1,311 research outputs found

    Building the genomic nation: ‘Homo Brasilis’ and the ‘Genoma Mexicano’ in comparative cultural perspective

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this record.This article explores the relationship between genetic research, nationalism and the construction of collective social identities in Latin America. It makes a comparative analysis of two research projects – the ‘Genoma Mexicano’ and the ‘Homo Brasilis’ – both of which sought to establish national and genetic profiles. Both have reproduced and strengthened the idea of their respective nations of focus, incorporating biological elements into debates on social identities. Also, both have placed the unifying figure of the mestizo/mestiço at the heart of national identity constructions, and in so doing have displaced alternative identity categories, such as those based on race. However, having been developed in different national contexts, these projects have had distinct scientific and social trajectories: in Mexico, the genomic mestizo is mobilized mainly in relation to health, while in Brazil the key arena is that of race. We show the importance of the nation as a frame for mobilizing genetic data in public policy debates, and demonstrate how race comes in and out of focus in different Latin American national contexts of genomic research, while never completely disappearing.This article arises out of two projects: ‘Race, genomics and mestizaje (mixture) in Latin America: a comparative approach’ funded by the ESRC (grant RES-062-23-1914) and ‘Public engagement with genomic research and race in Latin America’ funded by The Leverhulme Trust (grant RPG-044)

    Magnetism in Gd-W films

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    Vapor condensation techniques are useful to prepare magnetic alloys whose components have low or even negligible equilibrium mutual solubility. In this work, one of these techniques-sputtering-was used to obtain Gd(x)W(1-x) alloys whose magnetic properties were investigated as a function of the Gd atomic concentration x. Gadolinium and various Gd-based alloys are promising materials for magnetic refrigeration and this was one of the motivations for this study. The Gd(x)-W(1-x) films were sputter deposited from Gd and W targets with x ranging from 0 to 1 as determined by x-ray energy-dispersive spectroscopic analyses. X-ray diffraction patterns indicate that crystalline structures were formed at low and high Gd concentrations, while at intermediate concentrations, the films were amorphous. Magnetization measurements, performed as a function of temperature and with static and alternating applied fields, reveal a spin glasslike behavior in all the W-containing samples for temperatures below the freezing temperature T(f). For low and intermediate Gd concentrations, and for T>T(f), the films were paramagnetic, while a ferromagnetic phase was observed in the Gd-W alloy of the highest Gd content. The magnetocaloric effect was investigated from the magnetization isotherms M versus H, from which the isothermal magnetic entropy variation Delta S(M) as a function of T, for the removal of an applied field of 50 kOe, was determined. It was observed that the maximum value of Delta S(M) for each Delta S(M) versus T curve and the temperature at which these maxima occur, are strongly dependent on x. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.103


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    An investigation about the genetical diversity among eleven banana diploid genotypes using nine agronomical characteristics and sixteen microsatellite markers was implanted at Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits. Cruz das Almas (BA), Brazil. The generalized distance of Mahalanobis indicated the presence of genetic diversity. The genotypes were grouped into tree clusters. Among the investigated characteristics, the plant height, number of bunch's, number of fruits per bunch and pseudostem exhibited high contribution towards genetic divergence. The average number of alleles per primer was 7.51, with a total of 120 alleles identified. The average similarity among the all diploid was 0.44, range from 0.29 up to 0.60. New parental combinations can be identified with base of the divergence between these diploids, contributing for development of new improved diploids preventing the narrow genetic base and creating new genetic variability for selection.31115416

    The C2HDM revisited

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    The complex two-Higgs doublet model is one of the simplest ways to extend the scalar sector of the Standard Model to include a new source of CP-violation. The model has been used as a benchmark model to search for CP-violation at the LHC and as a possible explanation for the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe. In this work, we re-analyse in full detail the softly broken Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 symmetric complex two-Higgs doublet model (C2HDM). We provide the code C2HDM_HDECAY implementing the C2HDM in the well-known HDECAY program which calculates the decay widths including the state-of-the-art higher order QCD corrections and the relevant off-shell decays. Using C2HDM_HDECAY together with the most relevant theoretical and experimental constraints, including electric dipole moments (EDMs), we review the parameter space of the model and discuss its phenomenology. In particular, we find cases where large CP-odd couplings to fermions are still allowed and provide benchmark points for these scenarios. We examine the prospects of discovering CP-violation at the LHC and show how theoretically motivated measures of CP-violation correlate with observables.The work of D.F., J.C.R. and J.P.S. is supported in part by the Portuguese Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) under contracts CERN/FIS-NUC/0010/2015 and UID/FIS/00777/2013. MM acknowledges financial support from the DFG project "Precision Calculations in the Higgs Sector - Paving the Way to the New Physics Landscape" (ID: MU 3138/1-1).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gauge-independent MS‾\overline{MS} renormalization in the 2HDM

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    We present a consistent renormalization scheme for the CP-conserving Two-Higgs-Doublet Model based on MS‾\overline{MS} renormalization of the mixing angles and the soft-Z2Z_2-symmetry-breaking scale MsbM_{sb} in the Higgs sector. This scheme requires to treat tadpoles fully consistently in all steps of the calculation in order to provide gauge-independent SS-matrix elements. We show how bare physical parameters have to be defined and verify the gauge independence of physical quantities by explicit calculations in a general RξR_{\xi}-gauge. The procedure is straightforward and applicable to other models with extended Higgs sectors. In contrast to the proposed scheme, the MS‾\overline{MS} renormalization of the mixing angles combined with popular on-shell renormalization schemes gives rise to gauge-dependent results already at the one-loop level. We present explicit results for electroweak NLO corrections to selected processes in the appropriately renormalized Two-Higgs-Doublet Model and in particular discuss their scale dependence.Comment: 52 pages, PDFLaTeX, PDF figures, JHEP version with Eq. (5.23) correcte
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