255 research outputs found

    Полеміка навколо наукової спадщини Володимира Антоновича в українській історіографії радянської доби

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    (uk) Проаналізовано стан дослідження наукової спадщини класика української історіографії В.Б. Антоновича в працях істориків різних ідеологічних спрямувань. Указано на відмінності теоретичних узагальнень щодо творчості вченого в національно-державницькій та марксистській науці радянської доби.(ru) Проанализировано состояние исследования научного наследия классика украинской историографии В. Б. Антоновича в работах историков различных идеологических направлений. Подчеркнуты различия теоретических обобщений относительно творчества в национально-государственной и марксистской науке советского периода.(en) The state of investigation of V.B. Antonovich\s scientific activity in the researches of historians of different ideological direction was analyzed. It is pointed out the differences of theoretical generalization about activity of scientist in national state and marxist historical science of Soviet epoch

    Early immune response following Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium infection in porcine jejunal gut loops

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    Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium, commonly called S. Typhimurium, can cause intestinal infections in humans and various animal species such as swine. To analyze the host response to Salmonella infection in the pig we used an in vivo gut loop model, which allows the analysis of multiple immune responses within the same animal. Four jejunal gut-loops were each inoculated with 3×108 cfu of S. Typhimurium in 3 one-month-old piglets and mRNA expressions of various cytokines, chemokines, transcription factors, antimicrobial peptides, toll like and chemokine receptors were assessed by quantitative real-time PCR in the Peyer’s patch and the gut wall after 24 h. Several genes such as the newly cloned CCRL1/CCX-CKR were assessed for the first time in the pig at the mRNA level. Pro-inflammatory and T-helper type-1 (Th1) cytokine mRNA were expressed at higher levels in infected compared to non-infected control loops. Similarly, some B cell activation genes, NOD2 and toll like receptor 2 and 4 transcripts were more expressed in both tissues while TLR5 mRNA was down-regulated. Interestingly, CCL25 mRNA expression as well as the mRNA expressions of its receptors CCR9 and CCRL1 were decreased both in the Peyer’s patch and gut wall suggesting a potential Salmonella strategy to reduce lymphocyte homing to the intestine. In conclusion, these results provide insight into the porcine innate mucosal immune response to infection with entero-invasive microorganisms such as S. Typhimurium. In the future, this knowledge should help in the development of improved prophylactic and therapeutic approaches against porcine intestinal S. Typhimurium infections

    Diversité, structure et endémicité des communautés de vers de terre et de collemboles dans une hêtraie peu aménagée des Pyrénées (France)

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    We assessed and compared patterns of biodiversity and the composition of two soil invertebrate communities (Collembola and Lumbricidae) in three slightly managed plots in a beech forest of the French Pyrenees. The plots were managed in three different ways: an even-aged (REG), a closed unevenaged stand (NAT ), and an open uneven-aged full-grown stand (IRR ). At each sampling point, earthworms and Collembola from litter, soil, and pitfall traps were collected, and nine edaphic and environmental parameters were measured. The fauna collected was rich in species, and endemic and rare taxa. No clear-cut differences in species richness appeared between plots. Nevertheless, (1) the less disturbed plot, i.e. NAT , hosted a slightly larger number of endemic and rare species than IRR and REG; (2) the structure of both communities in NAT, REG and IRR differed significantly depending on the site elevation and organic nitrogen content (higher in NAT ), soil surface temperature and soil pH level (higher in IRR ), and humus index and soil water content (higher in REG ). Those factors, except elevation, may be explained by the canopy opening partly controlled by management practices; (3) a side aspect of the study was to show that sampling exhaustiveness required more sampling effort for soil than for litter, and more for Lumbricidae than for Collembola. In a broader context, the case documented in this study suggests that management practices with limited clearing of forest cover affect soil biodiversity only slightly, which is in sharp contrast with the collapse in endemic biodiversity induced by reafforestationNous avons évalué et comparé les patrons de biodiversité et la composition de deux communautés d'invertébrés du sol (collemboles et lombrics) dans trois parcelles peu aménagées d'une hêtraie-sapinière dans les Pyrénées françaises. Ces parcelles sont gérées selon trois modalités différentes: une futaie régulière (REG), une futaie irrégulière fermée (NAT) et une futaie irrégulière ouverte (IRR). À chaque point d'échantillonnage les vers de terre et les collemboles ont été collectés dans la litière, le sol et au moyen de pièges Barber, et neuf paramètres édaphiques et environnementaux ont été mesurés. La faune récoltée était riche en espèces ainsi qu'en taxons rares et endémiques. Aucune différence marquée de la richesse spécifique n'est apparue entre les parcelles. Néanmoins (1) le site le moins perturbé, i.e. NAT, hébergeait un nombre légèrement plus élevé d'espèces endémiques et rares que IRR et REG; (2) la structure des deux communautés différait significativement entre NAT, REG et IRR selon l'altitude du site et la teneur en azote organique (plus forte dans NAT), la température à la surface du sol et le pH du sol (plus élevés dans IRR), ainsi que l'indice d'humus et la teneur en eau du sol (plus élevés en REG). Ces facteurs, à l'exception de l'altitude, peuvent s'expliquer par l'ouverture de la canopée partiellement contrôlée par les pratiques de gestion; (3) un à-côté de cette étude est d'avoir montré que l'exhaustivité de l'échantillonnage requiert plus d'efforts pour le sol que pour la litière, et plus pour les lombrics que pour les collemboles. Dans un contexte plus large, le cas traité dans cette étude suggère que des pratiques de gestion avec un éclaircissement limité du couvert forestier n'affectent que légèrement la biodiversité du sol, ce qui contraste fortement avec l'effondrement de la biodiversité endémique qu'induit la reforestation

    Personality, Alzheimer's disease and behavioural and cognitive symptoms of dementia: the PACO prospective cohort study protocol

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Alzheimer's disease is characterised by a loss of cognitive function and behavioural problems as set out in the term "Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia". These behavioural symptoms have heavy consequences for the patients and their families. A greater understanding of behavioural symptoms risk factors would allow better detection of those patients, a better understanding of crisis situations and better management of these patients. Some retrospective studies or simple observations suggested that personality could play a role in the occurrence of behavioural symptoms. Finally, performance in social cognition like facial recognition and perspective taking could be linked to certain personality traits and the subsequent risks of behavioural symptoms. We propose to clarify this through a prospective, multicentre, multidisciplinary study. Main Objective: -To assess the effect of personality and life events on the risk of developing behavioural symptoms. Secondary Objectives: -To evaluate, at the time of inclusion, the connection between personality and performance in social cognition tests; -To evaluate the correlation between performance in social cognition at inclusion and the risks of occurrence of behavioural symptoms; -To evaluate the correlation between regional cerebral atrophy, using brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging at baseline, and the risk of behavioural symptoms.METHODS/DESIGN: Study type and Population: Prospective multicentre cohort study with 252 patients with Alzheimer's disease at prodromal or mild dementia stage. The inclusion period will be of 18 months and the patients will be followed during 18 months. The initial evaluation will include: a clinical and neuropsychological examination, collection of behavioural symptoms data (Neuropsychiatric-Inventory scale) and their risk factors, a personality study using both a dimensional (personality traits) and categorical approach, an inventory of life events, social cognition tests and an Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Patients will be followed every 6 months (clinical examination and collection of behavioural symptoms data and risk factors) during 18 months.DISCUSSION: This study aims at better identifying the patients with Alzheimer's disease at high risk of developing behavioural symptoms, to anticipate, detect and quickly treat these disorders and so, prevent serious consequences for the patient and his caregivers.TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClincalTrials.gov: NCT01297140

    Dementia beyond 2025: knowledge and uncertainties

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    International audienceGiven that there may well be no significant advances in drug development before 2025, prevention of dementia/AD through the management of vascular and lifestyle-related risk factors may be a more realistic goal than treatment. Level of education and cognitive reserve assessment in neuropsychological testing deserve attention, as well as cultural, social and economic aspects of caregiving. Assistive technologies for dementia care remain complex. Serious games are emerging as virtual educational and pleasurable tools, designed for individual and cooperative skill-building. Public policies are likely to pursue improving awareness and understanding of dementia; providing good quality early diagnosis and intervention for all; improving quality of care from diagnosis to the end of life, using clinical and economic endpoints; delivering dementia strategies quicker, with an impact on more people. Dementia should remain presented as a stand-alone concept, distinct from frailty or loss of autonomy. The basic science of sensory impairment and social engagement in people with dementia needs to be developed. E-learning and serious games programmes may enhance public and professional education. Faced with funding shortage, new professional dynamics and economic models may emerge through coordinated, flexible research networks. Psychosocial research could be viewed as an investment in quality of care, rather than an academic achievement in a few centres of excellence. This would help provide a competitive advantage to the best operators. Stemming from care needs, a logical, systems approach to dementia care environment through organizational, architectural and psychosocial interventions may be developed, to help reduce symptoms in people with dementia and enhance quality of life. Dementia-friendly environments, culture and domesticity are key factors for such interventions

    Trait‐mediated responses to aridity and experimental drought by springtail communities across Europe

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    1. The capacity to forecast the effects of climate change on biodiversity largely relies on identifying traits capturing mechanistic relationships with the environment through standardized field experiments distributed across relevant spatial scales. The effects of short-term experimental manipulations on local communities may overlap with regional climate gradients that have been operating during longer time periods. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are no studies simultaneously assessing such long-term macroecological drivers with local climate manipulations. 2. We analysed this issue with springtails (Class Collembola), one of the dominant soil fauna groups, in a standardized climate manipulation experiment conducted across six European countries encompassing broad climate gradients. We combined community data (near 20K specimens classified into 102 species) with 22 eco-morphological traits and reconstructed their phylogenetic relationships to track the evolution of adaptations to live at different soil depths, which is key to cope with desiccation. We then applied joint species distribution models to investigate the combined effect of the regional aridity gradient with the local experimental treatment (drought and warming) over the assembly of springtail communities and tested for significant trait–environment relationships mediating their community-level responses. 3. Our results show (1) a convergent evolution in all three major collembolan lineages of species adapted to inhabit at different soil strata; (2) a clear signature of aridity selecting traits of more epigeic species at a biogeographical scale and (3) the association of short-term experimental drought with traits related to more euedaphic life-forms. 4. The hemiedaphic condition would be the plesiomorphic state for Collembola while the adaptations for an epigeic life would have been secondarily gained. Epigeic springtails are not only more resistant to drought, but also have a higher dispersal capacity that allows them to seek more favourable micro-habitats after experiencing drier conditions. The observed relative edaphization of the springtail communities after short-term experimental drought may thus be a transient community response. 5. The disparity between macroecological trends and fast community-level responses after climate manipulations highlights the need of simultaneously assessing long-term and short-term drivers at broad spatial scales to adequately interpret trait–environment relationships and better forecast biodiversity responses to climate change

    Towards the Establishment of a Porcine Model to Study Human Amebiasis

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    BACKGROUND: Entamoeba histolytica is an important parasite of the human intestine. Its life cycle is monoxenous with two stages: (i) the trophozoite, growing in the intestine and (ii) the cyst corresponding to the dissemination stage. The trophozoite in the intestine can live as a commensal leading to asymptomatic infection or as a tissue invasive form producing mucosal ulcers and liver abscesses. There is no animal model mimicking the whole disease cycle. Most of the biological information on E. histolytica has been obtained from trophozoite adapted to axenic culture. The reproduction of intestinal amebiasis in an animal model is difficult while for liver amebiasis there are well-described rodent models. During this study, we worked on the assessment of pigs as a new potential model to study amebiasis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We first co-cultured trophozoites of E. histolytica with porcine colonic fragments and observed a disruption of the mucosal architecture. Then, we showed that outbred pigs can be used to reproduce some lesions associated with human amebiasis. A detailed analysis was performed using a washed closed-jejunal loops model. In loops inoculated with virulent amebas a severe acute ulcerative jejunitis was observed with large hemorrhagic lesions 14 days post-inoculation associated with the presence of the trophozoites in the depth of the mucosa in two out four animals. Furthermore, typical large sized hepatic abscesses were observed in the liver of one animal 7 days post-injection in the portal vein and the liver parenchyma. CONCLUSIONS: The pig model could help with simultaneously studying intestinal and extraintestinal lesion development