180 research outputs found
Di era modern saat ini, teknologi semakin berkembang pesat dan begitu canggih. Masyarakat memiliki banyak kegiatan dan aktivitas rutin disetiap harinya, oleh karena itu masyarakat membutuhkan makanan yang sehat dan bersifat instan praktis, mudah disajikan. Adanya fenomena tersebut, menjadikan peluang bagi perusahaan untuk menciptakan sebuah makanan yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat, seperti Mie Lemonilo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh citra merek, harga dan promosi terhadap keputusan pembelian Mie Lemonilo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif data primer yang diperoleh dari kuesioner online. Obyek dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang pernah melakukan pembelian minimal 1 kali produk Mie Lemonilo. Peneliti mengambil sampel sebanyak 100 orang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda yang diolah dengan menggunakan software SPSS. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan secara parsial antara Citra Merek terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Mie Lemonilo; (2) Ada pengaruh negatif antara Harga terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Mie Instan Merek Lemonilo; (3) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan secara parsial antara Promosi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Mie Lemonilo; (4) Ada pengaruh yang signifikan secara simultan antara Citra Merek, Harga dan Promosi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Mie Lemonilo
Development of Dissolution Test Method for Drotaverine Hydrochloride/Mefenamic Acid Combination Using Derivative Spectrophotometry
Purpose: To develop and validate a dissolution test method for tablets containing 80 mg of drotaverine hydrochloride (DRT) and 250 mg of mefenamic acid (MEF).Methods: Sink conditions, drug stability and specificity in different dissolution media were tested to optimize a dissolution test method using a USP paddle type dissolution test apparatus set at a speed of50 rpm. The dissolution medium consisted of 900 ml of phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) containing 0.25% w/v cetrimide at 37 ± 0.5 oC and 45 min time-point. To determine both drugs simultaneously, a first derivative UV spectrophotometric method was developed and validated. Drug release was analyzed by first derivative UV method at 253.8 nm and 304 nm for DRT and MEF respectively. The dissolution method was validated as per ICH guidelines.Results: The two brands each showed 98% of drug release for both drugs when the developed dissolution method was used. The regression plot was linear in the concentration range 4 - 24 ìg/mL for each of the drugs and regression coefficient (r2) was greater than 0.999 for each drug. Relativestandard deviation (% RSD) for precision and accuracy of proposed method was < 2.Conclusion: The proposed dissolution method is simple, cost-effective, precise, accurate and specific. It can be successfully employed in routine quality control of DRT and MEF combination tablets.Keywords: Drotaverine hydrochloride, Mefenamic acid, First derivative spectrophotometry, Dissolution, Validatio
The Effect of Using PORPE (Predict, Organize, Rehearse, Practice, Evaluate) Method on Students' Reading Comprehension in Descriptive Text of The Eleventh Grade of SMA Kejayaan Indonesia
This study aims to find: improving students' reading comprehension through the use of the PORPE strategy. This research uses a quasi-experimental design because it is comparable to collecting data of reading comprehension and provides a pre-test and a post-test to collect the data. The instrument used is a reading test. The sample of this research is class XI at KEJAYAAN INDONESIA SMA which consists of 16 students. Samples were taken using a sampling technique. Based on the findings, it was found that the students' scores in understanding the meaning of the reading text increased where the pre-test t-value (66.66) < t-table (83.33) It can be concluded that the increase in students' understanding of the meaning of a reading text increased significantly by using the PORPE strategy 
Ayam parent stock merupakan ayam penghasil DOC final stock. Pemeliharaan ayam parent stock melalui 3 fase yaitu fase starter, grower dan breeder. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini ialah unutk mengetahui manajemen pemeliharaan ayam jantan parent stock beroiler unutk meningkatkan kualitas sperma serta dapat memilih ayam jantan yang sudah dewasa dan siap untuk dikawinkan. Ayam parent stock broiler mulai memproduksi telur setelah mengalami dewasa kelamin yakni umur 24 minggu. Pemeliharaan ayam jantan parent stock bersamaan dengan pemeliharaan ayam betina. Jumlah ayam jantan dalam satu kandang sebanyak 10% dari jumlah populasi betina. Hal ini dikarenakan 1 ekor ayam jantan dapat mengawini sebanyak 10 ekor ayam betina. Aspek yang perlu diperhatikan dalam manajemen pemeliharaan adalah kandang, peralatan kandang, sistem pemeliharaan dan pemilihan bibit, serta dilakukan seleksi pada ayam jantan demi mendapatkan kualitas ayam jantan yang baik. Ada beberapa faktor yang perlu diperhatikan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sperma ayam jantan supaya menjadi pejantan yang berkualitas diantaranya pakan, air minum, pencahayaan, ventilasi, udara, suhu dan kelembaban
Social vulnerability, social-ecological resilience and coastal governance
Non-technical summary. Our analysis shows that the framing of social vulnerability is shaped by a narrow definition of resilience, focusing on post-disaster return and recovery responses. This perspective does not account for the dynamism and non-stationarity of social-ecological systems (SES) which is becoming increasingly important in the face of accelerating environmental change. Incorporating social-ecological resilience into social vulnerability analysis can improve coastal governance by accounting for adaptation and transformation, as well as scale and cross-scale interactions. Technical summary. Social vulnerability analysis has been unable to deliver outcomes that reflect the reality of vulnerability and its consequences in an era characterised by accelerating environmental change. In this work, we used critical discourse analysis and key informant interviews to understand different framings of social vulnerability in coastal governance and management, globally and in New Zealand. We found that the framing of system vulnerability could vary depending on the definition of resilience adopted, which has critical ramifications for coastal governance of linked systems of humans and nature. We found that the framing of social vulnerability in coastal governance is mainly influenced by engineering, community and disaster resilience, focusing on return and recovery governance responses to environmental change (e.g. hurricanes, wildfires). Instead, we suggest a novel perspective based on social-ecological resilience, which more accurately reflects the dynamics of linked systems of humans and nature (SES). This revised perspective, general vulnerability, accounts for the dynamics of Earth’s systems across various spatial and temporal scales in the face of accelerating environmental change. Accounting for social-ecological resilience and its core aspects (i.e. panarchy, adaptation and transformation) is essential for informing coastal governance of SES (Do we adapt? or Do we transform the SES?). Social media summary. Social-ecological resilience is essential for social vulnerability analysis in the face of accelerating environmental change
Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh harga, brand image, dan inovasi pada media sosial instagram terhadap keputusan pembelian di Matahari Department Store Grand Mall Bekasi. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian adalah sebanyak 95 responden Matahari Departmet Store. Metode penentuan sampel menggunakan metode non probability sampling jenis purposive sampling. Metode Analisa data yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat dilihat bahwa; (1) Secara parsial variabel harga berpengaruh terhadapat keputusan pembelian (2) secara parsial varibel brand image tidak berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian, (3) secara parsial variabel inovasi berpengaruh terhadap keputusan pembelian,(4) Secara silmutan variabel harga, brand image, inovasi berpengaruh terhadapat keputusan pembelian. Matahari department store dalam meningkatkan keputusan pembelian, diharapkan dapat mengatur Kembali strategi dalam menentukan harga jual produk, menampilkan bintang iklan yang menarik perhatian masyarakat dan diharapkan lebih mengingat iklan produk matahari department store, mengembangkan ataupun mengevaluasi program promosi penjualan serta secara rutin melakukan inovasi produ
Exploring the context of sedentary behaviour in older adults (what, where, why, when and with whom)
BACKGROUND: Older adults are the most sedentary segment of the population. Little information is available about the context of sedentary behaviour to inform guidelines and intervention. There is a dearth of information about when, where to intervene and which specific behaviours intervention should target. The aim of this exploratory study was to obtain objective information about what older adults do when sedentary, where and when they are sedentary and in what social context. METHODS: The study was a cross-sectional data collection. Older adults (Mean age = 73.25, SD ± 5.48, median = 72, IQR = 11) volunteers wore activPAL monitors and a Vicon Revue timelapse camera between 1 and 7 days. Periods of sedentary behaviour were identified using the activPAL and the context extracted from the pictures taken during these periods. Analysis of context was conducted using the Sedentary Behaviour International Taxonomy classification system. RESULTS: In total, 52 days from 36 participants were available for analysis. Participants spent 70.1 % of sedentary time at home, 56.9 % of sedentary time on their own and 46.8 % occurred in the afternoon. Seated social activities were infrequent (6.9 % of sedentary bouts) but prolonged (18 % of sedentary time). Participants appeared to frequently have vacant sitting time (41 % of non-screen sedentary time) and screen sitting was prevalent (36 % of total sedentary time). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides valuable information to inform future interventions to reduce sedentary behaviour. Interventions should consider targeting the home environment and focus on the afternoon sitting time, though this needs confirmation in a larger study. Tackling social isolation may also be a target to reduce sedentary time
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