11 research outputs found
The Role of Ex Combatants Party Against The Advocacy of Political Representation of Women In The Post-Conflict in Aceh, Indonesia
This study discusses the role of ex-combatant parties in advocating post-conflict women by using the Aceh Party case study. Aceh Party is one of the parties that transformed the struggle movement from the armed movement into a political party movement through general elections. The ex-combatant party was formed by post-conflict combatants after peace negotiations. The ex-combatant party which later became the case study material in this study was the ex-combatant party (Aceh Party) in Aceh. The presence of ex-combatant parties as part of the democratization process has a different reception towards the equality discourse of women in the participation and representation of public spaces, especially representation in politics. The Aceh Party has a tendency for women only as a formality to fulfill a 30 percent quota, without involving women seriously in political matters. This certainly can be seen how the party programs tend to be gender biased. The purpose of this study is to look at the phenomenon of the presence of post-conflict ex-combatant parties as part of the democratization process in providing advocacy for women. Through this research with a qualitative approach both sourced from primary and secondary data by tracing various literature, documents, and other supporting materials
Peningkatan Anggaran Persenjataan Militer China sebagai Bagian dari Security Dilemma di Kawasan Asia Pasifik
The increase in Chinese military spending from year to year is part of security dilemma in Asia Pacific region. Such increase in defense and military spending of China indicates its concern (security dilemma) to regional countries like Japan. In addition, to maintain hegemony as a country that has influence in region as well as the fragility of regional conflict requires China to strengthen its military defense system. Security dilemma affects countries in the world and put them in the shadow of fear. Assumption that is built within security dilemma is that the world is in anarchist position. China has been undergoing significant change after the cold war in global dan regional security diplomacy that is based on perspective that view threats and opportunities arising from International structure in general, and regional structure specifically. Therefore, China began to formulate policies that pay attention to the future security and prosperity of his country
Peningkatan Kapasitas Masyarakat Terhadap Pemahaman Labeling Produk Pertanian di Bidang Ekspor Impor
Proses labeling dalam suatu produk merupakan salah satu hal yang penting untuk diketahui oleh masyarakat terutama dalam hal labeling produk pertanian baik dalam hal ekspor maupun impor. Akan tetapi dalam hal traceability produk terkhusus di bidang pangan pengetahuan tentang labeling mulai dari proses produksi hingga distribusi dan bahkan sampai pada konsumen sering kali terabaikan. Sehingga masyarakat sebagai konsumen terkadang belum mengetahui apa saja kandungan yang ada dalam sebuah produk hingga batas konsumsi produk terutama produk-produk ekspor dan impor dalam sebuah negara. Dalam proses labeling hal yang perlu diperhatikan terkait barang-barang ekspor maupun impor diantaranya adalah informasi ukuran, berat, kualitas, kuantitas, asal produksi, perusahaan produsen, bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam produksi, serta hak kekayaan intelektual (seperti trademark, patent, copyright). Akan tetapi, pada praktiknya terdapat beberapa penyimpangan dalam proses labeling diantaranya para pelaku usaha dalam memperdagangkan suatu produk pangan sering melakukan kecurangan agar produk pangan impor yang dijual laku dalam jumlah banyak. Salah satu perbuatan curang yang dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha adalah kecurangan dalam hal memperdagangkan produk pangan impor yang masih menggunakan bahasa asing dalam labelnya atau tidak berlabel bahasa Indonesia. Selain itu, produk pangan yang mengandung Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) yaitu organisme yang DNA-nya telah diubah atau dimodifikasi dengan cara tertentu melalui rekayasa genetika bagi kebanyakan masyarakat belum paham terhadap hal tersebut. Dalam hal produk yang mengandung GMO dipasaran cenderung lebih murah dibandingkan dengan produk local asli. Sehingga, kecenderungan masyarakat lebih memilih produk yang mengandung GMO.
[The labeling process in a product is one of the important things to be known by the public, especially in terms of labeling agricultural products both in terms of exports and imports. However, in terms of product traceability, especially in the food sector, knowledge about labeling from the production process to distribution and even to consumers is often neglected. So that people as consumers sometimes do not know what the content is in a product to the limit of product consumption, especially export and import products in a country. In the labeling process, things that need to be considered regarding export and import goods include information on size, weight, quality, quantity, origin of production, producer company, materials used in production, as well as intellectual property rights (such as trademarks, patents, copyrights). ). However, in practice there are several irregularities in the labeling process, including business actors in trading a food product often committing fraud so that imported food products sold are sold in large quantities. One of the fraudulent acts committed by business actors is fraud in terms of trading imported food products that still use foreign languages on their labels or are not labeled in Indonesian. In addition, food products containing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are organisms whose DNA has been altered or modified in a certain way through genetic engineering, most people do not understand about this. In terms of products containing GMOs, the market tends to be cheaper than the original local products. Thus, people tend to prefer products that contain GMOs.
This study aims to explain how to reconstruct the form of mediation through a framing analysis. The concept of framing in mediation is a form of communication that is constructively framed. The dynamics of conflict, the mediation process becomes the most decisive part of the problem-solving process. How a mediator is able to reframe this mediation concept by empowering the conflicting parties to get out of the problem without having to worsen the situation. The research method used qualitative with a framing analysis approach that explains of a mediator is not a decision-maker in the negotiation process. A mediator is able to find solutions to constructive and cooperative problems in accordance with the mediator's abilities
La influencia de la participación política de las mujeres en el parlamento se correlaciona con cuestiones de género en Indonesia
This paper discussed the influence of gender political participation in parliament in advocating gender issues. The quantity of women representation in parliament was increasing according to election contestation. Meanwhile, the concept of representation of women by adopting from Anne Philips mentioned that the presence of political representation occurred due to an imbalance between social classes men and women. Recently, there is evidence that women have a role in public. Thus, politic which interpreted as a presence of thinking could be a basis of political liberation for women in parliament by women activists to take a role in legislative. This paper deeply analyzes the influence of women advocating for gender issues. The research method used in this research was a qualitative approach to understanding the phenomena in the background of specific contextual. The result revealed that women have an influence on all policies form which correlates to women's issues through the promotion movement in the level of decision making. In the condition of women, roles could affect significantly on gender issues in Indonesia.Este documento discutió la influencia de la participación política de género en el parlamento en la defensa de las cuestiones de género. La cantidad de representación de mujeres en el parlamento aumentaba según la impugnación electoral. En tanto, el concepto de representación de la mujer adoptando de Anne Philips mencionó que la presencia de representación política se produjo debido a un desequilibrio entre las clases sociales hombres y mujeres. Recientemente, hay evidencia de que las mujeres tienen un papel en público. Así, la política interpretada como una presencia de pensamiento podría ser una base de liberación política para las mujeres en el parlamento por parte de las mujeres activistas para asumir un papel en el legislativo. Este artículo analiza en profundidad la influencia de las mujeres que abogan por cuestiones de género. El método de investigación utilizado en esta investigación fue un enfoque cualitativo para comprender los fenómenos en el contexto de contextos específicos. El resultado reveló que las mujeres tienen una influencia en todas las formas de políticas que se correlacionan con los problemas de las mujeres a través del movimiento de promoción en el nivel de toma de decisiones. En la condición de las mujeres, los roles podrían afectar significativamente las cuestiones de género en Indonesia
Greenpeace, Corporations and Deforestation Crimes: A Case study of Hongkong Shanghai Bank Corporation (HSBC) in Indonesia
As a political actor, non-governmental organizations have an essential role in the environmental sector. This paper aims to discuss the role of Greenpeace in driving HSBC’s non-deforestation policy in Indonesia. To address deforestation in Indonesia, Greenpeace is pressing HSBC to stop funding and implement a “zero deforestation” policy. In conducting the analysis, the researcher utilized the concept of NGOs and green theory. The concept of NGOs was used to classify Greenpeace as an organization and analyze the role of the organization in the process of making HSBC’s non-deforestation policy. While the green theory was used to see the urgency of the problems of deforestation and the values championed by Greenpeace
Influence of women political participation in Parliament correlates to gender issues in Indonesia
This paper discussed the influence of gender political participation in parliament in advocating gender issues. The quantity of women representation in parliament was increasing according to election contestation. Meanwhile, the concept of representation of women by adopting from Anne Philips mentioned that the presence of political representation occurred due to an imbalance between social classes men and women. Recently, there is evidence that women have a role in public. Thus, politic which interpreted as a presence of thinking could be a basis of political liberation for women in parliament by women
activists to take a role in legislative. This paper deeply analyzes the influence of women advocating for gender issues. The research method used in this research was a qualitative approach to understanding the phenomena in the background of specific contextual. The result revealed that women have an influence on all policies form which correlates to women's issues through the promotion movement in the level of decision making. In the condition of women, roles could affect significantly on gender issues in Indonesia.Este documento discutió la influencia de la participación política de género en el parlamento en la defensa de las cuestiones de género. La cantidad de
representación de mujeres en el parlamento aumentaba según la impugnación electoral. En tanto, el concepto de representación de la mujer adoptando de Anne Philips mencionó que la presencia de representación política se produjo debido a un desequilibrio entre las clases sociales hombres y mujeres. Recientemente, hay evidencia de que las mujeres tienen un papel en público. Así, la política interpretada como una presencia de pensamiento podría ser una base de liberación política para las mujeres en el parlamento por parte de las mujeres activistas para asumir un papel en el legislativo. Este artículo analiza en profundidad la influencia de las mujeres que abogan por cuestiones de género. El método de investigación utilizado en esta investigación fue un enfoque cualitativo para comprender los fenómenos en el contexto de contextos específicos. El resultado reveló que las mujeres tienen una influencia en todas las formas de políticas que se correlacionan con los problemas de las mujeres a través del movimiento de promoción en el nivel de toma de decisiones.
En la condición de las mujeres, los roles podrían afectar significativamente las cuestiones de género en Indonesia
Tulisan ini bertujuan menganalisis kumpulan prosa dan puisi dari buku An American Grab oleh Dean Curry. Dalam buku tersebut, terdapat salah satu judul The Honor of Being a Woman ditulis oleh Phyllis Mcginley pada tahun 1949, dan diambil dari kumpulan esainya, The Province of the Heart. McGinley, yang lahir di Amerika pada tahun 1905 dan meninggal di negara yang sama pada tahun 1978, adalah seorang penyair, penulis esai dan sastra anak, dan salah satu puisinya, memenangkan Pulitzer Prize pada tahun 1961. Metode yang digunakan menghimpun, memahami, menyeleksi, dan menentukan objek estitik untuk ditelaah dengan kriteria bahwa dalam objek tersebut terdapat unsur feminisme dan gender dalam kaitannya dengan topik yang menarik untuk ditelaah. Di sini, objek estitik yang telah ditentukan untuk ditelaah adalah sebuah prosa dalam bahasa Inggris. Selanjutnya, peneliti menerjemahkan seluruh prosa itu ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, dan telah menemukan sejumlah persoalan substansial baru yang membawa masalah dalam kaitannya dengan aspek feminisme dan gender di dalamnya. Tulisan ini menemukan sebuah pengungkapan realitas dari fakta patriarki dalam feminisme radikal melalui dialog antara pasangan tokoh “aku” dan suami. Selain itu, tulisan ini mengandung unsur gender dan feminisme dalam melihat realitas sosial
PERAN PARTAI EKS KOMBATAN TERHADAP ADVOKASI REPRESENTASI PEREMPUAN DALAM POLITIK PASCA KONFLIK: Studi Kasus Partai Aceh di Indonesia dengan Partai Farabundo Mart National Liberation Front (FMLN) di El Salvador, Amerika Latin
This thesis deals with the role of the ex-combatant women advocacy against
the devastating conflict by using a case study of Aceh and El Salvador. Aceh and El
Salvador was chosen because it is two different areas but has similarities to the
transformation of the movement of the armed struggle of the movement into a
political party, movement through the general election
The party was formed by ex-combatant under conflict after peace
negotiations. Party ex-combatant who was later the subject of a case study in this
research is the party of ex-combatant (Aceh party) in Aceh and the party Farabundo
Mart National Liberation Front (FMLN) in El Salvador. The presence of excombatant
party as part of the process of democratization had a different reception
on the discourse of equality in participation and representation of women public
spaces especially representation in politics. The Aceh party, the trend of women only
as a formality to meet the quota of 30 per cent, without involving the woman seriously
in political matters. This certainly can be seen how the program of the party that
tends to gender bias. While in the FLMN women's political rights is the most basic
human rights, while human rights are an integral part of democracy. El Salvador
women not only considered as the fulfillment of a 30 percent quota, but also El
Salvador women's unique role in the advocate for their rights, especially their
representation in Parliament.
The purpose of this research is looking at the phenomenon of the presence of
the ex-combatant after the conflict as part of the process of democratization in
providing advocacy on women. This study uses qualitative methods with secondary
data is obtained through the study of librarianship by studying literature, scholarly
writings, as well as documents relating to the object of research and the problems
This research presents various problems faced by the international community, one of which is migration. International migration is studiedfrom a functionalist perspective based more on the general social, economiccharacteristics of the community in the region and in the work destinationcountry, both individually and in groups in the decision-making process.International migration is based on various factors, namely poverty,unemployment, high motivation and the desire to change economic status.This study uses a qualitative approach, which uses descriptive to convey thevalue and results of the study. The sources used in this research are literatureboth from journals and from books that contain studies on internationalmigration. In addition, all the data used in this study is social media data.From this analysis it is found that the four indicators of the functionalist studyhave a dominant influence on people to work as Indonesian workers