1,608 research outputs found

    Accurate prediction of major histocompatibility complex class II epitopes by sparse representation via ℓ 1-minimization

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    Background: The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is responsible for presenting antigens (epitopes) on the surface of antigen-presenting cells (APCs). When pathogen-derived epitopes are presented by MHC class II on an APC surface, T cells may be able to trigger an specific immune response. Prediction of MHC-II epitopes is particularly challenging because the open binding cleft of the MHC-II molecule allows epitopes to bind beyond the peptide binding groove; therefore, the molecule is capable of accommodating peptides of variable length. Among the methods proposed to predict MHC-II epitopes, artificial neural networks (ANNs) and support vector machines (SVMs) are the most effective methods. We propose a novel classification algorithm to predict MHC-II called sparse representation via 1-minimization. Results: We obtained a collection of experimentally confirmed MHC-II epitopes from the Immune Epitope Database and Analysis Resource (IEDB) and applied our 1-minimization algorithm. To benchmark the performance of our proposed algorithm, we compared our predictions against a SVM classifier. We measured sensitivity, specificity abd accuracy; then we used Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis to evaluate the performance of our method. The prediction performance of MHC-II epitopes of the 1-minimization algorithm was generally comparable and, in some cases, superior to the standard SVM classification method and overcame the lack of robustness of other methods with respect to outliers. While our method consistently favoured DPPS encoding with the alleles tested, SVM showed a slightly better accuracy when “11-factor” encoding was used. Conclusions: 1-minimization has similar accuracy than SVM, and has additional advantages, such as overcoming the lack of robustness with respect to outliers. With 1-minimization no model selection dependency is involved

    Forward and inverse analysis of electromagnetic fields for MRI using computational techniques

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    MRI has become an invaluable tool for diagnostic medicine. Its operation is based on the principles of electromagnetism that are dictated by Maxwell's equations. MRI relies on the existence of well defined, spatially and temporally controlled magnetic fields, which are usually generated by coils of wire. Human exposure to these fields has become a safety concern, especially with the increase in the strength of the magnetic fields used. In this thesis, problems in electromagnetism relevant to different areas in MRI and involving the calculation of solutions to both forward and inverse problems are investigated using techniques derived for computational mechanics. The first section of the work focuses on the development of an accurate technique for the solution of magnetostatic inverse problems using boundary element methods (BEM) with the aim of designing optimised gradient coils. This approach was found to be an extremely effective method which can be applied to a wide range of coil geometries and is particularly valuable for designs where the coil surface has low symmetry. BEM-based approaches to designing gradient coils that reduce the likelihood of peripheral nerve stimulation due to rapidly switched magnetic fields are also considered. In the second section of the work, a novel BEM tool to allow the calculation of solutions to quasi-static forward problems has been developed, and used for the evaluation of the electric fields induced in the human body by temporally varying magnetic fields, due to either gradient switching or body movements in strong static magnetic fields. This approach has been tested by comparison with analytic solutions for simply shaped objects, exposed to switched gradients or moving in large static fields, showing good agreement between the results of numerical and analytical approaches. The BEM approach has also been applied to the evaluation of the electric fields induced in human body models. This work involved the development of an appropriate theoretical framework for the study of conducting systems moving in magnetic fields. This involved correcting some misconceptions that had propagated in the literature and allowed the development of an effcient implementation of a BEM suited to this problem

    Solución de dos escenarios presentes en entornos corporativos bajo el uso de tecnología CISCO

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    En esta actividad practica se avala el aprendizaje de lo visto en el diplomado de ccna en cada una de sus unidades, por medio de actividades en donde se puso en práctica estos conocimientos en base a ejercicios prácticos, esta practicidad se debe evidenciar en los escenarios 1 y 2 de este trabajo, con los ejercicios que la guía menciona, en los cuales se realiza una configuración de una red pequeña, su esquema de direccionamiento y subnetting, la configuración de sus dispositivos como lo son el router y el switch desde su parte inicial y los ajustes básicos de seguridad de los mismos así como el direccionamiento ip de los equipos de cómputo conectados a estos. Seguido de esto configurar una red con dual stack, protocolo de enrutamiento dinámico OSPF, NAT, ACL y protocolo de tiempo de red, todo esto evidenciado desde la opción CLI de cada dispositivo con los comandos ejecutadosIn this practical activity the learning of what is seen in the ccna diploma in each of its units is endorsed, through activities where this knowledge was put into practice based on practical exercises, this practicality should be evidenced in scenarios 1 and 2 of this work. , with the exercises mentioned in the guide, in which a small network configuration is carried out, its addressing scheme and subnets, the configuration of its devices such as the router and the switch from its initial part. and the basic security configuration of the same as well as the IP addressing of the computer equipment connected to them. Followed by this, configure a network with double stack, dynamic routing protocol OSPF, NAT, ACL and network time protocol, all this evidenced from the CLI option of each device with the commands execute

    La NIC 12 en su tratamiento contable tributario de la Empresa Compáñía Peruana de Paleles SAC ejercicio 2014

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    Resumiendo el presente trabajo de investigación cuyo tema es “La NIC 12 en su tratamiento contable tributario de la empresa Compañía Peruana de Papeles SAC ejercicio 2014” La siguiente investigación lograra identificar el significado de la NIC 12 en relación a la tributación de la Empresa Compañía Peruana de Papeles S.A.C. por qué es importante para la tributación conocer lo que dice la NIC 12 respecto a considerar al cálculo de la Renta en nuestro EEFF, ya que en anteriores periodos no consideraban correctamente la aplicación de la NIC 12 ocasionando faltas tributarias. Para ello debemos interpretar las diferencias permanentes y temporales, activo diferido o pasivo diferido y las pérdidas acumuladas. Hemos empleado el diseño de investigación descriptiva – correlacional el cual analizamos la variable y su amplitud relacionada, con una población de 5 individuos de los cual conforma la muestra, el instrumento de recolección de datos es el cuestionario. Como resultado concluimos que el conocimiento de la NIC 12 en los EEFF y contabilidad en general, nos abrió los ojos para identificar el significado de la NIC 12 como también saber interpretar las diferencias temporales y permanentes, activo diferido y pasivo diferido y también las pérdidas acumuladas, porque el instrumento ayudó mucho para determinar el grado de conocimiento que tenían las personas contables con respecto a NIC 12 y quedo representada en la realización de sus EEFF

    Forward and inverse analysis of electromagnetic fields for MRI using computational techniques

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    MRI has become an invaluable tool for diagnostic medicine. Its operation is based on the principles of electromagnetism that are dictated by Maxwell's equations. MRI relies on the existence of well defined, spatially and temporally controlled magnetic fields, which are usually generated by coils of wire. Human exposure to these fields has become a safety concern, especially with the increase in the strength of the magnetic fields used. In this thesis, problems in electromagnetism relevant to different areas in MRI and involving the calculation of solutions to both forward and inverse problems are investigated using techniques derived for computational mechanics. The first section of the work focuses on the development of an accurate technique for the solution of magnetostatic inverse problems using boundary element methods (BEM) with the aim of designing optimised gradient coils. This approach was found to be an extremely effective method which can be applied to a wide range of coil geometries and is particularly valuable for designs where the coil surface has low symmetry. BEM-based approaches to designing gradient coils that reduce the likelihood of peripheral nerve stimulation due to rapidly switched magnetic fields are also considered. In the second section of the work, a novel BEM tool to allow the calculation of solutions to quasi-static forward problems has been developed, and used for the evaluation of the electric fields induced in the human body by temporally varying magnetic fields, due to either gradient switching or body movements in strong static magnetic fields. This approach has been tested by comparison with analytic solutions for simply shaped objects, exposed to switched gradients or moving in large static fields, showing good agreement between the results of numerical and analytical approaches. The BEM approach has also been applied to the evaluation of the electric fields induced in human body models. This work involved the development of an appropriate theoretical framework for the study of conducting systems moving in magnetic fields. This involved correcting some misconceptions that had propagated in the literature and allowed the development of an effcient implementation of a BEM suited to this problem

    Who do you refer to? How young students with mild intellectual disability confront anaphoric ambiguities in texts and sentences

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    Along 2 experiments we tested the anaphoric pronoun resolution abilities of readers with intellectual disability in comparison with chronological and reading age-matched groups. In Experiment 1, the anaphor test of Elosúa, Carriedo, and García-Madruga (2009) confirmed that readers with intellectual disability (ID) are slower than control readers resolving clitic anaphoric pronouns, especially when the use of morphological cues (e.g. gender) is necessary. In order to test if the poor performance could be due to low levels of metacognitive skills during reading, an inconsistency detection task combined with eye tracking was designed in Experiment 2. Participants read short texts with an anaphoric pronoun in the fifth sentence, either morphologically (gender) consistent or not with the information provided in the second sentence. The scores in the anaphor comprehension questions presented after the text confirmed that readers with ID are affected by the gender inconsistency but they are unable to explicitly report it and recover from it, as the number of re-fixations after reading the critical sentence suggests. As their answers to the explicit detection questions showed, the adults control group did not show any preference for morphosyntax or semantics in spite of being aware of the inconsistency. In sum, both groups of readers with and without ID are affected by inconsistencies, but ID readers do not have appropriate metacognitive skills to explicitly identify the source of the inconsistency and fix it

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación de una planta productora de yogurt griego con hojuelas de 7 semillas y miel de abeja

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    El presente estudio evalúa la viabilidad comercial, técnica, económica, financiera y social de la instalación de una planta procesadora de yogurt griego con hojuelas de 07 semillas endulzado con miel de abeja para el mercado de Lima Metropolitana. La demanda del proyecto para el 2026 es de 3 623 037 envases de yogurt griego con hojuelas de 7 semillas endulzado con miel de abeja en presentación de 250 gr. El público objetivo comprende entre 12 hasta 60 años que pertenecen al NSE A, B y C. Se estableció el precio unitario del yogurt con cereal a S/ 4,5. Para la localización de planta, esta se encuentra ubicada en Lurín, en Lima, principalmente por la superficie territorial y el precio promedio por metro cuadrado. El proceso de producción consta de varias etapas, siendo la materia prima del proceso la harina de 7 semillas. La planta tiene una capacidad instalada de 3 994 055 unidades/año, la cual fue definida por la actividad de inoculado. El área total para la planta es de 480 ¿2. La inversión del proyecto asciende a 3 132 175,4 Respecto a la deuda esta será financiada por el banco Interbank por 5 años a una TEA de 13,40 % para préstamos a grandes empresas a largo plazo. Por la evaluación económica y financiera del proyecto se obtuvo un TIR económico de 42,66% con un periodo de recupero de 2,32 años mientras que el flujo financiero se obtuvo un TIR de 53,15 % con un periodo de recupero de 2,01 años.Finalmente, se determinó que el impacto social del proyecto a través de la relación producto-capital, genera 4,8 soles de valor agregado por cada sol invertido, por lo tanto, el proyecto tendrá impacto positivo en la economía del país.This study evaluates the commercial, technical, economic, financial and social viability of the installation of a Greek yogurt processing plant with flakes of 07 seeds sweetened with honey for the market of Metropolitan Lima. The project's demand for the 2026 is 3 623 037 containers of Greek yogurt with 7-seed flakes sweetened with honey in 250 gr presentation. The target audience is between 12- and 60-years old belonging to NSE A, B and C. The unit price of yogurt with cereal was established at S/ 4,5. For the location of the plant, it is in Lurín, in Lima, mainly due to the territorial area and the average price per square meter. The production process consists of several stages, being the raw material of the process 07 seed flour. The plant has an installed capacity of 3 994 055 units / year, which was defined by the inoculation activity. The total area for the plant is 480 ¿2. The project investment amounts to 3 132 175,4 Regarding the debt, this will be financed by the Interbank bank for 5 years at a TEA of 13,40% for long-term loans to large companies. The economic and financial evaluation of the project obtained an economic IRR of 42,66% with a recovery period of 2,32 years, while the financial flow an IRR of 53,15% with a recovery period of 2,01 years. Finally, it was determined that the social impact of the project through the product-capital ratio generates 3,38 soles of added value for each sol invested, therefore, the project will have a positive impact on the country's economy

    Network process of children : influence of gender and type of game during cooperative-opposition games

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    The children, when playing, are communicating, since this is one of the forms of disinhibition and interaction with the group in which they are inserted (Lima, 2014). Ten children, five boys (n = 5; 5.8 ± 0.4 years old of age) and five girls (n = 5; 5.6 ± 0.5 years old of age) from a elementar school were observed during classes of motor expression. These classes took place once a week for a month, lasting one hour for each session. The interactions were observed with two cameras. It was counted as an interaction when a child passed one ball to another. The results suggest that it was in the “Free Game” that there were significant diferences between the type of game, since it was found in this one that it was easier for a player to be connected with his colleagues, being later the most requested, at the moment they had to pass the ball. Between the type of game and the gender, no significant interactions were found, as children who were the ones most requested by their classmates when they had to pass the ball were not verified. However, children who were crucial to maintaining cross-pass connections were also not checked. With regard to gender, no significant differences were found because no child, both male and female, has become important in sustaining the connections between the passes and the fact that no boys and / or girls were the most requested to make the passes with the ball. Finally, among the game types, no significant differences were found, since the children did not become essential to maintain the connection of passes between colleagues, in any of the matches played. The main objective of this study is to compare the interaction between female and male children in the type of cooperative-opposition games through Social Network Analysis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Janeway. An Open Insights interview with Martin Paul Eve, Andy Byers and Mauro Sanchez

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    An interview about the Janeway platfor

    ZnO (Ag-N) Nanorods Films Optimized for Photocatalytic Water Purification

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    ZnO nanorods (NRs) films, nitrogen-doped (ZnO:N), and ZnO doped with nitrogen and decorated with silver nanostructures (ZnO:N-Ag) NRs films were vertically supported on undoped and N doped ZnO seed layers by a wet chemical method. The obtained films were characterized structurally by X-ray diffraction. Morphological and elemental analysis was performed by scanning electron microscopy, including an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy facility and their optical properties by Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy. Analysis performed in the NRs films showed that the nitrogen content in the seed layer strongly affected their structure and morphology. The mean diameter of ZnO NRs ranged from 70 to 190 nm. As the nitrogen content in the seed layer increased, the mean diameter of ZnO:N NRs increased from 132 to 250 nm and the diameter dispersion decreased. This diameter increase occurs simultaneously with the incorporation of nitrogen into the ZnO crystal lattice and the increase in the volume of the unit cell, calculated using the X-ray diffraction patterns and confirmed by a slight shift in the XRD angle. The diffractograms indicated that the NRs have a hexagonal wurtzite structure, with preferential growth direction along the c axis. The SEM images confirmed the presence of metallic silver in the form of nanoparticles dispersed on the NRs films. Finally, the degradation of methyl orange (MO) in an aqueous solution was studied by UV-vis irradiation of NRs films contained in the bulk of aqueous MO solutions. We found a significant enhancement of the photocatalytic degradation efficiency, with ZnO:N-Ag NRs film being more efficient than ZnO:N NRs film, and the latter better than the ZnO NRs film. View Full-Text