130 research outputs found

    Le capital immatĂ©riel et l’attractivitĂ© des investissements direct Ă©trangers : relation tumultueuse- modĂ©lisation Ă©conomĂ©trique- « Cas du secteur industriel Marocain

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    L’objectif de cet article est d’étudier la relation d’impact entre le capital immatĂ©riel et l’attractivitĂ© des IDE sur le plan thĂ©orique et empirique. Au niveau du sous-bassement thĂ©orique, nous analyserons les mĂ©canismes par lesquels le capital immatĂ©riel peut stimuler un transfert des processus de production d’un pays vers un autre. Sur le plan empirique, nous vĂ©rifierons cette relation, dans le cas du secteur industriel au Maroc, via une modĂ©lisation Ă©conomĂ©trique en utilisant le modĂšle de rĂ©gression linĂ©aire multiple. Cet article rĂ©pond Ă  la problĂ©matique suivante : Dans quelle mesure l’investissement en capital immatĂ©riel peut-il ĂȘtre une source d’attractivitĂ© des investissements directs Ă©trangers au Maroc ?L’objectif de cet article est d’étudier la relation d’impact entre le capital immatĂ©riel et l’attractivitĂ© des IDE sur le plan thĂ©orique et empirique. Au niveau du sous-bassement thĂ©orique, nous analyserons les mĂ©canismes par lesquels le capital immatĂ©riel peut stimuler un transfert des processus de production d’un pays vers un autre. Sur le plan empirique, nous vĂ©rifierons cette relation, dans le cas du secteur industriel au Maroc, via une modĂ©lisation Ă©conomĂ©trique en utilisant le modĂšle de rĂ©gression linĂ©aire multiple. Cet article rĂ©pond Ă  la problĂ©matique suivante : Dans quelle mesure l’investissement en capital immatĂ©riel peut-il ĂȘtre une source d’attractivitĂ© des investissements directs Ă©trangers au Maroc 

    Identification of the xenometabolome and novel contaminant markers in fish exposed to a wastewater treatment works effluent

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    Fish can bioconcentrate complex mixtures of xenobiotics arising from exposure to wastewater effluents discharged into surface waters. Wastewaters contain a complex mixture of organic compounds and little is known about their uptake into fish and their health effects. In this study, a chemical profiling approach was used to characterize the profile of xenobiotics and their metabolites (the xenometabolome) in biofluids (bile and plasma) of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to a wastewater effluent. Metabolite profiles of effluent-exposed fish were compared with that from control fish exposed to uncontaminated river water. Samples were analysed by ultra performance liquid chromatography-time-of-flight mass spectrometry and data analysed by multivariate statistics. Exposure to effluent resulted in accumulation in trout bile of alkylsulfophenyl and alkylpolyethoxy carboxylates, as well as glucuronide conjugates of nonylphenol ethoxylates, alcohol ethoxylates, naphthols, chlorinated xylenols and phenoxyphenols, chlorophenes, resin acids, mefenamic acid and oxybenzone. Nonconjugated or sulphate conjugates of many of these contaminants were also detected in plasma of effluent-exposed trout. In addition, changes in the concentrations of endogenously derived metabolites were also detected in trout plasma, and these included an increase in blood bile acids, methylbutryolcarnitine and a decrease in sphingosine levels. These observations were verified in a further exposure of sexually mature roach (Rutilus rutilus) to concentrations of the same effluent. Exposure to 50% or 100% effluent resulted in dose dependent increases in blood concentrations of xenobiotics, taurocholic acid, syprinol sulphate and lysophospholipids and decreases in sphingosine levels. This work reveals the complex nature of xenobiotics accumulating in effluent-exposed fish together with the identification of changes in concentrations of lipid metabolites associated with hepatotoxicity. These results reveal, for the first time, that metabolite profiling techniques can be used to screen for uptake of complex mixtures of contaminants into fish and also for the detection of natural metabolite pathways in the organism that are disrupted due to exposure to multiple xenobiotics

    L’investissement en capital immatériel, levier pour la prédiction de l’évolution de la balance commerciale au Maroc : modélisation économétrique -cas des importations-

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    Suite au déplacement des forces motrices de l’économie et, depuis que l’économie de l’immatérielle est théorisée, il est admis que la production était contingente des moyens à mettre en Ɠuvre pour la réaliser. L’investissement en capital immatériel relève d’abord d’un choix des décideurs économiques du secteur public. Ces décideurs peuvent intervenir sur le marché pour piloter et orienter l’investissement immatériel afin d’agir positivement sur le niveau de la balance commerciale. L’objectif de notre contribution est de vérifier la relation entre le capital immatériel et sa capacité à prédire l’évolution de la balance commerciale au Maroc tout en prenant en compte les importations dans le cas empirique. En premier lieu, nous mobiliserons les théories les plus pertinente d’une part et, d’autre part, nous réaliserons une modélisation économétrique, via le modèle de régression linéaire multiple, appliquée dans le cas du Maroc. Les résultats de notre article indiquent que l’investissement en capital immatériel peut prédire l’évolution des importations via les effets de synergie. Nous avons déterminé les indicateurs qui permettraient d’impacter les importations


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    L’originalitĂ© de ce travail consiste Ă  introduire une nouvelle contrainte correspondante  aux exigences de la stabilitĂ© transitoire du rĂ©seau Ă©lectrique aprĂšs intĂ©gration des sources Ă©oliennes et ce dans la formulation du problĂšme d’optimisation des pertes de puissance et l’émission des gaz toxiques dĂ©gagĂ©s Ă  partir des centrales Ă©lectriques alimentant ce rĂ©seau. Pour ce faire, un code de calcul basĂ© sur les algorithmes gĂ©nĂ©tiques a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ© en introduisant une matrice contenant les diffĂ©rents pourcentages  de puissances de la source Ă©olienne avec leurs taux limites de pĂ©nĂ©tration considĂ©rĂ©s comme une contrainte d’inĂ©galitĂ© supplĂ©mentaire dite contrainte de stabilitĂ© transitoire. Le rĂ©seau algĂ©rien de transport d’électricitĂ© est choisi comme un rĂ©seau test pour vĂ©rifier les performances de cette mĂ©thode oĂč  les rĂ©sultats des diffĂ©rentes simulations sont trĂšs satisfaisants. ModĂ©lisation

    Dynamics of the polynomial differential systems with homogeneous nonlinearities and a star node

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    AgraĂŻments: The first and third author is partially supported by the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.We consider the class of polynomial differential equations ˙x = λx + Pn(x, y), y˙ = λy + Qn(x, y), in R2 where Pn(x, y) and Qn(x, y) are homogeneous polynomials of degree n > 1 and λ Ìž= 0, i.e. the class of polynomial differential systems with homogeneous nonlinearities with a star node at the origin. We prove that these systems are Darboux integrable. Moreover, for these systems we study the existence and non-existence of limit cycles surrounding the equilibrium point located at the origin

    Estimation for Motion in Tracking and Detection Objects with Kalman Filter

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    The Kalman filter has long been regarded as the optimal solution to many applications in computer vision for example the tracking objects, prediction and correction tasks. Its use in the analysis of visual motion has been documented frequently, we can use in computer vision and open cv in different applications in reality for example robotics, military image and video, medical applications, security in public and privacy society, etc. In this paper, we investigate the implementation of a Matlab code for a Kalman Filter using three algorithm for tracking and detection objects in video sequences (block-matching (Motion Estimation) and Camshift Meanshift (localization, detection and tracking object)). The Kalman filter is presented in three steps: prediction, estimation (correction) and update. The first step is a prediction for the parameters of the tracking and detection objects. The second step is a correction and estimation of the prediction parameters. The important application in Kalman filter is the localization and tracking mono-objects and multi-objects are given in results. This works presents the extension of an integrated modeling and simulation tool for the tracking and detection objects in computer vision described at different models of algorithms in implementation systems

    Surface-related properties of perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 thin films by aerosol-assisted chemical vapour deposition

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    A modified three-step aerosol-assisted chemical vapour deposition process was used to grow dense and uniform CH3NH3PbI3 thin films directly on borosilicate glass. The resulting photoluminescence spectrum was blue shifted with respect to its bandgap. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies confirmed non-stoichiometric lead : iodine ratios within the films, due to decomposition of the CH3NH3PbI3 layers over time into lead iodide and the release of ammonia and hydrogen iodide. The complex refractive index and dielectric function of the deposited thin films were determined by variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry

    Experimental study of two-phase flow structure and pressure drop across a sudden contraction in horizontal pipe

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    Two-phase flow, particularly; gas-liquid flow is widely encountered in industrial applications like boilers, condensers, evaporators and reactors. These systems often exhibit complex geometry consisting on singularities such as expansions, contractions, orifices, bends etc. The presence of geometrical singularities in pipes may affect significantly the behavior of two-phase flow and subsequently the resulting pressure drop. Therefore, it is an important subject of investigation in particular when the application concerns design, safety and economical operations. This study investigates the pressure change and ïŹ‚ow pattern subject to the inïŹ‚uence of a sudden contraction. The pressures through sudden contraction in horizontal circular pipes have been measured with a capacitive differential pressure transducer, using air and water as the working fluids. The pressure drop is determined by extrapolating the pressure profiles upstream and downstream of the contraction. The larger and smaller tube diameters are 40 mm and 30 mm, respectively, with an area contraction ratio >\u1d70e= 0.567 . The ranges of the gas and liquid superficial velocity were 0.54 to 5.5 m/s and 0.011 up to 0.24 m/s respectively. It is noted that the sudden change in cross-section have a signiïŹcant inïŹ‚uence on the downstream phase distribution of the air-water ïŹ‚ow. In addition, close to the sudden contraction, a significant pressure drop occurs for single phase flow (water). While, for two-phase flow cases, a local pressure minimum was not detectable, the vena contracta phenomenon may not occur at all especially at low flow rates
