101 research outputs found

    Многокомпонентные смесевые биотоплива для дизельных двигателей

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    The characteristic features of using multi-propellant mixed biofuels with rapeseed oil in diesel engines have been considered. The results of experimental research of a type D-245.12S vehicle diesel engine running on diesel fuel, rapeseed oil, rapeseed oil methyl ester and gasoline multi-propellant mix-tures have been shown. The dependence of fuel efficiency and exhaust emission characteristics on mixed biofuel components has been shown.В статье рассмотрены особенности использования в дизелях многокомпонентных биотоплив, получаемых с использованием рапсового масла. Представлены результаты экспериментальных исследований транспортного дизеля типа Д-245.12С, работающего на смесях дизельного топлива, рапсового масла, метилового эфира рапсового масла и бензина. Показана зависимость показателей топливной экономичности и токсичности отработавших газов от состава смесевого биотоплива

    Heavy ion event generator HYDJET++ (HYDrodynamics plus JETs)

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    HYDJET++ is a Monte-Carlo event generator for simulation of relativistic heavy ion AA collisions considered as a superposition of the soft, hydro-type state and the hard state resulting from multi-parton fragmentation. This model is the development and continuation of HYDJET event generator (Lokhtin & Snigirev, 2006, EPJC, 45, 211). The main program is written in the object-oriented C++ language under the ROOT environment. The hard part of HYDJET++ is identical to the hard part of Fortran-written HYDJET and it is included in the generator structure as a separate directory. The soft part of HYDJET++ event is the "thermal" hadronic state generated on the chemical and thermal freeze-out hypersurfaces obtained from the parameterization of relativistic hydrodynamics with preset freeze-out conditions. It includes the longitudinal, radial and elliptic flow effects and the decays of hadronic resonances. The corresponding fast Monte-Carlo simulation procedure, C++ code FAST MC (Amelin et al., 2006, PRC, 74, 064901; 2008, PRC, 77, 014903) is adapted to HYDJET++. It is designed for studying the multi-particle production in a wide energy range of heavy ion experimental facilities: from FAIR and NICA to RHIC and LHC.Comment: 44 pages including 6 figures as EPS-files; prepared using LaTeX package for publication in Computer Physics Communication

    Tensor Correlations Measured in 3He(e,e'pp)n

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    We have measured the 3He(e,e'pp)n reaction at an incident energy of 4.7 GeV over a wide kinematic range. We identified spectator correlated pp and pn nucleon pairs using kinematic cuts and measured their relative and total momentum distributions. This is the first measurement of the ratio of pp to pn pairs as a function of pair total momentum, ptotp_{tot}. For pair relative momenta between 0.3 and 0.5 GeV/c, the ratio is very small at low ptotp_{tot} and rises to approximately 0.5 at large ptotp_{tot}. This shows the dominance of tensor over central correlations at this relative momentum.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Measurement of the nuclear multiplicity ratio for Ks0K^0_s hadronization at CLAS

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    The influence of cold nuclear matter on lepto-production of hadrons in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering is measured using the CLAS detector in Hall B at Jefferson Lab and a 5.014 GeV electron beam. We report the Ks0K_s^0 multiplicity ratios for targets of C, Fe, and Pb relative to deuterium as a function of the fractional virtual photon energy zz transferred to the Ks0K_s^0 and the transverse momentum squared pT2p_{T}^2 of the Ks0K_s^0. We find that the multiplicity ratios for Ks0K^0_s are reduced in the nuclear medium at high zz and low pT2p_{T}^2, with a trend for the Ks0K^0_s transverse momentum to be broadened in the nucleus for large pT2p_{T}^2.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Deep exclusive π+\pi^+ electroproduction off the proton at CLAS

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    The exclusive electroproduction of π+\pi^+ above the resonance region was studied using the CEBAF\rm{CEBAF} Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS\rm{CLAS}) at Jefferson Laboratory by scattering a 6 GeV continuous electron beam off a hydrogen target. The large acceptance and good resolution of CLAS\rm{CLAS}, together with the high luminosity, allowed us to measure the cross section for the γpnπ+\gamma^* p \to n \pi^+ process in 140 (Q2Q^2, xBx_B, tt) bins: 0.16<xB<0.580.16<x_B<0.58, 1.6 GeV2<^2<Q2Q^2<4.5<4.5 GeV2^2 and 0.1 GeV2<^2<t-t<5.3<5.3 GeV2^2. For most bins, the statistical accuracy is on the order of a few percent. Differential cross sections are compared to two theoretical models, based either on hadronic (Regge phenomenology) or on partonic (handbag diagram) degrees of freedom. Both can describe the gross features of the data reasonably well, but differ strongly in their ingredients. If the handbag approach can be validated in this kinematical region, our data contain the interesting potential to experimentally access transversity Generalized Parton Distributions.Comment: 18pages, 21figures,2table

    Precise Measurements of Beam Spin Asymmetries in Semi-Inclusive π0\pi^0 production

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    We present studies of single-spin asymmetries for neutral pion electroproduction in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of 5.776 GeV polarized electrons from an unpolarized hydrogen target, using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. A substantial sinϕh\sin \phi_h amplitude has been measured in the distribution of the cross section asymmetry as a function of the azimuthal angle ϕh\phi_h of the produced neutral pion. The dependence of this amplitude on Bjorken xx and on the pion transverse momentum is extracted with significantly higher precision than previous data and is compared to model calculations.Comment: to be submitted PL

    A Bayesian analysis of pentaquark signals from CLAS data

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    We examine the results of two measurements by the CLAS collaboration, one of which claimed evidence for a Θ+\Theta^{+} pentaquark, whilst the other found no such evidence. The unique feature of these two experiments was that they were performed with the same experimental setup. Using a Bayesian analysis we find that the results of the two experiments are in fact compatible with each other, but that the first measurement did not contain sufficient information to determine unambiguously the existence of a Θ+\Theta^{+}. Further, we suggest a means by which the existence of a new candidate particle can be tested in a rigorous manner.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    First measurement of direct f0(980)f_0(980) photoproduction on the proton

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    We report on the results of the first measurement of exclusive f0(980)f_0(980) meson photoproduction on protons for Eγ=3.03.8E_\gamma=3.0 - 3.8 GeV and t=0.41.0-t = 0.4-1.0 GeV2^2. Data were collected with the CLAS detector at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. The resonance was detected via its decay in the π+π\pi^+ \pi^- channel by performing a partial wave analysis of the reaction γppπ+π\gamma p \to p \pi^+ \pi^-. Clear evidence of the f0(980)f_0(980) meson was found in the interference between PP and SS waves at Mπ+π1M_{\pi^+ \pi^-}\sim 1 GeV. The SS-wave differential cross section integrated in the mass range of the f0(980)f_0(980) was found to be a factor of 50 smaller than the cross section for the ρ\rho meson. This is the first time the f0(980)f_0(980) meson has been measured in a photoproduction experiment

    Modified structure of protons and neutrons in correlated pairs

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    The atomic nucleus is made of protons and neutrons (nucleons), which are themselves composed of quarks and gluons. Understanding how the quark–gluon structure of a nucleon bound in an atomic nucleus is modified by the surrounding nucleons is an outstanding challenge. Although evidence for such modification—known as the EMC effect—was first observed over 35 years ago, there is still no generally accepted explanation for its cause1,2,3. Recent observations suggest that the EMC effect is related to close-proximity short-range correlated (SRC) nucleon pairs in nuclei4,5. Here we report simultaneous, high-precision measurements of the EMC effect and SRC abundances. We show that EMC data can be explained by a universal modification of the structure of nucleons in neutron–proton SRC pairs and present a data-driven extraction of the corresponding universal modification function. This implies that in heavier nuclei with many more neutrons than protons, each proton is more likely than each neutron to belong to an SRC pair and hence to have distorted quark structure. This universal modification function will be useful for determining the structure of the free neutron and thereby testing quantum chromodynamics symmetry-breaking mechanisms and may help to discriminate between nuclear physics effects and beyond-the-standard-model effects in neutrino experiments

    Evidence for the Onset of Color Transparency in ρ0\rho^0 Electroproduction off Nuclei

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    We have measured the nuclear transparency of the incoherent diffractive A(e,eρ0)A(e,e'\rho^0) process in 12^{12}C and 56^{56}Fe targets relative to 2^2H using a 5 GeV electron beam. The nuclear transparency, the ratio of the produced ρ0\rho^0's on a nucleus relative to deuterium, which is sensitive to ρA\rho A interaction, was studied as function of the coherence length (lcl_c), a lifetime of the hadronic fluctuation of the virtual photon, and the four-momentum transfer squared (Q2Q^2). While the transparency for both 12^{12}C and 56^{56}Fe showed no lcl_c dependence, a significant Q2Q^2 dependence was measured, which is consistent with calculations that included the color transparency effects.Comment: 6 pages and 4 figure