2,383 research outputs found

    Polymer Dissolution Model: An Energy Adaptation Of The Critical Ionization Theory

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    The current scale of features size in the microelectronics industry has reached the point where molecular level interactions affect process fidelity and produce excursions from the continuum world like line edge roughness (LER). Here we present a 3D molecular level model based on the adaptation of the critical ionization (CI) theory using a fundamental interaction energy approach. The model asserts that it is the favorable interaction between the ionized part of the polymer and the developer solution which renders the polymer soluble. Dynamic Monte Carlo methods were used in the current model to study the polymer dissolution phenomenon. The surface ionization was captured by employing an electric double layer at the interface, and polymer motion was simulated using the Metropolis algorithm. The approximated interaction parameters, for different species in the system, were obtained experimentally and used to calibrate the simulated dissolution rate response to polymer molecular weight and developer concentration. The predicted response is in good agreement with experimental dissolution rate data. The simulation results support the premise of the CI theory and provide an insight into the CI model from a new prospective. This model may provide a means to study the contribution of development to LER and other related defects based on molecular level interactions between distinct components in the polymer and the developer.Chemical Engineerin

    Conduction Channels of One-Atom Zinc Contacts

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    We have determined the transmission coefficients of atomic-sized Zn contacts using a new type of breakjunction which contains a whisker as a central bridge. We find that in the last conductance plateau the transport is unexpectedly dominated by a well-transmitting single conduction channel. We explain the experimental findings with the help of a tight-binding model which shows that in an one-atom Zn contact the current proceeds through the 4s and 4p orbitals of the central atom.Comment: revtex4, 5 pages, 5 figure

    Liquid rocket engine axial-flow turbopumps

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    The axial pump is considered in terms of the total turbopump assembly. Stage hydrodynamic design, pump rotor assembly, pump materials for liquid hydrogen applications, and safety factors as utilized in state of the art pumps are among the topics discussed. Axial pump applications are included


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    The reaction of several plant chlorophyll-protein complexes with NaBH4 has been studied by absorption spectroscopy. In all the complexes studied, chlorophyll b is more reactive than Chi a, due to preferential reaction of its formyl substituent at C-7. The complexes also show large variations in reactivity towards NaBH4 and the order of reactivity is: LHCI > PSII complex > LHCII > PSI > P700 (investigated as a component of PSI). Differential pools of the same type of chlorophyll have been observed in several complexes. Parallel work was undertaken on the reactivity of micellar complexes of chlorophyll a and of chlorophyll b with NaBH4 to study the effect of aggregation state on this reactivity. In these complexes, both chlorophyll a and b show large variations in reactivity in the order monomer > oligomer > polymer with chlorophyll b generally being more reactive than chlorophyll a. It is concluded that aggregation decreases the reactivity of chlorophylls towards NaBH4 in vitro, and may similarly decrease reactivity in naturally-occurring chlorophyll-protein complexes

    Funcionalidades ambientais de solos altomontanos na Serra da Igreja, Paraná.

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    Apesar de ainda existirem ecossistemas altomontanos no Paraná em excelente estado de conservação, iminentes ameaças antrópicas e a fragilidade desses ambientes têm sido motivos de preocupação. Este trabalho teve os seguintes objetivos: caracterizar solos de área representativa dos campos e florestas altomontanas ocorrentes na Serra da Igreja; apontar quais os possíveis fatores pedológicos que resultam nessas diferentes fitotipias; e caracterizar algumas das suas funcionalidades ambientais (estoque de C e de água). Os principais solos encontrados nos campos foram Organossolos Fólicos fíbricos/sápricos (líticos e típicos) e Organossolos Háplicos fíbricos/sápricos (típicos e térricos) e, nas florestas altomontanas, Gleissolos Háplicos alíticos típicos. Ambas as classes são de solos distróficos, extremamente ácidos, com alta saturação por Al trocável e altos teores de C orgânico total. A distribuição das florestas altomontanas está fortemente controlada por vales e colos de cumeeiras, os quais estão sujeitos a processos morfogenéticos que resultam em solos com horizontes minerais. Já os campos estão estabelecidos em topos, onde processos pedogenéticos promoveram espessamento de horizontes hísticos, os quais, em função de suas características intrínsecas, aliadas aos fortes ventos, parecem conter com sucesso o avanço da floresta sobre o campo. Os estoques de C por unidade de área nos solos dos campos são superiores aos dos solos das florestas altomontanas, sendo ambos considerados altos quando comparados aos dados de outros ecossistemas, sendo duas a três vezes maiores do que os encontrados em solos de ecossistemas de altitudes mais baixas na mesma latitude. Também foi constatada alta capacidade de retenção hídrica devido à porosidade total verificada nos horizontes hísticos, os quais têm o potencial de reter em média 12 vezes seu volume em água

    The late holocene upper montane cloud forest and high altitude grassland mosaic in the Serra da Igreja, Southern Brazil.

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    Many soils of the highlands of Serra do Mar, as in other mountain ranges, have thick histic horizons that preserve high amounts of carbon. However, the age and constitution of the organic matter of these soils remain doubtful, with possible late Pleistocene or Holocene ages. This study was conducted in three profi les (two in grassland and one in forest) in Serra da Igreja highlands in the state of Paraná. We performed ?13C isotope analysis of organic matter in soil horizons to detect whether C3 or C4 plants dominated the past communities and 14C dating of the humin fraction to obtain the age of the studied horizons. C3 plants seem to have dominated the mountain ridges of Serra da Igreja since at least 3,000 years BP. Even though the Serra da Igreja may represents a landscape of high altitude grasslands in soils containing organic matter from the late Pleistocene, as reported elsewhere in Southern and Southeastern Brazil, our results indicate that the sites studied are at least from the beginning of the Late Holocene, when conditions of high moisture enabled the colonization/recolonization of the Serra da Igreja ridges by C3 plants. This is the period, often reported in the literature, when forests advanced onto grasslands and savannas

    Observation of Supershell Structure in Alkali Metal Nanowires

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    Nanowires are formed by indenting and subsequently retracting two pieces of sodium metal. Their cross-section gradually reduces upon retraction and the diameters can be obtained from the conductance. In previous work we have demonstrated that when one constructs a histogram of diameters from large numbers of indentation-retraction cycles, such histograms show a periodic pattern of stable nanowire diameters due to shell structure in the conductance modes. Here, we report the observation of a modulation of this periodic pattern, in agreement with predictions of a supershell structure.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., in prin

    Current and future treatment strategies for rhabdomyosarcoma

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    Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common soft tissue sarcoma in children, and can be subcategorized histologically and/or based on PAX-FOXO1 fusion gene status. Over the last four decades, there have been no significant improvements in clinical outcomes for advanced and metastatic RMS patients, underscoring a need for new treatment options for these groups. Despite significant advancements in our understanding of the genomic landscape and underlying biological mechanisms governing RMS that have informed the identification of novel therapeutic targets, development of these therapies in clinical trials has lagged far behind. In this review, we summarize the current frontline multi-modality therapy for RMS according to pediatric protocols, highlight emerging targeted therapies and immunotherapies identified by preclinical studies, and discuss early clinical trial data and the implications they hold for future clinical development

    Development of Advanced Magnet Structures for Cryogenic In Vacuum Permanent Magnet Undulators

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    Short period undulators and in particular in vacuum cryogenic permanent magnet undulators are the upcoming technique for FEL radiators, because they permit a significant reduction of linac and undulator length. For achieving high photon energies with low electron energies short period lengths, e.g. below lOmm permanent magnet structures are superior, due to their high surface current density of 16 kA cm as compared to electromagnetic or even superconducting devices. The geom.etrical to1erances scale with the period length. This requires new fabrication techniques and structure designs, particularly for sub cm period lengths. Salutions for these demands will be presented and results from a first prototype using various new technologies such as compound poles will be discussed and compared with common approache