted to determine the impact of water hammer pressure on pipeline stress and effective way to minimize the impact of water hammer. In this study shows the difference between the calculation of manual pressure increase and using software of 6.291%. From modeling to know the value of stress with normal condition and when water hammer difference of stress happened value 2777 Psi. In reducing the pressure spike is used the addition of accumulator and surge anti valve with pipenet modeling. The result of pipenet modeling shows more effective surge pressure of anti-valve surge in reducing the spike of pressure value. &nbsp

    Toxicity and persistence of Boscia senegalensis Lam. (Ex Poir.) (Capparaceae) leaves on Callosobruchus maculatus Fab. (Coleoptera:Bruchidae)

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    In this study, we examined the toxicity and persistence of ground fresh leaves of B. senegalensis on the development of Callosobruchus maculatus, major insect pest of cowpea (V. unguiculata) in the sahelian area. The effect of the product has been evaluated over the three developmental stages (egg, larvae and adult) of C. maculatus. At high concentration (4 g/l of ground leaves), 100 % of adults were killed within 24 h of exposure to the leaf extract, and the development of newly laid eggs and neonate larvae was also inhibited. However, the ground leaves of B. senegalensis have a variable efficacy against the bruchid instars larva. The 2nd larvae stage (L2) of C. maculatus developing inside the seeds have proved to be highly susceptible while the 4th larval stage was relatively tolerant. The study of the toxicity persistence of the leaves of B. senegalensis showed that whatever its concentration, the efficacy of crushed leaves of B. senegalensis decreased with the storage time. At a concentration of 20 g/l, the effect of B. seneglensis can persist up to 7 days.Keywords: Biopesticides, Bruchids, cowpea, pest control, Nige

    Distribusi Tegangan Pada Support Pipa Soot Blower Akibat Perubahan Beban Thermal Pada Boiler

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    Soot blower in a boiler is worked by utilizing superheated steam on boiler that is by pass and use platen to soot blower pipe. Further analysis about piping on soot blower is needed moreover if it has high temperature and high pressure. To drain off steam, soot blower has been designed to work in the pressure and temperature, these are 17.4Mpa and 541°C. Stress analyzis in this final project was focus on sustained load and thermal expantion calculation. ASME B31.3 code will be used as guide in this analyzis. The result of this analyzis is the sustained load which is the rate of manual calculation was 1533.146621 lb/in2  and result of running software was 2017.11 lb/in2. In thermal expantion the lowest rate is 19173.64 lb/in2   for manual calculation, beside the lowest rate software calcuation is 21505 lb/in2. On laying support it was choosen 2 support pipe for soot blower pipe, the place is 1250mm from output superheater boiler and the other one place is in intake soot blower

    Associated sociodemographic and facility patterning of uptake, attendance, and session count within a Scottish exercise referral scheme

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    Background: Exercise referral schemes (ERS) aim to tackle noncommunicable disease via increasing levels of physical activity. Health benefits are reliant on uptake and attending ERS sessions. Hence, it is important to understand which characteristics may influence these parameters to target interventions to improve uptake and attendance to those who need it most. Method: Secondary analysis of one ERS database was conducted to (1) profile participants’ nonuptake of exercise referral; (2) describe any differences between nonattenders and attenders; and (3) report session count of attenders, exploring any relationship between attender demographics and session count. Results: The study showed that (1) sociodemographic profile of nonattenders was very similar to that of those who attended; (2) there was a high, early withdrawal rate of attenders wherein 68% exited the scheme at 5 exercise sessions or less; and (3) session count did not appear to differ by demographic characteristics. Conclusions: Nonattendance and session count did not appear to differ by demographic characteristics. Attendance at ERS was low. Nonuptake and reduced attendance may limit any associated health benefits that may be achieved from ERS. Therefore, it is important to identify additional factors that may influence participants’ choice to uptake and attend ERS
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