206 research outputs found

    Current trends in the traceability of geographic origin and detection of species-mislabeling in marine bivalves

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    Marine bivalves are increasingly consumed worldwide, with their complex supply chain being particularly prone to fraud. This scenario drives economic losses and is a threat to public health, with multiple recent food worries driving consumers to demand more transparency and information on the seafood they buy. To increase consumers confidence in bivalves and enforce current legislation, robust tools are needed to fight species mislabeling and confirm the place of origin of bivalves being traded. The present study provides a critical overview based on a databases search, over the traceability of geographic origin and detection of species-mislabeling in marine bivalves, summarizing the tools currently available to confirm claims on these topics along the supply chain. We also identify current trends on the use of tools, pinpoint which countries contribute to advance the state of the art on these topics, and highlight the bivalve groups/species being more commonly surveyed. The most used tools to expose species mislabeling in marine bivalves are DNA and fatty acid analysis, while elemental analysis is the most commonly employed approach to confirm their geographic origin. Stable and unstable isotope analysis, as well as metabolomics, are also starting to be increasingly used to verify species authenticity and provenance in marine bivalves. Further studies are still needed to identify annual/seasonal variations and determine if these can be a constraint for the optimization of protocols to fight fraudulent practices. The implementation of an open global database to allow realtime data comparison will be paramount to advance the state of the art.publishe


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    Tendo em vista interpretar a concepção de adolescência a partir do discurso dos próprios sujeitos sociais, o presente trabalho objetivou caracterizar o processo de construção da identidade do adolescente, a partir de múltiplas identificações que o conformam. Considerando que na adolescência relações de género emergentes e manifestações da sexualidade assumem significações particulares no processo de formação dessa identidade procurou-se, igualmente, reter tais aspectos com a finalidade de apreender as características assumidas no processo considerando o espaço social tia qual se movimentam. Nesse sentido, a identificação de padrões culturais, valores sociais e ideológicos, que formam e conformam tal processo, passam a representar o universo no qual se inscreve o grupo estudado, caracterizado por 31 adolescentes estudantes, entre 15 a 19 anos, de ambos os sexos, categorizados em três segmentos sociais, pertencentes a dada área do Município de São Paulo.With the aim of interpreting the conception of adolescence based on the discourse of the social subjects themselves, this study had the objective of characterizing the process ofcontruction ofthe adolescent’s identity, starting from the mulpiple identifications that configurate it. Considering that in adolescence the emerging gender relationships and manifestations of sexuality assume par^licular significance throughout the process of identity formation, the authorsalso tried to focus on such aspects with the purpose of aprehending the caracteristics assumed in the process, in view of the social space in which they move. In that sense, the identification of cultural patterns and ideological an^a social values that constitute the process represent the universeof the studied group. The group was comprised of 31 student adolescents, bctwccn 15 and 19 ycars old, from both sexes, categorized in three social segments, living in a givcn arca of thc city of São Paulo

    Knowledge of caregivers about skin injuries in seniors

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    Objective: To evaluate the knowledge of caregivers as for the identification of changes in the skin of the elderly and the care they consider correct in these situations. Methods: Descriptive study with caregivers of patients treated at a university hospital in the Federal District. It was used pre and post-test with questions about type, cause and treatment of common skin disorders in the elderly. Results: Sample with 31 caregivers, 93,5% women, average age of 45,2 years old, 48,4% children of the elderly, 93,5% reported not having a course to be the caregiver. In the pre-test more damage was recognized in the diaper area dermatitis (48,3%%). In the posttest there was an improvement in recognition for all items with 50% or more correct answers. Conclusion: The results showed that some injuries were known by caregivers for being part of the day-to-day care of the elderly, and easy to be recognized, so the educational guidance carried becomes an effective method to identify lesions

    Programa nacional de imunização:: a política de introdução de novas vacinas

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    O Objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a implementação do Programa Nacional de Imunizações do SUS e os critérios para a incorporação de novas vacinas. Metodologia: relato de experiência descritivo sobre a implementação do PNI, o histórico de incorporações de novas vacinas e o Calendário Nacional de Vacinação. Resultados: O país apresenta um histórico de avanços na imunização da população brasileira, oferecendo o maior número de vacinas gratuitamente. São considerados critérios epidemiológicos, de eficácia, segurança e sócio-econômicos para a incorporação das vacinas, analisados pelo Comitê Técnico Assessor de Imunizações para posterior submissão à análise da CONITEC. A implementação depende do fornecimento sustentável amparado no fortalecimento do complexo industrial, visando a garantia da produção nacional de insumos com o envolvimento de laboratórios públicos. Os mecanismos adotados são o estímulo da produção nacional e as Parcerias para o Desenvolvimento Produtivo. Conclusões: As campanhas de vacinação têm alcance nacional, com calendários específicos instituídos. O programa vem empenhando esforços para atingir as metas com qualidade e segurança, consolidando o parque industrial para estabilidade de oferta das vacinas. A política de introdução de novas vacinas permite sua incorporação ao Calendário Nacional de forma sustentável, adequada às necessidades do país, à luz das evidências científicas

    Planificación estratégica en Organizaciones No Gubernamentales: el caso de ATLIMARJOM

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    As condições econômicas e políticas do Brasil impossibilitam que o próprio governo atenda todas às necessidades da sociedade, as quais se agravam na atual situação em que os recursos se tornaram cada vez mais escassos. Neste sentido, a sociedade fica à frente a fim de organizar as ações em prol da população, preservar os direitos humanos e estruturar a responsabilidade social. Destacam-se nesse contexto as instituições sem fins lucrativos do Terceiro Setor, as Organizações não governamentais - ONG’s. O presente artigo tem por finalidade abordar a importância do Planejamento Estratégico para a organização não governamental – ONG, ATLIMARJOM,  propondo-se a revisão e aplicação como ferramenta de gestão. Metodologicamente foi realizado de um diagnóstico por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa com uma entrevista semiestruturada em profundidade diretamente com o gestor da instituição, buscando-se o conhecimento de sua estrutura organizacional a fim de ampliar a consciência de que é preciso uma mudança nas estratégias de gestão empresarial. Como resultados, foi possível constatar o quanto é necessário elaborar um eficiente planejamento estratégico para que seja conquistada a confiança da sociedade, parcerias estratégicas e rentabilidade aliada ao foco social da ONG.Brazil's economic and political conditions make it impossible for the government itself to meet all of society's needs, which are exacerbated by the current situation in which resources have become increasingly scarce. In this sense, society is at the forefront of organizing actions for the benefit of the population, preserving human rights and structuring social responsibility. In this context, the non-profit institutions of the Third Sector, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's) stand out. The purpose of this article is to discuss the importance of Strategic Planning for the non-governmental organization - NGO, ATLIMARJOM, proposing to review and apply it as a management tool. Methodologically, a qualitative research was conducted with a semi-structured interview in-depth, directly with the institution manager, seeking to know the organizational structure in order to increase the awareness that a change in management strategies is required business. As a result, it was possible to verify how much it is necessary to elaborate an efficient strategic planning so that the confidence of the society, strategic partnerships and profitability allied to the social focus of the NGO can be conquered.Las condiciones económicas y políticas de Brasil imposibilitan que el propio gobierno atienda todas las necesidades de la sociedad, las cuales se agravan en la actual situación en que los recursos se han vuelto cada vez más escasos. En este sentido, la sociedad se queda al frente para organizar las acciones en favor de la población, preservar los derechos humanos y estructurar la responsabilidad social. Se destacan en ese contexto las instituciones sin fines de lucro del Tercer Sector, las Organizaciones no gubernamentales - ONG's. El presente artículo tiene por finalidad abordar la importancia de la Planificación Estratégica para la organización no gubernamental - ONG, ATLIMARJOM, proponiendo la revisión y aplicación como herramienta de gestión. Metodológicamente fue realizado de un diagnóstico por medio de una investigación cualitativa con una entrevista semiestructurada en profundidad directamente con el gestor de la institución, buscando el conocimiento de su estructura organizacional a fin de ampliar la conciencia de que es necesario un cambio en las estrategias de gestión negocio. Como resultados, fue posible constatar cuanto es necesario elaborar una eficiente planificación estratégica para que sea conquistada la confianza de la sociedad, asociaciones estratégicas y rentabilidad aliada al foco social de la ONG

    Influence of heartwood on wood density and pulp properties explained by machine learning techniques

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    The aim of this work is to develop a tool to predict some pulp properties e.g., pulp yield, Kappa number, ISO brightness (ISO 2470:2008), fiber length and fiber width, using the sapwood and heartwood proportion in the raw-material. For this purpose, Acacia melanoxylon trees were collected from four sites in Portugal. Percentage of sapwood and heartwood, area and the stem eccentricity (in N-S and E-W directions) were measured on transversal stem sections of A. melanoxylon R. Br. The relative position of the samples with respect to the total tree height was also considered as an input variable. Different configurations were tested until the maximum correlation coefficient was achieved. A classical mathematical technique (multiple linear regression) and machine learning methods (classification and regression trees, multi-layer perceptron and support vector machines) were tested. Classification and regression trees (CART) was the most accurate model for the prediction of pulp ISO brightness (R = 0.85). The other parameters could be predicted with fair results (R = 0.64–0.75) by CART. Hence, the proportion of heartwood and sapwood is a relevant parameter for pulping and pulp properties, and should be taken as a quality trait when assessing a pulpwood resourceinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Computed tomographic findings of tuberous sclerosis with pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis and renal angiomyolipomas: a case report

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    The authors describe a case of a 31-year-old female with tuberous sclerosis, a genetic, rare, variably expressed disease. Clinical symptoms were chest pain, and progressive dyspnea. Computed tomography scan of the chest showed bilateral, diffuse, small thin-walled cysts scattered throughout the lungs characteristic for pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Computed tomography scan of the abdomen revealed enlarged, heterogeneous kidneys, with low density tumors corresponding to angiomyolipomas. Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis and bilateral renal angiomyolipomas are some presentations of tuberous sclerosis and the coexistence of both conditions may cause devastating morbidity and mortality

    Pulmonary metastases from primary hepatocellular carcinoma in a 26-year-old patient: a case report

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma is a primary tumor of the liver, which usually develops in the setting of chronic liver disease, particularly viral hepatitis. The diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma can be difficult, and often requires the use of serum markers, one or more imaging modalities, and histological confirmation. The authors describe a case of a 26-year-old woman with hepatocellular carcinoma and multiple pulmonary metastases. She presented with hepatomegaly and sporadic fever, and had negative hepatitis serology, normal alkaline phosphatase, and a rising serum alpha-fetoprotein level. The diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology, after percutaneous liver biopsy. Although the patient was in good health condition and had few symptoms, there was no possibility of treatment due to the extension of the liver tumor and the number of pulmonary metastases

    Primary pulmonary mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma computed tomography findings: a case report

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    Primary pulmonary non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is a very rare neoplasm. It is most frequently represented by the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue type. We describe a case of a 67-year-old woman who presented with fatigue, mild dyspnea, and consolidation on chest radiograph. The diagnosis of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma was established by transbronchial biopsy, and chemotherapy was then started. The patient was treated with 6 cycles of chemotherapy. She had good response to therapy and no progression of the disease was observed during a 4-year follow-up period. The clinical, radiological and histopathological features are described. This entity has an indolent course, good response to therapy and favorable prognosis. However, despite being an incidental radiological finding in a third of cases, this disease remains highly underdiagnosed