319 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT DEWI KARTIKA SARI . 8105110039. Correlation Between Emotion Intelligence With Interpersonal Communication Of Employees In PT. GS Battery Plant Sunter North Jakarta. Skripsi. Jakarta: Departemen Economics and Administration, Program Study of Economics Education, Education Concentration of Office Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. 2015. This research aims to know whether there is the correlation between Emotion Intelligence and Interpersonal Communication Of Employees In PT. GS Battery Plant Sunter North Jakarta. This research was conducted over 3 months since April to June 2015. Research method used is a method of survey. The population in this research was all of the employess in PT. GS Battery Plant Sunter North Jakarta, affordable population in this research is all of Administration’s Department employees which consisted of 120, and sample used as many as 89 employees by using techniques proportional random sampling. An instrument used to obtain data for variable X (Emotion Intelligence) and variable Y Iinterpersonal Communication) measured using a questionnaire with Like’s Scale. Technique data analysis starts with looking for the regression equation and obtained equation Ý = 33,50 + 0,456X. The result of normality’s test Liliefors produce L hitung = 0,056 and L tabel = 0,094. Because L hitung (0,056) F tabel hitung = 44,36 and F tabel tabel = 3,96. Because F (3,96) it hence the regression equation is sigficant. Linier regression test produce F tabel = 1,65 and F hitung = 1,54. Because F 1,54 t 1,67. Based on the result of Research, it can be concluded that there is a correlation between Emotion Intelligence and Interpersonal Communication on employees of PT. GS Battery Plant Sunter. With determination coefficient obtained test results 33,77%, variable interpersonal communication determined by emotion intelligence, then it can be drawn the conclusion that there is a positive and significant correlation between emotion intelligence and interpersonal communication. Keywords: Interpersonal Communication, Emotion Intelligenc


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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu perilaku konsumsi masyarakat miskin yang lebih mengutamakan kebutuhan duniawi sementara kebutuhan akhiratnya belum terpenuhi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran umum prinsip-prinsip konsumsi masyarakat miskin, dilihat dari prinsip keadilan, prinsip kebersihan, prinsip kesederhanaan, prinsip kemurahan hati, dan prinsip moralitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan jenis deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 220 penerima zakat di BAZ Kota Bandung. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 68 orang dengan menggunakan sampel proporsional. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuisioner. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistika deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara umum prinsip-prinsip konsumsi masyarakat penerima zakat di BAZ Kota Bandung dalam kategori cukup Islami. Di lihat dari prinsip keadilan menunjukkan kategori cukup adil, prinsip kebersihan menunjukkan kategori cukup bersih, prinsip kesederhanaan menunjukkan kategori cukup sederhana, prinsip kemurahan hati menunjukkan kategori cukup murah hati, dan prinsip moralitas menunjukkan kategori bermoral. ; The main problem of this research is consumption behaviour of poor society is prefer to fulfill worldly need then afterlife need is not yet completed. This aims of research is to know the general description of consumption principles in the poor society, as seen from the righteousness, cleanliness, moderation, beneficence, and morality. This research uses survey method with descriptive type. Population in this research is 220 recipients of Zakah in BAZ Bandung City. Sample in this research amounted to 68 persons using proportional random sampling. Data collected by using a questionnaire. Data analysis technique used descriptive statistics. The research show generally description of consumption principles of zakah recipients society in BAZ Bandung city is Islamic enough category. The righteousness is righteous enough category. The cleanliness is clean enough category. The moderation is modest enough category. The beneficence is beneficent enough category. The morality is moral category


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    Keywords: racism, anti-racism, equality American is known as one of the countries which deals with racial issues. However, as time goes by, anti-racism begins to emerge. Anti-racism intends topromote an egalitarian society not to face discrimination due to their race.Amistad is a movie which shows that there are some characters that still havecompassion to each other without differentiating race or skin color. In this study, the writer analyzes the action and the statement to prove theanti racism shown by the characters in Amistad. The result of the study discoversthat anti-racism is manifested in some characters in this movie. They areTheodore Joadson, Lewis Tappan, Roger Sherman Baldwin, John Quincy Adam,Cinque, the Army, John Forsyth, Free Slaves. These characters are brave enoughto express their actions and thoughts to struggle against racism which isconsidered bad. They think that all people have the same right and deserve to get equal treatment in every aspect of life without any discrimination.It is suggested for the next researchers to conduct a study on the same filmwith other approaches, for example, psychological approach. This perspective can be used to identify the psychological condition of the characters in facing thechallenges in White majority society

    Mediation, Remediation, and Commercialization of Indonesian Identity in Sneakers Advertising

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    The utilization of Indonesian national identity in fashion products, notably shoes, inspired this research. Retail goods that exhibited an Indonesian identity offered producers a chance to draw in sneakers fans. This research aimed to discuss the mediatization of Indonesian national identity. The three Instagram accounts @exodos57, @bro.do, and @sepatucompass were selected as the study’s subjects. Young Indonesians are currently enamored of sneakers from these brands. Many young individuals also follow their Instagram accounts. The data was to be analyzed using mediation, remediation theory, and commercialization. To investigate the data, a qualitative technique using explanatory research was used. The findings demonstrated that mediation, remediation, and commercialization are three processes that engage with one another. Additionally, it is possible to interpret the utilization of national identity as a response to globalization and the quest for authenticity. The logic of commercialization might be applied to this legitimate research


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    Mayoritas masyarakat Indonesia bekerja di bidang pertanian. Perkembangan teknologi telah merubah aspek masyarakat pertanian salah satunya munculnya teknologi  pertanian seperti combi, thresher, traktor dll. Perubahan teknologi pertanian menimbulkan dampak bagi kehidupan masyarakat Desa Bandar Kedung Mulyo terutama bagi buruh tani lansia. Buruh tani lansia di Desa Bandar Kedung Mulyo mengalami problematika yang kompleks dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui coping strategi buruh tani lansia dalam menghadapi perubahan teknologi pertanian di Desa Bandar Kedung Mulyo. Peneliti menggunakan teori Etika Subsistensi dari James C Scott sebagai pisau analisis dalam penelitian ini. Metode yang digunakan yakni kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi Michael H. Agar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi yang dilakukan buruh tani lansia melalui 2 cara yakni Emoticon focused  yakni mencari kesibukan, mendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan, menerima kondisi, mencari hiburan, dan berpikir positif. Problem focused yakni tindakan yang diambil dengan melakukan strategi bertahan hidup seperti,  melakukan pola penghematan, mencari sisa  padi hasil panen, meminjam uang  kepada kerabat/ saudara, memperoleh bantuan dari pemerintah,  memanfaatkan lahan pekarangan di belakang rumah, menjual hewan/barang berharga dan mendapat bantuan dari anak.   Kata Kunci : Coping Strategi, Buruh tani, Lansia, Teknologi, Pertanian &nbsp
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