28 research outputs found

    Kinerja Program Soil and Water Assessment Tools (SWAT) yang Dimodifikasi untuk Menduga Debit Sub-DAS Cimanuk Hulu

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    Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) merupakan sebuah model hidrologi yang dikembangkan di Amerika Serikat untuk menganalisis dampak dari perubahan tata guna lahan terhadap hasil air (debit) dan sedimentasi.  Model ini telah banyak diterapkan di Asia.  Akan tetapi, neraca air di dalam model SWAT menggunakan neraca air untuk tanaman yang ditanam pada lahan kering (up land) termasuk tanaman padi.  Di Asia, khususnya di Indonesia, tanaman padi umumnya ditanam di lahan sawah.  Untuk menyesuaikan dengan kondisi lahan sawah, model SWAT telah dimodifikasi dengan mengacu kepada algoritma sawah yang dikembangkan oleh Sakaguchi et.al. (2014).  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja model SWAT yang dimodifikasi untuk menduga debit Sub-DAS Cimanuk Hulu yang bersawah.  Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa model SWAT yang dimodifikasi dapat menduga debit relative lebih baik dibandingkan dengan modul SWAT original (tanpa algoritma sawah) yang ditunjukkan oleh nilai determinasi (R2) dan Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE).  Nilai R2 dari hasil kalibrasi model SWAT yang dimodifikasi, SWAT original lahan kering dan model SWAT pot-hole berturut-turut adalah 0.569, 0.494 dan 0.544.  Sedangkan nilai NSE dari hasil kalibrasi model SWAT yang dimodifikasi, SWAT original lahan kering dan model SWAT pot-hole berturut-turut adalah 0.521, 0.420 dan 0.50

    Regional Plannning Strategic of Irrigated Agricultural Land Convertion by Considering to The Irrigation System (Case Study : Cihea Irrigation System of Cianjur)

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    Regional development is targeted to make better growth in the rural area, by improving farmerā€™s welfare and minimizing the gap among the regions. In particular, the developement aims to increase farmers income percapita as an income indicators of developement in rural area. In the irrigation area, the regional developmentĀ  can also increase the domestic revenue by providing value added program in this region. The existing regional plan (RTRW) ofĀ  Cianjur in 2013 ā€“2031 a part of the study area (Cihea irrigation system) are planned to be converted in toĀ  industrial area, it reaches 4209.903 ha. This research aims to provide an irrigation system based developement strategy for guiding to the implementation of the RTRW. In the irrigation system, there are water resources and agricultural activities, mostly in food comodities. These resources will be considered in the study in order to achieve the target of rural development as for the implemention of RTRW. In this research, it analyzed suply and demand of irrigation, based on water balance calculation and farm production, the prospective industrial area in the region for processing theĀ  raw product of farming. As the result, The agricultural land convertion should be targeted into processing plant for rice and soy. By these scenarios, the water resources were able to irrigate area of 5484Ā  ha with cropping pattern of rice-rice -secondary foodcrop as the minimum discharge occured in September its about 0.553 m3/second. The total production of this raw agricultural productĀ  can be processed to rice snack and cereal beisde of rice, thus being able to gave rise in income of farmer to Rp2 461 706,- per planting season.based on spatial analyze, the area which is can be developed are Ciranjang, Sukaratu, Sindangjaya, Mekargalih, Bojongpicung, Kertajaya, dan Cibiuk

    Kajian Kapasitas Lentur Balok Beton Bertulangan Bambu Petung

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    Reinforced concrete generally use steel reinforce material. Steel is quarry material that someday be exhausted and relatively high price. Hence,need to find the substitution material which a more affordable with the structure power that equivalent. Bamboo can be assessed solution as a substitution material of steel reinforce. This research looked at a bending capacity of the bamboo petungĀ  reinforce concrete beams with notch is 2 cm and 3 cm. The sectional form of the reinforce bamboo of arch ( 1 / 4 ) circle andĀ  ( 1 / 2 ) circle.Ā  Tensile testing sample of bamboo obtained average value of bamboo tensile strengthĀ  is 288.81 mpa .A mixture of concrete fā€˜c = 17.5 MPa with the mixtures by virtue of SNI 7394-2008 .TheĀ  testing results of compressive strength at the age of 3 days concrete 9.837 MPa . SampleĀ  beams made about 9 type reinforcement .From the flexural testing at the age of 28 days type reinforcement TB4 have flexural strength of 10.167 MPa value flexural approach strengthĀ  steel reinforcement beams of 12.00024 Mpa.Keywords : bamboo petung, flexural beams, reinforcement bambo

    Evaluasi Struktur Gedung X di Jakarta Berdasarkan Sni 03-1726-2012 Ketahanan Gempa untuk Struktur Gedung

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    Wilayah Jakarta berada pada zonasi gempa menengah berdasarkan peta zonasi gempa 2010 yang dipublikasikan oleh Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pemukiman (PUSKIM), Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merekomendasikan perkuatan struktur pada eksisting gedung X di Jakarta, agar ketika gempa datang, struktur gedung tersebut tetap mampu memikul beban ultimit. Objek penelitian merupakan gedung kategori high rise building, memiliki jumlah lantai lebih dari 10, dibangun sebelum tahun 2010, berlokasi pada kelas situs tanah lunak dan secara visual terindikasi adanya kerusakan pada elemen struktur. Pemodelan struktur gedung X didesain dan dianalisis menggunakan program ETABS. Pembebanan gempa diberikan secara dinamik menggunakan prosedur analisis spektrum respons ragam. Hasil analisis story drift menunjukan bahwa gedung X dinyatakan aman terhadap kinerja batas ultimit yang telah dihitung berdasarkan pedoman gempa SNI 03-1726-2012. Nilai maksimum simpangan antar lantai pada gedung X untuk arah-x sebesar 68,60 mm dan arah-y sebesar 101,2 mm. Bagaimanapun, hasil analisis struktur pemodelan gedung X pada ETABS menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa elemen balok dan kolom yang membutuhkan perkuatan struktur. Perkuatan elemen balok direncanakan menggunakan CFRP yang dihitung keamanannya berdasarkan pedoman ACI 440.2R-8 Perkuatan elemen kolom direncanakan menggunakan Concrete Jacketing yang dianalisis melalui section designer pada program ETABS dan dihitung keamanannya berdasarkan pedoman SNI 03-2847-2013

    Tank Model to See The Effect of Land Use Changes on Runoff, Infiltration and Groundwater in Sub

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    Water supply is closely related to geographical and climatic factors on the watershed area. Tank model is one of the hydrological models used to analyze the characteristics of river flow using the data of rainfall and climate. This study was aimed Ā to analyze the flow rate by using a tank model, which can describe the magnitude of hydrological processes, namely runoff rate, infiltration capacity, and ground water content in the sub-watershed of Konaweha. The study site was on the catchment area of ??the Wawotobi dam of Konawe Regency, South East Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The study results showed that the conservation activity on the catchment area of the Wawotobi dam have a role in increasing the river flow rate and water infiltration into the soil. The pattern of land management that involves the conservation aspects resulted in a lower runoff or discharge rate, a greater value of infiltration and ground water content that can fill into a greater depth. In this case, the land use that takes into account the conservation aspects is very important in keeping the interval between maximum and minimum discharges or river flows, that is, not too big flow. This model of tank can also be used to predict the river flow at various watershed land uses on the sub-watershed area of Konaweha. Keywords: tank model, infiltration, watershed, conservation, rainfal

    Analisis Potensi Air Sungai Pada Embung 190 Di PG. Bungamayang PTPN VII, Lampung

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    Air merupakan elemen yang sangat penting bagi keberlanjutan hidup makhluk hidup setiap harinya. Air juga digunakan untuk irigasi pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi air sungai di PG. Bungamayang PTPN VII, Lampung. Penelitian ini terbatas pada embung 190 PG. Bungamayang PTPN VII yang merupakan bagian dari DAS Tulang Bawang yang secara geografi terletak pada 104Ā° 52' 07" BT dan 04Ā° 35' 24" LS. Pada penelitian ini, analisis SWAT dilakukan menggunakan ArcSWAT 2012 sebagai plug-in pada ArcGIS 10. Pada simulasi ini, terdapat 4 tahapan proses, yaitu delineasi daerah DAS, pembentukan HRU, pengolahan data dan simulasi SWAT, serta proses visualisasi. Untuk proses validasi, digunakan perbandingan antara debit simulasi SWAT dengan debit observasi dari tanggal 20 Maret hingga 5 April 2014. Hasil simulasi SWAT menunjukan debit rata-rata sebesar 0.066 m3/s. Sedangkan untuk debit observasi, diperoleh debit rata- rata sebesar 0.043 m3/s dengan koefesien korelasi sebesar 0,897. Potensi air sungai dapat ditunjukan dengan debit rataan tahunan permodelan SWAT dengan debit rataan maksimum tahunan sebesar 0.143 m3/s pada bulan April and debit rataan minimum tahunan sebesarĀ 0.018 m3/s yang terjadi pada bulan Septembar sehingga diperoleh total potensi air sungai pada Embung 190 di PG Bungamayang PTPN VII, Lampung sebesar 2 373 950.55 m3 tiap tahunnya.Kata kunci: DAS Tulang Bawang, HRU, potensi air sungai, SWA

    Analisis Debit Sungai dengan Menggunakan Model SWATpada DAS Cipasauran, Banten

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    Total water demand at non industrial and industrial region in Cilegon is increasing. With its water production capacity of 2,000 l/s, PT Krakatau Tirta Industri (KTI) cannot fulfill the amount number of demand from the industrial and domestic sectors at Cilegon. To cover the shortage of water supply of Ā±600 l/s, PT KTI requires taking water from Cipasauran Watershed. The objective of this study was to analyze river discharge of Cipasauran Watershed using SWAT model. Input data such as soil characteristics, climate data, landuse, and hydrology data at the area of the watershed were gathered and put at the data input file. In SWAT simulation, 4 processes were done, i.e. watershed delineation, hydrological response unit (HRU) forming, data process and SWAT simulation, and visualization process. The result showed that the daily and monthly calibration process crossed 84% and 83% with the 95PPU area, with daily and monthly p-factor value of 0.84 and 0.83. Thus, calibrated model result was valid, though R2 and NS value were not satisfied. Using the validated SWAT model, the daily discharge in Cipasauran Watershed was about 0 - 3.309 m3/s, whereas the monthly discharge was 0.648 - 3.266 m3/s. This showed that daily and monthly PT KTIā€™s water demand of 0.6 m3/s were fulfilled about 98.22% and 100%. Within the future time, the SWAT model could be potentially used as an assessment for predictive scenarios. However, to gain optimum results, well-observed and precise data is highly required, especially for such calibrations and validations

    Design of Water Source Alternative Based on SWAT Model Simulation

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    Water shortage problem was often happened in many places in Indonesia. Water availability is very important not only for domestic needs, but also for other activities particularly for agricultural activities. To solve water shortage problem, this study aimed to design a water source alternative. The rain is a free water source and collecting rain in the small dam or reservoir is one of the effective rainwater harvesting technique that can increase water availability. This research was conducted at Sekaran Village and the analysis had done using SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tools) model. The planned rainfall and discharge were analysed by 5 years return period to calculate the water potential for reservoir charging. The results of this study indicated that the location of the reservoir was planned in a forest area with a slope of 8-25%, on coordinates 111Āŗ38'11.39"E and 7Āŗ6'14.22"S and has a storage volume of 13737 m3. The reservoir has 4356 m2 surface area with a depth of 3 m. Based on the SWAT model simulation, the highest average discharge potential occured in February with a discharge of 0.312 m3/s and the lowest average discharge occured in October with a discharge of 0.044 m3/s. The total volume of potential annual water that can fill the reservoir is 61.166 m3/s per year based on a planned rainfall of 115.38 mm and a planned flood discharge of 2.54 m3/s with a return period of 5 years. The reservoir construction required a cost of IDR 1,200,747,000

    Desain instalasi pengolah limbah WC komunal masyarakat pinggir sungai desa Lingkar Kampus

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    Cangkurawok Village is located in the outer of the Bogor Agricultural University area and does not have good sanitation facilities. Disposal of domestic wastewater directly discharges into drainage channels to river. Wastewater treatment plant design from toilets communal divides into three stages. The first stage is determining the location of toilets communal and excreta treatment plant. Location provided by the public is around 5 meters above the surface of the river water. The second stage is the determination of service areas. In this village consists of 70 heads of households as the basic criteria for determining the volume of septic tanks. The last step is determining the design of toilets communal and wastewater treatment unit. This stage requires t he unit options that fits on the selected sites, based on ease of maintenance and no need employ trained operators. Waste treatment facility consists septic tank and infiltration well planning. Septic tank volume is 26.5 m3 with the long dimension of 2.75 m, width of 5.5 m and height of 1.5 m plus 0.3 meters for free board. Septic tank serving four toilets communal is built above it, with the division of space for two men and two spaces for women. infi lt rat ion well constructed to absorb the waste liquid vertically through the soil pores. Layers of sand and gravel is spread throughout the wells to assist the flow pattern. Depth and diameter of infiltration well are 3 m and 1 rn, This wells should be placed lower than the drinking water sources and wells, with a minimum distance of 15 m

    Kebijakan Pengembangan Budidaya Tanaman Bambu untuk Pengelolaan Berkelanjutan DAS Aesesa Flores

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    The existence of Aesesa Flores (AF) watershed is very important for people in Ngada and Nagekeo Regency of Flores island. The AF watershed provides water, land use, economic and other environmental services. However, the excessive exploitation is a major threat for the existence of the AF watershed. The degradation of the AF watershed function such as reduction in river debit, increase of critical land, land use change as well as the problem of poverty. The upstream area is intended as a conservation area where Watu Ata nature preservation park is located, the bamboo forest and Bajawa as the capital city of Ngada Regency. The downstream area is not only as capital city of Nageko Regency but also as paddy field area. One of the activity to improve the watershed function is through a comprehensive and sustainable management policy design based on characteristics and carrying capacity of the AF watershed. This research was conducted in April-May 2018 and the the purpose of the study is to analyzed key factors and establishing an alternative for sustainable management policy development of AF watershed using a prospective method. This study using mainly primary data obtained from the seven local experts through the filling of the questionnaire. The result shows that there are 22 attribute factors and it identified as 10 key factors. The main two key factors are bamboo cultivation, processing technology of bamboo, enlargement of bamboo cultivation area and practicing the soil and water conservation technique. The 10 key factors then become input for designing the management policy of AF watershed. Bamboo become the dominant and key factor because bamboo could be developed into biomass energy plant and it serves social, economic and ecological values for the local people of Ngada and Nagekeo Regency. Bamboo cultivation has a good prospect financially for the local people