12 research outputs found

    An Enhanced DGIDE Platform for Intrusion Detection

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    A framework for model-based design of agent-oriented software

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    Model-Checking Multi-Threaded Distributed Java Programs

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    Systematic state-space exploration is a powerful technique for verification of concurrent software systems. Most work in this area deals with manually-constructed models of those systems. We propose a framework for applying state-space exploration to multi-threaded distributed systems written in standard programming languages. It generalizes Godefroid's work on VeriSoft, which does not handle multi-threaded systems, and Bruening's work on ExitBlockRW, which does not handle distributed (multi-process) systems. Unlike ExitBlockRW, our search algorithms incorporate powerful partial-order methods, guarantee detection of deadlocks, and guarantee detection of violations of the locking discipline used to avoid race conditions in accesses to shared variables

    Tradeoff exploration between reliability, power consumption, and execution time

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    Abstract. We propose an off-line scheduling heuristics which, from a given software application graph and a given multiprocessor architecture (homogeneous and fully connected), produces a static multiprocessor schedule that optimizes three criteria: its length (crucial for real-time systems), its reliability (crucial for dependable systems), and its power consumption (crucial for autonomous systems). Our tricriteria scheduling heuristics, TSH, uses the active replication of the operations and the data-dependencies to increase the reliability, and uses dynamic voltage and frequency scaling to lower the power consumption.

    Synaptic Elimination in Neurological Disorders

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