2,004 research outputs found

    Homophileurus neptunus Dechambre, a new junior synonym of H. waldenfelsi Endrödi (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Phileurini)

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    Homophileurus neptunus Dechambre was found to be conspecific with H. waldenfelsi Endrödi after examination of types, descriptions, and illustrations. Accordingly, H. neptunus is placed in junior synonymy with H. waldenfelsi, new synonymy. Homophileurus waldenfelsi is an uncommon species and occurs in Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, and Peru. Brazil and Peru are new country records

    GPS-intervals for registration of habitat choice, movement patterns, growth, and mortality in beef cattle : a preparation for practical tests in Kenya

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    TillvĂ€xt och dödlighet hos nötboskap kopplat till födobrist, sjukdom och rovdjur Ă€r av hög vikt att följa. Framför allt nĂ€r det gĂ€ller extensiva produktionssystem. I denna litteraturstudie undersöks vilka mĂ€tintervaller som Ă€r lĂ€mpligast att nyttja vid GPS-övervakning. GPS-övervakning ger möjlighet att studera hur stor inverkan som köttboskapens miljö har pĂ„ deras habitatval samt rörelsemönster. Litteraturstudien undersöker Ă€ven hur habitatet och miljön pĂ„verkar djurens tillvĂ€xt samt dödlighet. HĂ€r diskuteras olika betsstrategier, rĂ„dande system pĂ„ Ol Pejeta, utmaningar och potentiella lösningar med hjĂ€lp av lĂ€st material. Litteraturstudien föreslĂ„r lĂ€mpligt mĂ€tintervall utifrĂ„n vad mĂ„let med sjĂ€lva mĂ€tningen Ă€r. Resultaten visar att olika intervaller passar för olika Ă€ndamĂ„l, vilket i korthet besvarar litteraturstudiens frĂ„gestĂ€llningar. Rör det sig om mĂ€tning för tillvĂ€xt, dödlighet och aktiv betesplanering lĂ€mpar sig korta intervaller. Görs mĂ€tningar för att utröna habitatval och rörelsemönster, exempelvis i markbevarande syfte, lĂ€mpar sig de lĂ€ngre intervallerna bĂ€st. Detta i en förhoppning om hĂ„llbara förhĂ„llningsĂ€tt i betesplaneringen för bĂ„de mĂ€nniska och boskap, i samexistens med rovdjur och annat vilt.Growth and mortality in cattle linked to food shortages, disease and predators is of great importance to track. Especially when it comes to extensive production systems. This literature study investigates what intervals seem most suitable to use for GPS monitoring. GPS-surveillance gives the opportunity to monitor how big of an impact the beef cattle’s environment has on their choice of habitat and movement patterns. The literature study also examines how the habitat and environment affect the animals' growth and mortality. Different grazing strategies, existing systems at Ol Pejeta, challenges and potential solutions are discussed here with the help of read material. The literature study suggests a suitable measurement interval based on the goal of the measurement itself. The results show that different intervals are suited for different purposes, which in short answers the questions of the literature study. If the GPS-measuring concerns growth, mortality, and active grazing management the short intervals are suitable. If measurements are for estimating habitat choice and movement patterns of the animals, or for example for soil conservation purposes, the longer intervals are best suited. This is in the hope of sustainable approaches in grazing planning, suited for both humans and livestock, in coexistence with predators and other game

    Physics-Based Modeling of Phase-Change Memory Devices and Materials

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a key enabler in many applications but requires fast and energy-efficient computation. IBM is exploring an “Analog AI acceleration approach using phase change memories (PCM). As such, there is a need to accurately model the physics inside each PCM cell, including the interplay between thermal and electrical dynamics, and the impact of PCM polycrystal grains and grain boundaries in materials such as Ge2Sb2Te5. The thesis uses an existing thermo electrodynamic Technology Computer-Aided Design (TCAD), which was created at IBM, to simulate the intermediate resistance states critical to the “Analog AI application. The thesis discusses the simulations thermal behavior, simulates against industrial tools, and uses the three-dimensional conservation of energy to confirm the requirement of a TCAD tool. As an accurate thermal simulator, the thesis continues to discuss and implement Poole Frenkel to simulate against experimental PCM device data. Thereafter, it discusses the complication of chalcogenide material and the impact of the polycrystalline electrical impact of grain boundaries. The availability of an accurate TCAD simulation is expected to have significant impact on the understanding and design of future Analog AI systems


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    Latar Belakang: Angka kematian di Indonesia terbilang cukup tinggi. Berdasarkan data dari Profil Kesehatan Indonesia tahun 2016 diketahui bahwa angka kematian Ibu pada tahun 2016 mencapai 4912 kasus dan angka kematian bayi pada tahun 2016 mencapai 32.007 kasus. Dengan dilakukan asuhan kebidanan komprehensif pada ibu hamil Trimester III sampai dengan perawatan masa nifas dan KB diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam upaya menurunkan AKI dan AKB di Indonesia serta tercapai kesehatan ibu dan anak yang optimal. Tujuan Penelitian: Memberikan Asuhan Kebidanan secara komprehensif pada Ny.M.N. kehamilan trimester III, Persalinan, BBL, Nifas, dan KB di Pustu Tenau dengan pendokumentasian secara SOAP. Metode: Studi deskriptif. Populasi semua ibu hamil trimester III yang berada di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pembantu Tenau. Sampel satu ibu hamil trimester III NY.M.N umur 37 tahun G4 P3 A0 AH3 UK 39-40 minggu di Puskesmas Pembantu Tenau tanggal 10 Mei sampai 23 Juni 2018. Hasil: Asuhan Kebidanan komprehensif yang diberikan pada Ny. M.N selama kehamilan TM III yaitu usia kehamilan 39-40 minggu dilakukan kunjungan rumah sebanyak 2 kali dan kunjungan di Puskesmas Pembantu (Pustu) sebanyak 2 kali, Ny. M.N melahirkan di Pustu Tenau lahir secara spontan pervaginam pada tanggal 22 Mei 2018 pukul 14.20 wita, bayi lahir langsung menangis, jenis kelamin perempuan, dilakukan IMD, hasil pemeriksan antropometri yaitu BB bayi 3.600 gram, PB 49 cm, LK 32 cm, LD 33 cm, LP 32 cm, diberikan salep mata dan Vitamin K 1 jam setelah persalinan, HB0 1 jam setelah pemberian vit K dan salep mata, kedaan bayi sehat. Selama proses persalinan berjalan normal yaitu kala I jam 20 menit, kala II 10 menit, kala III 6 menit, pengawasan selama 2 jam post partum, dilakukan pemantauan selama KF1, KN 1 sampai KF3 dan KN3, ibu diberi konseling dan atas persetujuan suami/istri ibu mengikuti KB Suntik pada tanggal 23 Juni 2018. Kesimpulan: Penulis telah menerapkan asuhan kebidanan komprehensif pada Ny. M.N yang di tandai dengan ibu sudah mengikuti semua anjuran, keluhan ibu selama hamil teratasi, ibu melahirkan fasilitas kesehatan, bayi baru lahir dalam keadaan baik, masa nifas berjalan normal dan ibu sudah menggunakan alat kontrasepsi pasca salin yaitu Suntik 3 bulan

    Further Evidence for Pre-metamorphosis Larval Eye Reduction in the Holometabola (Insecta: Mecoptera: Panorpa vulgaris Imhoff & Labram, 1836).

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    Die Larven der Gattung Panorpa weisen eine ungewöhnliche Augenentwicklung auf. Sie besitzen ein aus vielen Linsen bestehendes, komplexaugenÀhnliches Organ, welches nicht zu einem Teil des spÀteren Adultauges wird. Die einzelnen Larvenstadien unterscheiden sich hochsignifikant in der Anzahl der Ommatidien: das dritte von vier Larvenstadien besitzt die meisten Ommatidien.StichwörterEye, Mecoptera, Panorpa, Metamorphosis, Development.Larvae of Panorpa are eye developmentally unusual. They possess a multi-lense complex-eye-like visual organ, which was found not to be part of the later adult eye. A highly significant deviation in the ommatidia number during the larval stages was found, with instar 3 (of 4) having most ommatidia.KeywordsEye, Mecoptera, Panorpa, Metamorphosis, Development

    A New Species of Hope, 1837 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Oryctini) from Peru

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    Megaceras sarecagem Ratcliffe and Saltin is described as a new species from Oxapampa in the Pasco Region of Peru. A description, diagnosis separating it from similar species, illustrations, and a distribution map are provided

    The effect of multiple paternity on genetic diversity during and after colonisation

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    In metapopulations, genetic variation of local populations is influenced by the genetic content of the founders, and of migrants following establishment. We analyse the effect of multiple paternity on genetic diversity using a model in which the highly promiscuous marine snail Littorina saxatilis expands from a mainland to colonise initially empty islands of an archipelago. Migrant females carry a large number of eggs fertilised by 1 - 10 mates. We quantify the genetic diversity of the population in terms of its heterozygosity: initially during the transient colonisation process, and at long times when the population has reached an equilibrium state with migration. During colonisation, multiple paternity increases the heterozygosity by 10 - 300 % in comparison with the case of single paternity. The equilibrium state, by contrast, is less strongly affected: multiple paternity gives rise to 10 - 50 % higher heterozygosity compared with single paternity. Further we find that far from the mainland, new mutations spreading from the mainland cause bursts of high genetic diversity separated by long periods of low diversity. This effect is boosted by multiple paternity. We conclude that multiple paternity facilitates colonisation and maintenance of small populations, whether or not this is the main cause for the evolution of extreme promiscuity in Littorina saxatilis.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, electronic supplementary materia

    Energy Filtering Effect at Source Contact on Ultra-Scaled MOSFETs

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    We postulate that in ultra-scaled Field Effect Transistors (FET), such as nanowires in sub-7nm technology, the source contact will act as an energy filter and increase the effective temperature of carriers arriving at the channel barrier. This is due to the absence of inelastic scattering in the short source-contact-to-channel region. As a result, the Sub-threshold Slope (SS) will increase substantially. In this paper, we verify this energy filtering effect through numerical calculations and Technology Computer-Aided-Design (TCAD) simulations calibrated to quantum solvers for electrostatics. It is found that SS degradation increases as the source metal workfunction increases. At 300K, in the nanowire simulated, SS increases from 94mV/dec to 109mV/dec for gate length, LG, = 10 nm and from 72mV/dec to 88mV/dec for LG= 15 nm, representing an increase of effective carrier temperature from 300K to more than 340K. The simulation result is also verified by including the Schroedinger equation (SE) for tunneling in TCAD simulation. It is also found that such an effect is worse at higher device temperature and disappears at cryogenic temperature
