8,374 research outputs found

    Clinical and quality-of-life assessment among women with temporomandibular disorder

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    OBJETIVOS: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar sintomas de dor, apertamento dos dentes, qualidade do sono e sensibilidade dolorosa nos principais músculos mastigatórios e estabilizadores cervicais e qualidade de vida de mulheres com Disfunção Temporomandibular (DTM). MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 45 mulheres, divididas em dois grupos. O grupo I, composto por 27 mulheres (30,1±5,8anos) com diagnóstico de DTM e o grupo II, controle, composto por 18 mulheres saudáveis (23,4±2,3 anos). A intensidade dos sintomas de dor, cefaleia, cervicalgia, de apertamento dos dentes e dificuldade de dormir foram avaliados por escala visual analógica (EVA), o limiar de dor dos músculos masseter, temporal anterior, trapézio superior e esternocleidomastoideo, com dolorímetro e a qualidade de vida, pelo SF-36. Foi realizada análise estatística e o nível de significância foi &#945;=0,05. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostram que mulheres com DTM têm sintomas mais intensos de cefaleia (p<0,001), cervicalgia (p<0,001), intensidade de apertamento dos dentes (p<0,001) e dificuldade de dormir (p<0,001). Também apresentam limiar de dor mais baixo nos músculos masseter (p<0,001), temporal anterior (p<0,001), trapézio superior (p<0,001), esternocleidomastoideo (p<0,001) e pior qualidade de vida em todos os domínios avaliados (p<0,05), quando comparados com o grupo controle. CONCLUSÕES: Mulheres com DTM têm maior intensidade dos sintomas de dor, apertamento dos dentes, dificuldade de dormir, maior sensibilidade dolorosa em músculos mastigatórios e cervicais e pior qualidade de vida quando comparadas com mulheres sem DTM.OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate pain symptoms, teeth clenching, quality of sleep, sensitivity to pain in the main masticatory and stabilizer muscles, and quality of life among women with temporomandibular disorder (TMD). METHODS: Forty-five women were evaluated and divided into two groups. Group I included 27 women (mean age 30.1±5.8 years) with a diagnosis of TMD and Group II (control) included 18 healthy women (mean age 23.4±2.3 years). The intensity of pain symptoms (headache, neck pain), teeth clenching and trouble sleeping was evaluated using a visual analog scale (VAS). The pain thresholds of the masseter, anterior temporalis, upper trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles were evaluated using a dolorimeter. Quality of life was evaluated using SF-36. Statistical analysis was performed and the significance level was &#945;<0.05. RESULTS: The results showed that the women with TMD presented more intense headache (p<0.001), neck pain (p<0.001), teeth clenching (p<0.001) and trouble sleeping (p<0.001). They also presented lower pain threshold in the masseter (p<0.001), anterior temporalis (p<0.001), upper trapezius (p<0.001) and sternocleidomastoid (p<0.001) muscles and lower quality of life in all evaluated domains (p<0.05) when compared with the control group. CONCLUSIONS:Women with TMD had greater intensity of pain symptoms, teeth clenching, trouble sleeping, sensitivity to pain in the masticatory and neck muscles and lower quality of life, compared with women without TMD

    An Evaluation of Low-Cost Terrestrial Lidar Sensors for Assessing Hydrogeomorphic Change

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    \ua9 2024. The Author(s).Accurate topographic data acquired at appropriate spatio-temporal resolution is often the cornerstone of geomorphic research. Recent decades have seen advances in our ability to generate highly accurate topographic data, primarily through the application of remote sensing techniques. Structure from Motion-Multi View Stereo (SfM-MVS) and lidar have revolutionised the spatial resolution of surveys across large spatial extents. Technological developments have led to commercialisation of small form factor (SFF) 3D lidar sensors that are suited to deployment on both mobile (e.g., uncrewed aerial systems), and in fixed semi-permanent installations. Whilst the former has been adopted, the potential for the latter to generate data suitable for geomorphic investigations has yet to be assessed. We address this gap here in the context of a 3-month deployment where channel change is assessed in an adjusting fluvial system. We find that SFF 3D lidar sensors generate change detection products comparable to those generated using a conventional lidar system. Areas of no geomorphic change are characterised as such (mean 3D change of 0.014 m compared with 0.0014 m for the Riegl VZ-4000), with differences in median change in eroding sections of between 0.02 and 0.04 m. We illustrate that this data enables: (a) accurate characterisation of river channel adjustments through extraction of bank long-profiles; (b) the assessment of bank retreat patterns which help elucidate failure mechanics; and (c) the extraction of water surface elevations. The deployment of this technology will enable a better understanding of processes across a variety of geomorphic systems, as data can be captured in 4D with near real-time processing

    A novel long non-coding natural antisense RNA is a negative regulator of Nos1 gene expression

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    Long non-coding natural antisense transcripts (NATs) are widespread in eukaryotic species. Although recent studies indicate that long NATs are engaged in the regulation of gene expression, the precise functional roles of the vast majority of them are unknown. Here we report that a long NAT (Mm-antiNos1 RNA) complementary to mRNA encoding the neuronal isoform of nitric oxide synthase (Nos1) is expressed in the mouse brain and is transcribed from the non-template strand of the Nos1 locus. Nos1 produces nitric oxide (NO), a major signaling molecule in the CNS implicated in many important functions including neuronal differentiation and memory formation. We show that the newly discovered NAT negatively regulates Nos1 gene expression. Moreover, our quantitative studies of the temporal expression profiles of Mm-antiNos1 RNA in the mouse brain during embryonic development and postnatal life indicate that it may be involved in the regulation of NO-dependent neurogenesis

    The impact of sport participation on bone mass and geometry in adolescent males

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    Exercise is an effective approach for developing bone mass and adolescence is a key period to optimize bone health. However, sports specific training may have different effects on bone outcomes. This study examined the differences on bone outcomes between osteogenic (football) and non-osteogenic (swimming and cycling) sports and a control group in adolescent males. Methods: One hundred twenty one males (13.1±0.1 years) were measured: 41 swimmers, 37 footballers, 29 cyclists and 14 controls. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry measured bone mineral density (BMD) and content (BMC) at lumbar spine, right and left hip and total body. Hip structural analysis evaluated bone geometry at the femoral neck. Quantitative ultrasound evaluated bone stiffness at both feet. Results: Footballers had significantly higher BMD at total body less head (7-9%), total hip (12-2%) and legs (7-11%) compared to all groups and significantly higher BMD at the femoral neck than controls (14%). Cyclists had higher BMD at the trochanter (10%) and BMC at the arms (10%) compared to controls. Geometrical analysis showed that footballers had significantly higher cross-sectional area (8-19%) compared to all groups, cross-sectional moment of inertia (17 %) compared to controls and section modulus compared to cyclists (11%) and controls (21%). Footballers had significantly higher bone stiffness compared to all groups (10-20%) at the dominant foot and (12-13%) at the nondominant foot compared to swimmers and controls. Conclusions: Adolescent male footballers exhibited higher bone density, geometry and stiffness compared to swimmers, cyclists and controls. Although swimmers and cyclists had higher bone outcomes compared to controls, these differences were not significant.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme ([FP7/2007-2013] under grant agreement n°. PCIG13-GA-2013-618496

    Two S. pombe septation phases differ in ingression rate, septum structure, and response to F-actin loss

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    In fission yeast, cytokinesis requires a contractile actomyosin ring (CR) coupled to membrane and septum ingression. Septation proceeds in two phases. In anaphase B, the septum ingresses slowly. During telophase, the ingression rate increases, and the CR becomes dispensable. Here, we explore the relationship between the CR and septation by analyzing septum ultrastructure, ingression, and septation proteins in cells lacking F-actin. We show that the two phases of septation correlate with septum maturation and the response of cells to F-actin removal. During the first phase, the septum is immature and, following F-actin removal, rapidly loses the Bgs1 glucan synthase from the membrane edge and fails to ingress. During the second phase, the rapidly ingressing mature septum can maintain a Bgs1 ring and septum ingression without F-actin, but ingression becomes Cdc42 and exocyst dependent. Our results provide new insights into fungal cytokinesis and reveal the dual function of CR as an essential landmark for the concentration of Bgs1 and a contractile structure that maintains septum shape and synthesis

    Holographic phase transition from dyons in an AdS black hole background

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    We construct a dyon solution for a Yang-Mills-Higgs theory in a 4 dimensional Schwarzschild-anti-de Sitter black hole background with temperature T. We then apply the AdS/CFT correspondence to describe the strong coupling regime of a 2+1 quantum field theory which undergoes a phase transition exhibiting the condensation of a composite charge operator below a critical temperature TcT_c.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures. Minor corrections, references added. Version published in JHEP

    Cosmological vacuum selection and metastable susy breaking

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    We study gauge mediation in a wide class of O'Raifeartaigh type models where supersymmetry breaking metastable vacuum is created by gravity and/or quantum corrections. We examine their thermal evolution in the early universe and the conditions under which the susy breaking vacuum can be selected. It is demonstrated that thermalization typically makes the metastable supersymmetry breaking cosmologically disfavoured but this is not always the case. Initial conditions with the spurion displaced from the symmetric thermal minimum and a small coupling to the messenger sector can result in the realization of the susy breaking vacuum even if the reheating temperature is high. We show that this can be achieved without jeopardizing the low energy phenomenology. In addition, we have found that deforming the models by a supersymmetric mass term for messengers in such a way that the susy breaking minimum and the susy preserving minima are all far away from the origin does not change the conclusions. The basic observations are expected to hold also in the case of models with an anomalous U(1) group.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, plain Latex, journal versio

    TEMPRANILLO is a regulator of juvenility in plants

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    Many plants are incapable of flowering in inductive daylengths during the early juvenile vegetative phase (JVP). Arabidopsis mutants with reduced expression of TEMPRANILLO (TEM), a repressor of FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) had a shorter JVP than wild-type plants. Reciprocal changes in mRNA expression of TEM and FT were observed in both Arabidopsis and antirrhinum, which correlated with the length of the JVP. FT expression was induced just prior to the end of the JVP and levels of TEM1 mRNA declined rapidly at the time when FT mRNA levels were shown to increase. TEM orthologs were isolated from antirrhinum (AmTEM) and olive (OeTEM) and were expressed most highly during their juvenile phase. AmTEM functionally complemented AtTEM1 in the tem1 mutant and over-expression of AmTEM prolonged the JVP through repression of FT and CONSTANS (CO). We propose that TEM may have a general role in regulating JVP in herbaceous and woody species

    Reporting of Observational Studies Explicitly Aiming to Emulate Randomized Trials: A Systematic Review

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    Importance: Observational (nonexperimental) studies that aim to emulate a randomized trial (ie, the target trial) are increasingly informing medical and policy decision-making, but it is unclear how these studies are reported in the literature. Consistent reporting is essential for quality appraisal, evidence synthesis, and translation of evidence to policy and practice. Objective: To assess the reporting of observational studies that explicitly aimed to emulate a target trial. Evidence Review: We searched Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, and Web of Science for observational studies published between March 2012 and October 2022 that explicitly aimed to emulate a target trial of a health or medical intervention. Two reviewers double-screened and -extracted data on study characteristics, key predefined components of the target trial protocol and its emulation (eligibility criteria, treatment strategies, treatment assignment, outcome[s], follow-up, causal contrast[s], and analysis plan), and other items related to the target trial emulation. Findings: A total of 200 studies that explicitly aimed to emulate a target trial were included. These studies included 26 subfields of medicine, and 168 (84%) were published from January 2020 to October 2022. The aim to emulate a target trial was explicit in 70 study titles (35%). Forty-three studies (22%) reported use of a published reporting guideline (eg, Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology). Eighty-five studies (43%) did not describe all key items of how the target trial was emulated and 113 (57%) did not describe the protocol of the target trial and its emulation. Conclusion and Relevance: In this systematic review of 200 studies that explicitly aimed to emulate a target trial, reporting of how the target trial was emulated was inconsistent. A reporting guideline for studies explicitly aiming to emulate a target trial may improve the reporting of the target trial protocols and other aspects of these emulation attempts.