2,734 research outputs found

    Shark tooth regeneration reveals common stem cell characters in both human rested lamina and ameloblastoma

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    The human dentition is a typical diphyodont mammalian system with tooth replacement of most positions. However, after dental replacement and sequential molar development, the dental lamina undergoes apoptosis and fragments, leaving scattered epithelial units (dental lamina rests; DLRs). DLRs in adult humans are considered inactive epithelia, thought to possess limited capacity for further regeneration. However, we show that these tissues contain a small proportion of proliferating cells (assessed by both Ki67 and PCNA) but also express a number of common dental stem cell markers (Sox2, Bmi1, ÎČ-catenin and PH3) similar to that observed in many vertebrates that actively, and continuously regenerate their dentition. We compared these human tissues with the dental lamina of sharks that regenerate their dentition throughout life, providing evidence that human tissues have the capacity for further and undocumented regeneration. We also assessed cases of human ameloblastoma to characterise further the proliferative signature of dental lamina rests. Ameloblastomas are assumed to derive from aberrant lamina rests that undergo changes, which are not well understood, to form a benign tumour. We suggest that dental lamina rests can offer a potential source of important dental stem cells for future dental regenerative therapy. The combined developmental genetic data from the shark dental lamina and ameloblastoma may lead to the development of novel methods to utilise these rested populations of adult lamina stem cells for controlled tooth replacement in humans

    Preeclampsia is associated with compromized maternal synthesis of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids leading to offspring deficiency

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    Obesity and excessive lipolysis are implicated in preeclampsia (PE). Intrauterine growth restriction is associated with low maternal body mass index and decreased lipolysis. Our aim was to assess how maternal and offspring fatty acid metabolism is altered in mothers in the third trimester of pregnancy with PE (n=62) or intrauterine growth restriction (n=23) compared with healthy pregnancies (n=164). Markers of lipid metabolism and erythrocyte fatty acid concentrations were measured. Maternal adipose tissue fatty acid composition and mRNA expression of adipose tissue fatty acid–metabolizing enzymes and placental fatty acid transporters were compared. Mothers with PE had higher plasma triglyceride (21%, P<0.001) and nonesterified fatty acid (50%, P<0.001) concentrations than controls. Concentrations of major n−6 and n−3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in erythrocytes were 23% to 60% lower (all P<0.005) in PE and intrauterine growth restriction mothers and offspring compared with controls. Subcutaneous adipose tissue Δ−5 and Δ−6 desaturase and very long-chain fatty acid elongase mRNA expression was lower in PE than controls (respectively, mean [SD] control 3.38 [2.96] versus PE 1.83 [1.91], P=0.030; 3.33 [2.25] versus 1.03 [0.96], P<0.001; 0.40 [0.81] versus 0.00 [0.00], P=0.038 expression relative to control gene [square root]). Low maternal and fetal long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrations in PE may be the result of decreased maternal synthesis

    Thermodynamic and dynamical stability of Freund-Rubin compactification

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    We investigate stability of two branches of Freund-Rubin compactification from thermodynamic and dynamical perspectives. Freund-Rubin compactification allows not only trivial solutions but also warped solutions describing warped product of external de Sitter space and internal deformed sphere. We study dynamical stability by analyzing linear perturbations around solutions in each branch. Also we study thermodynamic stability based on de Sitter entropy. We show complete agreement of thermodynamic and dynamical stabilities of this system. Finally, we interpret the results in terms of effective energy density in the four-dimensional Einstein frame and discuss cosmological implications.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, REVTeX4; version accepted for publication in JCA

    Glueballs, symmetry breaking and axionic strings in non-supersymmetric deformations of the Klebanov-Strassler background

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    We obtain an analytic solution for an axionic non-supersymmetric deformation of the warped deformed conifold. This allows us to study D-strings in the infrared limit of non-supersymmetric deformations of the Klebanov-Strassler background. They are interpreted as axionic strings in the dual field theory. Following the arguments of [hep-th/0405282], the axion is a massless pseudo-scalar glueball which is present in the supergravity fluctuation spectrum and it is interpreted as the Goldstone boson of the spontaneously broken U(1) baryon number symmetry, being the gauge theory on the baryonic branch. Besides, we briefly discuss about the Pando Zayas-Tseytlin solution where the SU(2) \times SU(2) global symmetry is spontaneously broken. This background has been conjectured to be on the mesonic branch of the gauge theory.Comment: 30 pages; V2: minor corrections; V3: section 3 corrected and misprints corrected to match version published in JHE

    Dynamics of Femtosecond Laser Interactions with Dielectrics

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    review article written in common (LBNL+CEA)Femtosecond laser pulses appear as an emerging and promising tool for processing wide band-gap dielectric materials for a variety of applications. This article aims to provide an overview of recent progress in understanding the fundamental physics of femtosecond laser interactions with dielectrics that may have the potential for innovative materials applications. The focus of the overview is the dynamics of femtosecond laser-excited carriers and the propagation of femtosecond laser pulses inside dielectric materials

    Chiral unitary approach to the K^- deuteron scattering length

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    Starting from a recent model where the Kbar N amplitudes are evaluated from the chiral Lagrangians using a coupled channel unitary method, we evaluate here the scattering length for K^- deuteron scattering. We find that the double scattering contribution is very large compared to the impulse approximation and that the charge exchange contribution of this rescattering is as large as the sequential K^- scattering on the two nucleons. Higher order rescattering corrections are evaluated using coupled channels with K^- and Kbar^0 within the integral form of the fixed centre approximation to the Faddeev equations. The higher order corrections involving intermediate pions and hyperons are found negligible.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, revised version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Quantification of Ophthalmic Changes After Long-Duration Spaceflight, and Subsequent Recovery

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    A subset of crewmembers are subjected to ophthalmic structure changes due to long-duration spaceflight (>6 months). Crewmembers who experience these changes are described as having Spaceflight Associated Neuro-Ocular Syndrome (SANS). Characteristics of SANS include optic disk edema, cotton wool spots, choroidal folds, refractive error, and posterior globe flattening. SANS remains a major obstacle to deep-space and planetary missions, requiring a better understanding of its etiology. Quantification of ocular, structural changes will improve our understanding of SANS pathophysiology. Methods were developed to quantify 3D optic nerve (ON) and ON sheath (ONS) geometries, ON tortuosity, and posterior globe deformation using MR imaging
