4,947 research outputs found
A sustainable system for animal production in the brazilian semi-arid region.
In the semi-arid Northeast, there are about 1.0 million of farming units. Such units operate on a region characterized by heavy constraints in tenns of soil and water resources. The production systems show a low technological pattem, in sufficient to achieve an appropriate standard of living for the farmer, and, to avoid the continuous deterioration of the natural resources, mainly of the caatinga vegetation. Some studies have shown that the subsistence type of agriculture today practiced, only is successful on three in every ten years, and that livestock production, by its lower vulnerability to drought effects, has constituted the main anti-migration factor in the semi-and region. Results of a recent study conducted by Embrapa Semi-Arid workers, including small farms of 107 counties, confrrmed that trend, showing a gross income increase as livestock participation in the farm activities becomes higher. Research on livestock Production in Nontheast has generated a vast number of technologies, which, if adequately combined and operated, can assure, with no environrnental damage, economical levels of productivity and a more equitable distribution of the benefits
Produção de leite em sistema agroecológico no semi-árido sergipano.
A produção de leite local está concentrada no município de Nossa Senhora da Glória e povoados e encontra-se assentada na pequena propriedade
Electromagnetically induced blazed grating at low light levels
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)We propose a scheme for inducing a blazed transmission grating in a four-level, N-type atomic medium under electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). The blazed grating relies on the giant Kerr nonlinearity that the atomic medium exhibits under EIT. The grating is created using an intensity mask in one of the driving optical fields and only weak fields with intensities below saturation level are involved. Diffraction efficiencies of a resonant probe beam close to 100% are predicted.835Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP
Electromagnetically induced grating with maximal atomic coherence
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)We describe theoretically an atomic diffraction grating that combines an electromagnetically induced grating with a coherence grating in a double-Lambda atomic system. With the atom in a condition of maximal coherence between its lower levels, the combined gratings simultaneously diffract both the incident probe beam as well as the signal beam generated through four-wave mixing. A special feature of the atomic grating is that it will diffract any beam resonantly tuned to any excited state of the atom accessible by a dipole transition from its ground state.844Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP
Articulação dos segmentos da cadeia produtiva de caprinos e ovinos - os fluxos alternativos de comercialização.
Para atender a demenda, existente e potencial, por diferentes tipos de carne, os componentes dos macroseguimentos da cadeia produtiva das carnes de caprino e ovinos precisam estar bem articulados, sob pena de que não sejam oferecidos produtos capazes de atender às exigências dos diversos consumidores finais, resultando em perdas de oportunidades de mercado. Além de uma opção para empresários rurais, a coordenação da cadeia produtiva pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de regiões pobres do Nordeste Semi-Árido. O presente artigo procura identificar ações que favoreçam a articulação da cadeia produtiva visando o atendimento de demandas por carnes diferenciadas e o desenvolvimento local, algumas sugestões e experiências são apresentadas
Efficiency of rhizobia selection in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil using biological nitrogen fixation in Phaseolus lunatus
The aim of this research was to evaluate the capacity of symbiotic efficiency of native rhizobia from soils of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil in Phaseolus lunatus L. plants. Soil and nodule samples from predominant legume plants such as Desmodium species were collected in seven locations of the state of RS. For the isolation of the rhizobia from the soil samples, lima bean “olho de cabra preto” variety and “leucena” (Leucena leucocephala) and plants were used as baits. Subsequently, the symbiotic characterization of the isolates was performed by inoculation on lima bean plants in vitro conditions. The selected bacterial isolates were evaluated for biological nitrogen fixation efficiency in a greenhouse experiment, being determined after: shoot dry mass, root dry mass, nodule dry mass, nitrogen (N) accumulated shoot and calculated the N fixation relative efficiency index. Among the 28 rhizobia isolates tested, 11 induced nodule formation in lima bean. The rhizobia Plu03 and Plu14 stimulated a greater increase of plant dry mass, nodule dry mass and nitrogen accumulation in the shoot, reflecting in a higher relative efficiency index. These results suggest that the isolates Plu03 and Plu14 are more efficient in promoting growth of lima bean, which could be recommended for future agronomic efficiency studies
Desenvolvimento de metodologias para implementação de sistemas de gestão da qualidade no serviço de patologia clínica do Hospital Conde de Bertiandos
Trabalho de projeto em Gestão das Organizações: Ramo de Gestão de Unidades de Saúde (parceria com a APNOR) apresentada na Escola Superior de Saúde do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloA dependência do Hospital Conde de Bertiandos (HCB) ao Hospital Santa Luzia na realização de análises clínicas foi vista como uma barreira, dado que não permite assegurar a conformidade das amostras, gerando variabilidade dos resultados analíticos e aumentando os custos de não qualidade.
A investigação constituiu um estudo de caso com o apoio da metodologia PDCA, que após diagnóstico inicial, foi direcionado para o processo de realização das amostras biológicas que continham os parâmetros identificados com qualidade inferior à desejável provenientes de todas as origens do HCB e enviadas para Laboratório de Viana do Castelo (SPC-VC) no período de março - junho de 2011. O objetivo era a melhoria dos processos de modo a garantir a melhor prática, maximização da qualidade e minimização dos custos.
A implementação do novo modelo permitiu reduzir o recurso ao SPC-VC para a realização de 6800 análises/mês, estando dependente deste laboratório em apenas 8,5% das análises.
Com a extensão do perfil bioquímico, assistiu-se a uma diminuição em 82% das amostras fora do tempo regulado, eliminação do retrabalho efetivo e desperdício. Com a aplicação do novo modelo constatou-se uma redução de 2h09min no tempo médio de preparação e 1h53min no tempo médio de resposta global.
No processamento de hemoculturas, eliminaram-se as amostras fora do tempo regulado, verificando-se uma redução de 21h22min no tempo médio de preparação e uma redução do tempo de resposta global.
O projeto solucionou o problema da variabilidade analítica associada ao tempo de preparação e às condições de acondicionamento e transporte. A diminuição do recurso ao SPC-VC permitiu reduzir tempo de preparação, diminuindo o tempo de resposta global e contribuindo para o diagnóstico atempado.
O modelo desenvolvido foi adotado pelo SPC-PL e o desenvolvimento das metodologias adequadas permitiu preparar o SPC-PL para a obtenção da extensão da Certificação ISO 9001:2008 em novembro de 2011.The dependence of the Hospital Conde Bertiandos (HCB) on Hospital Santa Luzia in clinical analysis was seen as a barrier, as it does not ensure compliance of the samples, generating variability of analytical results and increasing the costs of non-quality.
The investigation consisted of a case study with the support of the PDCA methodology, which after initial diagnosis, was directed to the process of realization of biological samples containing the parameters identified with less than desirable quality from all sources of HCB and sent to Laboratory of Viana do Castelo (SPC-VC) in the period March - June 2011. The goal was to improve processes to ensure best practice, maximizing quality and minimizing costs.
The implementation of the new model reduced the use of SPC-VC in performing 6800 analysis / month, being dependent on laboratory analyzes of only 8.5%.
With the extension of biochemical profile, there was a decrease by 82% of the samples out of the set time, effective elimination of rework and wasted. The application of the new model showed a reduction in average time of 2h09min and 1h53min preparation in average response time overall.In the processing of blood cultures, the samples were removed off time set, by checking a reduction in median time from 21h22min preparation and a reduced overall response time.
The project solved the problem of analytical variability associated with the preparation time and the conditions of handling and transport. The decrease in the use of SPC-VC has reduced preparation time, reducing the overall response time and contributing to the timely diagnosis. The developed model was adopted by the SPC-PL and the development of appropriate methodologies prepared the SPC-PL for obtaining the extension of ISO 9001:2008 certification in November 2011
Evaluation of the Application of Double Taxation on International Services Transactions From Brazilian Airlines
Globalization tends to stimulate transactions between different countries by offering products and services with different quality and prices. During the negotiations, there is a tax over payment remitted abroad that involves agreements between countries. This research project aims to understand all the double taxation agreements between Brazil and foreign countries inserting them into the decision making process of hiring a service abroad. Using the Business Process Management methodology it could be seen that double taxation is not considered today on the study of hiring a service abroad, which can lead to an increase on company’s costs. This project proposes a change on the process done today by including the utilization of a new tool fed with all the different types of agreements valid in Brazil to simplify the decision of the procurement team. The tool is created and available to be implemented within companies with estimated saving around USD 33MM per year
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