99 research outputs found

    Héroe por un día. Jules Reboux en el crisol de la prehistoria en el Paris de 1860

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    The historiography of prehistoric archaeology, smoothly leading from the establishment of human antiquity by Boucher de Perthes in the late 1850s to the disciplinary and classificatory framework set up by Gabriel de Mortillet in the 1870s, still leaves considerable gaps in our understanding of the practical and conceptual developments of the field. The forgotten figure of the amateur Jules Reboux, who explored from the mid 1860s to the mid 1870s the quarry sites of Levallois, on the northern outskirts of Paris, proves in this respect salutary. Given the nature and scope of the controversies he raised, understanding Reboux’s various claims should help us reach beyond the usual front-rankers and the scripted scenarios. With his terminological and graphic innovations, Reboux’s contribution to nineteenth-century prehistoric archaeology was in fact quite fundamental, touching on such paradigmatic issues as the recognition of stratigraphic superposition, the study of stone implement manufacture and use, and the recourse to implement types for chronological classification.La historia de la arqueología prehistórica, centrándose en el establecimiento de la prehistoria por parte de Boucher de Perthes a finales de los años 1850 y en las clasificaciones establecidas por Gabriel de Mortillet en los años 1870, ha dejado sin responder numerosas preguntas relativas a los diferentes desarrollos prácticos y conceptuales. La olvidada figura del amateur Jules Reboux, quien exploró los sitios de Levallois en los años 1870, es un ejemplo paradigmático de esta situación. Dada la naturaleza y la envergadura de las controversias que levantó, el estudio de las diversas propuestas de Reboux nos permitirá comprender los orígenes de la prehistoria mas allá de los protagonistas habituales y de las narrativas establecidas. Con sus innovaciones terminológicas y gráficas, la contribución de Reboux a la arqueología prehistórica de su tiempo se antoja fundamental para entender cuestiones claves como el reconocimiento de las superposiciones estratigráficas, el estudio de la producción y el uso de los útiles de piedra y el uso de dichos útiles para elaborar clasificaciones cronológicas

    Transgressions et vocations : travail manuel et travail intellectuel en archéologie

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    Sous les platanes de la place du village, deux hommes s’attardent [Fig.1]. Celui en blanc, bien à l’aise sur sa chaise pliante, canne au genou et cigarette aux lèvres (ce n’est que vers la quarantaine qu’il a appris à fumer, avec des muletiers du Levante espagnol), écoute ce que lui glisse à l’oreille l’homme en noir, à ses côtés. Un photographe aussi est là, pour prendre le cliché et en confier le tirage (sur carte postale) à l’homme assis, qui l’annote et l’incorpore dans un de ses albums a..

    L'archéologie et ses objets : connaissance et communication

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    The making of a soufflé : practical knowledge and social senses

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    Introduction – L’archéologie en construction : objets, images, dispositions

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    Si l’archéologie a souvent été associée au sauvetage et à la reconstruction d’irremplaçables témoignages d’un passé révolu, il ne faut pas pourtant oublier qu’elle est aussi une discipline proactive, en mouvement, qui élabore ses propres démarches et problématiques sur la base des matériaux qu’elle dégage et qu’elle se forge. À ce titre, ce numéro des Cahiers de l’École du Louvre consacré à « L’archéologie en construction » s’inscrit dans la droite continuité du programme que mène l’équipe de..

    Multi-LexSum: Real-World Summaries of Civil Rights Lawsuits at Multiple Granularities

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    With the advent of large language models, methods for abstractive summarization have made great strides, creating potential for use in applications to aid knowledge workers processing unwieldy document collections. One such setting is the Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse (CRLC) (https://clearinghouse.net),which posts information about large-scale civil rights lawsuits, serving lawyers, scholars, and the general public. Today, summarization in the CRLC requires extensive training of lawyers and law students who spend hours per case understanding multiple relevant documents in order to produce high-quality summaries of key events and outcomes. Motivated by this ongoing real-world summarization effort, we introduce Multi-LexSum, a collection of 9,280 expert-authored summaries drawn from ongoing CRLC writing. Multi-LexSum presents a challenging multi-document summarization task given the length of the source documents, often exceeding two hundred pages per case. Furthermore, Multi-LexSum is distinct from other datasets in its multiple target summaries, each at a different granularity (ranging from one-sentence "extreme" summaries to multi-paragraph narrations of over five hundred words). We present extensive analysis demonstrating that despite the high-quality summaries in the training data (adhering to strict content and style guidelines), state-of-the-art summarization models perform poorly on this task. We release Multi-LexSum for further research in summarization methods as well as to facilitate development of applications to assist in the CRLC's mission at https://multilexsum.github.io.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figures, 9 table

    Redox‐controlled preservation of organic matter during “OAE 3” within the Western Interior Seaway

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    During the Cretaceous, widespread black shale deposition occurred during a series of Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs). Multiple processes are known to control the deposition of marine black shales, including changes in primary productivity, organic matter preservation, and dilution. OAEs offer an opportunity to evaluate the relative roles of these forcing factors. The youngest of these events—the Coniacian to Santonian OAE 3—resulted in a prolonged organic carbon burial event in shallow and restricted marine environments including the Western Interior Seaway. New high‐resolution isotope, organic, and trace metal records from the latest Turonian to early Santonian Niobrara Formation are used to characterize the amount and composition of organic matter preserved, as well as the geochemical conditions under which it accumulated. Redox sensitive metals (Mo, Mn, and Re) indicate a gradual drawdown of oxygen leading into the abrupt onset of organic carbon‐rich (up to 8%) deposition. High Hydrogen Indices (HI) and organic carbon to total nitrogen ratios (C:N) demonstrate that the elemental composition of preserved marine organic matter is distinct under different redox conditions. Local changes in δ13C indicate that redox‐controlled early diagenesis can also significantly alter δ13Corg records. These results demonstrate that the development of anoxia is of primary importance in triggering the prolonged carbon burial in the Niobrara Formation. Sea level reconstructions, δ18O results, and Mo/total organic carbon ratios suggest that stratification and enhanced bottom water restriction caused the drawdown of bottom water oxygen. Increased nutrients from benthic regeneration and/or continental runoff may have sustained primary productivity.Key PointsBottom water redox changes triggered carbon burial within the WIS during OAE 3Anoxia developed due to O2 drawdown in a stratified water columnRedox‐controlled changes in OM preservation altered primary δ13Corg signalsPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112294/1/palo20210.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112294/2/palo20210-sup-0001-SupportingInfo.pd

    Las Comisiones de Monumentos y las Sociedades Arqueológicas como instrumentos para la construcción del pasado europeo

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    Coordinadores: Trinidad Tortosa Rocamora y Gloria Mora.Las Comisiones de Monumentos o de Antigüedades y las Sociedades Arqueológicas aparecen en el contexto europeo del siglo XIX como verdaderos instrumentos, en origen, de la gestión arqueológica percibida como una cuestión nacional. Aprovechando el interés que esta temática ha suscitado en los últimos años en nuestro país hemos querido cotejar las diferentes fases de este proceso con las situaciones confirmadas en otros países como Portugal, Francia e Italia. El debate, sin duda, nos llevará a reflexionar sobre los mitos de la arqueología que, a veces, por otros caminos diferentes a las vías académicas, convierten determinados temas en auténticos baluartes de la identidad nacional.Peer reviewe