11 research outputs found

    Multiple water isotope proxy reconstruction of extremely low last glacial temperatures in Eastern Beringia (Western Arctic)

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    Precipitation isotopes are commonly used for paleothermometry in high latitude regions. Here we present multiple water isotope proxies from the same sedimentary context – perennially frozen loess deposits in the Klondike Goldfields in central Yukon, Canada, representing parts of Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 4, 3 and 2 – allowing us to uniquely corroborate fractionations and temperature conversions during these Late Pleistocene cold stages. We include new and existing proxy data from: relict wedge ice, a direct archive for snowmelt; relict pore ice, an archive for bulk soil water integrating year-round precipitation; and hydrated volcanic glass shards and fossil plant waxes, which are also thought to integrate year-round precipitation but are subject to large fractionations. In some cases, our temperature estimates based on existing proxy data are much cooler than previously estimated due to our use of source water corrections for the glacial ocean, new transfer functions calibrated specifically for northern North America (dDprecip = 3.1‰·°C-1 × T – 155‰; and d18Oprecip = 0.41‰·°C-1 × T – 20.2‰), and novel insights on the apparent net fractionation correction for Eastern Beringian steppe-tundra plant waxes (ewax/precip = -59 ± 10‰). The snowmelt origin of wedge ice ensures a relatively constrained winter-spring seasonality of contributing precipitation, as supported by the consistency between water isotope measurements from Late Holocene wedge ice and modern winter-spring precipitation. Wedge ice dating to the transitional MIS 3/2 is isotopically depleted relative to modern spring-winter precipitation by an amount that indicates a temperature depression of ~14 ± 5 °C below modern. The soil water origin of pore ice, and other proxies integrating year-round precipitation from soil water, allows for a more variable precipitation seasonality. The isotopic composition of modern pore ice is consistent with mean annual precipitation. However, the isotopic composition of pore ice during MIS 3/2 converges on wedge ice values, signalling an increase in the ratio of cold-to-warm-season precipitation integrated by pore ice during glacial times, possibly due to drier summers as supported by the fossil record and climate model simulations. In the study region, water isotope proxies integrating year-round precipitation may overestimate annual temperature differences between today and recent cold stages due to transient precipitation seasonality, as detected here, and thus are best interpreted as upper bound estimates. Based on these proxies, we estimate that annual temperatures during MIS 4, 3/2 and 2 were depressed below the modern climate to a maximum of ~18 °C, 16 °C and 21 °C ± 4–5 °C, respectively. Our study highlights the value of multiple water isotope proxies towards understanding changes in precipitation seasonality and developing robust reconstructions of past climate, and may be particularly important for studies of the major climate transformations over glacial-interglacial timescales

    Climate Evolution Through the Onset and Intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation

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    The Pliocene Epoch (~5.3-2.6 million years ago, Ma) was characterized by a warmer than present climate with smaller Northern Hemisphere ice sheets, and offers an example of a climate system in long-term equilibrium with current or predicted near-future atmospheric CO2 concentrations (pCO2). A long-term trend of ice-sheet expansion led to more pronounced glacial (cold) stages by the end of the Pliocene (~2.6 Ma), known as the “intensification of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation” (iNHG). We assessed the spatial and temporal variability of ocean temperatures and ice-volume indicators through the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene (from 3.3 to 2.4 Ma) to determine the character of this climate transition. We identified asynchronous shifts in long-term means and the pacing and amplitude of shorter-term climate variability, between regions and between climate proxies. Early changes in Antarctic glaciation and Southern Hemisphere ocean properties occurred even during the mid-Piacenzian warm period (~3.264- 3.025 Ma) which has been used as an analogue for future warming. Increased climate variability subsequently developed alongside signatures of larger Northern Hemisphere ice sheets (iNHG). Yet, some regions of the ocean felt no impact of iNHG, particularly in lower latitudes. Our analysis has demonstrated the complex, non-uniform and globally asynchronous nature of climate changes associated with the iNHG. Shifting ocean gateways and ocean circulation changes may have pre-conditioned the later evolution of ice sheets with falling atmospheric pCO2. Further development of high-resolution, multi-proxy reconstructions of climate is required so that the full potential of the rich and detailed geological records can be realized