1,696 research outputs found

    South–South cohesiveness versus South–South rhetoric: Brazil and Africa at the UN General Assembly

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    South–South relations have regained widespread interest in recent years, together with increasingly visible stances on international stages. Brazil’s interactions with the African continent, in particular, came to epitomise such a perception while sustaining an expectation of mutual alignment in several global issues. However, these assumptions still lack empirical corroboration. Drawing on United Nations General Assembly voting data for the 1991–2013 timeframe, this article questions a supposed South–South solidarity at the multilateral institution with the largest global representation and identifies key thematic axes that incite greater collective stances. The analysis further sheds light on whether or not a common South–South agenda has emerged over time.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Disordered Bose Einstein Condensates with Interaction in One Dimension

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    We study the effects of random scatterers on the ground state of the one-dimensional Lieb-Liniger model of interacting bosons on the unit interval in the Gross-Pitaevskii regime. We prove that Bose Einstein condensation survives even a strong random potential with a high density of scatterers. The character of the wave function of the condensate, however, depends in an essential way on the interplay between randomness and the strength of the two-body interaction. For low density of scatterers or strong interactions the wave function extends over the whole interval. High density of scatterers and weak interaction, on the other hand, leads to localization of the wave function in a fragmented subset of the interval

    Molecular imaging as a tool in drug delivery, oncology, and regenerative medicine

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    Vírus da murcha do abacaxi.

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    As murchas em abacaxizeiro podem ser causadas principalmente por encharcamento, deficiência hídrica, fungos e vírus. Aqui será abordada a murcha causada por vírus. O vírus da murcha do abacaxi causa prejuízos de dois modos: levando a planta à morte, antes mesmo da frutificação, ou impedindo a frutificação normal pelo elevado número de frutos refugos. Os primeiros sintomas desta murcha são constatados no sistema radicular, que apresenta crescimento prejudicado. Os sintomas foliares aparecem dois a três meses após o início da infecção pelo vírus. Na cultivar Smooth Cayenne descreveu-se os seguintes sintomas: aparecimento de coloração vermelho-bronzeada e amarelada nas folhas centrais; suas margens tendem a se curvar para baixo, perdem a turgescência e suas pontas ficam secas; as plantas infectadas apresentam menor porte do que as sadias. Em alguns períodos do ciclo da cultura, algumas plantas infectadas podem não apresentar sintomas. O avermelhamento das folhas também pode ser devido à presença de nematóides na área ou por causa de deficiência de cobre.bitstream/item/25863/1/TodafrutaID27258abacaxi.pdfDisponível em: Acesso em: 24 jan. 2011

    Atrioventricular block related to liposomal amphotericin B

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    Atrioventricular block can occur in normal children, young adults or athletes. It is also associated with underlying heart disease or occurs as a drug adverse effect. Amphotericin B is used in the treatment of invasive fungal infections. Cardiac toxicity is a rare adverse reaction. We report the case of a 9-month girl, admitted in the paediatric intensive care unit with cytomegalovirus pneumonitis. During hospitalisation the patient developed a systemic fungic infection and was medicated with liposomal amphotericin B. On the third day of treatment she began repeated episodes of bradycardia with spontaneous reversion. The investigation revealed a second-degree atrioventricular block. We excluded the misplacement of the central catheter, myocarditis or structural cardiomyopathy and suspended amphotericin. After 8 days, the bradycardia episodes ceased what was consistent with the drug's half-life. Amphotericin cardiotoxic mechanism is still unclear. It may be related with alteration of myocardial membrane depolarisation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tutorial support in higher education: building critical and interdisciplinary reflection based on the experience of four teachers

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    Tutoring in higher education has been adopted as an educational method to improve the quality of teaching, particularly in graduate studies. It is usually practiced at the end of the course and requires the tutor to provide descriptive feedback to their students about their academic path, or, in the case of internships, assist with the writing of the final thesis or dissertation. In a tutorial system, as learning takes place the tutor's feedback is usually customized to fit the specific needs of each student essentially through a one-to-one relationship, resulting in developmental benefits both for the student and the tutor. Still, although widely described in the education literature for nearly two decades [1]–[5], the analysis of tutorial support from an interdisciplinary point of view has not been deeply explored, nor the best practices described in this sense. Therefore, this study aimed to compare tutoring practice in different subject areas. As such, veterinary sciences, social work, pharmaceutical sciences, and education were the ecosystems in which tutoring was explored and applied, aiming to analyze common strategies, and ultimately detect and share good practices for pedagogical improvements. The present work results from a qualitative study, based on the analysis of interviews regarding the tutoring expectations of four higher education professors based on five major parameters: Learning Alliance, Mental availability, Disciplinary Specialization, Technical Expertise, and Institutional Context. The objective was to evaluate what kind of strategies were adopted by each teacher and if the pedagogical practices are effective in fulfilling the learning objectives. Overall, all four teachers agreed upon that mentoring experience is a fundamental path for the teacher's self-reflection while paving the way for the students' careers. Furthermore, it supports the notion that interdisciplinary differences, different methodologies, styles, contexts, and practices can be used to constructively inspire and improve tutoring and reinforce good teaching and the pedagogical practices of teachers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Lessons, discoveries, challenges, and results in an interdisciplinary learning community of higher education teachers

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    The present study describes how a group of higher education teachers, from different disciplinary areas, came to constitute themselves as a learning community. Learning communities allow the exchange of information, tools, experiences, innovative practices, as well as knowledge transfer between colleagues in a faster and more relevant way. Despite the disciplinary diversity, the focus on university pedagogy grounded new practices. Teachers learned lessons through peer observation, discovered skills and competencies in the joint discussion, and accepted challenges to witness their experiences in professional forums foreign to their previous experience. It should be noted that the collaborative learning experience factor, which counts on another teacher as a reflective pair, allowed progressive social learning in this learning community that is ongoing for two years.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spatial variation in sound frequency components across an urban area derived from mobile surveys

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    \ua9 2019 The Author(s). Continuous exposure to noise can lead to premature hearing loss, reduced cognitive performance, insomnia, stress, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Road noise affects the health of >125 million people in the European Union and Member States are required to map major noise hotspots. These strategic noise maps are usually derived from traffic counts and propagation models because large- scale measurement of the acoustic environment using conventional methods is infeasible. In this study, the authors surveyed the entire city of Southampton, UK using a mobile survey technique, capturing spatial variations in street- level sound characteristics across multiple frequencies from all sound sources. Over 52,000 calibrated and georeferenced sound clips covering 11 Hz to 22.7 kHz are analysed here to investigate variations in sound frequency composition across urban space and then applied to two issues: the definition of naturalness in the acoustic environment; and perceptions of social inequity in sound exposure. Clusters of acoustic characteristics were identified and mapped using spectral clustering and principal components analysis based on octave bands, ecoacoustic indices and dBA. We found independent patterns in low, mid and high frequencies, and the ecoacoustic indices that related to land use. Ecoacoustic indices partially mapped onto greenspace, identifying naturalness, but not uniquely, probably because urban anthropogenic sounds occur at higher frequencies than in the natural areas where such indices were developed. There was some evidence of inequity in sound exposure according to social deprivation and ethnicity, and results differed according to frequency bands. The consequences of these findings and the benefits of city-wide sound surveys for urban planning are discussed
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